Huh…I just turned on KUOW (94.9 MHz) to listen to the Week in Review, and it turns out Goldy is one of the panelists.
Check it out now (from noon to 1pm) or listen to the rerun this evening (7pm to 8pm).
by Darryl — ,
by Darryl — ,
It’s Tuesday! And that means the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will meet. Besides chatting politics over drinks, we’ll be watching the primaries in Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia. Especially West Virginia. Stop by if you can.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 253 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
Jimmy Kimmel: Senator Elizabeth Warren on health care and minimum wage
Young Turks: Iowa passes most restrictive abortion law in the US.
David Pakman: Megyn Kelly’s NBC media implosion.
Full Frontal: Don’t be so sure about that Blue Wave.
Farron Cousins: Paul Ryan’s attack on House chaplain blows up in his face.
Bill Maher interviews Mayor Michael Tubbs (Stockton, CA), America’s youngest mayor in a city over 100,000.
Amber Rufin raps a response to Kanye West’s slavery comments.
The Dotard Трамп And His Dirty :
NOVA: Why there’s no climate hoax.
Jimmy Kimmel: Senator Cory Booker refuses to hate the other side.
Full Frontal: May the fourth be with Chuck Todd.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Stephen: Profiles in Discourage—Foster Friess says the rich should “self-tax”.
Som’emz Da Madder Wid West Virginia:
Vox: This anti-sex trafficking law could end internet freedom.
Jimmy Dore: John Boehner: “I’m gonna be selling puff…”
Newsbroke Q&A: “Is Francesca a COMMUNIST?”
Vox: George H.W. Bush’s broken promise that changed the Republican Party.
Trevor: Teachers take to the streets & Kanye West says slavery was a choice.
Samantha Bee: Facebook sucks.
A Wolf Roast:
Daily Show: Gregory Watson’s fight for the 27th Amendment.
Jim Jefferies: Hey, “Incels,” women don’t owe you anything:
Bonus Check: #GOPTaxScam.
Anna: A slave who sued for freedom.
Samantha Bee with a message for Dennis Miller.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Tomorrow is Tuesday. And that means the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will be meeting. Please join us for an evening of politics and drinks.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 253 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
DC needs a town crier.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Kansas Teens Are Running for Governor
Vox: Why Atlantic fish are invading the Arctic.
Adam Ruins Everything: How the USA stole the Panama Canal.
Stephen: Profiles in discourage—A disaster named Don Blankenship.
Minute Earth: Why you shouldn’t give ginger to monkeys (and other animal sayings.
Jim Jefferies: The fight to repeal the Irish abortion ban.
Francesca Fiorentini: Will legalizing sex work protect women?.
Mental Floss: The little-known lives of the women in classic Hollywood.
Mother Jones: FAUX News goes ape-shit over Kanye West Tweets.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Dotard Трамп And His “Very Best” People:
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Kanye West Goes Conservative
Vox: This 19 year old can keep astronauts safe from space junk.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Go away, Hillary! (Just kidding — We need you)
Bill Maher: Monologue:
Trevor and Roy: Kanye West ignites a debate about racism.
Minute Physics: Relativity of simultaneity—special relativity chapter 4.
Hannity blamed Obama for foreclosures even as he exploited foreclosures.
Vox: How Russian trolls weaponized your social media feed.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Please join us Tuesday for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 251 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
Stephen: The sketch of Stormy Daniels’ perpetrator looks very familiar.
MoJo debunks the biggest myths about voter fraud.
Stephen: Wu-Tang wants their album back, Jeff Sessions.
The Atlantic: When Einstein warned the world.
Golf Pro Dotard Трамп And His Caddies:
Full Frontal: Medicinal cannabis for all.
Wendover: How to design impenetrable airport security.
Roy Wood Jr.: CP time—The fair housing act turns 50
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Chris Hayes: Senator Tammy Duckworth’s 10-day-old daughter makes history.
Thinking About the Earth:
MoJo: Here are the country’s worst voter laws.
Rachel Maddow: James Comey—I don’t believe that Loretta Lynch did anything improper
Farron Cousins: Alex Jones admits live on air that he’s a total liar and scumbag
Adam ruins Copernican mythology.
Chris Hayes: West Virginia GOP Senate candidate is a convicted criminal.
Loitering While Black:
Samantha Bee: It’s not hard to hire women and people of color.
Trevor: A series of gunfortunate events
The Atlantic: When tax cuts failed.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Mannity And His Cleaning Man:
MoJo: The architects of voter suppression in America.
Songify the News: MEMES & YODEL TRAP.
Trevor with Karlie Kloss on Getting girls excited about coding with Kode With Klossy.
Vox: How Parkland student David Hogg beats his critics.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets Tuesday night. Feel free to stop by…all are welcomed!
