– Good on Councilwoman Sawant for getting arrested in protest of the $15 minimum wage.
– No nominee is above criticism, of course, but liberals shouldn’t be reflexively anti-Loretta Lynch.
– The more the merrier in primaries, I say. But I don’t think I’ll be supporting Jim Webb for President.
– Mr Cosby – you don’t have to talk. Maybe it’s time for women to talk instead.
– I’m a sucker for a good science story, and this one about finding out the cause of the Pacific Northwest starfish die off is pretty interesting.
“I’m a sucker…”
Well, that’s the most intelligent comment I have seen on this site. You sure are. Here is more proof.
Oh no…. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....d-millions
Good to know Piddles is taking his marching orders now from a 7th tier right wing website who’s author writes under the fake name of a well known movie character.
@1 Here’s a pop quiz: What matters more, whether the drafters of the Constitution owned slaves, had affairs, etc., or what the Constitution says?
@2 Looks like you have a soulmate. See #1. You two should get together, form a circle, and jerk each other off.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A gunman opened fire shortly after midnight last night in a library crowded with students cramming for final exams, and wounded three before being killed by police, at Florida State University last night.
Jim Miller’s latest expose:
“Mike Cooper Is A Democrat
“But you wouldn’t learn that from Mike Carter’s article in the Seattle Times.
“‘A federal jury has awarded more than $1 million to the former human-resources director for the city of Edmonds after finding she was wrongfully fired and defamed by ex-Mayor Mike Cooper after she raised questions about the pay and working hours of his executive assistant.
“‘Debi Humann had been the director of human resources in Edmonds for 12 years when she was terminated by Cooper in September 2011. She sued the mayor and the city in 2013 in what her attorneys said was a case of “small town political corruption.”‘
“The corruption, for the curious, seems to have been of the Clintonian variety, although the articles I’ve seen have been coy about those details.
“When I read the article, I immediately wondered what party Cooper belonged to. For about a second. Because, as we all know — OK, as we all know if we happen to be Republicans — when a ‘mainstream’ reporter leaves out the party in a scandal story (or hides it deep in an article), that means the miscreant is a Democrat.
“Almost always.
“And, sure enough, Mr. Cooper is a Democrat, specifically a ‘former Democratic County Councilman and state House member’, You may — or may not — be reassured to learn that he is now ‘director of the Mountlake Terrace Senior Center’.
“And still, I suspect, a loyal Democrat.”
This surely is Jim’s finest hour. It is rightwing guilt-by-association par excellence. In just a few short paragraphs, he impugns (a) the Seattle Times, (b) Bill Clinton, (c) Democrats, (d) reporters, and (e) mainstream media — all of whom are fellow travelers in a miscreant’s alleged “corruption” (although we’re not told exactly what the “corruption” consists of).
The only problem is Jim forget to mention a couple of people who are guilty by association with Edmonds’ disgraced ex-mayor.
First, there’s Suzie Hutchinson, erstwhile candidate for King County Executive, who like Mayor Cooper was a “nonpartisan” candidate. Guilty.
Then, there’s Jim Miller himself, who like Mayor Cooper is a homo sapiens. Guilty.
I assume Miller left those miscreants out because to mention them, even though they’re clearly guilty by association, would be embarrassing. In other words, a coverup.
Or whatever.
Stefan should rename the crumbling remnants of his pathetic little blog “Giggle Politics.” It fits much better.
IDIOT Wabbit @6
Puddy called it long ago…
Puddybud – The One The Only spews: Thursday, 11/20/14 at 7:12 am
School shooting at FSU… perp dead three injured. http://www.tallahassee.com/sto...../19311083/
Wait for the IDIOT Wabbit posting of the same event…
Slow Senility IDIOT Wabbit Stoooopid Silliness
Good try. Puddy Proudly Provides Punditry from all over except from left wrong comix sites. Puddy visited Daily Kooks (no Punditry there – just corroboration on Professa Gruber) two days ago. Butt, Daily Kooks is kook-aid not Punditry! Being a DUMMOCRETIN, those facts hurt your nanometer brain! Being Grubered hit you right between the eyes!
DUMMOCRETINS are controlled and receive their nightly goose stepping marching orders from Jon Stewart on Comedy Central.
Sux to be you!
GOP Senator Predicts Riots After Obama’s Immigration Order
“Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama’s executive order on immigration Thursday.
“‘The country’s going to go nuts, because they’re going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it’s going to be a very serious situation,’ Coburn said on Capital Download. ‘You’re going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. … You could see violence.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I assume he means rightwing riots, because I doubt that liberals or immigrants will riot over this. I don’t doubt what he says; I’m sure Sen. Coburn knows his constituents better than I do.
Seems that Washington Conservation Voters are hammering on “the press” (probably meaning the Seattle Times) for flogging the petroleum industry’s line that a “clean” (meaning lower-carbon) fuel standard will add a dollar a gallon to the price of gas. The industry, of course, wants to be left to do as it pleases, but the other side may be barking up the wrong cornstalk. If “low-carbon” gas is made by adding ethanol, it’s a net increase in petroleum use. Basically this consists of removing the dirt from under one rug and sweeping it under another.
