I don’t understand video games or the economics around them. But goddam, the Activision Blizzard layoffs are brutal. If these giant companies can’t keep their employees when the economy is strong, and they’re making money hand over fist, it doesn’t bode well. In tech, I hope that they aren’t stupid enough to think that something something AI is going to replace employees.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
At 12:14am this morning in the previous thread, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit mused that my obviously demented, senile fossil of a president would be forced to drop out of the race.
More of use should begin talking about that, and about what would happen when Kamala takes center stage as the standard bearer of the Democrat party.
They lost their lives to protect POS Hunter Biden. They lost their lives in support of the fallacy that there is nothing wrong with blank-staring Joe Biden being led around by the hand by the FLOTUS.
– White House Press Secretary
Not only this, but inflation is increasing again.
Prices are rising, faster now than they were in October.
Watch the video @ 2 and ask yourselves how the administration can possibly keep this person in her position much longer.
Now envision this person speaking in support of a President Kamala Harris.
When you just can’t hit the high notes of rage anymore, but the fans aren’t interested in any of the new stuff.
Charles Littlejohn was given a sentence of five years for exposing Trump The Rapist’s humiliating tax returns.
BOP is already overwhelmed with MoneyGram contributions to his commissary account.
@ 6
Five years in service to the election of Biden is nothing.
Just think how long Queen YLB’s fucked kids will be paying for it.
@ 8
Behold the argument to cut IRS funding.
And he’ll never have to buy another drink the rest of his life.
… somehow walked the entire Republican party into an obvious immigration trap of their own making.
#RepublicanBorderCrisis 🤡
The Internal Revenue Service contractor who pleaded guilty to leaking the federal tax records of former President Donald Trump and some of the nation’s wealthiest individuals was sentenced Monday to 5 years in prison, 3 years supervised release and a $5,000 fine. The sentence brings an end to a criminal case that exposed the source of a number of high-profile tax information leaks in recent years.
The Snowden of the IRS.. Should the NSA be “de-funded”?
I recall kreepshit touted “charitable contributions”..
Just think how long
kreepshit will be not just be thinking on its sins but paying for them..
knock, knock, knock..
Recent filings in Smartmatic’s defamation suit against OAN allege that network executives engaged in criminal computer theft. Discovery has revealed that OAN’s president Charles Herring forwarded an email to cooperating Qanon lawyer Sidney Powell that included stolen SmartMatic passwords for Powell to use in order to breach Smartmatic’s secure databases.
It’s still not too late for Republicans to convince Trump The Rapist to accept disqualification, and drop out of the primary in exchange for immunity from criminal prosecution.
The Jordan Peace Deal is really doing wonders for all, isn’t it?
Trump is king of the extrinsics.
Some psychologists believe our values tend to cluster around certain poles, described as “intrinsic” and “extrinsic”. People with a strong set of intrinsic values are inclined towards empathy, intimacy and self-acceptance. They tend to be open to challenge and change, interested in universal rights and equality, and protective of other people and the living world.
People at the extrinsic end of the spectrum are more attracted to prestige, status, image, fame, power and wealth. They are strongly motivated by the prospect of individual reward and praise. They are more likely to objectify and exploit other people, to behave rudely and aggressively and to dismiss social and environmental impacts. They have little interest in cooperation or community. People with a strong set of extrinsic values are more likely to suffer from frustration, dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, anger and compulsive behaviour.
We are not born with our values. They are shaped by the cues and responses we receive from other people and the prevailing mores of our society.
If people live under a cruel and grasping political system, they tend to normalise and internalise it. This, in turn, permits an even crueller and more grasping political system to develop.
If, by contrast, people live in a country in which no one becomes destitute, in which social norms are characterised by kindness, empathy, community and freedom from want and fear, their values are likely to shift towards the intrinsic end.
Case in point. The previous day’s post on Louisiana.
@1 “would be forced to drop out of the race”
Wrong again, and making shit up again. I mused that Biden might drop out if Trump was forced out. Biden has hinted as much.
@2 They died defending rights you and your ilk don’t support or believe in.
@4 The video looks fake, but let’s skip that; “this person” has a name, can’t you say her name? Are you so disrespectful to other people you won’t say their names?
@7 The judge compared Littlejohn’s actions to Jan. 6 in terms of undermining democracy. I’m not sure I agree the two events are comparable; but if leaking Trump’s tax returns is worth 5 years in federal prison, can we agree that inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection is at least worth disqualification from office, if not 5 years in prison?
@8 “Behold the argument to cut IRS funding.”
Some argument. The guy wasn’t even an IRS employee; he worked for an outside contractor. But let’s follow your argument to its logical conclusion:
Edward Snowden worked for an NSA contractor. Because he leaked NSA secrets, NSA funding should be cut.
