Tonight (like pretty much EVERY Tuesday) the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gets together. There is much to discuss…stop by if you can!
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Probably not just your average act of vandalism…
But we can wait for the facts.
You know what would infuriate the perp?
Taylor Swift buying a new one.
Travis Kelce buying a new one.
Rumor is when Fetterman recovered from his stroke he came out as situationally conservative.
When he could finally speak he ripped her a new one for trying to be Jill Biden to his temporary Joe.
Like I said. Situationally conservative.
Anyone think a Muslim like Mehmet Oz would support Israel as much as does Genocide John Fetterman?
Someone is willing to believe anything a rando posts on Elon’s failed experiment. (her bio on the bird site is fake. Her general MO is to reply to Kevin Sorbo’s every post with jokes about telling his wife about their affairs….) Good work.
Journalist version: “Experts and critics say that Boeing’s woes have been years in the making, some pointing to the result of a shift in corporate culture that started at the top and put profits ahead of the safety and engineering prowess for which it was once praised … critics say this crisis is unlike any earlier problems at the company, arguing … they believe there has been a cultural change within the company in the last 25 years that has put profits over safety and quality.”
Dumbfuck version: It’s the union workers’ fault!
Here’s what happened because Boeing replaced the engineers in its executive offices with bean counters: “Boeing decided it needed to preserve cash and could no longer justify two 787 plants. It had a choice between consolidating production to a veteran plant in Washington state staffed by unionized employees and a non-union South Carolina plant. It decided to close the unionized line in Washington and keep the South Carolina plant. But it soon had quality problems with the 787 Dreamliners being produced there, leading to two costly halts in deliveries, one lasting over a year. … The company has gutted quality control so they can produce more airplanes …. The employees are completely overwhelmed.”
The dumbfuck wants to blame the union. But how are union workers to blame for the foulups in South Carolina, where there is no union? The dumbfuck has been shoveling too much horse manure.
@1 “Probably not just your average act of vandalism…”
That’s what I’m thinking, too.
@3 So now you’re loving on Muslims and calling support of Israel supporting genocide?
@ 5
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit blames a union member’s theft on management, which failed to include in the employee handbook the specific sentences, “Stealing is wrong. Do not steal.”
@ 6
Here’s what happened because Boeing replaced the engineers in its executive offices with bean counters…
Apparently there was nobody left to tell the dumbfuck union members to fill the empty bolt holes with bolts.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s Boeing Union Members Didn’t Replace Bolts Because No One Told Them To shtick makes sense to him because he shits himself in bed ever since his wife stopped telling him to get up and go to the bathroom before voiding his bowels.
I’m reminded of the scene in A Few Good Men in which the corporal didn’t need to have the Army manual to tell him where the mess hall is located. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, of course, can’t afford to rent that movie.
Boeing union members have to be told where to eat AND where to shit. And to fill empty bolt holes with bolts, apparently.
@ 6
… in South Carolina, where there is no union?
How many doors flew off planes assembled in South Carolina, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Take the L.
Sonia Sotomayor keeps score.
Those stomach and heart ailments could be quite serious. I certainly hope she has considered resigning so that her replacement can be confirmed before 2025, when Trump reclaims the White House.
Manchin and Sinema will vote the way Democrats expect, won’t they?
Feel better, Madame Justice.
@ 11
Marine, not Army. Haven’t seen the movie in awhile.
Somebody’s been hitting the hard stuff too hard tonight, and it isn’t even midnight yet.
Let’s say a 19-year-old on a motorcycle is weaving in and out of traffic, when a cop conducting a traffic stop on a vehicle waves him over and yells at him to stop, and he deliberately runs over the cop. What should happen to him? What will happen to him? Probably nothing, because this little a-hole is an Israeli diplomat’s son.
@14 Wrong fucking manual … how many times did you write up a diagnosis looking at the wrong x-ray?
ReUpping so the Dumbfuck can continue ignoring it.
“Please please Please Mr. Biden. Don’t kill us. We were not involved.”
@ 16
Probably nothing, because this little a-hole is an Israeli diplomat’s son.
Rather tonedeaf from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, considering that my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president’s son is a huge asshole.
@19 That’s a helluva flying leap …
Anthony Kern, the Arizona state senator who introduced a bill to devolve the selection of presidential electors to the legislature, has quite a biography.