But you did spend some time finding a 7th tier right wing site penned by someone who cribbed their name from a film character and thought it was so credible it needed to be posted here.
“But…but…but…I also saw something on ‘Kos so bow before my 7th tier right wing writer who stole his name from a film. Read the link. I Am Piddles…hear someone else roar!”
@9 Wow, a gold star for you!
Is it your first one ever? This must be quite a thrill! We’re all happy for you!
@12 Didn’t they say the same thing about removing lead from gasoline?
@3 Sort of in the spirit of “Marvin Stamn”?
@15 Big Oil is going to raise the price of gasoline by a dollar (and more) as long as people keep buying lots of it. If it looks like demand might be slacking off (or might in the future, as indicated by increasing sales of hybrid and all-electric cars and transit ridership) they’ll drop the price until Joe Knuckledragger America goes out and buys another gigantic pickup truck.
Whatever excuses the industry tosses out are really background noise.
Poor checkmate,
Two days ago Puddy wrote this
It must have hit a real nerve in checkmate. Checkmate watches Jon Stewart every night. That’s why most of checkmate’s comments are real comedy!
Each week Puddy identifies the Friday Night Comix are littered with 3rd and 4th tier toilet links. Then checkmate tries a new silly attack of Puddy finding this blogger. Puddy been using this web site for years. Just ax (Jesse HiJackson pronunciation) the crazed databaze deala! And now you choose to react? What a worthless pixel perversion!
And that’s the best checkmate can do. Calling Tyler Durden a 7th tier. Can’t even come up with something ORIGINAL!
@ 11
I’m sure Sen. Coburn knows his constituents better than I do.
Yes, I am sure he does, too.
Oklahoma has the fastest rise in people living in the United States without legal status. The Pew Research Center reports there are 75,000 undocumented immigrants, mostly from Mexico, who call Oklahoma home.
Travis @ 19,
You are arguing facts to a senile DUMMOCRETIN. It’s useless. Granite Encased Neanderthal Vacuums can not process facts!
Who is Tyler Durden? Verbal Klint is Kaiser Soze? The girl in the Crying Game is a man? HE WAS DEAD ALL ALONG!
Ben Carson has it right… http://www.teaparty.org/ben-ca.....ama-68361/
DUMMOCRETINS like rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears don’t like uppity blacks like retired neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson! rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears can’t hold a candle to the blazing intelligence of Dr. Carson!
Jim Miller, in closing another (u)SP thread-gone-wrong,
“There are more spam posts, which I remove one by one, than comments. It’s been over 2 days. Closing.
The discussion will continue at the trolls’ – I mean big-government-can-do-everything peoples’ – websites.”
Hey, Dickwad, quit using spam as an excuse to close threads and tell that cheapskate waitress-hater of yours to upgrade spam filters.
This has got to hurt the chafed puffed butt… http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....plans.html
checkmate… Let Puddy help you
A – Tyler Durden, the alias of several bloggers from the financial website Zero Hedge
B – Tyler Durden, a nihilistic character from the 1996 novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
C – Tyler Durden, the nickname of Owen Cook, a pick-up and life coach
Answer – [B]
Awww… checkmate got it wrong.
Sux to be checkmated every day!
Any day now, the rightwing noise machine will announce that the heavy snowfalls in upstate New York are “Obama tyranny.” And, also, further proof that global warming is a hoax.
Actually, I orchestrated the whole thing myself so the oil companies whose stocks I own will sell more heating oil to the suckers. It was easy; I merely asked the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit to make it snow.
So it’s MULTIPLE seventh tier right wing commentators? None of them have the courage to use their own voice?
@11 if Reverend Al Sharpton said something similiar about people in Ferguson, the right would have cried and whined that he was race baiting and instigating people to riot. But the idiot Senator and his Republican Klowns see nothing wrong in what he said.
Stirring up the shit, just to stir it up.
“What is truly disturbing is the fact that our government is willing to engage in the purposeful deception of the populace in order to thrust its secretive agenda on an unsuspecting populace and a sycophantic mainstream media. ”
Hmm, intense! Must be talking about Bush/Cheney lying our nation into a war in the Middle-East that senselessly wasted our country’s blood and treasure, not to even mention the missing $8,000,000,000 left shrink-wrapped on a pallet somewhere in Iraq. Heh. Lost. More likely divvied up between the Bush/Cheney clans.
“As I have said many times before, Obamacare…”
Oh, that. It should go without saying anymore that nobody clutches pearls or wrings their hands quite like a wingnut.
@24 – I could really care less Puffy…..It sure beats the know nothing do nothing crowd. The ones that mascarade as Freedom fighters, but are more like ISIS. They have nothing in plan except to keep you as Stupid as you are. A big Ape that can’t evolve past a banana or watermelon diet.
Hope your little pea sized brain can comprehend that.
Immigration reform . It was fine when saint Reagan did it.
Poor checkmate @ 27,
And their facts makes your head explode.
Not sure if everyone has heard but there has been another shooting, this time at FSU.
Sorry Rog, I didn’t see that you already posted it….I should have know, stupid me.
worser @ 31 is a moron… Butt that’s nothing new… Puddy explained this in the 11/18 thread. Reading ain’t fundamental to worser!