If a trigger-happy cop shoots a black person in violation of department use-of-force policy, is convicted of manslaughter, and goes to prison, the police should be defunded.
If a door plug blows off a Boeing 757 Max in flight because of sloppy assembly by a subcontractor, Boeing should defund inspections.
See how illogical you are? And you don’t even have to work at it, because stupidity comes naturally to you.
@11 Beat me to it. But then, the illogic and stupidity of the dumbfuck’s arguments is glaringly obvious, isn’t it? Not just today, but all the time.
The dumbfuck is the most dishonest troll in HA’s history. However, mens rea may be lacking. It’s conceivable his lying, exaggerations, and misrepresentations are attributable to mental incapacity rather than malice. Certainly, evidence abounds that he’s irremediably stupid.
@13 Five years! Five years! Five years!
@14 Yes, it’s too late, because they’re just as morally deficient and criminally culpable as he is.
Certainly, evidence abounds that he’s irremediably stupid.
And a monumental fucking bore. I had hoped that a dumbfuck Nazi coward would be more interesting. Now I reckon not.
BoBo better start looking for restaurant space:
“Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) came in fifth place in a straw poll of voters in the district where the controversial congresswoman recently relocated and is trying to win reelection to the House.”
Fifth of five candidates.
Hey, it’s not a scientific poll, but that’s what doc likes best, amirite?
The question for me isn’t whether COVID was man mad in a lab or escaped from the lab but whether it was specifically engineered with the characteristics that are COVID.
@28 Doctor Dumbfuck assumes it was man-made in a Chinese lab, engineered with Covid characteristics, intentionally released into the wild, and Dr. Fauci (a real doctor) lied about it, because some Republican or other said so.
And you can’t dissuade him with evidence, the opinions of scientists, or actual facts because Republican conspiracy theories trump real-life information.
If a Republican says it, that’s how things are, truth be damned. That’s just how things work in his social circle.
Be careful what you wish for Dumbfuck.
Nothing rallies the country quite like decisively striking an enemy that has attacked our country or our troops.
Mission Accomplished
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Everything is better with Bidenclown report – As noted below, Bidenclown et al. planned this all along. Just keep bombing the Arabs until the Arabs hit back and kill American troops, which Bidenclown just happens to leave out in the desert as easy sitting duck targets. Great excuse for yet another war. As usual, American kids die while Demorat donors count up more $billions in war profits.
Even before the drone strike that killed three U.S. service members in Jordan on Sunday, the Biden administration was planning for a moment just like this, debating how it might strike back in ways that would deter Iran’s proxy forces and send a message that Tehran would not miss.
None of the people responsible for the drone attack that killed 3 US soldiers are within 200 miles of the sites under consideration for a Biden response.
They bugged out on Sunday. It’s Tuesday there now.
Retaliation for deadly attack on US forces expected to be powerful – CNN headline as I write this.
I expect it to be useless. My president is a corrupt, spineless incompetent.
@ 27
Hey, it’s not a scientific poll, but that’s what doc likes best, amirite?
I’m reminded of the ’04 primary poll by KUOW during talk show hour. Some 35% of those calling in preferred Dean and another 30% or so preferred Kucinich.
That may have been the same year that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit last achieved erection with the assistance of a double dose of sildenafil.
@ 19
Hey Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, does this video “look fake”, too?
After all, both of the videos are from MSNBC, and MSNBC pushed the Trump collusion with Russia falsity harder than any other media entity.
Is MSNBC fake news, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit? Or do you now believe that the video @ 2 is real?
Either way you’re an asshole.
If you’re a black man in Florida, whatever you do, don’t eat a banana in a grocery store, even though you paid for it, no matter how urgently you need the potassium to relieve leg cramps, because only white people are allowed to do that.
However, because this is the 21st century and not the 20th century, you’ll get to pass “Go” in a wheelchair and collect a couple million dollars from the police department’s insurance company, assuming you’ll get out of ICU someday.
@32 Okay, General, what’s your plan? Carpet bomb Tehran?
@33 Good to hear you can still remember all the way back to 2004. Milk that faculty for all it’s worth while you have it. You won’t always, you know.
@ 35
Yet another post from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who did not read it first.
Had he read it, he would have passed on it.
High-ranking Israeli government officials keep talking about seizing Gaza. Maybe we should believe they mean it.
GOP House member can’t remember whether she voted for or against a $1.7 trillion funding bill.
@ 36
Carpet bomb Tehran?
Less what I would do than what I would not have done.
I would not have pretended that the Houthis are not terrorists, as Biden did.
I would not have let the Houthis and other Iranian proxies attack US assets dozens of times since 10/7, as Biden did.
I would not have twiddled my thumbs for 48+ hours while promising a response, as Biden did.
