– If you’ve been charged more than you think you should for a Zoom doctor’s appointment with UW Medicine, check out the note at the end.
– Cops using excessive force against protesters should be a bigger deal than just the cost of doing business.
– Shoreline, figure out the Access bus. Gosh sake.
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Biden had no choice, really. UNRWA staff were proven by Israel to be terrorists.
It was always The Wuhan.
Now it’s silly to deny it.
The Story of the Decade
New documents strengthen—perhaps conclusively—the lab-leak hypothesis of Covid-19’s origins.
Cue HA’s Unserious Twat: “So you’re saying there’s a chance…”
Hey there, pal! You okay?
I see you’re tasing yourself in the nut sack again.
Seems like that must hurt.
Once I’m done getting Republicans to bear hug the Southern border crisis and take full ownership of the mess they made, I’m going to fully fund Ukraine anyway. 😎
My corrupt, incompetent senile fossil of a president channels his inner Ken Griffey, Jr.
Barack pushes the demented Joe Biden toward the old folks’ home exit while Jill continues to prop him up and feed him ice cream and Jell-O.
Joe’s vacant stare becomes ever more prominent.
Our justice system is too mean and hurtful. Wealthy elites like me should NEVER be subjected to words like those spoken against me by my rape victims and their cunt attorneys. It is intolerable and should NEVER HAPPEN in a free country.
I wonder if she would still use that word, knowing what has been learned by the world about POS Hunter Biden in the three-plus years since she posted this tweet.
We will gather at the Southern border to oppose you, tyrant!
Fani Willis was one of the finalists for TIME’s Person Of The Year.
Great moments in journalism.
You drive safe now.
Bring plenty of sunscreen. And don’t forget to pack your taser! ⚡⚡👍
No, Grandpa Trump.
You’re confused again. Ms. Carrol is not running against you for president. Although she’s been kicking your ass pretty good for the last year.
Come to think of it, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll talk to my people and see if we can’t bring her to a few campaign events this summer.
Thanks! 😎
The judge instructs the jury that Trump sexually assaulted Carroll “by forcibly inserting his fingers into her vagina without her consent.”
The judge instructs them that they must accept that sexual assault and defamation has been established, for the purposes of their deliberations, no matter what anyone has said in court.
As a matter of law, Donald Trump, who the RNC just pronounced to be their party’s presumptive nominee, is a rapist.
Your guy has really made himself into a kind of cottage industry for lawyers.
Good choice. 😎
strengthen—perhaps conclusively
don’t see the word “prove” in there..
Do some jumping jacks kreepshit, that’ll “strengthen” you too.
“perhaps conclusively” and cheaper than xiaflex..
Shorter Queen YLB @ 14:
“So you’re saying there’s a chance…”
@ 2 Toldja.
On average, 3.4 university DEI jobs per 100 faculty.
At the University of Virginia, that number is 6.5.
I guess that’s how many people it takes to eliminate the SAT and the GRE as application supplements.
Is that you “Miles Kwok”?
Pew Research confirms what every video of my corrupt, incompetent, senile of a fossil of a president over the last three years has clearly demonstrated:
Take heart, libbies, as there are only a few more months you will need to pretend that nothing about him is amiss. Barack hasn’t quite pushed him out the door yet.
She’s awful.
Heh. It told us that noun, verb, Hunter’s dick pics would do something too..
Just made us laugh when it wasn’t boring us to “tiers” from the repetition..
Let’s assume for the moment that the Wuhan lab was sloppy and an altered virus was released into the wild.. It looks pretty likely actually that that was the case.
What was the crime? That the scientists were too aggressive about their research and contracted with a lab that’d do what they wanted for cheap, i.e. Wuhan?
The lab was damaging enough to China – have heads rolled at the lab? Their sloppy procedures “released” the altered virus.
The bio weapons klownspiracy is stoopid. No proof of that.
We know what will happen when drumpf gets back into office and one or both houses of Congress are taken over by degen repukes..
