- Jimmy Kimmel: The year in unnecessary censorship
- Vox: 2024, in 4 minutes
- Mr. Newberger’s AI Funnies: ♫ Twenty more days ♬
- ameriCArtoon: What happened in 2024? The ultimate collection of political cartoons of the year
- Steve Shives: 2024—The year in limericks:
- Tommy Campbell: Destroying the grifts of 2024
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard claims “I had the best 2024 in History”
- Lewis Black rages against 2024
- Jimmy Kimmel declares viral clip of the year
- Ross Childs: 2024 end-of-year bonus
Drinking Liberally — Seattle?
The Roanoke IS open tomorrow (Tuesday) on New Year’s eve. Will there be a gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally? Could be. Pretty much all of the regulars have alternative plans for this New Year eve. But feel free to stop by, if you wish.
We meet (almost) every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Monday Open Thread
I hope that your holidays were and are a delight. Unless you prefer them bitter sweet and then, sure, that. Or if you don’t celebrate at least I hope work was a good pace. Back to the regular pace of nonsense come the new year.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Robert Reich: The 10 biggest myths about our economy
Electile Dysfunction 2024:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Elon. Just One Letter Short of Felon. Coincidence? I Think Not. ♬
- Steve Shives: Why does Elon Musk want to kill Wikipedia?
- Tommy Campbell: President Musk is driving Vice President Трамп crazy
- Alex Wagner: Трамп introduces farcical foreign policy ideas into already dangerous international setting
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Kash Patel for the FBI? Buyer beware!:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ America Without Hate—The Only Way We Can Be Great ♬
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—About last night
- Darrin Bell: The Dotard wouldn’t want to see this video about Elon Musk
- LegalEagle: Трамп’s war against free speech
- Bruce W. Nelson: The Dotard turns attention to renaming America
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Gaetz ethics report shows Трамп has the worst moral judgment in staffing government
- Brenda Perez: For those of you missing holiday family drama…I present MAGA’s H-1B VISA meltdown…
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to bombshell Matt Gaetz report
- Mr. Newberger’s AI Funnies: ♫ The Трамп Plan ♬
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—Shut up.
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard Трамп—The World’s Fourth Most Powerful Man? ♬:
- Stella Magz: Matt Gaetz ethics report released….
- Dark Brandon: The civil war between Elon Musk and Laura Loomer in cartoon form
- Graham Kay: Canadian explains why Trump can’t invade Canada
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard demands Vivek Ramaswamy apologize
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ President Musk and The Dotard Трамп ♬
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—Go make me a sandwich!
Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Matt Gaetz’s NEW TV Show ♬
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
People are saying Merry “Who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff and decorations” again!
- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ There’s Always Tomorrow ♬
- Christopher Titus: Let’s thank The Stupids this holiday season
- Dark Brandon: ♫ Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah! A Christmas Jingle ♬
- The Daily Show: Five sketch parodies for the winter holidays
- The Late Show: “It’s A Worm-derful Life”—An animated holiday classic:
- Stella Magz: Merry Griftmas, everyone
- Jimmy Kimmel: MAGA Elf on the Shelf
- SNL Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2024
- The Daily Show: The anti-holiday Rom-Com we deserve after surviving 2024
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Chipmunks—Election 2024 ♬:
- ONN News: Doctor warns of damaging effects child obesity having on mall Santas
- ScaredKetchup: ♫ Matt Gaetz celebrates house ethics report with a new Christmas song ♬
- Ross Childs:JD Vance visits the 🎄North Pole🎄
- The Daily Show: ♫ The 12 Birds of Christmas ♬
- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ Feliz Navidad (Latinos for Трамп version) ♬:
- Knotheadusc: ♫ Here comes Dotard Трамп ♬
- GZERO Media: Santa’s elves bet on Трамп tariffs
- John Di Domenico: Трамп very Christmas message 2024 without Elon!
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler phones Santa
How the Kvetch Stole Chanukah
Every Joo
Down in Joo-ville
Liked Chanukah as such…
But the Kvetch,
Who lived just north of Joo-ville,
… not so much.
The Kvetch hated Chanukah, the whole Chanukah season.
Now don’t ask me why. What? Should I know the reason?
It could be he wasn’t a mensch, that is all.
Or his petzel, perhaps, was two sizes too small.
Such meshug’as comes from one thing or another,
But like most Joo-ish boys, we should just blame his mother!
The reason, whatever,
His mom or his putz,
The Kvetch hated Chanukah. Oy, what a yutz!
For he knew every Joo down in Joo-ville tonight
Was busy preparing menorahs to light.
“And they’re giving out gelt!” he sighed as he said
“I need waxy chocolate like holes in my head!”
Then he nervously whined as his fingers tapped horas,
“I MUST stop the Joos from igniting menorahs!”