I would not have spend three-plus years projecting weakness on the world stage, as Biden has done.
Iran has been emboldened by a weak and feckless US leader who has mentally checked out and has no problem demonstrating it on camera nearly every day. I would not have let my weakness been so publicly displayed, as Jill Biden has done to her husband.
The thing is, the only Democrat with a spine that Biden might possibly turn control over to is Hillary Clinton, and before he can do that he needs to cause Kamala Harris to resign, then get Hillary confirmed as her replacement.
By the time Georgie was out of office Bin Laden was still alive and no where near where 470 American Servicemen had already died trying to find him.
23,000 American had died in Iraq because Georgie insisted Iraq was in League with Bin Laden. Bin Laden was no where near Iraq either.
Your selective criticism is duly noted.
@41 “I would not have twiddled my thumbs for 48 hours while promising a response, as Biden did.”
Go get ’em, tiger! Tell the ayatollahs you’re coming, where and when they can expect you to arrive, and what you intend to do when you get there.
Btw, fwiw, it appears this incident happened because somebody in our military fucked up.
@ 43
Tell the ayatollahs you’re coming …
Soleimani didn’t hear a peep until Trump blew him to bits.
Queen YLB, who hates Tay-Tay with the white-hot passion that only a woman can demonstrate toward another woman, now feels compelled to vote for Orange Man Bad.
Trump Promises If Elected He Will Ban Taylor Swift From Football Games
Amazingly the “Biden is getting us into WWIII” crowd has lack of thoughts.
Some Peg Iran’s military as one of the top 20 strongest in the world. Some put it in top 15. Iran has nuclear weapons.
Considering what US Military forces can do to Iran’s Proxy forces without inciting a major response is prudent and something The Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush administration has always considered.
To the specifics, Yemen. The two major forces in the Civil war that at least on paper is over were the former President Ali Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi who fled the country and tried to hold on to power from exile in Riyadh. As the previous sentence suggests, Hadi was backed militarily by the Saudis. At the start of the war the Houthis had very little backing from Iran but as the conflict dragged on and U.S. ‘Consult’ for weapons and targeting intelligence increased, Iran began supplying the Houthis to a greater extent. Iran is also affiliated with various factions in Syria and Iraq. Which faction exactly launched the attack, well maybe we already know but sometimes you don’t release classified information to the public.
So yes, it has always been prudent to consider if an attack on the Houthis directly by U.S. Forces would be considered an act of war against Iran by Iranian leadership. The same goes for their other proxy forces.
Note here that Iran has declared that the October 7th attacks were carried out as retaliation for the killing of General Qasem Soleimani by the Trump Administration. Note also that Iran has been supplying drones to Russia for use in Ukraine and whether one of those drones is sophisticated enough to evade U.S. Air defenses or if they really did pilot a drone close enough behind a returning U.S. drone to cause a delay in response remains unknown.
But no, the U.S. in the larger sense, not just the Biden Administration, has no interest in going back to war in the middle east against a nuclear armed well equipped military force.
Boeing manufacturing union members deserve to be unemployed.
Just doing whatever the hell pops into a pea brained blood thirsty rapist is not “Strength”
More “fake video” according to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, this time on CNN:
HA libbies are A-OK with your colleagues being investigated by NSA for possible ties to Russia because they’re stupid enough to claim that Israel fighting back is “genocide”, aren’t you?
A subpoena issued on the House floor today because Cori Bush stole taxpayer money to pay her deadbeat husband.
Not even fuckin’ Boebert is this brazenly stupid.
Fani Willis is, of course, but she’s not in Congress.
@44 “Soleimani didn’t hear a peep until Trump blew him to bits.”
Pretty smart, and I’d guess Biden is at least as smart as Trump, probably smarter. The ayatollahs will find out in good time what and who will get blown to bits for this.
@45 “Trump Promises If Elected He Will Ban Taylor Swift From Football Games”
Presidents don’t have that power, but kings and dictators do. Which is he planning to be?
@46 “you don’t release classified information to the public”
Well, this administration doesn’t, much to Doctor Dumbfuck’s frustration.
@50 “Not even fuckin’ Boebert is this brazenly stupid.”
That’s debatable. Cori Bush didn’t fondle anybody’s dick in a movie theater. But one thing you can be certain of is that Democrats don’t excuse wrongdoing by their own, while Republicans always do.
@47 Sure, blame Boeing workers for what a subcontractor did. Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks two MSNBC videos are fake but believes @ 52 a piece by The Babylon Bee is the real deal.
@ 55
… blame Boeing workers for what a subcontractor did.
Wasn’t a subcontractor, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Was a true, blue Boeing-employed, Democrat-voting union member:
@56 Posting from Babylon Bee wasn’t my idea, it was your idea. But if you want to argue that your ideas suck, I won’t disagree.
