Apparently, both The Stranger and I got fed the same story this afternoon, and to Eli Sanders’ credit, he got it online first. Check out his piece on Slog about Republican backed voter registration challenges in Summit County Ohio. Or read the contemporary reporting on MyDD:
The Summit County Board of Elections abruptly threw out 976 challenges of voter eligibility by the Republican Party today after Barbara Miller, the challenger, revealed that she did not have any personal information about the eligibility of any of the challenged voters.
Sounds eerily familiar, huh? Only these challenges occurred over a year ago, just days before the 2004 general election. As Sanders points out, Lori Sotelo’s challenges did not occur in a vacuum.
During the 2004 presidential election, in hotly contested Ohio, Republicans issued hundreds of flawed voter challenges that ultimately failed for exactly the same reason that King County Republican Lori Sotelo’s challenges failed this year