Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen gets batshit serious about migrant kids.
Sam Seder: Rick Perry visions of being Jewish.
Ed: Gov. Bobby Jindal calls for a rebellion with a hostile takeover of Washington.
Young Turks: Here’s the Republican scandal machine in 10 easy steps.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News, “Girls more likely to have hateful little minds” ???
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
The Return of the Neocon and Wingnut War Criminals:
- Mark Fiore: The Neocon reunion tour!.
- #Dicklovers speak out:
- Pap and Cliff Schecter: War chickenhawks coming home to roost
- Maddow: John McCain, ‘Blah blah blah arm the rebels’.
- Jon: Republican warfare queens
- Thom: The return of the neocons.
- Jimmy Dore: Digging a deeper hole.
- Pap and Sam Seder: The King of Iraqi blood and oil, Part I.
- Pap and Sam Seder: The King of Iraqi blood and oil, Part II.
Dark Snow 2014: Why we are here.
Young Turks: FAUX News’s Soccerghazi!!!!!!11!1!!
David Pakman: Looney Toon Rick Santorum says Christians should fight war against gay marriage.
Thom: GOP is the pro-death party.
Daily Show: College sexual assault.
Some historical iced tea for the 4th.
Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s latest insanity turns Neil Cavuto reasonable?!?
Sam Seder: Election fraud is real, and rich white Republicans are doing it.
Thom and Pap: Gov. Walker’s (R-WI) “Criminal Scheme”.
Sam Seder: Christie builds another bridge to jail.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: California’s historic vote to get money out of politics.
WaPo: 44 years of Charles Rangel, in one minute.
David Pakman: Benghazi has become an epic Republican embarrassment.
Boehner’s Silly Lawsuit:
- Obama: Boehner wants to sue me for doing my job
- Sharpton: The GOP’s absurd lawsuit
- Pap and Sam Seder: Boehner’s asinine lawsuit stunt.
- David Pakman: Republicons sue Obama over fewer executive orders than Shrub.
- Alex Wagner: Obama disses Republicans.
Liberal Viewer: Is ISIS the #1 threat to the U.S.?
Factivists: The GOP’s Immigration Inaction.
Ed: Herman Cain thinks Obama voters are “stupid”.
Bill Mahar’s guest draws comparison between Teabaggers and Nazis.
Supremes Greenlight Harassment at Abortion Clinics:
- Sam Seder: Supreme court greenlights harassing women at abortion clinics.
- Maddow: Hypocritical SCOTUS has buffer zone, but doesn’t think abortion clinics need buffer zone.
Young Turks: Syria hands over their chemical weapons…THANKS OBAMA!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I got mixed feelings about the buffer zone ruling, as if it were just the petitioner, I could understand. It’s the other protesters I worry about. It could lead to a violent confrontation.
In Europe, thanks to EU Railway Liberalization rules, there is a rise in open access passenger rail operators. Westbahn in Austria just reported it’s first profit. The operator I am most interested in, is Hamburg-Koln Express, partly because it is an American company behind it.
Rick Scrotum (and other Conservatives) have the same position as the Taliban and radical Muslims on Gay Marriage. How can they profess one ounce of American Freedom is beyond me, they twist it to say that bigotry and holding back freedom is in the name of religion freedom. What a bunch of ass backwards mother fuckers. Anyone who votes for them is stifling freedom….why send any troops to fight the Taliban oversees, we don’t fight them here at home. Hypocrites. Ass holes. Dip Shits. Fuck Faces. Phony mother fuckers.
100 years ago today, Serbs triggered World War 1.
Just when you thought Republicans can’t get any weirder, they get weirder:
“KFOR in Oklahoma reports that Timothy Ray Murray believes Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), his opponent in the congressional Republican primary, was executed three years ago and is being represented by a look-alike. Because he believes Lucas is really dead, Murray said he will challenge the results of Tuesday’s Republican primary, in which Murray received 5.2 percent of the vote. Lucas won the primary with 82.8 percent of the vote.”
@4 Roger,
“Serbs triggered”? Or maybe the assassination of an imperialist leader triggered a cascade of imperialist demands only achievable through war?
