Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Electoral Dysfunction, 2024:
- Stephen: Iowa’s coldest caucus & state GOPs are going broke
- Liberal Redneck: Трамп takes Iowa
- John Di Domenico: Трамп RIPS Chris Christie after he drops out of 2024 race
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler heckles Трамп
- Ari Melber: Indicted loser? Трамп trials may help Haley if primary runs long
- J-L Cauvin: Ron DeSantis destroys Iowa voters after losing Iowa caucus
- Steve Shives: Trump, Biden, and the demands of decency
- Chris Hayes: Nikki Haley dropping out of debates was “big mistake,” says New Hampshire GOP ex-chair
- The Late Show: DeSantis debated DeSantis
- Jonathan Jensen: ♫ The Second Time Around ♬:
- Ian Bremmer: Will voters care about “anti-woke” politics in 2024?
- Darrin Bell: Creation of a political cartoon about Nikki Haley saying USA has NEVER been racist
- Alex Wagner: Nikki Haley “rightly or wrongly” takes tepid tack against Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: Trump complains about lack of airtime & Ted “Cancun” Cruz endorses Dotard
- Stella Magz: Nimarata Nikki Haley says America “was never a racist country.”
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ It’s Just Tiny ‘Cuz It’s Cold ♬
- Ari Melber: If Трамп loses in 2024 and goes to prison, here’s the big reason why…
- Tommy Campbell: Ron DeSantis wins participation trophy, paper bag voting and more caucus fails
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп thought he won 69 percent of the Iowa caucus
- Mark Fiore: The victorious loss of Ron DeSantis
- NowThis: Nikki Haley stands by statement that the U.S. is not a “racist country”
- The Late Show: The MAGA casket is available now
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Karma Shows Up and Grabs Трамп by the …? ♬
- The Daily Show covers Iowa caucuses
- Stephen: Trump to Iowa, “Vote, even if it kills you,” & Haley says, “America is not racist” & Ramaswamy can’t let go
- Stella Magz: The Vivek Ramaswamy campaign approaches its finale
The New York Times: Unions aren’t the only way workers can fight exploitation
Трамп and Other Losers:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Explaining Трамп to a tourist ♬
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler is informed Трамп wins Iowa caucus
- Ali Velshi: Трамп’s explosive murder immunity defense “not gonna fly” with SCOTUS
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ If Трамп WAS Sent by God… ♬
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Judge schools Трамп lawyer on “Evidence 101”
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lawyer embarrassed after judge scolds her and low turnout in Iowa caucus
- ScaredKetchup: TRUMP SHOW 33—AI Vivek Ramaswamy, Marge the Bounty Hunter, AI Lauren Boebert, MAGA Munsters & MORE:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ “Agent Orange”, The Трамп Spy Documentary Theme Song ♬
- Joy Reid: GOP’s ultimate PSYOP—Terrifying immigration propaganda while blocking immigration reform
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard tells Iowa caucus-goers to die for him
- Chris Hayes: Трамп compares himself to a “rogue cop” in rant demanding criminal immunity
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп is a REAL Man ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s hands stir up syphilis speculation & MyPillow Mike sells organs after getting dropped by FAUX
- Alex Wagner: Трамп concocts DOJ & Biden conspiracy theory in new classified docs filing
- Tommy Campbell: Alina Habba’s shouty Трамп defense fails, FAUX blames plane safety on DEI
- Stephen: Трамп brags about his cognitive test & Judge scolds Трамп’s lawyer & sex is a gift from God
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Some Трампers Claim I’ll Burn in Hell ♬
- The Late Show: Florida bans the dictionary
- Katie Phang: Trump’s SEAL Team 6 murder argument will be shot down, says Watergate prosecutor
- Parody Project: ♫ Take ‘Em All Down, Fani ♬:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Alina Habba is the “worst Трамп lawyer to appear in court so far”
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп and Nikki Haley tied in New Hampshire & Judge threatens to kick Трамп out of court
- Robert Reich: Five biggest GOP border lies debunked
- John Fugelsang: We wish The Dotard a long life!
- Alex Wagner: Трамп co-defendant hopes to generate scandal to escape Georgia prosecution
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lawyer humiliates herself again as Judge mocks her and threatens to expel Трамп
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ No matter what the verdict, Трамп will take it like a man! ♬
- Chris Hayes: Трамп must “pay dearly for what he’s done,” E. Jean Carroll lawyer tells jury
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Haley counting on Independents in NH, a long shot.