@57 It wasn’t just the door plug bolts on one plane, dumbuck. Problems were found on multiple planes. And who makes the fuselages?
A never-been-married, tall, ultra-butch white Chad football player from a corn state is openly dating a never-been-married, blonde haired, blue eyed, female country singer.
And Republicans are enraged by this unwholesome abomination against nature.
This might not be the only way you know that Republicans have lost control of their manufactured culture wars grievances.
But it is certainly the best way you know.
@ 60
This might not be the only way you know that Republicans have lost control of their manufactured culture wars grievances.
Meanwhile, liberals continue to insist that there is nothing wrong with 50 year-old men in athletic competitions against 14 year-old girls. Because they have to insist this, now.
You knew this was coming.
You were told this was coming.
It’s here.
My corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president scaled back sanctions against Iran, which provided the money for Iran to support the militias responsible for the attacks.
Oh. The three US soldiers killed in Jordan were black. Democrats only have to pretend to care about black lives during election years.
@ 59
It wasn’t just the door plug bolts on one plane, dumbuck. Problems were found on multiple planes. And who makes the fuselages?
How precious! Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit desperately attempts to shift blame to the fuselage contractor, which also employs union labor, so that he can avoid assigning blame where it belongs – on the Boeing union members.
There’s just one problem with his pitiful attempts to offload blame:
Boeing received the fuselage with the door in place. Boeing union members pulled the door off, and didn’t replace the bolts when they put the door back.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, just take the L, dude, and promise to do better. You embarrass yourself.
[Link is from WSJ, a subscription to which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit cannot afford.]
I wonder if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thought he was helping his argument when he pointed out that problems were pointed out on multiple planes.
He probably did.
For our consideration: it was only a few months ago that this profoundly stupid trust fund troll was capering and yowping performatively about his very real and very legitimate public school litter box grievances.
That was never a thing either.
It controls them now, and not the other way around.
And while each of these precisely designed and carefully manufactured outrages has the desired effect producing reflexive clicks, likes, shares, and donations among these mouth breathing MAGA dullards, it has a generally but also cumulatively repellent effect on detached unaffiliated voters. In places like Pennsylvania or Georgia, for instance.
Mr. Testicles?
Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Taser.
The demographic catastrophe confronting Republicans in a single graphic:
Performative, very public and very weird manufactured bullshit grievances against LGBTQ people and Taylor don’t help much either.
who hates Tay-Tay with the white-hot passion
translation: kreepshit wanks to a fantasy of 20 minutes of action with tay tay…
It hasn’t babbled about AOC in a good while.
Soleimani didn’t hear a peep
Neither did al-Zawahiri.. oops.. who did that?
kreepshit’s favorite IRS enabler.. awwwww… along w/ Manchin and Sinema.
and AI..
50 year-old men in athletic competitions against 14 year-old girls.
Sounds just kreepshit’s fantasy dream night at the widbee VIP lounge..
Harkening back to its more youthful glory days.
Israel fighting back is “genocide”
Killing many thousands of women, kids and amputees from previous Gaza slaughters is kreepshit’s ideal for the country that can do wrong.
Fueled by un-exploded american ordnance and suitcases of cash courtesy of Bibi and probably the US taxpayer.
Well, teh kreepshits of widbee need something to high five over at the VIP room.
@64 “Boeing received the fuselage with the door in place. Boeing union members pulled the door off, and didn’t replace the bolts when they put the door back.”
What about the rest of the planes with loose bolts? Did Boeing union members pull those doors off, too? Or loosen those bolts?
@71 Right now they’re high-fiving over Repukes keeping the border open because politics transcends everything else.
Biden says thinks for the campaign gift, dummies.
“Federal prosecutors charged a Michigan man with threatening to kill President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on social media last week. … The Secret Service and FBI first learned of the posts on Jan. 27 ….”
That was quick. Post shit and within a week you’re in the slammer waiting for a detention hearing to determine whether you’ll stay there pending a trial sometime next year.
The Texas AG wants your Georgia medical records so he can prosecute you in Texas for what you did in Georgia.
Orange man bad
Wow has kreepshit learned to stop worrying and love the orange?
After the humiliation of the hideously unlikeable kon-klown? Must be true..
Who am I kidding? kreepshit craves tax cuts and drumpf w a compliant kongress delivers “benefits all levels”.. “Dictator for a day” won’t even need a kongress..
kreepshit katnip…
I wonder why the dumbfuck isn’t bragging that Tesla’s stock is up today? (Last look: Up 99 cents to $191.92.)
A 20-year-old Ohio man gets 18 years in federal prison for trying to burn down a church because it was planning to host drag shows.