See “July Ultimatum”
@6 All I’m saying is Serbs are troublemakers.
@3, You really should see someone about your anger issues…crazy fucker.
@8 Where do you get that from? All I see @3 is a dispassionate, unemotional, objective description of Teabaggers.
WWI led to WWII, which led to the Cold War and a lot of other bad things in the 20th Century. We has no business getting snookered into WWI by Wilson in order to save the Bank of England, nor did we have any business getting tricked by FDR and Churchill into WWII.
Once again Da Perfessa can’t get jack manure right… Butt, he’ll find some left wrong loser to deflect from the truth… Hmmm… Western Passports… Did you left wrong idiots know this? Puddy knew it from the so called “war criminals” Da Perfessa calls them. Also, Radical Madcow and her “friends” don’t want you to know this either. FACTS!
DUMMOCRETINS hate FACTS! Butt y’all keep drinking the Friday Night Comix swill!
It’s easy peasy… Obummer lied during the second presidential debate of 2012 and now Real Americans realize Al Qaeda wasn’t decimated after all. That’s why news networks went back to those hated neocons… They realized Obummer lied to them.
A Chinese company is in the running to supply the Boston MBTA with new subway cars. Even though they say they will set up a factory in East Springfield, I hope the other bidders win. The closest thing to an American builder is Bombardier.
The San Francisco Municipal Railway is having a hard time replacing drivers. Apparently, the people that think they would gladly take what MUNI offers, are washing out of training. Can’t even tell how a switch is aligned, which could cause a derailment. To be a Gripman on the Cable Cars, one has to be an operator for MUNI for a couple years, and then has to meet tough standards, especially physical, so I doubt the ones that wash out of streetcar/light rail training will ever qualify as a Gripman. One of the things affecting the quality of applicants, is the high cost of living in SF.
Something that I was hoping would make this week’s Multimedia Extravaganza, was Lawrence O’Donnell returning. It was interesting, his description of the accident, the airlift back to the mainland, and thanking his boss at the network, as well as one of the Koch Brothers, the doctors, and especially the nurse.
You actually expected Da Perfessa to post something containing positive Koch Bros. comments? How long you been on this blog dude?
Since Puddy travels to the Bay area a lot Puddy reads up on these things. Back two weeks ago was this article. There is more to this than just your link.
Just think… A libtard DUMMOCRETIN city that doesn’t allow the transit workers union to strike. WHAT? A libtard city doing that? Reading the article exposes other libtard actions!
Misogynist Ed: Gov. Bobby Jindal calls for a rebellion with a hostile takeover of Washington.
Golly, using dEaD in the head Sergeant Schultz this week.
Remember: “What diference does it make”!
Hmmm… Didn’t Shrilly Clinton say sumtin similar in 2003?
And Thom is the boko haram loving dude! Gotta love the moronic spewing of Thom Fartman, hero of Da Perfessa. Nothing new from Fartmann on the Nigerian girls fate! Once they were used as his cannon fodder onto more lies and incorrect innuendos!
Meanwhile in real news, the religion of peace strikes again…
This is what DUMMOCRETINS would do to conservatives given the chance! All DUMMOCRETINS do is call for the shutting up of anyone who disagrees with them. Just like your cousins overseas! And libtard DUMMOCRETINS call conservatives the taliban!
Oh look Thom Fartmann’s friends are at it again… And Da Perfessa uses Fartmann each week.
Well it shows you where certain priorities lie!
Lordy Lordy Lordy, Seems the Obummer Immigration Plan has backfired…
All HA DUMMOCRETINS have to do is step right up and ask for some of those illegal alien children without parents to live in your homes.
Still waiting for the big crybaby crazed clueless cretin (call them undocumented) to open it’s home for some of these children! We already have proof many of these children have been coached into what to say before crossing the border!
Puddy thinks this is another Obummer immigration smokescreen trying to hide the problem. Must be polling numbers have plummeted on the issue and let’s throw up some political window dressing, especially when libtard MSM interviewed Massachusetts Guvnur Deval Patrick, good and close friend of Obummer and Patrick admitted he had no idea illegal alien children were quietly being shipped to Massachusetts.
