Cillizza: Who do Americans blame for the economy?
Jon: Then…who is conservative enough?
Sharpton: The Wingnutosphere’s new punching bag—pajamaboy.
2013 Remembered:
- Cillizza: #TheYearInPolitics.
- ONN: The Onion Year in Review.
- 2013 top moments on the hill
- Sam Seder with the Best and Worst of 2013: The Sequester
- Sam Seder with the Best and Worst of 2013: ObamaCare
- Sam Seder with the Best and Worst of 2013: The Iran deal
- Sam Seder with the Best and Worst of 2013: NSA
Jon on John Boehner.
Thom: Here’s the Jim Jones Kool-Aid the GOP is Serving:
Stephen reads Sen. Ted Cruz’s coloring book.
Michael Brooks: Chris Christie is the biggest political gimmick in America.
Thom: Boeing vs. Machinists.
David Pakman: Marco Rubio signs up!
Steve Kornacki : Which U.S. President had the worst 5 years ever?
Stephen on Duck Dynasty stuff (via Crooks and Liars).
- Ann Telnaes: Hey…it’s just metadata!
- Sam Seder: NSA phone surveillance is illegal
Why divest from fossil fuels?
Mark Fiore: Jesus rebranded.
Obama holds a presser.
Jon says goodbye to John.
Thom: Are Obama haters worse than Bush haters?
Maddow: FLASHBACK to when ‘Hoosier-Daddy’ Rep. Dan Burton claimed Clinton murdered WH aid.
Top 10 Races of 2014 (continued):
Pap and Ed: Republican voter fraud witch hunt continues.
Daily Show: Hunger USA.
American Minute: Selfies and handshakes.
David Pakman: Colin Powell calls for universal health care.
White House: West Wing Week.
Immigration advocates warn of political fallout.
Winter Holiday Themes:
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX’s White Santa and Jesus.
- Young Turks: The dark mastermind behind the War On Christmas:
- Stephen: The one percenter Christmas card
- Sharpton: Bill-O wins the War on Christmas!!!!!
- Young Turks: Christmas interrupts Congress’s effort to protect Christmas
- Sam Seder: The right-wing fake War on Christmas started nearly 100 years ago
- Jon on FAUX on Duck Hypocrisy.
- Thom: Why conservatives insist that Santa is White.
- Young Turks: The Flying Spaghetti Monster joins baby Jesus.
- David Pakman: Is there really a War on Christmas.
- Stephen defends Megyn Kelley.
- Mental Floss: 27 winter holiday tradition origins.
Sam Seder and Digby: How blogging changed progressive politics.
Pap and Ed: Republicans fear the teachings of Jesus.
Young Turks: FAUX’s Duck Dynasty Hypocrisy.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.