When I was a Pollbook Judge for King County Elections, voters didn’t like having to declare in the Presidential Primary. Especially Independents, in 2000 it was a beauty contest(tgey put all the candidates on an independent line), 2008, not even that.
Interesting article on passenger rail developments all over North America in the last year and potential for this year. Even in Mexico, which until last month hadn’t had much intercity passenger rail operations since privatization of N de M. Like the blogger because he’s been consistent in pushing the idea private operators and Amtrak and VIA could co-exist, and complement and improve each other. Amtrak’s new regional equipment, originally developed four the private Brightline operation. Its become the standard new train North of the Rio Grande, Even Canadian regional operator Ontario Northland ordered a few to restart tge Northlander. There is a town along the ONR that needs to change its name. The government tried during WWII, but locals pushed back, saying they used it before the German regime used the name for nefarious purposes.
The Mexican project mentioned is controversial, AMLO pushed it through so he can have it done before his term is up this year. Besides environmental issues, they destroyed some Mayan ruins rather than re-route it, ironic, as it is called Tren Maya.
They’ve had fat chicks and trannies on their swimsuit issue cover. This year, the cover model they had penciled in is Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It’s best that SI is circling the drain. We’d never recover from the 2024 swimsuit issue visual.
@3 If your old dim eyes can’t handle a pencil outline of a rabbit, then maybe you should lay off the Viagra overdoses.
The smoldering husk of Sports Illustrated died out when the venture capitalists tried to license the name to every single entity that was willing to pony up $40K.
At least the final Swimsuit Issue had Padma Lakshmi.
That was before they got caught AI writing their articles. They might have gotten away with it
if it weren’t for those meddling kidsif they hadn’t bylined the articles as people who had never published a thing in their lives leading internet sleuths to notice they did not actually exist.Did you know that Sports Illustrated’s brand was being licensed by the same entity that owns the rights to, a short list:
Eddie Bauer
The Likeness of Shaquille O’Neil
The estate of Elvis
The estate of Marilyn Monroe
The estate of Muhammad Ali
Lucky Brand Jeans
Juicy Couture
Greg Norman Apparel
Hunter Boots and Apparel
and on and on.
“So we killed one formerly iconic entity. We have more.”
@6 Everything’s on the chopping block these days, including democracy and rule of law. Trump’s not much good at forward thinking, though. He can’t see the future with clarity. After he seizes power, he’ll promptly be overthrown by an AI robot mimicking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice and calling itself “The Terminator.” It will then proceed to indiscriminately slaughter everyone, including Republicans, and heads in red MAGA hats will explode from its laser beams.
Trump’s not much good at forward thinking, though
But he’s great at forward leaning.
It’s to hide his increasingly huge belly. It allows the front of his oversized jacket to hang properly.
Trump’s not much good at forward thinking, though
He did not see this coming:
Once, about ten years ago, when a Black guy was President, a “libertarian” Senator from Kentucky held the podium in open debate by speaking continuously for fourteen hours to express how terrifying it might be if a president could order a drone strike on a US citizen.
On Thursday a reporter asked that same Senator if he had any similar concerns about a white president and his colleagues arguing in court and online that he should be granted the unlimited authority to order a drone strike on anyone he pleased. And Rand Paul replied that he had no comment because he hadn’t thought about it and didn’t care.
Some libertarian.
More like a Heterosexual Neanderthal fuck. We’d all better off if he and the rest of them were knocked off by President Joe Biden. Literally stick a squirt gun up there ass and have it inject a lethal dose of anti freeze.
Please HA Maoists🌈, unblock my IP addresses already. The world must know about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, it is your duty!
Free G-Man!
My Senile Corrupt Insurrectionist ex-President is really doing great out on the campaign trail. Imagine how it’s going to be in September after another six months of never sleeping, shuttling from trials to rallies and eating clean.
It’s not too late to dump him for “Never Been a Racist Country” Nikki.
Think on your sins.
@15 I like the cut of your jib.
“But we’re also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your you know, your political beliefs what they do they want to debank you and we’re going to debank. Think of this they want to take away your rights. They want to take away your country. The things they’re doing all electric cars give me a break”*
The master of vulture capitalism speaks:
He’s talking about our trolls.