Simpson-Mazzoli was the law that Reagan acted upon. Passed law worser!
Sux to be worser!
@35 you were wrong the first time (or atleast not completely accurate), what makes you think that you’ll be right by saying it twice? It just makes you wrong twice. Try a third time.
Al Sharpton already made “interesting” Ferguson comments… You can read them online puffed chafed butt. Butt this sez it all, right from Ferguson… http://usbacklash.org/wp-conte.....rguson.jpg
Butt Al should pay his back taxes as identified by the NY Times.
“I’m a sucker…”
Well, that’s the most intelligent comment I have seen on this site.
So don’t read GOATSEBOYS’ comments.
The empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt is still getting his directives from left wrong sites… Butt, let’s discuss something really funny here. It’s just so uncanny how often you HA DUMMOCRETINS and your left wrong blogs you posit here every day need to run to Reagan! HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t like Ronald Reagan at all. When Obummer does something Real Americans are against and when DUMMOCRETINS know they’re doing something that is untoward; run to Reagan! When DUMMOCRETINS know they’re doing something that’s not aboveboard, this illegal alien amnesty clearly is under board, run to Reagan.
“Well, Reagan did it.”
Butt they will whip out their “love” of Reagan to save Obummer’s silly ASS when Obummer needs help when Obummer is trying to rewrite laws! 25 times Obummer claimed Obummer didn’t have the constitutional power to perform this action tonight! Flip flop! So much “knowledge” being a constitutional scholar! EPIC FAYLE!
So here is the truth from WikiPedia empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....ct_of_1986
So what law was passed that allows Obummer to do this illegal act empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt?
Facts, providing the sux in it sux to be the empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt!
Ben Carson couldn’t have said it better..
It has an R next to its name..
Butt, Ben Carson didn’t say it did he absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep?
EPIC FAYLE at another useless association. It really sux to know Dr Ben Carson has a much higher IQ than the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Funny that Raygun did this:
Wow that last part looks like Ronnie Raygun issuing an executive order to me!
And then Papa Bush did this:
Wow yet more Republican executive action to help undocumented immigrants to stay in our country.. Who’d a thunk that from the Republicans?
@41 Carson is a fatuous idiot. He will flame out just like Herman Cain..
Way to ignore the Republican who said the “darkies” remark..
Congress and Reagan enacted a sweeping overhaul that gave legal status to up to 3 million immigrants without authorization to be in the country!
Simpson-Mazzoli… Thanks absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
It really sux to know Dr Ben Carson has a much higher IQ than the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Reagan’s Immigration and Naturalization Service commissioner announced that minor children of parents granted amnesty by the law would get protection from deportation.
Raygun executive order…
President George H.W. Bush, acting through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, established a “family fairness” in which family members living with a legalizing immigrant and who were in the U.S. before passage of the 1986 law were granted protection from deportation and authorized to seek employment. The administration estimated up to 1.5 million people would be covered by the policy.
Papa Bush executive order..
Early efforts in Congress to amend the law to cover family members failed. – Congressional DUMMOCRETINS wanted to break up the illegal alien families…
Who knew? Thanks absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Goat Assfucker @22…
Pathetic fuckwads like the puddyfuckwad are so eager to prove their bona-fides to their corporate masters that they will believe absolutely anything that comes from Drudge, NewsMax, Red State, Faux News, the war criminal Allen West, the certifiable dumbshit DOCTOR Ben Carson, Rand Fucking Paul, Rick ‘I got glasses so I look smart’ Perry, Rick ‘Leaking Asshole’ Santorum and…
…wait for it…
…the Con Law (that’s con game law, folks) Professor…
My god…just look at those shining stars that beam and twinkle and form the Constellation of the puddyfuckwad’s universe. How smart is a dopey dick who believes anything these morally bankrupt fucks say? What about the other puddyfuckwad man crushes…Wayne LaPierre? Trey Gowdy??? Sarah ‘The Fightin’ Snowbilly’ Palin???
This is a guy who thinks Brit Hume has ‘gravitas’ and the Washington TIMES is a credible source.
Just WOW.
Ummm No, absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep, Reagan didn’t… http://thefederalist.com/2014/.....ive-order/
As all can see the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep has comprehension issues!
I liked it when you said I couldn’t find anyone to “creep” with me a while back..
Just like you found Pacman and … *guffaw* MWS… and .. Reckless..
As usual you wrote the book on that shit.. Sux to be you!
RE: @48…
Dude! I can’t BELIEVE I forgot Herman “I don’t have facts to back that up” Cain!!!
What about Alan Keyes and the Republican’s Favorite Shoeshine Boy Michael Steele. Now THERE’S a pair to draw to.
Yep just like Obama is going to do with an immigration bill languishing in the bagger House..
All the bagger House has to do is their job.
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears @ 48 head explodes.
Now rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears joined ekim into raw animal farm sex? Who know? How does goat vagina feel rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
It sux to be ekim and rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears engaging in their new pass time!
And GBS met Pacman at a downtown Seattle restaurant years ago! It’s in your crazed databaze!
You forgot to add absolutely low ID! Sux to be the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep
@35 “Explain” is not an accurate description of what you do here. “Barf” is much closer.