The Kvetch knew that soon…
… All the Joo girls and boys
Would say the baruch’ha, then unwrap their toys!
And then! Oh, the oys! Oh, the Oys! Oys! Oys! Oys!
If it’s not what they wanted, the OYS! OYS! OYS! OYS!
Then the Joos, young and old, would sit down for a nosh.
And they’d nosh! And they’d nosh!
And they’d NOSH! NOSH! NOSH! NOSH!
They would nosh on Joo-latkes, and Gefilte-Joo-Fish,
Which was surely the Kvetch’s least favorite dish!
They’d do something
Which made the Kvetch plotz!
Every Joo down in Joo-ville, Bar Mitzvahed or not,
Would sit down together, their proud ponim’s grinning.
Then dreidels in hand, all the Joos would start spinning!
They’d spin! And they’d spin!
And the more the Kvetch thought of this Joo-Dreidel-Spin,
The more the Kvetch thought, “I can’t let this begin!
“Oy, for fifty-three years I’ve put up with it now!
“Chanukah, Schmanukah! Stop it!
… But HOW?”
Then he got an idea!
And the moment he had,
He said
“I’m no Einstein, but this… not half bad!”
“I know just what to do!” Then he donned an old sheet,
And dug up some sandals to wear on his feet.
“I’m the Prophet Elijiah! They’ve set me a plate!”
(For the Kvetch couldn’t keep Joo-ish holidays straight.)
“The Joos ‘ll oblige ol’ Elijiah, no doubt!
“I will simply walk in. Then I’ll clean the place out!”
“All I need is a camel…”
He looked far and near,
But this wasn’t the desert, and camels are dear.
Did that stop the old Kvetch…?
That pischer? No, never:
“If I can’t find a camel,” the Kvetch said, “…whatever.”
So he called his dog, Max. Then he took an old sack
And he tied a hump onto the front of his back.
He climbed on this
dog-dromedaryish mammal.
You never have seen
Such a schmuck on a camel.
Then the Kvetch cried “Oy vey!”
As old Max started down
Toward the homes, while the Joos
Where still schmoozing in town.
All their driveways were empty. Just SUV tracks.
All the Joos were out last-minute-shopping at Saks,
As he rode to a not-so-small house on old Max.
“It’s a good thing I brought” the old Prophet Kvetch thought,
“All these bags with to stuff all the stuff the Joos bought.”
Then he looked at the chimney. It seemed quite a stretch
That a fat goy like Santa could fit, thought the Kvetch,
“Still, the goyim believe stranger things, that’s for sure.”
Then the Kvetch shrugged his shoulders, and walked through the door
Where the little Joo dreidels were all strewn about.
“These dreidels,” he grinned, “are the first to go out!”
And he schvitzed, as he shlepped, with an odor unpleasant,
Around the whole house, as he took every present!
Barbie dolls! Mountain bikes! Brios! And blocks!
Pokemon! GameBoys! And all of that shlock!
And he stuffed them in bags. Then his arms spread akimbo,
He shlepped all the bags, one by one, out the wimbo!
Then he shlepped to the kitchen. He took every dish.
He took the Joo-latkes. The Gefilte-Joo-Fish.
He cleaned out the Sub-Zero so nimbly and neat,
Careful to separate dairy from meat.
Then he shlepped the Joo-nosh right out the front door-a.
“And NOW!” kvelled the Kvetch, “I will shlep the menorah!”
And he grabbed the menorah, and started to shlep on,
When he heard a whine, like a cat being stepped on.
He spun ‘round with shpilkes, and coming his way,
It was Ruth Levy-Joo, who was two, if a day.
The Kvetch had been caught by this small shaina maidel,
Who’d been watching TV on her big RCA’dle.
“The Prophet Elijiah?” she quizzed the old fool,
“You visit on Pesach, they taught us in shul.”
And although the old Kvetch was surprised and confused,
It’s not hard to lie to a girl in her twos.
“Bubbeleh… sweatheart…” he started his tale,
“Your dad paid full price, when this all was on sale!
“And like any good merchant, I just want to please ya.
“I’ll ring it up right, then I’ll refund your VISA.”
Then he patted her tush. Put a Barney tape in.
And she spaced-out as fast as the spindle could spin.
And as Ruth Levy-Joo watched her mauve dinosaura,
HE went to the door and shlepped out the menorah!
Then the match for the shamas
Was last to be filched!
Then he shlepped himself out to continue his pillage.
On the walls he left nothing at all. Bubkes. Zilch.
And the one speck of food
That he left in the house
Was a matzoh ball even too dense for a mouse.
He did the same schtick
In the other Joo’s houses.
Leaving knaidlach
Too dense
For the other Joo’s mouses!
