– I was chatting with Dan Robinson last night at DL, and he was telling me about an encounter he had during his latest call-in for jury duty. An older gentleman, when asked if he thought the accused had done something wrong, responded by saying “well, he must have done something wrong, or he wouldn’t be here.” The examples of why it’s a bad idea to believe that are far too numerous to mention, but another huge one surfaced last week.
Over at Reason, Radley Balko breaks another story involving corruption in Mississippi. In this case, an old video surfaced showing Michael West, a forensics expert working on a case from Monroe, Louisiana, intentionally putting bitemarks on a toddler who’d drowned in a bathtub. The defendant who was eventually convicted in the case, Jimmie Duncan, has been sitting on death row for 10 years.
Balko has long covered the case of Mississippi’s main medical examiner and West’s colleague, Steven Hayne (more posts here). Hayne has been doing autopsies in Mississippi for 20 years (and doing far more than other forensics experts say is even possible) and has testified in thousands of trials. There have already been a number of people who’ve been exonerated by DNA or other evidence after being sent to long prison terms, or even death row, by Hayne’s testimony.
– Josh Marshall writes about Sir Allen Stanford, the nation of Antigua, and how the latter owes the former $100 million.
Now, I have an affinity for the place because I’ve been there three times. Not that I’m some big Caribbean island hopper or world traveller. It’s the only place that I’ve ever been in the Caribbean. But I’ve been there three times. So I know the place a bit. And Stanford’s flameout has completely upended the whole place because he had made himself such a player there. As a funny illustration, a few days ago I went to the website of the local newspaper, the Antigua Sun, to try to find out the latest on what was happening down there. And I couldn’t find anything about it, which struck me as weird. And then I dug a little deeper to discover that … well, the Antigua Sun is owned by Sir Allen. So maybe that explains it.
The country has been hit by a major banking panic, not surprisingly. And the entire population has been in a panic over what’s going to happen to the country. Today the government announced that it is confiscating the land that Sir Allen owns in the island “to protect the national economy.” And that makes me wonder if more of that might be afoot because a few days ago the Prime Minister revealed that the government of Antigua owes Stanford “more than $100 million.”
And in good news for rich Americans looking to do business in the Caribbean, we might be able to play in Cuba again soon.
– Legendary drug warrior Calvina Fay speaks out against the California bill to regulate marijuana:
“If we think the drug cartels are going to tuck their tails between their legs and go home, I think we’re badly mistaken,” Fay said.
“They’re going to heavily target our children.”
Calvina, they already heavily target our children. Not just as customers, but as employees too. If you legalize marijuana, you’ll no longer have 16 year old kids standing on the street selling it. You’ll have old hippies in a head shop or maybe a state liquor store doing that. And the unscrupulous people who still try to sell drugs to young people? Well, we’ll finally have the police resources to catch them when we’re not wasting our time trying to arrest Michael Phelps.
– Finally, with Jenny Durkan looking to become the U.S. Attorney for Western Washington, what will happen with the case against Marc Emery, the Canadian marijuana seed-seller who’s long been fighting extradition by the previous two U.S. Attorneys here?
There was a good story on the Nat-Geo Channel called “Marijuana Nation,” and Marc Emery was featured in the piece. He is, in his words, “fighting to defeat the United States’ War on Drugs.” I think the US government should leave Mr. Emery alone and realize that making marijuana illegal was a bad choice that we’ve doggedly held to for nearly 70 years. It’s time to recognize that this substance is here to stay, it is enjoyed by many otherwise law-abiding, decent and productive citizens and it should be legalized for adults to enjoy as they currently enjoy alcohol.
Is marijuana the Bluebird of Happiness? Certainly not, but is also not the Black Death and Scourge of Western Civilization. It’s time to legalize this common weed. Hopefully, Ms. Durkan will drop the terror campaign against Mr. Emery, and the Drug Warriors will concentrate on more pressing problems.
Lee, I’m sure Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Jim McDermott, and some HA loons will jump at the chance to go to Cuba “legally”. Maybe Bill Clinton will go to get some fresh cigars.