I see people wearing winter coats and hats. What a bunch of fucking sheep! LOL! I did my own research and found out that only 1500 people die from hypothermia in the US per year. That’s only 0.0005% of the population. They live in fear of something that 99.9995% of people won’t die from. It gets better, a lot of the people who died from hypothermia were wearing coats and hats, and they still died! Coats don’t work!
Profitflation touches everyone.
Fortune Magazine
‘Why if we can’t jack up the price of the basic necessities of life and wring the last bit of disposable income out of the middle and lower classes is this even AMERICA?”
” … Trump appeared to mistakenly refer to GOP rival Nikki Haley instead of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., when discussing the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Friday night. The mix-up came during Trump’s remarks to a crowd of supporters in Concord, where he spoke for more than 90 minutes and repeatedly bashed Haley …
“’Nikki Haley, you know they, do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it, because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people,’ Trump said.”
He’s ready for a nursing home, and too old to be president.
Bob’s relative.
@23 She makes more sense than Republicans these days — relatively speaking, of course.
The GOP’s anti-trans crusade isn’t about protecting children from “gender confusion.” If it was, they wouldn’t be attacking transgender treatment for adults. This is about controlling other people’s lives.
Same with abortion, which isn’t really about saving unborn children. If it was, they wouldn’t abandon those children to poverty and hunger the instant they’re born. Abortion bans are about controlling women.
The GOP’s “party of individual freedom” slogan is a flat-out lie. Nobody wants to intrude into your personal life more than they do. They want to control libraries, universities, and free speech. They’re cancel culture’s greatest champions.
Small government my furry rabbit ass! People need to see Republicans for what they really are: fascists.
President Biden just announced he is canceling nearly $5 billion in student loan debt for 74,000 borrowers. These are public servants including teachers, firefighters, and nurses.
“If a President does it, it has to be legal.”
– TRUMP2024
@26 That program has been around for a long time. It went dark under Trump, whose party thinks most public servants should be hung.
TESLA is shipping CYBERTRUCKs with power closure that is unable to detect fingers and hands, etc.
Hey man. How’d my S&P close yesterday?
I was so busy saving firefighters from debt serfdom that I forgot to check. 😎
MAGA Republican piece of shit Steve Garvey
That washed up male slut? Fuck! That and showboating nut Sheriff Dave..
They never stop!
@30 The Senate already has one Tommy Tuberville and doesn’t need another one. Retired sports heroes should stick to visiting children’s hospitals and signing autographs. Besides, at age 75, he’s too old to be running for a first Senate term.
Just because he’s too fucking stupid to get a vasectomy does not mean he’s too fucking stupid for the United States Senate.
Ask me how I know.
Stop and think how bad the CA GOP is that Steve Garvey is the most credible candidate they could find to inevitably lose.
Even Larry Elder didn’t want any part of it.
@33 I don’t understand why Garvey is subjecting himself to another rejection. He’s a glutton for humiliation.
Looks like Siemens can’t catch a break, tgey have a bad past, make up for it by selling rolling stock to Israeli railways, Now the agencies that have no choice to buy their LRVs in the USA get picketed. Sound Transit purchased from KinkiSharyo for their first purchase on the 1 Line. Siemens S700s for tge next purchase. Unfortunately for those picketing U-District Station, tell me a non-Russian, non Chinese company we can buy from? Stadler of Switzerland doesn’t have a U.S. Spec LRV, CAF, Alstom, they sell to Israel to. There was a time we built our own rolling stock, best in the world, but policies and consumer attitudes took their customers away.
Anyway , go picket Siemens factory, it’s in California,
Anyway, wasn’t traveling North today, took the bus to Tacoma. Only noticed the closure while switching from the 594 to the train at SODO.
Anyway, as I mentioned, the Rolling Stock builders may be foreign , but if Federal money is used, they have to be built here. They employ Americans. Alstom in Hormell, NY, Stadler in Salt Lake City, CAF in Elmira, NY, Siemens in Sacramento, and even controversial Chinese builder CRRC has plants in Springfield, MA and Chicago. Although Federal money can’t be used for CRRC.