It was quarter to dusk…
All the Joos, still at Saks,
All the Joos, still a-shmooze
When he packed up old Max,
Packed him up with their presents! The gelt and the dreidels!
The chotchkes and latkes! The knish and the knaidels!
He hauled it all up to his condo in haste!
(A Grinch might have dumped it, but why go to waste?)
“Shtup you!” to the Joos, the Kvetch loudly cheered,
“They’re finding out Chanukah’s cancelled this year!
“They’re just coming home! I know just what they’ll say!
“They’ll ask their homeowners insurance to pay,
“Then the Joos down in Joo-ville will all cry OY VEY!”
“All those Oys,” kvelled the Kvetch,
“Now THIS I must hear!”
So he paused. And the Kvetch put his hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising up from the shtetl.
It started to grow. Then the Kvetch grew unsettled…
Why the sound wasn’t sad,
It was more like the noise
Of a UPS trucker
Delivering toys!
He stared down at Joo-ville!
And then the Kvetch shook,
As truck after truck
Replaced all that he took!
Every Joo down in Joo-ville, the Golds and the Steins,
Re-ordered their presents by going online!
Chanukah HADN’T been cancelled!
…On UPS trucks… but it came just the same!
Then the Kvetch, staring down at the gifts where they sat,
Stood kvitching and kvetching: “For this, I did that?
“It came without traffic! It came without tax!
“It came without shopping at Bloomie’s or Saks!”
And he kvetched on and on, til he started to shvitz,
Then the Kvetch thought of something which might make him rich!
“Maybe stores,” thought the Kvetch, “don’t need mortar and bricks.
“Maybe toys can be bought with a few well-placed clicks!”
And what happened then…?
Well… in Joo-ville they say
That the Kvetch raised
Ten million in venture that day!
And the minute his web site was ready to go,
He raised ten billion more on his new IPO!
He sold back the toys to the homes they came from!
And he…
… he the Kvetch…!
Founded YA-JOO.COM!
©2000 by David Goldstein
All rights reserved
[With Chanukah and Christmas lining up this year, I thought now would be a great time to renew an old HA tradition. Happy Christmakah.]
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
It’s a holiday edition of Drinking Liberally! Get an early start on Christmas and Hanukkah (tomorrow) and Kwanza (Thursday) this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gets together for conversations and good cheer over a drink.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Monday Open Thread
– There are 109 more important things, but why are you buying a card with Ewoks on it and writing about a Disney princess?
– Transit in Rainier, pleez.
– Vancouver, please reject this nonsense.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Steve Shives: The evolution of health insurance
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Tommy Campbell: Marjorie Taylor Greene threatens drones and Matt Gaetz braces for House ethics report
Electile Dysfunction 2024:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I Tend to Tick Off Трампers ♬
- Seth Meyers: Трамп wants to shoot down mysterious drones, Bannon floats third term for Трамп
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler and the dancing Dotard
- LegalEagle: The legal problems of Трамп’s nominees
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard just made Herschel Walker an ambassador
- Randy Rainbow: ♫ I Think I’m Gonna Hate It Here ♬:
- Alex Wagner: Трамп and Musk are co-losers as united Democrats prevent government shutdown
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп pick Musk hasn’t promised to stop drug use which violates his top security clearance
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ You Will REALLY Own the Libs! ♬
- Steve Hofstetter: Proof that JD Vance is paid for
- Chris Hayes: “Unelected President Musk” posts 70 times trashing GOP bill and Трамп caves
- Mr. Newberger’s AI Funnies: ♫ He told me to shut the government ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s (untold) Story of the Old Woman with 3 Apples ♬
- Tommy Campbell: Von Shitzenpantz embarrasses himself and backtracks on campaign promise
- Marilyn Dee: ♫ Lie With a Little Help From My Friends ♬:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The weakness of Musk and Трамп has now been fully exposed to the GOP
- ScaredKetchup: PROJECT 2025, The Series—Episode 1 w/ AI Трамп, Lauren Boebert, Elon Musk, Bernie Sanders
- Darrin Bell: How Трамп’s DOJ hit list is already transforming America
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп LOVES Weak Little Men ♬
- Seth Meyers: Трамп takes backseat to co-President Elon Musk amid GOP infighting over spending bill
- Jen Psaki: Judge DENIES Трамп’s bid to throw out New York conviction
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What Brings Трамп to his Knees ♬
- Steve Shives: Republicans don’t believe in public service
- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ Elon Musk / Vivek Ramaswamy ♬:
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—You WILL obey!