After all Raul, Fidel and Sean are bestus buds and I’m sure Sean will introduce the others to his bestus buds…
Puddy’s family went with some friends on a Caribbean cruise. When we landed in Dominican Republic the ship’s captain told us if we bought Cubanos people had to smoke them there. When we docked in St Thomas, US Customs told the people to take them off the boat or else lose them. Bill Clinton wouldn’t have to worry now… :)
Not surprised about Mississippi, but don’t worry, they will join the rest of the United States Of America in the 21st century probably around 2245. As a matter of fact any death sentence handed out in Mississippi should automatically be overturned forever, those good ole boys just can’t stop their fetish for lynching.
So Lee, I take it you attach some significance that the closed minded juror was an “older gentleman.”
Lee, thanks for the Dan Robinson link…
While visiting there Puddy found this: “There is a great article in the NY Times about keeping primates as pets.”
Puddy immediately thought of how HA keeps Rujax!, clueless village idiot, Ekim, leadless douchy, stillbentover, etc. as their pets. Curious though, which ones are baboons and which ones are chimps?
Why do you keep pets? Cause they give you enjoyment. These five and others give Goldy and the Gang enjoyment. Puddy already knows how the libtards think of him so in no way (Inouye) can Puddy be a pet.
Thanks for the great morning laugh!
5 – zzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzz….
Fool and a tool.
Hey Moron. Didn’t you say Paulson was a “Democratic”.
@6 Paulson’s just another victim of the Republican “throw him under the bus” mentality. Republicans. They now eat their own. As with the unfortunate David Brooks, Puddy will soon declare Paulson to be “an avowed lefty”.
7 – Stupes says he proved Paulson was a “Democratic” which is funny because why would that chimpanzee who is no longer in the White House pick him for his cabinet if he wasn’t going to toe the line on the same dumbass policies that Stupes himself voted for twice?
Poor Stupes: fool and tool.
I’m happy their eating their own. At the rate they’re going, they’ll be none of them left. The last cannibal standing will be put in a cage to be an object of scientific study and curiousity.
Then the country can move forward.
I can imagine the last one standing being Stupes, but naaah, the poor fool’s too simple.
5. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Now that is funny stuff.
Can’t help but visualize the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS in their HA Cage lickin’ their butts and their buddy’s butts!
And pickin’ ticks & other insects offa each other!
This is one vision that is clearly cemented for me.
Thanks for the laugh of the week!
That search times out after a while:
CHICAGO,IL 60606 GOLDMAN SACHS & COMPANY 5/9/05 $25,000 National Republican Senatorial Cmte (R)
CHICAGO,IL 60606 GOLDMAN SACHS & COMPANY 5/30/02 $10,000 National Republican Senatorial Cmte (R)
CHICAGO,IL 60606 GOLDMAN SACHS & COMPANY 12/9/03 $10,000 National Republican Senatorial Cmte (R)
CHICAGO,IL 60606 GOLDMAN SACHS & CO 9/23/97 $10,000 National Republican Congressional Cmte
“An older gentleman, when asked if he thought the accused had done something wrong, responded by saying ‘well, he must have done something wrong, or he wouldn’t be here.’ The examples of why it’s a bad idea to believe that are far too numerous to mention …”
Oh c’mon, Lee. This is the oldest trick in the book for getting out of jury duty, and that’s all the guy was doing.
“And Stanford’s flameout has completely upended the whole place because he had made himself such a player there.”
This happens to employees of companies, too, when the rich guy who “created jobs” turns out to be a phony.
@2 I’m sure thousands of Republicans who have been smuggling in Cuban cigars will jump at the chance to import them legally.
How do I know the people who illegally import Cuban cigars are Republicans? Easy, the working class can’t afford them.
For 5 decades now, Republicans have honored the Cuban embargo by buying their Cuban cigars from European exporters instead of Cuban exporters.
Ooops! Silly me! Trade embargoes against our enemies are something only the “little people” have to comply with! The rich are exempt.
Steve and his leetle moronic friend clueless village idiot… Paulson IS a Democratic. I arm you with factual information and you can’t/won’t/choose not to process it.