Now we find Obummer quietly shipping them to California. Must be Jerry Brown another Obummer cohort called Obummer on it. Looks like the emperor is having issues with the ASSes in his loving mASSes!
Just wait, Republicans will vote against funding to beef up border patrols, then accuse Obama of letting the illegals in. Of course, Republicans want illegals to come, because they work under the table for less than minimum wage.
Heh. Personally I oppose bigotry and hate..
I have little to no sympathy for WILLFUL stupidity, credulousness..
It’s too sad..
Irony alert:
Eleanor H. Norton ✔ @EleanorNorton
Returned this weekend to Miss for Feedom Summer the week that Black Msians used the vote we fought for to save the seat of a whte senator.
One wonders whether the black Mississippians who voted to retain Cochran last week will vote again in November.
17)That link, I believe was in the article I posted.
24)I thought they said that could vote in the other party’s primary, provided they don’t support their own candidate in November. As for Delegate Norton, it’s interesting, she is a Member of Congress, but because she represents Washington D.C, can only vote in committee.
@26, continued.
Should be hard to enforce that rule, in November, with a secret ballot.
@12 – why do you care about the Taliban? You have a lot in common with them.
@20 get use to it, you conservatives know how to fuck with everyone’s freedom and liberalness.
Later this year, New Zealand should be holding parliamentary elections. In 2011, (3 year terms) voters rejected changing the voting system back to Winner Take All, so working together remains the order of the day. One drawback of Mixed Member proportional, is in New Zealand, a party can win extra seats with less than 5% of the vote, if they win one district seat. That has led to parties winning 4% of the vote, and no seats, but a party with 2% of the vote winning several because they won a district. Then there are alliances, like the Maori-centric Te Mana Party working with the Internet Party.
@28, In your eyes, anyone who doesn’t believe in an “anything goes” society is some sort of evil fascist.
Do any klownservatives still believe that when you cut taxes, the economy blooms and the government ends up taking in MORE revenue?
Yet another nail in that silly coffin..
@32 Shades of Mark the Redneck! Is that moron back?
This person, drunk by the way, is lucky to be alive. Falling off a NYC Subway platform, and missed being run over by the train, or electrocuted by the third rail.
Even “unloaded” guns can go off, if you’re not careful with them.
M-1 Rail, the private sector effort to build a streetcar line in Detroit, has set July 28th for a Groundbreaking. One of the backers of the line is race car owner Roger Penske.
On a side note, some of the streamlined streetcars that ran until the 1950s ended up continuing service in Newark, and at least one still runs in San Francisco.
Moody’s has raised California’s Credit Rating to Aa3, the highest it has been since 2001.
Deutsche Bahn in Germany has opened it’s first CO2 free station. Among the features are Solar power, LED lighting, Geothermal heating, and rainwater harvesting. Not sure, but I think King Street Station has a few Solar Panels.
“anything goes is your basic right to marry and love who you wish….like I said you are the Taliban.
Let’s see I can be free to own my own gun without any background check but I can’t marry anyone of the same sex….there goes the “anything goes” people again. “anything goes” 2nd ammedment people. The Taliban thinking is extraodinare. You have more in common with the Taliban than you know.
Let’s see – to own a gun – protected under the 2nd ammendment.
Life, Liberty, the pursuit of happines and one nation, under god, indvisible with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all (like marrying who you wish) – has nothing to do with a Constitution, even though every judge finds it unconstitutional
The American Taliban Suck. It’s not too late to evolve, either get with the program or forever be known as the American Taliban imposing Sharia Christian Law, you nutbaggers.
In a pair of 5-4 decisions this morning, the Partisan Court ruled that closely-held companies don’t have to pay for contraceptive coverage for their employees, and private contractors don’t have to pay “fair share” fees to unions.
42)Could have been worse. That will come later.
What I meant, was, they could have gone after all the Public Sector unions. For Long Island commuters, this does not change the LIRR situation, earliest employees can strike I believe is July 20th, and talks have broken down.