Truth Mashup: Glenn Beck’s crazy defense of anti-gay bill .
John Green: Is the American Dream real?:
Sam Seder: Poor Mitt Romney doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
Spying on the Senate:
- Desk to Desk: Explaining the CIA search allegations.
- Sen Feinstein’s double standard.
- Mark Fiore: Bestest Friends.
Thom: What do cancer and Reaganomics have in common?
Mental Floss: 21 mind-blowing now-extinct life forms.
Is this World War III.
Obama Nation:
- Obama calls Putin.
Pap and Thom: Another week, another GOP voter suppression bill.
The Prosecution of the Uber-rich:
- Sam Seder: Another demented billionaire says addressing inequality is Nazi talk.
- Sam Seder: Why do crazy rich people keep talking about Nazism?
- Sam Seder: Billionaire Home Depot founder apologizes for calling us Nazis.
Ann Telnaes: The high cost of the Iraq war.
The Law and Lesbians:
- It’s hard for a lesbian to get a proper stoning these days!
- Young Turks: So, a lesbian knocks on a church door….
Newsy News: CPAC, Crimea & Masturbation.
AC370—Breaking News:
- Young Turks: A freaking psychic?!?!
- Matt Binder: Rupert Murdoch’s insane Malaysia airplane conspiracy theory.
- Young Turks: What Noah’s Ark tells us about Flight 370.
- Sam Seder: CNN W.T.F?!?
- Young Turks: Chuck Todd rips CNN.
- Young Turks: FAUX News host blames flight 370 disappearance on Muslims.
David Pakman: Harry Reid, “Republicans are addicted to Koch”.
Things to do in your 20s: Get Covered:
Republicans Target Millennials in New Ads:
- Paycheck–The Original
- Paycheck with Last Week Tonight goodness
- All of the Above–The Original
- All of the Above with Last Week Tonight goodness
- Sam Seder: The G.O.P.’s bizarre millennial advertisement.
- Young Turks: GOP launches ad campaign courting minorities.
Sam Seder’s moving rememberance of Fred Phelps.
Maher: New Rules (via Crooks and Liars).
White House: West Wing Week.
Republicans Say the Darnedest Things:
- Richard Fowler: Paul Ryan is really convinced poor people are lazy
- Paul Ryan: The inner city expert.
- Richard Fowler takes on Paul Ryan’s stupid, racist comments
- Sharpton: Republicans still obsessed with Black “cheats”.
- Pap and Sam Seder: Why Republicans should not use Twitter.
- Truth Mashup: Watch Republicans dodge Ted Nugent questions.
- Sam Seder: Nutjob Chicago Republican, “gay rights are responsible for natural disasters, mental disorders”.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.