Oh absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep, you forgot the pertinent sentences…
Reagan allowed the children of those covered by the law to get processed. Big difference absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Early efforts in Congress to amend the law to cover family members failed. – Congressional DUMMOCRETINS wanted to break up the illegal alien families…
Who knew? Thanks absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep! Sux to be the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Create your own tag line, rerun, the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Sux to be the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
@45 IQ isn’t everything. The Masters of the Universe (TM) were smart guys, too. Didn’t stop them from blowing up the banking system.
So absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep, still dancing on Mike Webb’s grave?
Who knew? Sux to be the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!
Idiot Wabbit @ 58,
Hitler and Stalin… cheered by 1930 progressives! So why did you just now delete your heroes!
Thanks for playing IDIOT Wabbit! Back later!
The puddyfuckwad man crush on Herman Cain!!!
Pure man-love…touching.
I once thought that creating a (u)SP parody site might be kind of fun, but I’ve since realized that Jim Miller, Ron Hebron and Pudge have already done that.
“So Reagan, seeing this family unity problem…”
Well, yeah, there’s his failed first marriage, I suppose, and then there’s the kids. I reckon Patti Davis and her “Recovering from Dysfunctional Families” seminars pretty much nails it.
“…that Congress had not anticipated or addressed when it granted amnesty to millions of parents, issued…”
Oh. My bad.
Lovely. Just lovely. Destroy mom-and-pop businesses in small-town America and then refuse to pay a living wage.
Goddamn people. Why argue with the SchizoPuddle? He’s the sort of man that would stand in front of a starving little kid while eating a giant sandwich, grinning his face in half the whole time. He’s the sort of guy that would have hung out with Martin Luther King so he could spy on him for the FBI. He’ll be the man that will loudly denounce his neighbors when the Einsatsgruppen come through his neighborhood.
He’s a psychotic freak.
Racist OWS freakazoid vomit covered deadtoad @66 head explodes…
@ 67
You’re a liar, Schizo. Everything you say is a goddamn lie. Your post at #60 proves that. You know absolutely nothing of what was going on in the 1930’s. In fact, you know less than nothing, as you have some pretty bizarre delusions about what was happening to the world back then. Enough to confirm your deep psychosis to everyone. I’ll even be willing to believe you’re a Holocaust denier.
Sen. Tom Coburn, Wingnut, sez of the president’s speech tonight, “You’re going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. … You could see violence.”
OMG, in only a couple of hours, wingnuts will be unleashing anarchy and violence upon us all!!
Heh. If those photos of KKK members dug up by Anonymous offer a clue, those boys should have considered dieting and working out for a few months before starting their little civil war with us. What a sorry-looking bunch of tards.
“I once thought that creating a (u)SP parody site might be kind of fun, but I’ve since realized that Jim Miller, Ron Hebron and Pudge have already done that.”
@4. Boy are you brain dead. Seek help.
@60 I changed my comment @58 from “Hitler and Stalin” to “Masters of the Universe” during the 5-minute editing window because I decided likening you to Hitler or Stalin was over the top. You’re stupid, but not evil, and therefore don’t deserve THAT kind of name-calling, so I rewrote it.
The nuclear industry can’t be trusted. That’s why no more nuclear plants should be built anywhere in this country.
One must live a miserable life if you got you panties in a bunch over this executive action on immigration. You really must have a miserable life. Here is some advice purchase a gun and put yourself out of misery.
@44 that’s the third time you said that and guess what? You are still wrong. Try again.
Puffy your wife really should supplement your diet with something other than bananas and watermelon, it’s making you a little fucking crazy. Check yourself out it’s getting to be a little embarrASSing for you. At least you should be. Get a hold of yourself, you are unravelling at the seem and spilling the little peanut brain of yours on the floor.
Don’t step on it!
Really racist OWS freakazoid vomit covered deadtoad @68?
…are a great start!
Apparently racist OWS freakazoid vomit covered deadtoad only reads left wrong history! Sux to be racist OWS freakazoid vomit covered deadtoad!
Still no links from the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt. Reagan didn’t do anything like the progressives claim. Review Simpson-Mazzoli and why Reagan didn’t DEPORT the children of adults being processed. Much different then than now under King Obummer. Congress messed up. And since you didn’t read what the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep posted from it’s link corroborates Puddy’s comments!
Reagan didn’t give work papers. Reagan didn’t implement prosecutorial discretion.
Also learned from the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep’s link, we learn Congressional DUMMOCRETINS didn’t want to keep the children of those illegal alien parents here in America! Who knew DUMMOCRETINS hated illegal alien children under Tip O’Neill’s leadership!
Bwaaaaa haaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit gets his nuclear knowledge from Daily Kooks!
empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt,
How racist you are … Bananas and Watermelon… Another DUMMOCRETIN racist identified by Puddy!
BTW you finally wrote something truthful after being here all these years.
Puddy agrees… The old fart is truly brain dead. Nuclear knowledge from Daily Kooks!
@80 I have no idea what you are saying with reference to roger @4. Are you on meds? Did you stop taking them?
And please don’t explain, it will only be a waste of time to have to read.
