Thom: Why Republicans are embracing over-the-counter birth control.
Puppet Nation: Resurrecting Christie.
Cillizza: How close is the Senate race?
Thom: The REAL cost of a Big Mac.
David Pakman: Nutburger Rick Santorum thinks secularism is a religion and should be banned from school.
Young Turks: Ted Cruz booed off stage by Christians sick of his BS.
Bill Maher: “History will treat [Obama] very kindly”.
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
The Drums of War:
- Obama addresses the nation on the ISIL threat
- Jon with America..FUCK YEAH!
- Puppet Nation: If ISIL is ISIS, is ISIS IS
- Colbert: Obama should thank McCain and Cheney for being right on Iraq
- Ed: As Pres. Obama battles ISIS Republicans yelp like hyenas in the background
- Jimmy Dore chats with Peter King about ISIS.
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz’s stunningly stupid plan for ISIS.
- Ann Telnaes: Cheney’s Iraq record.
- Sarah Palin apologizes to America for something and then slips back into babble mode
- Chris Hayes: Republicans want all out war.
- Young Turks: GOP puffery over Obama’s speech
- Jimmy Dore: John McCain’s strategy.
Thom: Republicans have forgotten the victims of 9/11.
Mental Floss: 36 facts about cats.
Young Turks: Palin family caught in a drunken brawl.
White House: West Wing Week.
David Pakman: Scott Brown’s cringe-worthy introduction.
Ed: North Dakota nutburger Kramer things Obama has a “War on Potatoes”.
Sam Seder: Surprise. Latest Right Wing hero is a total fraud.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Cops Do The Darnedest Things:
- Black teen public relations.
- WaPo: “Your property is guilty until you prove it innocent”:
- Sam Seder: This may be the most important video yet in the shooting of Michael Brown.
- Young Turks: New video reveals disturbing details of Michael Brown shooting
- D.C. Police trying to prevent a citizen from video recording an arrest.
- Ana Kasparian: Ferguson cops start wearing body cameras.
- Thom: Racist policing in America
Bill Maher: The target Representative.
Obama: The 11th observance of 9/11.
Puppet Nation: Just go with Mitt.
Sharpton: Michelle Obama campaigns in Georgia while Republicans demonize ‘Black-voting.
Jimmy Dore chats with Arnold about Maria cheating:
David Pakman: Louie Gohmert wishes Central American kids were more like North Koreans.
Young Turks: GOP filibuster bill to overturn Citizens United.
Thom: Why we need to prosecute OUR torturers.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.