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 251 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
Vox: What melting sea ice means for life in the Arctic.
Trevor: So much news, so little time.
Lauren Meyer: Pay your teachers well:
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The left tries to silence Laura Ingraham
Jim Jefferies: Oklahoma teachers aren’t taking the government’s crap anymore.
Stephen: Tucker Carlson stole Stephen’s panda bit.
Vox: How border walls disrupt nature.
Malala: Don’t clip the wings of women.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Drag queen story time.
The Dotard Трамп:
John Oliver: Crisis pregnancy centers.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: False flag—Is a crisis actor posing as Alex Jones?:
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Paul Ryan Chickens Out:
Adam ruins ancient gladiators.
Newsbroke: The religion of libertarianism.
Jonathan Mann: Ten State Senators voted for bestiality.
Vox: Why Black Americans are getting less sleep.
Trevor: Kim Jong-un transitions from reclusive madman to super social madman.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Please join us Tuesday evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for conversations over beverages of choice. All are welcomed!
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 251 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
Slate: Why Democrats are blue and Republicans are Red—and why it’s the opposite everywhere else.
NOVA: Climate change’s best hope.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: “Roseanne” gives conservatives a safe space
Jimmy Kimmel responds to Sean Hannity’s vicious attacks.
The “Very Stable Genius” Dotard Трамп and Friends:
NOVA: The science of whoopee cushions.
Young Turks: Billionaire bigots spreading anti-Muslim propaganda
Adam Ruins Everything: How JFK almost caused World War 3.
Eugene Robinson: MLK was complicated. We should remember him that way.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: War on men—The beginning of the end
It’s Like Fucking Ground Hog Day—Another Goddamn Mass Shooting!
The Atlantic: The human face of a prison sentence.
Vox: What America’s shopping mall decline means for social space
Tide CEO: You gotta stop eating Tide Pods.
Bill Maher: New rule—Pencils down.
WaPo: What is the nuclear option?
Minute Earth: Are plastics too strong?
America’s Pravda:
Jim Jefferies finds flaws in sex trafficking prevention bills.
Francesca Fiorentini: The fight between progressives and centrists
Vox: China’s trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade.
Minute Physics: Special relativity chapter 3—Lorentz transformations
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Seriously…it’s the best thing going on a Tuesday night: The Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. All are welcomed, so stop by for an evening of politics and drinks.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Ok…then check out one of the 250 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
Space: The next trillion dollar industry.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Mad props to Judge Jeanine Pirro
Daily Show: Hasan Minhaj breaks down “punish a Muslim Day”.
Stephen launches a Facebook alternative.
Vox: US voting machines are failing and here’s why.
Samantha Bee: A message for Ted Cruz.
Stormy Sunday and the Naughty Dotard Трамп:
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Adam ruins everything: The true messed up story of Pocahontas
Roll Call: Congressional Hits and Misses.
The veterans are running for Congress, as Democrats.
Out of control Chinese space station Expected to crash into earth Easter Sunday.
Vox: Why old buildings use the same leaf design
Trevor: An Alabama sheriff legally siphons cash from inmates
Marching for For Our Lives:
Mental Floss: Behind the scenes secrets of shopping malls.
Stephen: Jeff Sessions loves the secret Wu-Tang Clan album.
Slate: Why we need “queer”.
Francesca Fiorentini: Will social media destroy democracy?
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Passing judgment
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Stormy days, these. But you can find shelter at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Stop by this evening for conversations over a drink.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Ok…then check out one of the 249 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
by Darryl — ,
Stephen: Putin wins election (with some help from the Russians).
The week in Congressional hits and misses.
NASA: Astronaut Moments with NASA astronaut Drew Feustel.
Samantha Bee: The history of women’s pain.
WaPo: Audio and texts show how two men worked to discredit one of Roy Moore’s accusers.
Minute Physics: The brown dwarf debate.
Vox: Why female condoms are so hard to find.
The guy who won’t talk about politics.
The Dotard Трамп:
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Redpilled—The Storm
Our Cartoon President: Who gets out to turn the jets on?
Our Cartoon President: Biparti-Satans busted!
Vox: Why eating healthily is so expensive in America.
Jimmy Kimmel: Happy 88th Birthday Pat Robertson.
Samantha Bee: The Iraq war, 15 years later.
Stephen works out with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Gunz in ‘Merica and the March for Our Lives:
Samantha Bee: All you get is birth control.
Trevor: Facebook fallout—Mark Zuckerberg rolls out an apology
Garfunkel and Oates: Both sides can laugh:
Adam ruins the midnight ride of Paul Revere.
Stephen: Mark Zuckerberg is silent smid Facebook’s privacy scandal.
Vox: Women are not as divided on #MeToo as it may seem.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.