If you go back and look at the December/January time frame Puddy placed three links on HA where Paulson placed two Robert Rubin friends who are avowed Democratics into the Treasury. Remember the Eric Mindich links? No well why are you so stupid and forgetful? Mindich was a leading Hillary Democratic fundraiser and he placed him in a key role as an adviser on financial markets.
Did you forget the Treasury Under Secretary Robert Steel links? He switch hits for whomever is in power. He gave to John Edwards, Jon Corzine, Evan Bayh, Tom Strickland and Erskine Bowles.
Or the link about his wife Wendy? Wendy Paulson contributed $32,800 to Democrats, compared with $10,500 to Republicans, $1,000 to Sen. John McCain for his 2000 presidential run and the rest to liberal Republicans. Her contributions include $6,000 to Sen. Hillary Clinton and $5,000 to HILLPAC (Clinton’s political action committee). Wendy contributed $410,000 to the League of Conservation Voters. This was the organization that supported John Effin Kerry for President. Hmmm…?
Or the link where Paulson was for Kyoto against Bush?
Why Steve are you exhibiting Dr NotRight’s forgetful attributes? I can understand the bottom feeder clueless village idiot… as his mind is a terrible thing. But Steve, you mentioned you stopped drinking the stupid solution. Come on man, you are smarter than this…
Think I’m kidding?
“My-Cuban-Cigars.com offers the best selection of authentic Cuban cigars delivered from Western Europe anywhere in the world. Cigars are sent in original factory sealed boxes with intact Cuban factory seals and are delivered to your doorstep in a prompt and confidential way within 4-10 days.”
Google “cuban cigars” and you’ll come up with dozens of websites like this one. Bush’s G-men and federal prosecutors had 8 years to shut down these operations and prosecute their American customers. How many online Cuban cigar vendors were put out of business? None. How many of their American customers were arrested for smuggling contraband through the mails? None. Why? Because the cheaters who get around the embargo by buying their Cuban smokes from European vendors are Republicans, that’s why.
Lookie here, clueless village idiot@10 actually uses a link Puddy provided him, cherry picking…because he had no clue where to look.
PAULSON, HENRY JR MR CHICAGO, IL 60606 GOLDMAN SAKS LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS 527 I – $125,000 primary 10/28/03 Jockstraps of Donkey…
Paulson, Henry M Jr. New York, NY 10004 Goldman Sachs & Co./Investment Bank GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, THE – $2,500 primary 03/14/03 These are the Democratic lovers
Paulson, Henry M Jr. New York, NY 10004 Goldman Sachs & Co./Investment Bank GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, THE – $5,000 primary 02/19/03
And whom did Goldman Sachs jockstrap again?
This one says it all…
PAULSON, HENRY M SCHUMER, CHARLES E (D) House (NY District: 09) FRIENDS OF SCHUMER $1,000 primary 03/18/96
Republican Congressman Caught Smoking Cuban Cigar
“… in April 2005, Time Magazine published a p hoto from a government-funded July 2003 trip to Israel, in which [GOP Rep. Tom] DeLay is seen smoking a Cuban cigar.”
15 – LMAO!!! You are so totally losing it!
Read 10 moron. Do the full search at opensecrets.
It’s almost all R’s.
What Democrat gives money to Republican organizations whose sole purpose is to elect more Republicans?
You’re such a fool.
Maybe he believes in conservation. He’s a “conservative” isn’t he? LMAO!! I remember saint Ronnie Raygun saying “I wouldn’t be a conservative if I didn’t believe in conservation.”
Paulson gives $1000 to Chucky Schumer and $55,000 to help elect more Republican Senators!!!
What a loon!
GOP Lt. Gov. Squanders Taxpayer $$$
Ooohhh lookee what I found on the internet tubes! While Republicans criticize Democrats for stimulating the economy and wasting money on things like unemployment benefits, food stamps, kids’ health care, and aid to state governments — LOOK AT WHAT FLORIDA’S REPUBLICAN LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IS UP TO!!
“Florida’s little-known lieutenant governor, Jeff Kottkamp, billed taxpayers $425,000 for 365 flights on state planes during his first two years in office, the Sun Sentinel found.
