The WA state GOP continued its self-destructive lurch to the right today, when state Sen. Bill Finkbeiner announced that he was resigning his position as Senate Minority Leader. Amongst other reasons, Finkbeiner said he wanted to spend more time with his family. Uh-huh.
“Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day,” said Finkbeiner, R-Kirkland. “There is a significant time commitment that comes along with the honor of representing your neighbors in the Legislature. When you add to that the tremendous time it requires to lead and represent a legislative caucus, there is sometimes little left over for other things that are equally or even more important, including work and family. To be honest, I was being pulled in many different directions and was stretched pretty thin.”
Mostly he was stretched between the interests of his relatively moderate constituency and the demands of the ultra-conservative Republican Senate Caucus. I’m sure Finkbeiner really does want to spend more time with his family, but in political talk, that’s usually just a face-saving euphemism. Finkbeiner barely survived a leadership challenge last spring, and he likely faced another tough battle before the coming session.
As far as Republicans go, Finkbeiner is one of those most in touch with mainstream WA voters… which means he’s totally out of touch with the mainstream of his own party’s leadership. First elected to the state House as a Democrat in 1992, he switched parties to run for the Senate in 1994, but his core ideology apparently never bothered to switch with him. Last session he angered many fellow Republicans by breaking ranks on a stem cell research bill and the controversial transportation improvement package (recently affirmed by voters in rejecting I-912.)
The transportation vote was one “I feel really good about,” he said. “We were able to keep that issue bipartisan.”
Which is exactly what the rest of the GOP didn’t want, and payback was inevitable.
Oh well. It’s not like a man with a “latte liberal”, environmentalist wife (and recent author of “The F Word: Feminism in Jeopardy“) was ever going to win the hearts and minds of the current WA GOP.
In the long run, I’m guessing Finkbeiner is better off politically disassociating himself from the right-wing of his party. Outside the leadership he can better serve a district that continues to trend Democratic, and enjoy the freedom to consistently vote his own conscience… both of which will serve him well if he ever wants to run for higher office. Indeed, freed of the burden of leadership, don’t be surprised to see him vote his conscience on HB 1515 (prohibiting discrimination based on sexual preference) when it is reintroduced in the coming the Legislative session.
I look forward to following his political evolution, and remain hopeful that Finkbeiner can grow into the kind of Republican I can respect.
I grew up in the 45th, and I remember the somewhat progressive Finkbeiner. He votes with the mainstream of the state so he can keep his seat, but I think that was getting harder to do.
A good career move for Finkbeiner now would be switching back to the party he left after serving his first 2 years in the legislature as a Democrat, before the GOP implodes completely.
Fuck Finkbeiner. I hope he just keeps his ass out of politics. If there’s one thing I can’t stand is a fucking traitor.
Switching parties is bad enough, but wanting him to switch back? No thanks, I wouldn’t want to give these corrupt conservatives son’s-a-bitches any more ammo than necessary to take pot shots at us.
Finkbeiner resigned becaues come election time the Dems would hold him accountible for the actions his crazy-rightwing caucus does this next session (just listen to Mulliken, Roach, or Benton to name a few) His district IS Democratic (almost 55% for Kerry & Murray?) and there is no way BF would survive a challenge if he was the LEADER of all the crazy republicans.
Being a moderate is difficult if you’re a republican. Maybe BF and another Republican Senator named Tim Sheldon should form their own Independant party and cauus with themselves. Yes I know Tim is elected as a Democrat, but he’s more Republican than Finkbeiner is.
When Finkbeiner switched to the Republican caucus it still had a few decent moderate minded members who at the time were able to somewhat contain the right wing nut cases. It was a very different caucus at the time.
The 45th district is still pretty Republican leaning. I got 50.49% from the 45th back in 2003 running for Assessor on the GOP ticket and hardly did any campaigning whatsoever. Finkbeiner can easily win re-election in the 45th next year as a capable and formidable incumbent and a reasonably moderate voting record.