I think you know I meant @44.
Uhhh…ohhh… Even the progressives are reacting… http://www.vox.com/2014/11/20/.....-obamacare
Even Ezra Journolist Klein tweeted… “This is such a dumb, unforced error by the Obama administration!”
Then we have this from libtard e-rag Mother Jones… http://www.motherjones.com/kev.....acare-much
And it’s time to resurrect this link with the chart from the libtard leaning Brookings Institute – From WikiPedia…
PuddyCommentary: How will the libtards address this now that they have been Grubered? ObummerCare will negatively effect 80% of the incomes of Real Americans. No wonder it’s at 37% approval. Did you find the link absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep? Check your crazed databaze!Jump doggie jump! Search that crazed databaze!
See ya Grubered peeps!
Idiot puffed butt @81,
You wrote #71.
Sux to be you!
Great speech!
Only makes sense. Strengthens our economy.
Damn! Does this mean the klownservatives are going to pay more in taxes??? And in return keep their kids on their insurance, not get dinged for pre-existing conditions, etc???
About freaking time those freeloaders contributed a little bit more to the pot..
To this point they been totally bought off on the cheap by klownservative politicians and their rich pay masters.
@62 – It’s maggot infested unAmerican fascist schmucks like you who have no facts to back up your hate-filled and moronic claims on that other blog. You have put the u in u(SP) – suck on it.
Uhhh…Ohhhh… http://youtu.be/0G3OMSC7eBU – Now Puddy knows where the HA DUMMOCRETINS get their left wrong talking points on Keystone XL… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ed-states/
Ruling… “All of this is laid out in the extensive report issued by the State Department earlier this year. The president might want to study it before he addresses the Keystone question again. In the meantime, he earns Three Pinocchios. We nearly made it Four Pinocchios, but it is correct that at least some of the product would be exported, based on current market conditions.”
Did you put a mirror on a chair in front of the couch as you typed this absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep?
Puddy thought Obummer claimed Obummer wasn’t an emperor or king. Why didn’t Obummer do this illegal alien action during the first two years when DUMMOCRETINS had both the House and Senate?
@81 He’s crowing over a typo in #71 like a big black raven perched on a power line clutching a piece of tinfoil in its beak as if it were a winning lottery ticket.
klownservative BUTThole @ 88
I’m not a SURREAL American like you butthole troll.
The way GOP governors talk about it, especially Scott Walker, immigration is an insignificant little issue the public doesn’t care about. Now that President Obama has shoved it up their asses.
“@62 – It’s maggot infested unAmerican fascist schmucks like you who have no facts to back up your hate-filled and moronic claims on that other blog. You have put the u in u(SP) – suck on it.”
Apparently the sight of brown people dancing in the streets after our beloved black president gave his great speech is causing wingnut heads to explode.
By the way, I’m no stinkin’ fascist, buddy. I’m a proud card-carrying commie-fascist. Try to keep that shit straight.
No, you are some unreal absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep! Put that into the crazed databaze!
Bark, absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep Bark!
As David Axelrod claimed Professa Gruber is next to stooooooooooopid, your face is next to moron in the dictionary!
Sux to be the absolutely low ID monomaniacal moronic moonbattic creep!!!!!
@94 LMAO! Yet another “grubasm” from the SURREAL BUTThole troll!
He’s hysterical this fiend! Hysterical!
Thank YOU BUTThole troll for your service to the progressive cause.
With friends like you klownservatism needs no enemies!
Sad but so true tweet…
Roseanne Barr @therealroseanne – it might be time for #billCosby to condemn the state of Israel so he can get back into the good graces of Hollywood!
IDIOT Wabbit @ 90,
Big Black Raven? Ahhh… yes another closet racist comes home to roost! Thanks for playing IDIOT Wabbit.
It was the empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt who told Puddy to learn English in the 11/18 thread while demonstrating his own English prowess a few entries later. If the moron can’t verify it’s own entries before clicking the Post Comment button it pays the price for stupid posts. So was it God who caused the empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt to mistype or Satan? Careful whom you choose IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy floats like a butterfly and string like a bee with FACTS! Then libtard heads explode!
This is so very true about libtards…
So “B-Car” (ha!) feels THE BIG GUY’S feely fingers all over him, pushing the Great Black Hope…sooory, it will NEVER be the puddyfuckwad…:-(((…to be annointed Umjabwe Prince Warrior or United States President or something.
The great TBOGG goes on to say:
Meanwhile, I’m sure the pressure inside the puddyfuckwad’s noggin has by now reached enormous proportions because the Kenyan socialist communist fascist emperor dictator feckless monachical megalomaniac has done exactly what Saint Ronnie Ray-gun did and offered about two or three mexican folk the opportunity to get worked over by the corporate masters JUST like the rest of us. Hooo-Raaayyy.
Personally, I think the guy (the puddyfuckwad, now) ought to report his whereabouts to the authorities. Even if there is no catastrophic damage to public infrastructure when his head finally explodes, there will be a horrible haz-mat (not to mention EXTREMELY toxic!!!) clean up what with that putrid ‘squid-ink’ and all…eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
PS-I hope puddyfuckwad doesn’t think that continually sucking B-Car off is going to make the puddyfuckwad smarter. Sorry Charlie, it doesn’t work like that…not for puddyfuckwad anyway.