“Two-thirds of the flights involved getting Kottkamp to and from Fort Myers, where he and his wife own a $1.4 million house.
“State planes flew empty one-way 70 times to pick him up or drop him off in his hometown, flight records show. Kottkamp’s wife and toddler son flew for free on some two dozen trips, despite rules requiring them to pay. Those flights cost taxpayers $12,974. In response to questions from the Sun Sentinel, the governor’s office said Friday that Kottkamp would reimburse the state for his family’s flights.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, that’s mighty generous of him, offering to reimburse taxpayers for $12,974 of the $425,000, after he was caught. Maybe stimulus aid to states isn’t such a good idea after all … at least, not to states with Republican state office holders.
Ohhhh the poor poor clueless village idiot. Paulson gave to Republicans as of 2004, over $100,000 in the 2004 cycle. Before that, he gave to the Goldman Sachs PAC – Democratic lovers and to Bill Bradley Chucky Schumer, etc. He gave $125,000 in the 2003 to the LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS Jockstraps of Donkey… Supporter of John Effin Kerry.
It’s such a sad day when everyone can see clueless village idiot is not teachable by facts…
His wife jock strapped Hillary. His wife gave $410,000 to the same LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS Jockstraps of Donkey…
He gave over $175,000 to Goldman Sachs PAC. And when Pelletizer asked who did they support Puddy provided the proof. At least when Pelletizer sees the proof he usually drops it. But every now and then he too finds a used bottle of Steve’s Stupid Solution and drinks heartily.
This is the reason you are a bottom feeder clueless village idiot… you have no understanding of whom the “groups” are.
22 – LMAO!! His wife is free to have her own politics.
Ever hear of Matalin and Carville?
Or in your simple mind just because his wife is independent, it means she’s a radical feminist who manipulates him to give 10’s of thousands of dollars to elect Republicans.
You’re so insane!
Hey puddy, what do you have to say about the unpatriotic Republican congressman who smokes the Cuban cigars that American working stiffs can’t get?
Maybe it’s better if you don’t say anything.
Hey puddy! What do you have to say about the free-spending Republican politician in Florida who spent $425,000 of the taxpayers’ money on fancy private air transportation for himself and his family between the state capitol and their $1.4 million home?
Shades of Sarah Palin! Maybe it’s better if you don’t say anything.
Matalin works for a living.
I can’t find any job Wendy Paulson held…except as a “volunteer teacher”. So as a volunteer foolish clueless village idiot where would those funds come from.
Thanks for playing the fool today…
Pelletizer I have nothing to say. I never take your word for anything…
It just feels a little strange to hear people who steal from taxpayers calling unemployment benefits and food stamps “wasteful spending.”
It’s all caving in on you Stupes.
Your discredited ideology. The corrupt people you’d vote for in a flat second when they mouth the platitudes that comfort you.
Now Roger just exposed the Republican who sucks on Fidel’s stogies. Gee I wonder if Limbaugh isn’t far behind.
That’d be sweet justice indeed.
Ahhh yes, the standard clueless village idiot change the argument now cuz clueless village idiot was once again proven to be the clueless village idiot.
Good try clueless village idiot, but Puddy don’t play dat.
Some more fodder for the fool who believes Paulson is “Democratic”:
You’ve been shredded moron.
Glad you liked the Puddy monkey business joke. And these HA fools said Puddy doesn’t have a sense of humor…
Sadly clueless village idiot, the contribution facts don’t support the article you post.
Puddy already admitted to that. Nothing new. Next.
But thanks for proving to everyone Wendy Paulson was a
. See how easy that was…Nope you dope?
Now that we see Wendy Paulson had no visible means of income… Here is what HAs clueless village idiot wants to hide… Republicans $5000 The rest to the Democratic…
Since she has no income means and she gave $401,000 to the League of Conservation Voters and the League of Conservation Voters jockstrapped John Effin Kerry, what does that say?
That he’s a Bush Pioneer and therefore a Republican!
I win thanks!
But clueless village idiot how much did Henry Paulson personally give to the Bush campaign? Paulson gave $0 to President Bush in 2000 and just $2,000 in 2004.
What a fooltard@35.
You win what? Being the bottom feeding clueless village idiot pet you are?
