Trevor and Barack: Navigating America’s racial divide.
David Pakman: Most Americans realize that things are pretty good under Obama.
How one man found his inner Obama.
Putin Puppet, Pussy Pawing, Presnit Erect Трамп:
- Daily Show: The gift of reproductive rights
- Olbermann: Our new corporate overlords plan to thrive.
- Conan: Трамп and Obama’s last phone calls of 2016.
- Jon Stewart and David Axlerod on what makes Трамп’s presidency horrible
- Roy Zimmerman: My TV
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is the result of years of GOP anti-intellectualism
- David Pakman: Do Трамп supporters realize that Trump has NO mandate?
- Thom and Dan Sisson: Thomas Jefferson would be appalled.
- Michael Brooks: Oh Good! Henry Kissinger is Giving Трамп “presidential advice”
- Young Turks: Those weren’t LIES…Трамп was being “symbolic”
- Rachel Maddow and Seth Mayers on Трамп conflicts of interest.
- David Pakman: Newt Gingrich admits that Трамп is not draining the swamp
- Conan: Трамп calls Obama about line of succession.:
- David Pakman with Richard Cahan: Трамп’s Muslim registry should remind us of Japanese internment camps
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at climate change and a Трамп presidency
- Mark Fiore: The Трамп who stole America
- Thom: To hell with Godwin’s Law… We’re there!
- Sam Seder: The imminent threats to voting rights under the Трамп administration
- Seth Meyers: Tweetin’ with the Prez
Michael Brooks: Alex Jones is back to Birferism!
Mental Floss: 27 things you might not know about Star Wars.
Left behind in the rush for lithium.
The Hostile Transfer of Power:
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at the power grab in North Carolina.
- Michael Brooks: NC just experienced a coup. It could spread.
- Samantha Bee: A very special legislative session
- Thom: The NC GOP power grab.
Samantha Bee: Strange bedfellows.
Young Turks: Michelle Obama responds to “angry black woman” criticism.
2016 Pretty Much Sucked:
- The Daily Show year in review
- Key of Awesome: The 2016 Didn’t Totally Suck Song
- James Corden recaps 2016
- Four heated house moments from 2016
Demographics of the 115th Congress.
Jonathan Mann: Abolish the Electoral College:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.