“Just get your blankey and binky, lie down and go to your happy place children.”
John Boehner, mouthpiece for the ever-more-shrill Republicans, now claims Obama’s immigration initiative will “cost lives.” His reasoning apparently goes something like this. If 5 million illegals who’ve been in this country for years, have children who were born here, have worked and paid taxes here, who’ve complied with our laws and don’t have criminal records, and who go through the hoops of registering, etc., are granted amnesty from deportation — then, according to Boehner, it follows that more illegals will try to sneak across the border and some of them will die in the desert in the process. Therefore Obama killed them.
Believing Republican rhetoric requires a suspension of belief that Stephen King would envy. I don’t know how their voters manage it.
@100 I own a couple of pharmaceutical stocks. I wonder if they sell blood pressure medication? If so, I’m probably making a lot of money from outraged Republicans just now. Thank you, Obama, thank you! And thank you, Republicans, too! I appreciate your business.
You know, it occurs to me, what GOPers are really upset about is some Mexican will sneak across the border, pick lettuce in California for a while, then meet some gal and have a son who goes to college, gets accepted at Harvard Law, and next thing you know he’s been elected PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They’ve already lived through this nightmare once with that black kid with the funny looking ears and Kenyan dad. A black muslim commie who pals around with terrorists is bad enough; a Mexican would be so much worse! He’d invite all his little buddies in Mexico to move here and become citizens!
Then Republicans would never win another election again. And, even worse, they would become a racial minority in their own country, their kids would attend public schools where classes are taught in Spanish, Hispanic cops would prowl the streets writing tickets to white drivers, and … and …
I saw a news item this morning that Officer Darren Wilson and the City of Ferguson are putting the finishing touches on his severance package. I never believed for one minute that he’d ever go back on the streets in a cop uniform again, and I’m sure he didn’t either. He’s probably already booked a flight to a foreign country. Maybe in the Mediterranean, or possibly Portugal, somewhere with a balmy climate and affordable villas with a view. Portugal is where my wife’s long-ago neighbor went after he fell off a ladder while working for Boeing. It doesn’t really matter what the grand jury does. Wilson is a marked man for life, and he knows it. If he somehow manages to keep living in the United States, it’ll have to be in a gated community somewhere far away from St. Louis. One way or another, his cop career is over.
Wilson probably will write a book (with a ghostwriter, of course). They’ll call it, “How I Took Down Michael Brown.” It’s sure to be a bestseller because the Kochs will buy a million copies and distribute them at their motivational seminars. Wilson will make millions, and then he can retire anywhere he likes. The Ritz in Paris sounds nice. He might even meet a few deposed dictators there. Or maybe Mubarak’s kids or, who knows, Kim Jung Un might even eventually end up there. Hell, maybe he and Wilson will share a penthouse apartment.
I’m just thinking out loud, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything. I’m certainly not suggesting that Darren Wilson has a relationship going on with Kim Jung Un or anything like that. Dennis Rodman is a plausible possibility, though. With Kim, I mean; I can’t visualize Wilson and Rodman being together under any circumstances.
“there will be a horrible haz-mat (not to mention EXTREMELY toxic!!!) clean up”
Fat chance I’ll ever volunteer for cleanup duty again. 2008 was enough for me.
I’m killing time while watching my stocks go up. The rightwingers on Wall Street hated Obama’s immigration speech so much the Dow is up over 100 points this morning. I guess they like cheap labor and don’t really care where it comes from.
Anti-immigrant bigots hate any kind of gun laws whatsoever, such as background checks and permits, because it might give cops an excuse to arrest them for packing outside the White House or something like that.
Meandering through the wasteland of the last eleven comments; here is something worthwhile… http://www.bloombergview.com/a.....acrobatics
Wow… more emails that discuss whitey house DOJ and CBS News collusion… who knew?
PuddyCommentary: Attkisson was a bloodhound on the trail and Obummer sadministration DUMMOCRETINS had to call their CBS DUMMOCRETIN pals to stop Sharyl! Puddy claimed this long ago. schmuckosmegma (lib unsci) denigrated the PuddyLinks and claimed otherwise.
Well the FACTS prove PuddyCorrect!
Sux to be schmuckosmegma!
And on PMSNBC… Lawrence O’Dumbnell said on his show that he can’t find one single elected UMMOCRETIN who can explain how Obummer will be able to grant work permits to the illegal parents of children who are already American citizens. Work documents? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUEf6bnKbWo
For once O’Dumbnell is operating levelheaded!
The mental gymnastics required to simultaneously dismiss everything somebody has said, except for one particular thing that happens to agree with one’s worldview, must be exhausting.
Ahhh yesss…the party of the puddyfuckwad.
Ahhh yes… that old progressive DUMMOCRETIN tolerance is operating again… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/k.....close-shop
Great comment… “The Gaystapo finally unleashes Queernacht.
Next up, Christian small business owners in San Francisco will be required to sew a yellow Cross onto their clothing, for easier identification.”