Gee a couple who gave 86 PERCENT of their political money between 1989 and 2006 to Republicans are somehow “Democratic”?
Only in the mind of the stupid one I call Stupes.
LOL… Totally shredded…
clueless village idiot. The facts and the links show otherwise fool. Facts shredded by you? Hahahahahahahahahahaha. See entries #34 and #36 again and again and again. That one value blows your WaPo article out of the water…
Keep harping to your masters. You are still their pet.
39 – 86 percent to Republicans. Isn’t that a fact?
What percentage does it have to be for you?
It boggles the mind but I have to keep reminding myself that you’re insane and your kind’s sickness is to warp reality to whatever suits you.
Have the last word fool.
Nope clueless village idiot, I’ve moved on. Gave all the data needed by factual links to prove your assertion wrong like the four incorrect assertions last week. And I proved again his political appointments are Democratic lovers.
You can get your “wow good try” treats from your masters now.
Hmmm. Isn’t that the limit for an individual contribution?
But then he raised at least 100k of OPM in 2004 as a Bush pioneer.
That makes him a “Democratic”.
What an insane idiot.
clueless village idiot said@41:
We all knew your masters would tell their pet to come back and post again…
Doesn’t help your argument when almost $500K went to soft money Donkey causes. Keep harping and barking for those “wow good try” treats.
So now who’s bat shit crazy clueless village idiot?
You mean you’re running away – from your own idiocy and madness.
Vanity. It’ll catch up with you.
Uhh yeah.. Who’d he give $1000 to in 2000?
Johnny McSame although wasn’t so “same” in those days for sure.
YLB is certainly proving himself to be the “own-butt-licking Primate” we all really know him to be.
YLB is in his “happy place” though…in the Primate cage at the HorsesAss zoo…lickin’ his butt and his butty’s butts.
YLB is obviously a pot-smoking Primate.
His arguments fade away like his consciousness.
Hey YLB, tell us how many times per day you light up a bowlful.
My guess is 1st thing when you wake up around 11 AM….then you keep a buzz on thru out the day until you collapse under the weight of your stupidity.
Am I right?
Cynical so true so true.
46-48 LMAO at the right wing primate circle jerk!
Back to business – Stupes is that newsmeat link supposed to represent the 401k (almost 500k you say) that Wendy gave to the D’s?
WEEELL.. That newsmeat link only turns up 90 grand or so of giving for Wendy to D’s, R’s and conservation voters. Plenty of R’s believe in conservation.
That’s a long way from 401k.
No wonder you’re running away.
Hey Cynical – you think Hank Paulson, a practicing Christian Scientist who together with his wife gave 86 percent of their political contributions to Republicans is a Democrat like your dinner buddy Stupes claims?
@41 “political appointments are Democratic lovers”
Puddy, who appears to have skipped logic class in college, seems to be arguing that the Bush/Cheney administration, who appointed Paulson, are Democrats. What with their record of failure, I imagine Puddy really does wish for a disconnect there. Sorry, Puddy. We have a big tent, sure, but it isn’t that big.
I’m going to assume that this is an open thread, and post a link that’s rather depressing for us wrestling fans, especially the really old-school types:
@53 Sad to hear.
Old-time wrestlers from these parts: Shag Thomas, Tough Tony Bourne, Dano MacDonald (used to own the Columbia Funeral Home on Rainier Ave).
Aren’t they rabidly diametrically political opposites.
Both profiting like big dogs.
Politics is a game, and the citizens are the ones stuck putting the quarters in.
It’s amazing how often that happens for democratics. No means of income yet thousands in donations.
Sounds like the friends & family of that norman hsu bundler for hillary that were donating more than they made.
Either like the cabinet picks of obama she is cheating on her taxes or like air america is stealing money from charities.
He wasn’t running against a democrat. No need for the liberal media to play the “same” card.
It’s also amazing how a wealthy couple who gave 86 percent of their political contributions to Republicans are considered “Democratic” by wingnuts.
Apparently it’s either all or nothing and even then it’s suspect. The tin foil wingnuts are wearing these days must be thicker than ever.