This doesn’t mean he won’t get sex until he’s 38; it only means he’ll get it from behind instead of in front.
kreepshit can only wank to the fantasy of being on tenth of one percent the assholes that are Elmo Musk, Bill Ackman and Rupert Murdoch.
yawwwwn… when it’s not boring us all to “tiers”…
btw, how’s Neri’s “academic integrity” working out for ya Bill?
“Common sense suggests Sen. Tommy Tuberville should simply stop talking about the United States military.”
This assumes he’s more intelligent than he is.
This doesn’t mean he won’t get sex until he’s 38; it only means he’ll get it from behind instead of in front.
Can’t wait to defend our brother’s ass once he gets inside.
He’s hot!
If we secede, will I still get my monthly Social Security checks?
“America needs impeachment to deal with the threat of future rogue presidents or other wayward government officials. Ahead of a potential Trump-Biden rematch, this is the worst possible time to turn the threat of impeachment into a partisan joke.”
Actually, I think that’s the plan. While Tuberville is genuinely stupid, not all Republicans are, and some of them are clever — clever enough to discredit impeachment while their party leader engages in impeachable (not to mention criminal) conduct. After all, these same folks set out to discredit elections, so why wouldn’t they also try to discredit the process for removing them after they get into office by turning that process into a clown show?
Looks like our neighbors to the east want to legalize domestic terrorism: “The Idaho Senate voted Thursday 27-8 to advance a bill that defines ‘domestic terrorism’ as requiring the involvement of foreign groups.”
They have a little problem, though: Domestic terrorism will still be a federal crime, with or without foreign involvement.
@82 That will be up to Jefferson Davis. Last I heard, though, the Confederacy couldn’t even buy shoes for its domestic terrorists.
I dunno. Earhart’s plane didn’t have swept-back wings, and did have engines on the wings that aren’t present in this sonar image. This could be a pile of whale shit.
“A Donald Trump supporter who ‘blind-side tackled’ a U.S. Capitol Police officer from behind on Jan. 6 and flipped him over a ledge is set to be sentenced on Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Comment: Although this behavior may soon be legal under Idaho laws, a federal judge probably will give him something different from the slap on back and “good on ya, mate!” favored by our neighboring state’s legislators. I’ll make a wild guess that he won’t get off with time served and community service for tossing the cop over the ledge.
If you watch football games, you’re ungodly and stalking kids.
This ad is brought to you by the fake Christians at Fox News and OAN.
The rodent say we have to fight them over there rather than over here. Well, since the Southern border has been wide open for three years, “they” are already “over here” and are plotting their attacks against soft and hard targets everywhere in the US.
All Biden has done is import terrorists into the country by trying to get enough illegals here to sway elections towards the Democrats and other servants of Soros. Now Biden is embarking on more foolish operations in foreign lands that will create even more terrorists seeking revenge against the Great Satan.
Great job, Brandon! You are doing a great job helping Trump return.
Shorter Cori Bush:
Republicans are holding the border “wide open” while President Biden is trying to get them to give him the authority to close it.
The Republican Speaker has declared that he will not allow a vote in the House for the bipartisan bill put together by Republican Senator Lankford that would give President “Brandon” the authority to close the southern border. The Speaker says he refuses to give the bill a vote because Trump has ordered it so.
When #CrookedHillary was under criminal investigation by Obama’s DOJ she tried to pawn it off as a “security review”.
Today POS Cori Bush claimed the DOJ is undertaking a “review of her security services”.
Same lie, different corrupt POS Democrat.
I’ll close the Southern border the same day I sign that bill.
That’s my promise to America.
Why do Republicans want to leave America vulnerable?
Here’s the clip you need:
It’s absolutely true. There really is a very real immigration crisis on the Southern border. And Republicans are responsible for it, because they have been refusing to pass the legislation needed to fund and legalize a secure border since President Biden was elected. The current bill being blocked by Speaker Johnson is only the latest example.
You left out
Destroying the hospitals, bombing out the last University, shooting civilians approaching waving white flags, attacking refugees fleeing to where you LITERALLY told them they’d be safe, shutting off the water…
Brock Purdy who opened his on field post game interview Sunday with “All the glory to God who gave us this opportunity” has entered the chat.
Pennsylvania Mom for Liberty Republican Clarice Schillinger held over for criminal trial:
Bucks County “Hot Mom” Schillinger, a MAGA candidate for Lt. Governor in PA was notorious among local teens for passing out shots and beers and “getting it on” at parties she hosted for area teens ranging in age from 13 to 17.
Like our own profoundly stupid trust fund troll, Schillinger was noted for her very real concerns about cat litter boxes in public school restrooms. Which are a thing that never happened.
Claiming the border is the GOP’s fault will get you nowhere.