There’ll be a show trial of Fauci and the other scientists for repuke political gain. Lives will be ruined, “scalps” will be taken because degen repukes want revenge for bleach injections, anal black lights and feckless hydroxy, horse pills and other repuke home remedies, let alone “refuse the jab” from orange kult types “doing their own research”..
yawwwn.. I know who I’m voting for regardless of the slaughter in Gaza.. Yeah like Orange Dear Leader would do anything different.
In today’s political news, MAGA Mike announced House Republicans will keep the border open and will impeach DHS secretary Mayorkis for the open border.
Voters in swing districts are taking notes.
$83 million.
For five minutes of “action”.
What a douche.
Wait! Was I “wrong” for having posted a selfie with Alina at precisely the same time that she was swearing a formal pleading to a federal judge with powers to jail her that she was unavailable for scheduled trial?
“I’m just standing there supporting Trump, like why are you removing me? I’ve done nothing but support Trump from the beginning. What did I do? I don’t even know what I did?
I’ve done more for President Trump than literally anybody in the entire state, and they’re removing me from this event. That is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.”
Next time maybe I’ll just use a taser.
Is this a bad time to point out that Carroll offered to settle for $5 million?
$65 million punitive is actually kind of amazing.
Carroll and her attorneys will be partying their asses off in the private dining room at Per Se overlooking the park. While Trump is downtown being evicted from the E Jean Carroll Tower and yelling into his phone at Alina.
Donald Trump has two hobbies these days. The first is lying. The second is getting his ass beat by E. Jean Carroll in court.
Now I can’t spew under G handle.
Very petty and biased commies here.
Just in case any Trump supporters ask, a defendant who wishes to appeal a federal civil judgement must post the entire amount in bond before they may file the appeal. 😀
In less than five days Trump also faces a final judgment in his NY state civil fraud trial that could include more than $300 million and a lifetime ban from real estate transactions.
Great timing 😜
From Carl’s link: “Seattle has agreed to pay $10 million to 50 demonstrators who sued over the police department’s heavy-handed response to racial justice protests in 2020, in a settlement announced by attorneys from both sides Wednesday.”
That’s an average of $200,000 per protester, although obviously some will get more and others less, depending on the severity of their injuries.
The key phrase is the cops “using chemical and other weapons indiscriminately against against peaceful demonstrators.” The key word is “peaceful.”
The victims included “a disabled veteran with a cane who was tear-gassed and tackled” and “dozens who suffered hearing loss, broken bones, concussions, severe bruises, PTSD or other injuries.”
And that’s nothing! Wait until Trump gets re-elected and sends plainsclothes marshals into the streets to shoot live ammunition indiscriminately into crowds like the tsar used to do before he was overthrown.
@23 Heh. He can brag he bought the most expensive sex EVER.
@25 That would require an admission of wrongdoing. It’s worth the extra $78.3 million to Trump to say he did NOTHING WRONG and the judgment is wholly the fault of a CORRUPT JUDGE and JURY and INCOMPETENT defense attorney. He won’t pay a cent of it out of his own pocket anyway. The donors to his GoFundMe will cover it, or maybe his PAC or campaign donors will (whether they know it or not).
@26 “yelling into his phone at Alina”
And that’s before he discovers the lien on Mar-a-Lago.
I wonder how it is that a jury hit Trump with an $83 million judgment. Granted, the trial was in New York. But it still took 9 people to agree on a verdict. Couldn’t Alina find ONE Trumper in what undoubtedly was a huge jury pool?
Guess not.
What’s REALLY interesting about this is 9 jurors — 2 women and 7 men — agreeing on $65 million of punitive damages. Of those 9 jurors, not one was willing to give him a break. Surely there must have been AT LEAST one Trump voter in that group to stick up for his pecuniary interests.
Guess not.
And this after another, different, jury found him liable in this case last summer. They may still vote for him in the GOP caucuses and primaries, but when it comes to assembling juries, his lawyers can’t find one person — not ONE PERSON — who doesn’t think he’s a piece of shit and is willing if not eager to drop a piano on his head and then play the tiny violin.
@31 And eight days after that comes oral arguments at SCOTUS on whether he faces a lifetime ban from public office. Even better timing.