Holy DUMMOCRETIN Hiring Batman… PMSNBC hires another Obummer DUMMOCRETIN… http://www.mediabistro.com/prn.....ns_b103502
Apparently having host Al NotSoSharpton is the Obummer’s “go-to man” on race issues wasn’t enuf! So much for PMSNBC preznit Phil Griffin claiming earlier this year that his network “has never had an ideology” just “a progressive sensibility.” http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....iffin.html
Randroid Ryan is sad that the President by deferring deportation for 5 million undocumented immigrants for 3 years is harming the poor Randroid’s chances of cutting taxes for the rich.
@115 – You don’t see the Nazism in not allowing someone to marry whoever they want to? If you can’t see that, then why would you think that anyone would see the same in what happened here? Sounds like a bit of hypocrism to me.
And if we are going to enter a world where you can deny someone the right to service or job or housing based on sexual orientation, then it should be just as right to do it based on race, religion, and color and everything else.
Let’s have it both ways and then it would be perfectly fine with me.
And actually I wish it weren’t the case, I’d prefer to have business and charitable organizations disclose their stance on gay rights and equality. That way I would be able to discern where I take my business and where I donate money to and where I don’t donate my money.
Let’s see how the business survives by going public on their beliefs. Transparency.
One person commented that they didn’t have a sign on the door that said “we don’t serve fags”. But I think they should have had that sign in the door. See how that is good for business. Don’t hide in the cloest as a bigot.
No shirt no shoes no service… Remember that empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt? So personal beliefs have no bearing to your kind eh? There was a company that Puddy linked earlier this year who was up front with their personal beliefs and your kind forced them to close.
You just proved that comment “The Gaystapo finally unleashes Queernacht”
Uh oh, watch out Mr. President, here comes America’s Toughest Sheriff (TM) and his legal beagle, Larry Klayman!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I laughed so hard at this, I almost cracked a rabbit rib.
@119 “There was a company that Puddy linked earlier this year who was up front with their personal beliefs and your kind forced them to close.”
I didn’t catch that post. Was it this company?
All these years later, it’s hard for many people to remember how ugly the hate was, how dangerous the haters were, and how much suffering and bloodshed it took so that someone like Puddy could sit at a simple lunch counter and get served. I get a feeling he doesn’t understand very well, or appreciate very much, what was done by others on his behalf.
Ahhh yes the old fossil zombie IDIOT Wabbit, he understands the black experience all the way from growing up in those rich Michigan towns and then attending university in Missouri being a white guy. Yessiree, HA’s IDIOT Wabbit is the expert on soooooooooo many things. Sure IDIOT Wabbit… tell Puddy about your outrageous racial situations! Puddy can’t wait to read about them.
Remember IDIOT Wabbit… Jesse HiJackson, one of your heroes said
later HiJackson said
This is why you are so senile. You have NO MEMORY at all!
Puddy’s father and grandfather are from the South and grew up in that climate, so please regale Puddy on how you know so much about the segregated restaurants, buses, cabs, etc! Once again IDIOT Wabbit is conflicting race with “The Gaystapo unleashing Queernacht.” EPIC FAYLE!
BOOOOUUUUYEAH! Sux to be the IDIOT Wabbit!
So when a business is upfront about their bigoted beliefs and once that information is out there, and right minded people vote with their wallets to spend their money at other businesses that are not bigots, and the like minded bigots do not spend enough money with that company for it to stay in business, that’s the fault of the target of the bigots?
Not to mention that the state of California added sexual orientation to their protected classes in anti-discrimination laws in 1991…
Photography business founded in 2009 (18 years after discriminating against gays was made illegal for the math challenged) is looking for a good place to open up shop. Well, we want to be able to refuse service strictly on the basis of you being gay so we’re going to open in California. Yeah, that’s the entrepreneurial spirit? Step one Run search on business name, check. Research laws of the state you plan to open….nah, no need. Register domain name and build website. Post Anti-Discrimination fliers that the law says must be prominently displayed….nah we don’t need to do that. PROFIT!
@110 “Meandering through the wasteland of the last eleven comments; …”
I’m curious how you make it through even one of yours.
Looks like the GOP’s scheme to shut down Obama’s immigration initiative just went off the rails.
“GOP leaders say they’re going to block President Obama’s executive action on immigration … by very specifically defunding the agencies that would carry out Obama’s executive order. There’s just one small problem. It turns out Congress can’t do that … because Citizenship and Immigration Services is funded through fees, not congressional appropriations: ‘We cannot, literally cannot, defund that agency in an appropriations bill because we don’t appropriate that agency. That agency is entirely fee funded.'”
Oops. I wonder what their Plan B is?
Man, it’s going to be a long weekend for Piddles
House Panel, Yep Darrel Issa’s House panel debunks many of the “theories” on a Benghazi dereliction of duty and cover-up. It was so bad even Darryl “Selected edited leaks” Issa couldn’t keep the waste of time and money under wraps anymore.
Better luck with Gruber. It’s all the rage with Fox News now that Benghazi is so 2014…
Plan B, stomp feet, hold breath, threaten to run away….
I wonder why Puddy doesn’t get that Republicans absolutely hate his guts?