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Loves Billionaires, Not People ♬
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп will no doubt be taking credit for Biden’s economic policies
- Knotheadusc: ♫ That Yucky Orange Bum ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Guess who Трамп appointed?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ On Mike Johnson’s New Nickname and Grimm’s Fairy Tales ♬
- Stephen: Трамп (by orders of) Musk may force government shutdown
Seth Meyers: : Трамп, Biden and Bernie react to drone hysteria, Mace says it could be aliens
Cliff Cash: Southern comedian rips on White supremacists
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Friday Open Thread
Man fuck English ivy. Ban the shit out of it. I have pulled so many of the fuckers. I imagine many of you who aren’t apartment dwellers have pulled even more. They’re invasive fuckers and they choke out natives. Yuck.
But also whenever I see ivy sold at a garden store or whatever I have to wonder who buys it. Like fine, it can be a decorative indoor plant that can be contained to a pot. Just fucking grab some clippers and grab yourself some. Look at all those goddam roots, you don’t need to buy it. Honestly, if you’re buying it, you can’t be trusted with it.
And if you’re looking for outdoor use, why not go eat shit instead?
Wednesday Open Thread
– Shoreline!
– Burien?
– Seattle.
– I am not sure that Washington’s approach to sports gambling is good, but perhaps there isn’t a good option.
– There are going to be so many horrible things in the Trump Administration including the ICE raids.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
It’s Tuesday, and ’round here that means Drinking Liberally. So please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
In Which Goldy Interviews the President of the United States
If you don’t know, I have a podcast, and on this week’s episode we interview President Joe Biden about his very “middle-out” economic legacy.
Honestly, it feels like a bit of a consolation prize given the outcome of November’s election, but either way, omigod what a weird journey it’s been from foul-mouthed local blogger to this. Just goes to show that anybody who says this nation is a meritocracy has no idea what they’re talking about. In real life, luck, path dependence, and compounding are the signal while merit amounts to mere noise.
So, eat it, trolls. And everybody else, please give it a listen.
Monday Open Thread
Good morning.
It looks like bird flu is becoming a problem in humans. This is scary shit and will probably get worse in the Trump Administration. It’s something that a competent administration could dealt with, but we have seen that they are not a competent administration when it comes to disease management.
It seems from the article that Washington and Oregon are doing a better job of testing people than Idaho. Still, the diseases don’t stop at state borders.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
ONN News: Wrongly convicted death row inmate exonerated mere hours after execution
Tommy Campbell: Mitch McConnell trips over beef dip
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Electile Dysfunction 2024:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lied about Medicare and Social Security as cabinet of billionaires plans cuts
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ A Song for the Suffering Billionaires ♬
- Chris Hayes: Трамп sends Kimberly Guilfoyle to Greece amid Dotard Jr. breakup rumors
- Steve Shives: RFK Jr.’s lawyer opposes the polio vaccine!
- Joy Reid and Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard walks back promises to lower grocery prices
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard is named Time’s Person of the Year
- Andre Antunes: ♫ HULK HOGAN x AOC [Трамп-a-mania] ♬:
- Mr. Newberger’s AI Funnies: Kimberly Guilfoyle appointed ambassador to Greece
- Stephen: Трамп to send Don Jr.’s fiancée to Greece & RFK Jr.’s corn problem
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to Time Man of the Year
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Kim Guilfoyle—Our Ambassador to Grease? ♬
- Chris Hayes: Трамп’s energy secretary pick once drank bleach to defend fracking
- Rachel Maddow: Reality stubbornly resists Трамп’s Jan 6th narrative
- Tommy Campbell: Melane’s Christmas ornaments grift DESTROYED
- Seth Meyers: Трамп admits his tariffs might raise prices, says he’ll deport U.S. citizens
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ No more anti-Трамп songs ♬
- Steve Shives: Трамп’s terrible reason for banning birthright citizenship
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s rambling lying Meet the Press interview and his trip to Paris
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s Cabinet—Just ordinary (billionaire) people ♬
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard launches his presidential cologne
- Christopher Titus: Трамп’s 2nd tern us about to get personal!:
- Rachel Maddow: Five things to know about Kristi Noem, Трамп’s pick for homeland security secretary
- Stella Magz: Dotard Jr’s discarded trash is shipped to Greece
- Alex Wagner: Трамп already walking back core campaign promise on prices, inflation
- Chris Hayes: McConnell decries “dangerous” polio vaccine skeptics amid RFK Jr. report
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Musk, Ramaswami, and Co.—That’s What Entitlement Looks Like ♬
- Seth Meyers: Трамп admits he lied about grocery prices and celebrates TIME cover on Wall Street
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard argues with JD Vance about MAGA
LegalEagle: I’m suing the FBI & DOJ
Desi Lydic & Troy Iwata See Who Won Big at Fox Nation’s Coveted Patriot Awardssee who won big at FAUX Nation’s coveted patriot awards
Grace Kuhlenschmidt asks New Yorkers, “Who deserves a pardon from Biden?”
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
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