Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen gets batshit serious about migrant kids.
Sam Seder: Rick Perry visions of being Jewish.
Ed: Gov. Bobby Jindal calls for a rebellion with a hostile takeover of Washington.
Young Turks: Here’s the Republican scandal machine in 10 easy steps.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News, “Girls more likely to have hateful little minds” ???
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
The Return of the Neocon and Wingnut War Criminals:
- Mark Fiore: The Neocon reunion tour!.
- #Dicklovers speak out:
- Pap and Cliff Schecter: War chickenhawks coming home to roost
- Maddow: John McCain, ‘Blah blah blah arm the rebels’.
- Jon: Republican warfare queens
- Thom: The return of the neocons.
- Jimmy Dore: Digging a deeper hole.
- Pap and Sam Seder: The King of Iraqi blood and oil, Part I.
- Pap and Sam Seder: The King of Iraqi blood and oil, Part II.
Dark Snow 2014: Why we are here.
Young Turks: FAUX News’s Soccerghazi!!!!!!11!1!!
David Pakman: Looney Toon Rick Santorum says Christians should fight war against gay marriage.
Thom: GOP is the pro-death party.
Daily Show: College sexual assault.
Some historical iced tea for the 4th.
Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s latest insanity turns Neil Cavuto reasonable?!?
Sam Seder: Election fraud is real, and rich white Republicans are doing it.
Thom and Pap: Gov. Walker’s (R-WI) “Criminal Scheme”.
Sam Seder: Christie builds another bridge to jail.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: California’s historic vote to get money out of politics.
WaPo: 44 years of Charles Rangel, in one minute.
David Pakman: Benghazi has become an epic Republican embarrassment.
Boehner’s Silly Lawsuit:
- Obama: Boehner wants to sue me for doing my job
- Sharpton: The GOP’s absurd lawsuit
- Pap and Sam Seder: Boehner’s asinine lawsuit stunt.
- David Pakman: Republicons sue Obama over fewer executive orders than Shrub.
- Alex Wagner: Obama disses Republicans.
Liberal Viewer: Is ISIS the #1 threat to the U.S.?
Factivists: The GOP’s Immigration Inaction.
Ed: Herman Cain thinks Obama voters are “stupid”.
Bill Mahar’s guest draws comparison between Teabaggers and Nazis.
Supremes Greenlight Harassment at Abortion Clinics:
- Sam Seder: Supreme court greenlights harassing women at abortion clinics.
- Maddow: Hypocritical SCOTUS has buffer zone, but doesn’t think abortion clinics need buffer zone.
Young Turks: Syria hands over their chemical weapons…THANKS OBAMA!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.