I guess this is satire…right?
In a strong rebuke of President Obama and his domestic agenda, all 242 House Republicans voted Wednesday to repeal the Asteroid Destruction and American Preservation Act, which was signed into law last year to destroy the immense asteroid currently hurtling toward Earth.
It’s getting hard to tell….
Update: Okay…here’s a quiz. Is this satire, or real news?
A state lawmaker from Marietta (GA) is sponsoring a bill that seeks to do away with Georgia driver’s licenses.
State Rep. Bobby Franklin, R-Marietta, has filed House Bill 7, calling it the “Right to Travel Act.”
In his bill, Franklin states, “Free people have a common law and constitutional right to travel on the roads and highways that are provided by their government for that purpose. Licensing of drivers cannot be required of free people, because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the surrender of an inalienable right.”
Find the answer here.
I like it! I think I’ll demand (as a free person) my right to fly military jets “provided by [my] government.” Anyone up for an exciting trip to Whidbey Naval Air Station this weekend? Navigation skills a plus.