Goldy, you are boring when you don’t have gossip to peddle..
GBS @3
Switching parties is bad enough, but wanting him to switch back? No thanks, I wouldn’t want to give these corrupt conservatives son’s-a-bitches any more ammo than necessary to take pot shots at us.
Pot shots? Good grief, man! I am falling over with laughter…your Democrats control everything in WA. A pot shot by an R in WA is akin to firing a .22 against a Howitzer…or even an IED against an Abrams…
King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng (R) announced today he will not prosecute Lori Sotelo for perjury because she acted in “good faith.”
Are you kidding me? She’s a Republican! Maleng should have discussed this case with his deputy prosecutor, Dan Satterberg, then ruled as a matter of law that everything the GOP is in bad faith — no fact finding is needed!
But then, Maleng is a Repubican — so we can assume, as a matter of law, that HIS decision is in bad faith!
Goldy, you should run this by Lawyer X and see if he (she?) thinks Maleng should have decided, as a matter of law, that Sotelo acted in bad faith because she’s a Republican!
Goldy cannot fathom wanting to spend time with family, as I am sure his is well tired of his whining ass.
King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng ® announced today he will not prosecute Lori Sotelo for perjury because she acted in “good faith.”
Are you kidding me? She’s a Republican! Maleng should have discussed this case with his deputy prosecutor, Dan Satterberg, then ruled as a matter of law that everything the GOP is in bad faith – no fact finding is needed!
Wow- Pointing out voter fraud to donks is like pulling the drapes back on Dracula. Stoleto did not commit perjury. Even if she did so what, she received the Clinton treatment.
another Dan Evans “republicrat”…..GoooooodBYE… more fence sitting, no more buckets ‘o water, no more bi-partisan coom by awwwwful. Good riddance.
Let’s hope he treats his family better than David Irons does.
The new GLBT Civil Protections bill will be quite telling.. But then again, Billy Boy is all about himself so it will be interesting to see if we can get a swing vote out of him…
GoldyASS Family: Let’s see; daughter and dog! My commentary stops there.
Aww Poor Rupert Wabbet. You upset no Maleng charges? Poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor Wabbet!
Cynical called it correct. “Seems like if Maleng goes after Sotelo….they are opening pandora’s box to go after everyone who makes an error.” Comment by Mr. Cynical — 11/8/05 @ 3:02 pm
Larry Phillips blew it too. “King County Council Chair Larry Phillips has sent a letter to Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng, formally asking him to investigate Lori Sotelo for perjury”
The donks sure have convulsive fits when questioning potential fraudulent votes. The left claims we steal elections?? Here is proof that donks don’t care about clean elections.
Rufus @ 16
“questioning potential fraudulent votes”
That is like questioning “weapons of mass destruction program related activities?”
PuddyIdiot @ 15
“Larry Phillips blew it too.”
Huh? He blew it by making a request? More puddyworld logic?
“More time with family” means resigning from the leglislature…not giving up a leadership post.
Geez, why can’t these guys ever tell the truth.
Finkbeiner probably represents a broader base of WASHINGTON citizens than any other House member (inlucing Democrats!)….when you take an overall look at his positions on key issues. While I may not agree with him on some issues, I believe there must and is plenty of room for him in the Republican Party. Word has it that he means what he says…he has a lot on his plate right now and herding some of the Republican’s is quite time-consuming.
Goldy—Why don’t you call Bill and ask him about this move???
He’s a pretty open guy. Oh and I forgot, you would rather speculate and spin yarns!!!
When Finkbeiner was interviewed on TV after his vote to kill the anti-discrimination bill that would have added “sexual orientation” to the civil rights law, he looked shamed and said: “I think Washington is a pretty progresive state.” Exactly right.
And the Senate GOP caucus is the state’s backwater for wacky old school fearing of religious conservatives and the catholic church. The caucus is way out of tune with the state’s voters and now appears more determined than ever to prove it. It propped up Finkbeiner as leader to fool people into thinking it had any mainstream appeal.