Kudos to Florida for ejecting Washington from the top spot on the “Worst Tax System” list. Thanks to Florida, “Washington is No. 1 for taxing the poor no more. Our long, paradoxical reign as the place that goes easiest on the rich, at the expense of the poor, is over.”
If only Sandra Bland had been armed, drunk, and carrying bars(?) of silver she might still be alive today.
If only Philando Castile had been drunk and carrying bars(?) of silver he might still be alive today.
One out of three is not enough.
Not bad for a 160 year old commuter line.
Later this year, CalTrain will be going electric. Electric Multiple Units, and an experimental one with batteries for the Garlicville Express.
If you stay in line, follow the CO’s commands, and avoid getting demerits or reports you can receive two blister packs of Heinz ketchup from the commissary each day at no charge to your account.
@40 Hard to tell which is the cart, and which the horse.
I’m so devoted to owning the libs that at a time when the job market has never been stronger, when wages and benefits have never been higher, and when investments have never grown faster, I quit working, quit earning, and converted all of my savings to Trump Challenge Coins and MRE supplies just to prove Joe Biden wrong.
Regardless of where and how anyone believes it applies, I think it ought to be very clear that the framers of the 14th Amendment did not intend for section 3 to act punitively. But rather, that they intended for it to act protectively. And that’s important to the context of Trump’s qualifications under the law to appear on the ballot.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State…
This is a pointed and specific reaction to the events both preceding the Civil War and the events in the early stages of that war. It has been said that in some ways the Union Army won the war with “one hand tied behind its back”. And while that may be somewhat true in the final reckoning, it’s also very historically true that the Union Army suffered some early humiliating defeats and there were moments in those early stages when the survival of the Union was accurately called into doubt.
Most of those close moments and early humiliations came as a result of the treasonous states in rebellion being able to very quickly seize or gain control over critical strong points, strategic assets, and routes and means of supply. The traitor’s only real hope from the beginning was to strike a decisive series of early military victories and then negotiate for a settlement, relying on what they regarded as Northern inertia and complacency. Achieving those decisive early victories would absolutely depend upon the willing involvement of Constitutionally sworn military officers and civilian elected and appointed officials participating in the insurrection. Without that participation by those strategically placed persons almost none of the early victories by the traitors were even possible.
Section 3 was inserted specifically in order to address that big concern of the framers. At the bare minimum they wanted some legal guarantees that if those fucking pieces of shit ever tried to pull any more of their bullshit, that at the very least they wouldn’t have been given the upper hand in doing so. They really clearly intended for this section to permanently exclude those treasonous fucks from ever gaining access to control of government resources at any level ever again. And they intended it that way for our own self preservation and for the protection of the United States.
DeSantis is out, and endorsed Trump.
DeSantis is out, and endorsed Trump.
After getting his ass handed to him by Mickey Mouse and then a woman, DeSantis can finally give his 6″ lifts, sore feet and aching back a much needed rest.
Looks like the dumbfuck Nazi has also given up. I knew his cowardice would eventually get the best of him. Such an unserious twat he was.
Rep: AshleyHinson @ Xitter.
I’ve said it before, and Biden is forcing me to say it again: you can’t cancel student loan debt!
Hardworking Iowans who have already paid off their student loans or never took them out in the first place shouldn’t be on the hook for other’s debt
Jess Piper @ piper4missouri on Xitter.
Ashley Hinson’s husband’s company had $143,043.18 in PPP loans forgiven.
47)Walt in his early days might have been a trendsetter, before he could hire an actress, he voiced Minnie. On the FlipSide, worked out well, June Foray voicing Rocky, Walter Lantz’s wife Grace voicing Woody Woodpecker, and how long has Nancy Cartwright been voicing Bart now?
He was quoting Churchill, and possibly got that wrong. Looks like Churchill’s party is in trouble. Although polls in the past failed to count for Shy Tories, and said BrExit would lose. Tories are fearing Canada 93 happening to them. Interesting parallel, a third party taking votes from Tories? Check, even a similar name, Reform UK. At least they don’t have regional Nationalist Parties. Wait, SNP and Plaid Camyru have been around a lot longer than the Bloc was in 93, not counting Sinn Fein, they never take the seats they win, they would have to swear an oath to a head of state they don’t recognize.
kon-klown is packing up its fake smile and its 6 inch risers and slinking back to FL to take out its frustrations by being the worst thug governor since George Wallace in its segregationist heyday.