According to Ballotpedia, he is a Minnesota native and has an AA degree from a now-defunct Phoenix-based for-profit college. Wikipedia says he worked as a code enforcement officer until fired for dishonesty, and falsely claimed to have been a cop. He subsequently found work as a security guard.
In 2020, Kern as a fake Trump elector while losing reelection. Photos place him at the Capitol on Jan. 6, but he was not charged. In February 2021 he and two other Republicans sued a Democratic legislator for criticizing their involvement in the Jan. 6 events, and were ordered to pay her attorney fees. In April 21, he participated in the GOP “audit” of 2020 ballots.
Kern was elected to the Arizona state senate in 2022, proving the Arizona GOP and that state’s voters have no character test for their candidates.
A 33-year-old Pennsylvania man who ranted against Biden, “woke mobs,” and LGBQT people was arrested for cutting off his father’s head, apparently for being a federal employee.
Tesla is down to $185 pre-market.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Bartiromo, “Why alienate uh the uh your fans, the Swifties. You know they come across from every political ideology. Why put yourself in one area.”
Taylor, “Because I’m a mother fucking Billionaire and the biggest box office draw ever and the Swifties know full well I’m not down with the hating on gays, and the destruction of reproductive rights. I said all that BEFORE 20,000 voters showed up to be OUTSIDE every arena I played just so they could hear it.
Sweetie…”Shade never made anybody less gay.”
Honey, you need to calm down.”
For those who celebrate, today is NY Trump The Rapist Tax Fraud Day. 🍾🥂
The troll is controlled by trolls now. It’s not a choice any longer. And where it all leads is really impossible to say, beyond just to lots more humiliation.
If Trump The Rapist were to rely on a surety bond to guarantee his damages to his rape victim during his appeal that bond would likely have to be issued by one of the giant bonding companies like Chubb or Travelers. But if Judge Engoron issues a final verdict today that prohibits Trump The Rapist from seeking loans from NY registered companies that might force Trump The Rapist to begin liquidation of assets.
And who really knows how that financial house of cards falls?
Cheers! 🍾🥂
@ 25
First time I have seen that video. Thanks for sharing it.
USGS this morning reports inflationary ground deformation indicating magma moving to the surface at Kilauea’s summit.
Thanks Brandon!
$50 million is what Republicans spent on Trump The Rapist legal fees in 2023.
That’s Trump The Rapist alone, exclusive of all other criminal defense work relating to joint defense agreements and conspiracy defenses arising from cases in which Trump The Rapist is the principal named defendant.
And of course it does not begin to include legal costs for thousands of face painted pipe bombers and backpack bombers involved in Trump The Rapist’s Day of Rage attack on Congress and attempt to assassinate his own Vice President. Nor does it include huge ongoing legal expenses for Trump The Rapist adjacent criminals like Stephen Bannon or Peter Navarro. Nor again does it include criminal defense costs for various felons and conspirators facing state level prosecutions for their schemes in service to Trump The Rapist stealing election machinery and data, defrauding voters with robo-calling, and launching violent attacks on state election officials.
Cheers! 🍾🥂
Hee hee.
Bucks County PA MAGA be WILDIN!
Announcing a whole new YouTube series of instructional videos on decapitating “The DEEEEP State”.
He ranted about “the globalist, communist takeover of America” and
“bribed members of the deep state.” He went on against “fifth column” groups, which he said includes undocumented immigrants, the LGBTQ community, Black Lives Matter and antifa, who are working in concert with the “traitorous” federal government to destroy the U.S.
Sounds like blather kreepshit picks up at teh widbee VIP lounge.
He no longer controls it.
The paranoia festering at the heart of his party now controls him.
Just as it controls all the Republican lawmakers he votes for.
Sinema’s fundraising fell to a record low in Q4 23.
Bye bitch.
Most of the software on the MAX MCAS system had been engineered by recent off shore grads of Indian software-coding academies making as little as $9 an hour.
Most certified 737 pilots received refresher training for the 737 MAX that consisted of a 56 minute iPad video that made absolutely no mention of the MCAS software system that forced the aircraft to dive into the ocean.
Most certified 737 pilots learned about MCAS for the first time, not from their airline, not from Boeing, and not from their national pilot certification or airline safety authority, but rather from their pilot’s union.
@34 If your kid talks like that, you’d better hide the kitchen knives.
Former President Donald Trump handed a binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, over to Russian nationals with direct ties to Putin soon after leaving office in 2021.