Let’s hope Finkbeiner is freed up to vote his district by stepping down as Leader.
And if not – well, it looks like that instead of two less GOP senators (Esser and Brandland) in 2007, there could easily be three or four less. The state senate GOP needs to be greener, leaner, cleaner and less meaner. But it looks like it’ll take a few more elections, and perhaps a dzoen more years in an increasingly smaller minority, to wake up.
“…spin yarns…” What kind of racist remark is that? Before you know it , PacMan will make a comical appearance to defend your gross and inappropriate comment!
thor the GayBlade@21–
You are obviously an angry CLOWN.
Christians are now a “minority” in this State.
Do we next have a special law protecting Christians???
Where do you finally draw the line??
This is obviously a power play by the angry Gay CLOWNS like you!
If you spent more time working (that would mean getting a real job thor!) and less time looking for ways to be offended, perhaps your life would be happier?
I don’t “dislike” you because you are gay thor…….
I pity you because you are such a CLOWN!!
Norm Maleng is an ass.
He is now asking the legislature to change the law, but is withholding action on Sotelo’s false challenges until the law is changed.
How about I go rob a bank, then ask for the law to be changed, so I can’t be prosecuted?
Maleng doesn’t want partisan bickering? He just opened the floodgate!
Comment by Left is Right @ 4
Being a moderate is difficult if you’re a republican.
No, being a moderate is impossible in today’s Republican Party. I know, because I once was a moderate Republican. Now I’m an Independent. I support 80% of the Democratic Party platform, with maybe 20% Libertarian.
Since my Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, (Teddy) Roosevelt, and Dwight D. chose to enter an (forgive the pun) unholy alliance with the American Taliban and the American Plutocracy, they have lost my vote now and for the future. I am a capitalist, not a Ferengi (or a Crusader
Marks @ 8
I didn’t say the Republicans controlled anything, did I?
I said, and I meant, I don’t want asshole, jerk-off’s being able to use that a ammo for the politics of personal destruction that conservatives use in every election campaign. Especially, those lying sacks of shit on KVI.
bamajenk-23 ‘How about I go rob a bank, then ask for the law to be changed, so I can’t be prosecuted?’
Interesting. In the case of all the illegally registered voters the law must be changed so that they CAN be prosecuted.
Maleng is asking the legislature to change a law? What law?
Regarding Sotelo:
Signing one declaration without personal knowledge may have been a mistake made in good faith
Signing over a thousand without any personal knowledge?
We already have seen how she squirmed when asked questions not under oath. She should be sat down under oath and asked if she had any personal knowledge in regards to any of the declarations she signed.
Prediction: Her only response will be “On advice of counsel I decline to answer pursuant to my Fifth Amendment rights…”
On Finkbeiner:
It is a shame that the last of the rational Republicans are being sent out to pasture. What once was a dynamic and capable party that could run across the state is getting more and more limited to the wingnut fringes. I guess if you want to be the party of John Carlson or Ellen Craswell and barely get 40% of the vote, if that, it makes sense. But as Conservatism is self destructing across the country, it sure seems strange to grip it tight in its death spiral. But, having seen the paranoid delusion that is rampant in the wingnuts at this site and at the minnow’s site, I can’t say I’m surprised.
“Stoleto did not commit perjury. Even if she did so what, she received the Clinton treatment.”
Oh really? Sotelo will skate. Clinton didn’t skate, he was disbarred. Can’t disbar Sotelo for perjury because she’s not a lawyer (can’t you tell?), I already checked, too bad. I’d file the complaint against her myself if she were.
Your anger has turned your mind into a vast wasteland!
This Country, despite the best efforts of some Republicans to F*CK it up, is still quite conservative. They SEE the huge problems in Canada, France, Germany and other European countries the unwanted consequences of Socialism. Socialism has a very short half-life. The appeal to people to have an “easier life” ALWAYS succumbs to the reality of a highly flawed system.