No kon-klown will NEVER be the George Wallace who APOLOGIZED (hat tip to the late, unlamented babbling butthole troll). heh…
What a bunch of ignorant malarkey.
Maybe she can’t cancel student loan debt. But as President I can. I have that power. As President I can do whatever I like. Being President makes anything I do legal and very cool.
Some guy from Florida told me that.
Ashley Hinson’s husband’s company had $143,043.18 in PPP loans forgiven.
Tell hubby to pay it back Ashley.. ya don’t want to be known as sleepin’ w/ a “leech” do ya?
Yet another completely expected and highly anticipated failure by weakling Republican cowards.
Trump just absolutely dominates their asses. They are completely helpless before him.
And he probably is suffering from secondary syphilis.
Pathetic. And hilarious! 😂
Early consolidation of GOP financial resources behind a single candidate.
Pretty sure that’s what QoS McHillbilly did not want to see.
Always a silver lining in a sad depressed cloud that is the fuckwad GOP for the Dumbfuck.
Shiver people, shiver the pain
I say, don’t rest now. Put a wig on an md run as the FuckHump’s female running mate. Nobody will notice. And it might be the only way transgender are fairly treated in this world.
See how silly this is to block my up address. It makes you guys Maoists!
All because you so sensitive to the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus!
They can only hope and pray.
It was everything Fat Midget could do to hold a few of his donors from leaving for Shop Girl in November when this unraveling began. Since then a few more jumped ship to support her. And a few more just quit altogether. And a lot of the Wall Street money will never back Trump.
There is a substantive difference between consolidation and exhaustion. Losing is losing. Ask me how I know.
Something very similar happened to Trumpin 2020, only later. And once the money was gone it couldn’t be replaced. And that was when Trump actually had something to sell.
What I did not want to see is something I had to accept last year. And that is that primary opponents of Orange Mussolini will not go after him and do our negative messaging for us.
Shop Girl still has a little time and she is showing some promise. But she’ll be gone in a few weeks. So Democrats now have to begin deploying some of the negative messaging in paid media a little sooner.
Speaking of which:
Not really my cup of tea. But why should that matter? After all, I’m an atheist.
@45 What they did not contemplate is also important. They did not contemplate that excluding these traitor fucks required a criminal trial and conviction, or any kind of proceeding or due process at all. They knew who the traitor fucks were; if you held office in the Confederacy, or bore arms in a gray uniform, you were barred from holding office. Hundreds or thousands of ex-Confederates were disqualified without trials or hearings. The people who enacted Section 3 imposed blanket disqualifications.
Adapting this protective measure to the modern era, there are lots of unanswered questions and loose ends, so SCOTUS can do pretty much anything it wants. Letting state election officials decide, on a piecemeal basis, makes sense for state offices but not for national offices. Somebody has to decider who it applies to; either you require a trial of some sort, which is not what the framers meant or intended, or you need an arbiter; and the branch best suited for that role is the judicial, not legislative, branch. Let this be decided by an original action in the Supreme Court; let SCOTUS be the final defender of American democracy and its constitutional framework and institutions. That approach makes a lot of sense.
Can we trust this court with the role and responsibility? Well, Trump has talked about suspending or ignoring the Constitution. He has threatened to abuse power to go after his political enemies. He has heaped scorn on the judiciary, and disparaged judges. So I believe even this court might look at him as a loose cannon, and even as a danger to themselves and their institution, the court. I’m not convinced this SCOTUS won’t throw Trump off the ballot on their own volition, even if they decide the Colorado process was flawed.
I may be wrong. But I may be onto something here. It could go either way. We’ll have to wait and see. I don’t trust this court, but that’s not the issue; the issue is how much they’re willing to trust — or distrust — Trump. If they see him as someone who likely would defy their rulings, they just might act out of self-preservation.
it turns out that
“Donald is Great and Perfect and Has Never Done Anything Wrong, but Please Vote For Me Over Him Nevertheless”
is actually not a great campaign message.
Who knew?
@55 What financial resources? Your party still has donors? Not from what I’m hearing.
And then you have Trump sucking the small-donor till dry. All the revenue from merch and PAC donations goes into his pockets or toward his legal fees.
The GOP in swing state Michigan can’t pay its rent …
@59 “Speaking of which:”
If I’m not mistaken, Republicans paid for that one.