Well that’s why we call them wingnuts – right wingy and totally nutty.
It’s a relief to see their influence rapidly waning.
It’s in the Weakly:
“Many of the residents have spent time in jail for alcohol-related offenses like public urination …” (2/25 issue, page 8)
“That night, a carload of P-I employees pulled up outside the Times headquarters, piled out, unzipped, and pissed warm revenge on Frank’s front lawn.” (page 13)
Outrage, anyone, about P-I elitists being too big to be punished for street crime? Big Joel better get to the bottom of this, and bring the perps to justice, particularly if he’s one of the too-big perps …
“New media innovation was (Hearst exec Swartz’s) forte, not dead-tree newspapers. … Hearst headquarters issued a chain-wide investigative series on the Boy Scouts of America, detailing the wholesome organization’s sideline business of clearcutting the nation’s forests for timber profits.” (page 13, adjacent paragraphs. Does nobody at the Weakly or Hearst, at long last, have no sense of decency or irony about dead trees and P-I pulp?)
It’s amazing that people that give more to democratics than they earn aren’t even talked about on liberal blogs.
It’s also amazing how the amazing Madoff, one of the top 20 fatcat Goldycrat donors to the DonkeyCong Party, is never identified as a Democrat by BM Big Media.
But Kenny Boy Lay? Who laid up with Clinton on a sleepover? He gave slightly more to us than to you, and was immediately identified as Republican. You’d think Kenny’s poodle, Paul Krugman, would have set you straight.
Double Negative Alert: … any sense of decency …
Whatever happened to all that talk about the “misery index?”
Oh, here’s the reason why-
President Time Period Start
Barack H. Obama 2009-01 7.63
George W. Bush 2001-01 7.93
63 – Clinton left Bush with a record surplus and an economy tipping into a mild recession because of the tech bubble bursting after a massive buildout of broadband infrastructure.
Bush left Obama with a record deficit and an economy plunging into a depression because of a massive debt-financing of two wars and a build out of McMansions and ticky-tack houses.
If after eight years Obama turns this around I know the kind of politician I’d want to take the over the reigns.
time for you to self-medicate. past time.
HNMT @ 65
Conservatives are hammering the House’s new $410 billion spending bill because it contains $200,000 for what they’re derisively referring to as “tattoo removal.” Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Drudge, and at least one GOP official on MSNBC, among others, have been all over this today.
But a little reporting reveals that that this “tattoo removal” program is an anti-crime program in the San Fernando Valley that re-integrates reformed gang members and makes it easier for them to find jobs. Two Los Angeles law enforcement officials I just spoke to — one who identified himself as a “conservative Republican” — swore by the program for reducing crime and saving lives.
@2 “Puddy’s family went with some friends on a Caribbean cruise. When we landed in Dominican Republic the ship’s captain told us”
– to be on the lookout for a bloviating, stogie-smoking, fat white guy with a jar of viagra in one hand and oxycotin in the other, looking for a kid about the age of Puddy’s to molest. He goes by the name of Rush Limbaugh.
knuckle dragging clueless village idiot… It was your link open secrets which told the world of Wendy’s 401,000 donation to the Democratic lovers fool.
Don’t even pay attention to your own link materials.
Still Stupid and going strong…
Steve@68, not bad for your attempted humor.
I don’t consider you to be a baboon or a chimp like the magic five in #5.
@15: Puddy you lose.
Paulson was appointed by Bush.
Paulson donates large amounts to the republican party.
If Paulson appointed some democrats – maybe that was because he could not find any qualified republicans – but it is sure not proof he is s democrat.
Follow the money and follow who appointed him – Paulson is a republican. Why else would he donate that much money to the republican party?
Once again Puddy, you fail to recognize the significant facts and pick up on insignificant arguments.
You lose.
@61: Ken Lay gave more to George W. Bush than to all other politicians combined. I documented this plenty of times in the past. He gave to all politicians – but much more to Bush.
Kenny boy (as Bush called him) had instant access to Rove and sat on the Cheney energy task force.
Shortly after that, he illegally drove up energy prices and then his company went belly up leaving his employees out to dry.
Yup, a true republican.
I’m glad you took it well.