While the judge and jury verdicts in civil cases won’t directly bear on the outcome of that case, the justices will be aware in the backs of their minds of what the lower judiciary and civilian juries think of the Orange Insurrectionist and his contempt for the legal system and rule of law. And while so far unspoken, this contempt undoubtedly extends to them as well, which won’t be lost on them as they contemplate what a Dictator Trump might do to them and their beloved institution of free government.
Conservative influencer Charlie Kirk is inciting more driveway shootings.
Kirk: “The break-ins, the looting, the murder, the rapes, the arson, it’s — by the way, this is just getting warmed up,” Kirk said Wednesday on “The Charlie Kirk Show,” echoing white supremacist talking points depicting immigrants and asylum seekers as inherently criminal.
Reality: The rightwing stereotyping of immigrants as vicious criminals is dishonest demagoguery. Immigrants have far lower crime rates than citizens. They just want to work to support their families, and have strong incentive to keep a low profile so they won’t be deported.
Wait until Trump gets re-elected and sends plainsclothes marshals into the streets to shoot live ammunition indiscriminately into crowds
Nah. All they need to do is hire a stripper to flash some beav at them and Trump’s storm troopers flee in tears.
Is 46 too late in life to figure out a plan B?
Asking for a friend.
Texas Gov. Abbott adopts pre-Civil War interpretation of Constitution to rationalize defiance of federal authority and court rulings.
Next step: Secession.
Step after that: Federal troops forcibly reintegrate breakaway state into the United States and Biden comes out looking like a second Lincoln saving the Union from southern rebels.
Trump isn’t the only MAGA idiot who stiffs his lawyers, and then pays for it bigly.
Judge Kaplan opened Friday’s proceedings, after some preliminaries of the usual sort, by threatening to jail Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba.
Now that the trial is over, though, she’ll probably just get off with a bar censure.
I must post a correction to what I said @34 regarding who will pay the $83.3 million verdict against Trump in the E. Jean Carroll Defamation 2.0 case.
Somehow I overlooked the obvious (rabbit paw slapping forehead): “Mexico will pay for it.”
Overlooked amidst the clamor of the Carroll jury verdict is last night’s
clown car crashGOP debate in Colorado’s 4th C.D. race.According to the NY Times, “At one point, candidates were asked to raise their hands if they had ever been arrested. Six of the nine candidates onstage raised their hands, to cheers and applause from the audience. Trent Leisy, a Navy veteran and business owner, high-fived Mr. Lynch and Ms. Boebert while their hands were raised.”
So there you go, Republican candidates for federal office bragging about being criminals, and the Republican audience cheering them on. That’s what Republicans are these days.
Oh, wait — there were few if any ordinary voters in the audience, which was “mostly composed of candidates’ family members, staff and people involved with the local Republican party.” And Boebert wasn’t especially popular, getting “fifth-place among nine candidates in the evening’s straw poll, placing her behind Logan County commissioner and former state Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg, state Rep. Mike Lynch, radio host Deborah Flora and state Rep. Richard Holtorf, in that order.”
Looks like she may be looking for restaurant space to lease by next January. A gal’s gotta make a living somehow, especially one with no husband to support here.
Awwww.. Living abroad.. such an education…
Students in many Italian preschools eat from a set menu, with no outside food allowed — so no bag lunches. Some schools, including my son’s, prepare lunch in-house; others cater food from off-site kitchens. In either case, the children enjoy a healthy meal — Italian law restricts public schools from serving fried foods.
In particular, my son loves when his school serves passato di verdure con pastina, a popular pasta dish brightened by a sauce made from freshly cooked winter vegetables.
And these are multicourse meals. A typical lunch in an Italian public school consists of a first course, a second course and a side. Meals are prepared with simple cooking methods to preserve nutritional value. Instead of corn dogs, french fries or potato chips, little Italian learners nosh on cod Vicentina with polenta, raw seasonal vegetables and creamed carrots with rice.
My son’s palate continues to expand with seasonal foods on rotation. One day, baked rabbit roll followed parmesan risotto with steamed spinach as an accompanying side.