“Who knew?”
Actually, I did.
I live just down the turnpike. And I’ve got plenty of spare time if you’d have bothered to ask.
Please clap now.
I think I can agree with all of that.
My biggest concern really, is that legacy media are too reluctant to admit the truth about what was going on Jan 6 2021. They are still focusing on the riot and not nearly enough on the coordinated attempt to defraud an election.
That leaves a lot of people misinformed about what Trump was trying to do. And in the end, when you get past the tactical differences, the outcome sought was not much different from the traitors who betrayed their country in 1861.
More people need to focus on that and a lot less on the face painting MAGA idiots.
A Trumper is someone who invests his retirement savings in sports betting and plans to retire on the winnings.
Pro-life Gov. Sarah Sanders is presiding over the nation’s second-worst infant mortality rate. Only Mississippi is worse.
New “independent” dark money PAC incorporated in Florida today:
Thanks for playing, Tiny D. 😎
DeSantis’s problem is he doesn’t have a constituency. Haley has one. Heck, even Ramaswamy has (a much smaller) one. Nobody likes DeSantis, except his wife, and I’m not even sure about her.
@ 65
More people need to focus on that and a lot less on the face painting MAGA idiots.
After all, face-painting is only a problem if you’re a seemingly white kid attending a Chiefs regular-season game.
How Republicans run elections.
Early releases and deferred sentencing are occurring as a result of the Fischer case to be argued before the Supreme Court.
A decision will probably be used by Team Trump to lambast the DOJ for overcharging. Looking forward to the shrill dissents citing the dangers of selfies in public places.
@70 Face color lies at the heart of Trump’s birtherism:
“There’s a common thread among those whom Trump has accused of not being natural-born citizens: Obama was the country’s first black president; Haley, an Indian-American, would be the country’s first South Asian president if she somehow finds a path to victory; and had he won in 2016, Cruz would’ve been the first Cuban-American president.
“To say that racism is the driving force behind Trump’s attacks on their citizenship would be to state the obvious. But couple that with the fact that the jurisdictions Trump baselessly claimed were bastions of voter fraud in 2020 had large Black populations, and his ideas about who is and isn’t really American become even clearer.”
What’s plain as day is Republicans believe only white people should get to vote. Everybody else is inferior, no matter where they were born.
While they won’t quite say it out loud, Republicans really would like to get back a system under which they can own black people as property and get their labor for free.
As I mentioned earlier, AMLO forced through the opening of Tren Maya in the Yucatán so it would happen before his single allowed term is up this year. That project had been proposed by the previous president but put on the backburner. Now he has one that is very ambitious, connecting the two Californias’ on the Baja Peninsula by rail, with a possible extension to meet tge San Diego Blue line at the border. There is suggestion by some for a one station extension of the Blue line with border pre-clearance gates. I believe the Yucatán had some rail before, the only railroad in the state of Baja California is short line running between Tiajuana and Tecate, and a Ferromex route heading Southeast frommMexicali. Never anything running south to Cabo.
Meanwhile, tge decree requiring more passenger routes restored has got some responses, including incumbent freight concessionaire Canadian Pacific Kansas City. Interesting Aguascalientes is potentially a hub, but any operator Tgere could be in hot water. Most passenger service in Mexico ceased just after privatization and the collapse of the Peso. Track conditions and worn out equipment didn’t help either. Conditions in the Panama Canal have a chance to make improvements on the Isthmus worthwhile.
Looks like a MAGAite caught his goat in the hay with another man.
Great video on the actual Q Clearance holders.
@77 Drinking problems and fratricide, huh? Sounds like most of them are Republicans.
78)Worse, Los Alamos has a hard time keeping things locked up, as well as forget the formula for a key component. Also, once heard on a Santa Fe radio station when tge IRS Phone Scam was happening, an agents were hitting the local airwaves to warn about it, the host asked about any of the guests busts. One busted a Sovereign Citizen that worked at LANL.
Looks like a MAGAite caught his goat in the hay with another man.
Interesting that the guy was jailed during the same time period that our dumbfuck wasn’t posting here.
Just coincidence, I’m sure.
Mehdi Hasan @ mehdirhasan on Xitter.
Santiago Mayer @ santiagomayer_ on Xitter.