Young Turks: Americans are fundamentally progressive says new poll.
Thom: The myth of the 1% job creator.
Sam Seder: Bigoted Pastor wants to round-up gays & wait for them to die.
Kimmel: Mitt’s first day in office.
Actual Audio: Mitt on Bain.
Young Turks: Barry Obama & The “Choom Gang”:
Thom with the Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
Sam Seder: Iowa G.O.P. platform is insane.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Missouri experiments with execution.
A A rallying call for Democrats.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Memorializin’ the War on Women.
Young Turks: Which Presidents have higher spending growth, Democrats or Republicans?
Thom: Why Joe Biden needs to blurt out a defense of pot.
Sam Seder: Rush Limbaugh gets creepy with 14-year-old girl.
Ann Telnaes: Pelvic Politics.
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: Pres. Obama is right about same sex marriage.
Letters to the President: Tanisha’s Story.
Pap: The worst Republican Party in history.
Sam Seder: FAUX & Friends nutty ideas about food stamps and the unemployed.
Stephanie Miller: Lessons Romney needs in education.
And the Drone Goes On:
- Ann Telnaes: Drone strikes and collateral damage.
- Mark Fiore: Dronetopia!
Thom with Nick Hanauer: Is Romney a preditor?
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Stigmatizing Poor People is Good?!
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Wisconsin edition.
Maddow: The Reverse-Robin-Hood Republicans.
Mitt Romney: Not a job creator.
Sam Seder: Heartland institute gets blowback over Unabomber/Climate Change denial campaign.
Alyona: Romney’s education plan FAIL:
Fred Karger for President.
White House: West Wing Week.
Obama and the fight for LGBT rights.
Greenman: How to talk to an Ostrich.
Maddow: Anti-abortion activists terrorize doctors in Georgia.
Thom with even more of the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Alabama doubles down on undocumented immigrants.
The Neo-Racists Birfers:
- Ed and Pap: Romney is embracing Birfers.
- Young Turks: NBC should fire birfer Donald.
- Bill Maher: Countering Birferism with Wiferism.
Buzz 60: Summer of presidential politics.
Obama speaks to Iowans:
Young Turks: Clinton poses with porn stars.
Ann Telnaes: Physical limits in Afghanistan.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.