That last one is from The Economist, within the last week.
The Democrat plan is to blame the GOP for three years of Biden’s fuck-ups.
81% of Americans admire OJ Simpson.
Gallup June 6, 1994
Present day to November every stump speech and SOTU
“ the Senate passed a bipartisan measure to give border patrol. US Customs, The immigration and naturalization service and local law enforcement more funding than they have ever received in order to stop this border crisis. If house Republicans allow it to come up for a vote, it will pass, and I will sign it, but House Republicans refused to do that. MAGA Mike is blocking it.”
“Republicans are more concerned with keeping women from crossing a state border tha securing our southern border.”
Claiming that Trump ordering Congressional Republicans to oppose border security won’t deliver the issue to Biden is what I want MAGAts to do. And I have to assume what President Biden also wants MAGAts to do.
As the profoundly stupid trust fund troll points out very accurately this is the most vulnerable issue for President Biden and his re-election campaign. He is far more vulnerable among the target voters in key battleground states than on any other issue. But it took Republicans gaining a very thin majority in the House to create the opening he needed to turn the tables on the issue. And now he has done so.
President Biden offered House and Senate Republicans an immigration and border security bill that granted them every single concession they have ever asked for. They got tons more money for CBP, tons more money for border security and surveillance, and tons more money for enforcements and detention facilities. Biden gave them numerical daily crossing triggers for border closure and further restrictions on legal immigration. He even gave them money for “WALLS”.
And now House Republicans refuse to give their own bill a vote and Senate Republicans are drifting away from the bill they drafted because they suddenly claim it would be a “tough vote” for them to vote for something they have been promising their voters for the last eight years but could never manage.
Because of cowardice and weakness Republicans are going to lose their best issue against President Biden.
“The only plan Speaker Mike Johnson has to stop the boarder crisis is a national day of thoughts and prayers.”
It really was their strongest issue against Biden.
And now, in just one week, the 81-year-old President and former two-term Vice President, with more than 37 years of Congressional experience behind him, managed to turn the tables on Republicans at the highest ranks, leaving them no choice but to scramble to limit how much damage the issue inflicts on them.
For the time being the most openly partisan Republican lawmakers argue that being seen by voters as blocking and opposing border security legislation is less harmful than “giving Biden a win”. But it must be noted that these most openly partisan Republican lawmakers all serve in very safe states and districts, or do not face an election this fall.
Nobody is required to donate to Harvard; and Harvard, which has a huge endowment fund, doesn’t need Ken Griffin’s $500 million.
Griffin, Ackman, and other hedge fund billionaires don’t make anything. They don’t produce anything. They employ very few people, and destroy more jobs than they create. As financial engineers who just push money around, they’re leeches on the economy.
And yes, they’re whiny snowflakes, too.
@ 72
What about the rest of the planes with loose bolts? Did Boeing union members pull those doors off, too? Or loosen those bolts?
The answer is almost certainly yes. If the subcontractor, Spirit, delivers the fuselage with the door on and during later assembly Boeing union sloths remove the door and then replace it, the status of the bolts is Boeing’s responsibility, not Spirit’s.
It may assist you in understanding, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, to note that Boeing itself is making no effort to share responsibility with anyone other than its own employees. It’s time to stop suggesting that others are at fault.
During the pandemic, companies closed offices and ordered employees to work from home. They encouraged remote work, which reduced their rent expenses (the employee, in effect, pays for office space). So employees moved to places like Idaho and Birmingham and other places where housing is cheaper. Now companies are telling them to relocate to where they have offices or lose their fucking jobs.
The best company is one you don’t work for. All bosses are jerks, and being an employee will always suck. If you don’t work for them, they can’t shit on you. Nobody should work. Everyone should be a capitalist. We’re a capitalist system, so that’s the patriotic thing to do.
Rational actors comprehend that this is the sort of performative stunt that gets you sued by companies, their shareholders, and sometimes even the DOJ and state AGs.
“I never met that woman. She’s not my type.”
Republicans are now happily living a post-rational lifestyle.
It appears to be a very expensive lifestyle.
@105 That’s a mighty big “If”. The door blew off only one plane. Boeing employees removed the door on that plane to get at and correct rivet holes improperly drilled at Spirit. Because a door blew off a plane, all the planes of that model were inspected, and the inspections found loose bolts on numerous planes whose doors had not been removed and replaced by Boeing employees. So you’re full of shit.
“Boeing itself is making no effort to share responsibility with anyone other than its own employees.”
Boeing management is making no effort to share responsibility with its employees. Neither are you. According to you, it’s all the fault of the union employees. Well, they don’t run the shop. They didn’t create or sustain the culture of profits above quality at both companies. Nice try, dude, but this blame-shifting game you’re playing is horseshit. The quality failures at Boeing are management’s fault, not the union’s or workers’ fault.
