Thom: more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Drone.
Ed: Voter fraud is perpetuated by Republicans.
Aqua Buddha Filibuster:
- Jon: “What the who?”
- O’Donnell: What Cukoo Sen. Paul said during his filibuster.
- Young Turks: Rand Paul—winner or loser?
- Sam Seder: Like a broken clock, Rand Paul is right on drones
- O’Donnell: Paul’s empty headed stunt filled with infantile fantasies.
- Rand Paul’s filibuster in 2 minutes.
- Young Turks: Rand Paul’s filibuster angers the establishment.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Do Republicans even care about how sequester cuts affect people?
Maddow: Republicans scapegoat MSNBC for their 2012 failures:
Young Turks: U.S. sponsored death squads in Iraq.
Bill-O The Clown Bizarre Melt-Down:
- Sam Seder: Bill-O the Clown has a melt down.
- Maddow: Bill-O rules for anger management.
- Ed: Bill-O’s body language.
- Bill-O flips his lid on Alan Colmes
- Young Turks: Bill-O the Clown freak-out.
- Sharpton: Bill-O apologizes for his meltdown.
Sharpton: Jomes O’Keefe to pay $100K for his false ACORN smears.
A Twitter conversation with Sarah Palin.
White House: West Wing Week.
Voting Rights Act:
- Jon on The end of racism.
- Mark Fiore: All in the Scalia.
- Stephen on Scalia’s voting right act defense.
Maddow: Rare terrorist suspect arrest.
Young Turks: Florida Gov. Rick Scott admits he was wrong and Obama was right.
Red State Update: Obama will suck you into the ground.
President Jeb:
- Young Turks: Jeb Bush disagrees with himself.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: More Bush!
Maddow: Obama invites a pack of hyenas to dinner.
Ed: The world according to Cheney.
#GOPSequester: Defenseless.
Ed: Obama signs VAWA.
O’Donnell: Hillary Clinton leads everyone for 2016.
Liberal Viewer: Can Republicans steal marijuana issue?.
Romney Resurfaces:
- ONN: Mitt Romney blames his loss on successfully communicating his message to minorities.
- Ann Telnaes: Ann Romney reflects on the election loss.
Sam Seder: Jeb Bush snakes his way to 2016.
Will DeGra: Mississippi and the 13th Amendment:
Stephen on Obama’s outrageous record on Israel.
Maddow: Big tobacco’s disinformation strategy.
Ann Telnaes: Dow closes at an all time high.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.