Where the fuck are the good cops we keep hearing about? Seattle Police have a goddam gravestone of someone they killed in their breakroom. No good cop saw it and put it in the trash? This isn’t the heat of the moment, adrenaline pumping, someone said they saw a weapon; This is calmly mocking a dead kid. Day after day after day after fucking day.
And the Trump flag. Man was being sued for sexually assault at the time of the video. Probably why they stopped investing adult rape. These pieces of shit were waiving the adult rapist flag. In a city that despises him that they swore to protect and serve.
Christ on the Cross. No defund activist, nobody chanting all cops are bastards, no investigation, no lawsuit could make SPD look as bad as they did all by themselves. And every fucking day for who knows how long the good cops left it all up.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.