The best company should at least be able to show that the policy drives improved performance in some measurable way other than smelling Bob’s hideous body odor and shitty birthday parties with cold pizza and warm canned soda.
Big social changes afford big opportunities for data collection.
Work from home yields higher performance, higher profits, and lower costs. Rigid RTO policies drive out the best workers with the most access to alternative employment, and retains the least qualified and least mobile. RTO reduces employee performance, productivity, and job satisfaction, while simultaneously acheiving either no change in profitability or in about half of all cases lower profitability.
So why do some executives demand RTO?
For the very simple reason that work from home calls into question in very noticeable ways the value and utility of contributions from executives. Executives in any organization, more than any other cohort of workers, need the appearance of big, “dynamic”, active teams of minions filling up big gleaming work spaces to illustrate their value to the shareholders.
@89 Where to begin. Illegals have been crossing the southern border since before you were born. Since before your father and grandfather were born. You got a way to seal off a 2,000 mile border, chump? Write up your proposal and submit it to DHS (not your GOP congressman, because he’s a black hole for fresh ideas and all other manner of thinking).
Biden hasn’t imported a single terrorist, nor is he trying to get illegals here, nor do illegals vote in our elections in anything but trivial numbers if any at all, nor is he or any other Democratic office holder a “servant of Soros.” You’re listening too much to the voices in your head.
Pay back your mother, purse thief.
@90 Isn’t that what Duncan Hunter went to prison for?* Except he spent the stolen campaign funds on five mistresses. By the way, Bush denies the allegations, so whether she used campaign funds for security services is undetermined at this time, but a mere accusation by dodgy rightwing sources is always good enough for you.
* No, he did not, because Trump pardoned him.
@92 “Today POS Cori Bush claimed the DOJ is undertaking a ‘review of her security services’. Same lie, different corrupt POS Democrat.”
“Two sources confirmed Monday night that DOJ was probing a Democratic lawmaker’s use of security funds, but the member remained unidentified. PunchBowl News first reported Tuesday that Bush … is the Democrat under investigation.”
Where’s the lie? I don’t see a lie there.
@95 Heck, they’re even shooting their own soldiers.
@98 “Claiming the border is the GOP’s fault will get you nowhere.”
I don’t know about that, but I agree that Republicans are better at creating false perceptions than they are at solving actual problems.
Bob won’t fly on an airplane not manufactured and assembled with non-union minimum-wage labor. It’s against his principles; who cares if it crashes, or he gets blown out of his seat at altitude through a hole in the fuselage. He doesn’t.
Compare and contrast.
This is a partisan witch hunt. I have the absolute right to keep my personal records and hide them in the toilet and then when subpoenaed to produce them have my groundskeeper try to flood the video room so no one sees the staff try to hide them under a stage in the ballroom. Beelzebub Jack Smith is a partisan hack with no authority over me.
A Delaware judge just gave Elon a $51 billion pay cut, subject to appeal, of course.
The CapitolParliament is under attack!https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2024/01/30/family-members-hostages-gaza-ward-pkg-vpx.cnn
It’s not so much that border security is an issue that Biden “wins”.
It’s more that, because of Trump The Rapist and this exclusive focus on doing service on The Rapist’s behalf, Republicans are converting what would have been a five point campaign issue (if properly exploited) and converting it into a one or two point issue. And with Trump The Rapist having been proven to have raped E Jean Carroll, defrauding lenders and NY regulators, facing felony conviction for election fraud, being bled into bankruptcy by multiple civil judgements, running on a record of almost pure failure, and with Dobbs on the ballot, a two point issue isn’t going to make it. A guy named Trump The Rapist starts five points in the hole and needs these kinds of grievances to dig himself out. And Biden district House incumbents need a five point issue just to survive appearing on the same ballot with him.
Republicans failed to realize before it was too late that this one issue was all they had. CRT flopped. Litter boxes flopped. Dick Pics flopped. “Ekinomik Nukyoolur Wintur” flopped. “INFLAYSHUN” flopped. Only “BORDER CRYSIS” had legs. And because it is a complex issue, the politics of exploiting it are also complex. Way too complex for the modern crowd of pinhead social media celebutard Republicans to master. The old guy just out maneuvered them on it. There is no path forward for Republicans that allows them to exploit the issue to full effect or potentially any effect at all.
MAGA has Tased themselves in the nutsack again.
I’m old enough to remember when drag shows we’re going to win 2024.
And I was born last year.
Aren’t we in a recession?
@121 nothing to see there!
It’s kind of amazing how badly the GOP has played this.
Very few people had Joe Biden as their top choice for the nomination in 2020. As Dumbfuck is so proud to point out, lots of people are dissatisfied with the job he’s done in office.