That might sound a little refined for a 5-year-old, but there is an educational purpose at work. Early exposure to varied foods allows Italian children to develop diverse palates and drives healthy, lifelong eating habits. The Mediterranean diet, linked to lower risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes, is one of the healthiest in the world.
Italy isn’t unique in its approach to school nutrition. A fellow military spouse who lived abroad informed me that Korean preschools and kindergartens cook fresh food on-site. From Estonia to Poland to the Netherlands, others in my circle noticed a significant difference between the food served in international schools and in American schools….
Fuck! And we wonder why they’re all kicking our asses while Jeff Bridges is on TV raising munee to feed kids.
But ewwwwwwww babbles Asshole1 and teh kreepshit troll. That’s sooooshuuullllleeessssmmmmm…
Oh my fucking God.
What the fuck have I done?
This just cannot be how all this ends. Can it?
City Journal. Mmmmmmkay.
You didn’t read, or even scan, the documents did you?
A grant proposal requesting $14M to do research at four different sites, one of them Wuhan, with no evidence that the project was ever funded means….
Good enough for Dumbfuck!
Did you move on to the article about how AMERICAN values are under attack in Israel?
How about the one where contingency fees undermines the rule of law because it allows the poors access to the courts and torts normally reserved for corporations?
Maybe the glowing review of Christopher Rufo’s book was more your speed.
if Trump were to crap in the middle of 5th Avenue and declare his bowel movement to be meatloaf, I would grab a fork, and some napkins and hop a flight for New York City.
@ 21
Let’s assume for the moment that the Wuhan lab was sloppy and an altered virus was released into the wild.. It looks pretty likely actually that that was the case.
What was the crime?
The crime, if looked at legally, was probably the email discussion in which the team Fauci assembled openly shared that it was very likely a lab leak, which was followed by a publication in which the written word called it a natural mutation rather than a lab leak.
You remember that, don’t you, Queen YLB? That a bunch of guys whose research funding was controlled by Fauci did Fauci’s bidding in print, despite believing otherwise?
The more the world changes, the more conservatives stay the same. Sixty years after “Dr. Strangelove” was released its real-life characters are still recognizable. They just have different names today (“MAGA” instead of “Birch Society” and Trump as “Jack Ripper”).
In response to the flood of political lies and disinformation, “some conservative members [of Congress], notably Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), are targeting academic researchers who try to chart the ways in which disinformation is created and disseminated. The lawmakers allege anti-conservative bias and label their efforts as censorship.”
Wherein exposing lies is “censorship” and exposing dirty tricks is “anti-conservative bias.”
UFOs explained.
@1 “UN agency fires staff members allegedly involved in October 7 attacks”
That isn’t good enough for the dumbfuck, just as taking down Hamas isn’t enough. He’s for collectively punishing all Palestinians and the entire United Nations organization. Hey, why not all Muslims and people with Arab-sounding names, too?
@50 yawwwwnn.. Were any of those guys present at the Wuhan lab, witness what EXACTLY what was released in the wild if anything?
Many Chinese died. Any heads roll from that? Has China said “Fauci made me do it?”
Yawwwnn.. kreepshit babbles endlessly about scientists talking shop and propaganda from Heritage? Puuuhleeeeze
Noun, verb, Hunter’s dick pics turns to Noun, Verb, Fauci made me inject bleach and “do my own research”…
@47 Once all the money is gone, there’s no reason for you to stay, is there? And who wants a husband she only gets to talk to once a month through a phone and glass partition?
@50 If disinformation is a crime, you and your ilk are in big trouble.
Heritage, the same outfit producing the blueprint for fascist rule under drumpf;
will direct upon, heaven forbid, the re-erection of drumpf, the show trial of Fauci, et al.
kreepshit can’t wait.. anything to “pwn teh libs” once Hunter’s dick pics fizzle out.
Shoreline residents had issues with North Base, but since it has a direct ramp to I-5, notice it’s exempt. Unfortunately Metro sold off Mercer and Jefferson Bases, would have been great to keep one of them, be like what Lincoln High used to do for the SPS before it was reopened. Metro can’t expand North Base, there is a cap on how many buses can be based there.