CLOWNS like you are unwilling to look at Canada, France, Germany & other Socialized countries realistically.
CLOWNS rely on ROSE-COLORED GLASSES to build their base. What happens when the glasses break???? Look at Canada numbnutz!
LEFTIST PINHEADS have a fascination with “being in charge”. They seem to enjoy trying to destroy others and thrive on fear-mongering. The problem you CLOWNS have is that once you are in charge, you don’t have a fucking clue what to do!!!!
“The donks sure have convulsive fits when questioning potential fraudulent votes.”
There’s fraud here, all right, but it isn’t in the voter registrations. Chris Rants and Lori So-Liar are the frauds.
Yes Ms. Chickenhawk. Keep telling yourself that. I’m sure it is people like you and your creative use of CAPS LOCK that will carry the day.
Then again, you may leave your basement bedroom someday if your mom gets upset with you spending all of your time in front of the computer and not showering, see what the real world is like, and realize that how wrong you are. But that would envolve effort and thought on your part, which would probably interfer with your WAREZ KID ability to use CAPS LOCK in ways that us adults can not. And we wouldn’t want to lose the humor that your paranoid ravings bring us.
Yearight @27: “Interesting. In the case of all the illegally registered voters the law must be changed so that they CAN be prosecuted.”
Wrong. The illegally registered voters can be prosectued now. The law as it exists says the challenger must supply personal knowledge of where the illegal voter lives. Sotelo has failed to do that. Asswipe Maleng now wants to remove the ‘personal knowledge’ requirement, so that he can get his republican hack friends off the hook.
You unmitigated defense of your fellow CLOWNS makes me feel now is the time to nominate JDB for the EMMETT KELLY award for the CLOWN OF THE WEEK!
Puddy–Do I hear a second for my nomination????
In fact, I believe it has actually gotten worse due to more WSDOT trucks driving around aimlessly burning up most of the GasTax increase as unproductively as possible.
I wonder what will be the next major tax increase the CLOWNS propose to make a bad situation worse????
Someone should talk either Darcy Burner or Laura Ruderman into running against Mr. Finkbeiner.
Ms. Chickenhawk:
Reading a post of yours is like a case of the clap, before you post there is pleasure, and after you post there is a pain in the crotch.
But, d00d, if you want to type all caps lock, feel free. I know in your basement bedroom you feel like king of all the 14 year-olds typing leet, but your screeds are unreadable enough without the annoyance of random use of the caps lock key.
You really should listen to your mother and bathe and get out in the sun occasionally. Especially given your pretenatural attraction to wrong boy, who’s only bud is his pud. I know it must be hard being young, stupid and constantly laughed at, but if you don’t get outside and meet real people, you are doomed to being consumed by your schitzophrenic, paranoid delusions.
Oh, one last thing: Read a book, any book. Heck, Dr. Suess would be right at your level, and you would learn something.
JDB @ 38
Let me tell you about a few things I’ve learned about Ms Chickenhawk.
Ms Chickenhawk does read. He told me he’s reading Scooter Libby’s book: The Apprentice. Well, he only reads the passage where the Madame shoves a 10 year old girl into a cage with a bear so the bear can r-a-p-e the child while men watch.
The other book he’s reading is Bill O’Reilly’s book where two 15 year old girls who are severely addicted to crack cocaine have to perform oral sex on some disgusting drug dealer — on a “faux leather couch” no less.
He’s not 14. He’s quite the adult male; 47, bald, fat, virginity intact, and sleeping on his twin mattress from when he was 12. He has GI Joe bed sheets, a Star Wars night light, and still wets the bed frequently at night because he’s too afraid of the dark to get out of bed. So he just lays there and urinates in his “jammies.”
The only thing he watches on TV is his gay porn and Fox News. Apparently, he masturbates while watching Sean Hannity. When he’s not on HA, (un)SP blogs he’s in the same chat rooms as Mayor Jim West of Spokane.