Nice timing on that Benghazi report. Friday late news dump the week before Thanksgiving
“People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to “stand down” after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels. None of that is true, according to the House Intelligence Committee report.”
Hmm … here’s a Republican who thinks the midterms prove the GOP is screwed.
Ummm… checkmate wroteDarrel Issa’s House panel Really checkmate? From your link which apparently you didn’t thoroughly read… Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee’s chairman…
Does checkmate read? Puddy suggests NOPE!
Sux to be checkmated again!
Hey worser @ 124,
Remember the Chik-Fil-A brouhaha from you DUMMOOCRETIN libtards? They “walked” out with their wallets and many more conservatives walked in with theirs. Chik-Fil-A had better financial results when libtards protested. Sooooo where does that leave you libtards?
It’s a free country and anyone can do what they want!
Care to refute the SUBSTANCE? There was no CIA error. There was NO STAND DOWN ORDER. There was NO COVER UP.
Mike Rogers and you and I have history….remember?
That sound you just heard is a Republican, Veteran/Former FBI agent making it his extensively researched bus driving over the corpse of the indicted for grand theft, suspected of arson…
IDIOT Wabbit @ 127 didn’t read carefully,
Oh checkmate,
Caught again with you pants down for the 40 or 50th time now… and you change the discussion like always…
So those three operatives are lying?
@132 While it looks encouraging, republicans proudly wield fear, hate, oppression and money. Dems have to stand for something more than “we are not republicans.” Dems have to be willing to stand for what they say they value, and be willing enact laws that show that. Otherwise, the republican will keep winning elections.
Yep, they’re lying. There was no stand down order. They say there was, The House Intelligence Committee led by Republican who is hostile towards the administration after talking to hundreds of witnesses says they are full if shit. Yep, they are lying. The full weight of an anti-Obama house committee that has investigational jurisdiction says they are lying.
You can believe them if you want but that makes you a truther. “I have here in my hand senator….” “I read in this book that a Castro led secret society killed JFK.”
As you are fond of saying…got links?
As a privately held corporation they don’t report sales to anyone. What you have just claimed is purely speculation.
“When white people riot”
“How is it that the bad behavior of some black people is used to condemn an entire community, while the bad behavior of some white kids is excused and explained away? Maybe this is why residents of Ferguson protested in the first place.”
@123 That old fossil capitalist made $3,467 today without getting out of bed. How much did you make by working? (snicker)
@123 “please regale Puddy on how you know so much about the segregated restaurants, buses, cabs, etc!”
I lived, worked, and went to college in the South in the 1960s is how.
@124 Something like that.
@133 Well maybe your favorite car thief will get a better committee post next year, one where he can write the reports.
@134 “anyone can do what they want!”
Actually they can’t (there’s never been a human society at any time or place where they could), but I won’t go through the entire list of taboos here. Not enough space. But the mere fact you posted this nonsense tells us you never graduated from kindergarten.
@136 Go ahead, try that as your Plan B, and see if it works.
@138 That’s it exactly, and that’s why the bluedogs lost. Every Democrat with a spine was reelected this month.
@139 They probably believed this, too.
The latest miracle of the free market is a baby stroller that chops kids’ fingers off.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, it’s TORT LAWYERS who make companies stop selling stuff like this, and GOVERNMENT REGULATORS who make them recall their defective products. So much for libertarian economics. If companies could do whatever they want (see $134 above), we’d all be dead or at least have our fingers amputated by now.
@136. It’s a free country but I can’t say nigger without you calling out racism
No shirt no shoes no service applies to everyone and doesn’t discriminate against anyone group, unless you are telling me you as an ape like to be shirtless and shoeless.
@135 before you call me a bigot, I’ve got black friends, some of my best friends, actually spend 6 hours with him last night having fun over drinks till 3am. Who are your gay friends? Forget I asked I could care less if you have any and I would feel sorry for them if you did.
It’s a free country but only for one man and one womanly, with the exception of the polygamists that we don’t talk about, shhhhh.
Next Puffy will try to rationalize that discrimination is ok because you can’t speed.
The rights mind has go so twisted they don’t even know which way to turn anymore. Bunch of fucking schizophrenic assholes.
“Looks like the GOP’s scheme to shut down Obama’s immigration initiative just went off the rails.”
There are many plans that maggot-infested leftist progs can’t wrap their brains around – as you people have been Grubered – bwahaha … The new Senate can pass component bills one-by-one for immigration reform and move them to the President’s desk to be signed or vetoed. That will make news and show what he is for and what he is against. It is up to the Republican controlled Senate to follow through on this though. Obama said that he was out to fundamentally transform this country in 2008 into what only HE wants it to be. This will become more clear after he takes action on legislation coming from the Senate – something POS Harry Reid refused to do. Obama is not trying to be an emperor – emperors do not plot the destruction of their own country. Go suck on that !
Hmmm SB744 a comprehensive immigration reform bill brought to the floor by Majority Leader Harry Reid and bill passed June 13 Yea 68 (52D, 14R, 2I) Nay 32 (32 R)
Number of votes on that bill after being sent to the Republican lead house…zero
Number of minutes of debate allowed on the Senate passed bill by House Speaker John Boehner – R….zero.
“Get a clue Morans!”