But no ‘normal’ republican can get through the primary anymore what with the MAGA and the Q and the “Nothing Matters Except Democrat Tears” base.
They are all in with the guy who hundreds of millions came out to vote AGAINST not necessarily FOR Joe Biden. And all those people are going to spend the campaign season being treated to memories of exactly why they would pick pretty much anyone who wasn’t Donald Trump.
And now those voters have the added awareness of:
He really did rape someone.
He really did steal classified documents.
He really did share classified info on submarines with some guy sitting at the bar of his private club.
He really did defraud the state of New York out of millions in taxes.
He really ISN’T a billionaire and much of his assets have gone to satisfy the judgements for rape and tax fraud.
He really did demand the party kill their own immigration wet dream of a bill purely to help him win the presidency.
He really did say he would pardon the people who smeared shit on the walls of Congress because all of them voted against him, ‘fraudulently’.
He really is unable to string a paragraph’s worth of sentences together most of the time he speaks.
He MOST LIKELY shared the intelligence with Russia who gave it to Iran who gave it to Hamas to avenge his targeted assassination of an Iranian General.
He really did set off the current genocide in Gaza.
They’re all going to turn out to vote against him a second time.
Their spelling isn’t that good. To a Republican, it’s “BOARDER CRYSIS”.
Now he gets to fight corrections officers, though I think that will be more one-sided.
“The purpose of the letter was simply to inquire as to whether there is any merit to a recently published New York Post story which reported on the alleged existence of such a relationship,” she said. “Since Ms. Kaplan has now denied that there was ever a mentor-mentee relationship between herself and Your Honor, this issue has seemingly been resolved.”
This is what’s known in the military as a “strategic redeployment.” In the old days, it was called dropping your weapon and running like hell.
So…Dumbfuck? Your weak incompetent president got a major Iranian backed group to come out and beg, “We didn’t do it. Please Mr. Biden don’t think it was us. Here’s everything we know about who WE think did it. Do you need one of us to draw you a map. We really really really don’t want to all get killed. We didn’t do it.”
Integrating the FBI killed the three black service members.
Clowns aren’t free. Looking this stupid on the air costs Fox’s owners a reported $10 million a year.
I don’t know why I’m thinking about it but there was a thing a while back among Evangelicals. A get rich quick scheme. They were all buying Iraqi Dinar. Around a couple thousand dollars could get you 2.5-3 million Iraqi Dinar.
They had all been told that a few thousand people had bought up the Dinar during the first Iraq War and become millionaires when the currency revalued. None of this was actually true and was easily googled but nevertheless the number of “Prosperity Gospel” folks flocking to the Dinar was notable. I don’t think too many people really put their whole nest egg into the Dinar but I’m sure there were some. Most were content to spend a couple thousand dollars to snap up 2 million or so Dinar. Buy…shrug…PROFIT!
From time to time it will pop into my head to see what 2,000 usd is in Dinar since I know someone who went all in trying to convince me that spending that on 2.5 million Dinar was the smartest thing you could ever do.
You could sell those assets now for about $1900.
Jesus wants you to be RICH!
The Gospel of Investment according to Dumbfuck
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News –
Generalissimo Bidenclown explains how he can get even for the deaths of soldiers he left stranded in the desert like sitting ducks by bombing more Arabs, and still Avoid Wider War.™
Translated by Fat Ugly Demorat Hag;
Demorat #1: Ms. Hag, how does more bombing avoid a wider war?
Hag: From now on we only bomb Not Wider War and completely avoid bombing Wider War.
Demorat #2: How does that work?
Hag: I couldn’t understand that part for certain, I think the Generalissimo said Blaaattt, which means only use bombs marked “Not for Wider War,” but maybe he just farted.
Demorat #3: Didn’t you follow up on the Not for Wider War bombs?
Hag: No, I had to leave the room along with everybody else, all I can tell you is that whoever farted dropped a real bomb! Hahaha. Anyway, I’ll be back later.
President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he had made a decision on how to respond to the recent attack at a military base in Jordan that killed three U.S. troops and wounded 25 others.
Asked if he holds Iran responsible, Biden said: “I do hold them responsible in the sense that they’re supplying the weapons to the people who did it.”
It’s what she gets for taking such a client.
Like Ted Cruz, like Mitch The Glitch, like Marco Rubio, like every pathetic weakling still breathing as a Republican, Habba has no other choice but to serve and to appease Trump The Rapist’s fragile ego. That means she is by her own choice made vulnerable to the momentary whims of tabloid editors laboring in the depthless engine rooms of “conservative” grievance shoveling bullshit into the fires. They call the tune and she must dance. As they all must now. Including our own profoundly stupid trust fund troll.