He has a definite disdain for Gold Star Mothers who have the audacity to question the same Commander-in-Chief who landed on an aircraft carrier 2 1/2 years ago with a “Mission Accomplished” banner. Then today he gives a speech with “Plan for Victory” banner behind him. Doh!!
Oh, yeah, and he votes “values” which is to say he is involved in the Culture of Corruption that is conservatism and anti-military if he has to be involved, but doesn’t mind when someone else’s child dies, as long as it’s not Jenna or Barbara Bush who have to serve.
So there you go. Now you know the COWARD a little bit better.
JDB @ 38
Let me tell you about a few things I’ve learned about Ms Chickenhawk.
Ms Chickenhawk does read. He told me he’s reading Scooter Libby’s book: The Apprentice. Well, he only reads the passage where the Madame shoves a 10 year old girl into a cage with a bear so the bear can r-a-p-e the child while men watch.
The other book he’s reading is Bill O’Reilly’s book where two 15 year old girls who are severely addicted to crack cocaine have to perform o-r-a-l s-e-x on some disgusting drug dealer — on a “faux leather couch” no less.
He’s not 14. He’s quite the adult male; 47, bald, fat, v-i-r-g-i-n-i-t-y intact, and sleeping on his twin mattress from when he was 12. He has GI Joe bed sheets, a Star Wars night light, and still wets the bed frequently at night because he’s too afraid of the dark to get out of bed. So he just lays there and urinates in his “jammies.”
The only thing he watches on TV is his g-a-y p-o-r-n and Fox News. Apparently, he m-a-s-t-u-r-b-a-t-e-s while watching Sean Hannity. When he’s not on HA, (un)SP blogs he’s in the same chat rooms as Mayor Jim West of Spokane.
He has a definite disdain for Gold Star Mothers who have the audacity to question the same Commander-in-Chief who landed on an aircraft carrier 2 1/2 years ago with a “Mission Accomplished” banner. Then today he gives a speech with “Plan for Victory” banner behind him. Doh!!
Oh, yeah, and he votes “values” which is to say he is involved in the Culture of Corruption that is conservatism and anti-military if he has to be involved, but doesn’t mind when someone else’s child dies, as long as it’s not Jenna or Barbara Bush who have to serve.
So there you go. Now you know the COWARD a little bit better.
You have too much time on your hands dude.
Your fantasizing about me is a bit creepy…
Perhaps a high fibre diet will clean you out.
GBS @39
Ms Chickenhawk does read. He told me he’s reading Scooter Libby’s book: The Apprentice. Well, he only reads the passage where the Madame shoves a 10 year old girl into a cage with a bear so the bear can r-a-p-e the child while men watch.
Wow! Sounds like the only person worse is the one who “knows” about the Scooter Libby passage…and I must say, nobody would have known about it (if it even exists-that means: LINK? Oh- I knew you was just funning…) had you not mentioned it.
Anyway, since you have such a vast knowledge of idiosyncratic tendencies like the aforementioned, perhaps you could point your favorite offender to the correct self-help group. Oh, I forgot. You don’t know it because you claim purity.
Stay away from my daughter, fuck-bag. She is too old for you.
Hey Mr. Cynical
There is a state law that protects christians from discrimination. It is the state’s civil rights act. It protects just about everything but “sexual orientation.” Maybe even “CLOWNS.” Take a look.
What’s the big deal Mr. C? Merry Christmas to you. Take a load off.
Mr. C forgot to take his meds again today.. Oh yes folks, he’s in rare form! He actually sat on the can all day with his laptop writing this crap all while trying to figure out what a high fiber diet is so that he could dis someone else.
I wonder if all republiclowns are like this?
“I look forward to following his political evolution, and remain hopeful that Finkbeiner can grow into the kind of Republican I can respect.”
This isn’t meant to be smart-assed (honest!), but IS there a kind of Republican you can respect? Seems to me that to be a good politician in your eyes requires first and foremost that he be a Democrat.
Isn’t it always curious that no one ever says, “I’m taking this job so that I can spend LESS time with my family.”