Zina Saunders: Hell rejects Margaret Thatcher.
John Fugelsang presents: ‘The Deeply Embarrasing Senator of the Week Award’.
Michele Quits:
- Stephen on Michele Bachmann’s greatest hits.
- Katrina vanden Heuvel: Good bye and good riddance
- Dave Rubin: Michele says goodbye.
Sam Seder: Mitt Romney thinks Hurricane Sandy was to blame.
Bill Maher with some new rules.
The Rob Ford crack-smoking video leaked.
Thom: Why California will be the new face of Obamacare.
Lawrence O’Donnell: The ‘rape’ men of the GOP.
Sam Seder: GW Bush uses Vets to relieve himself of guilt.
John Fugelsang: People who supported NSA Condoleezza Rice can’t criticize NSA Susan Rice:
Ann Telnaes: The military version of zero tolerance.
Surveillance Nation:
- Stephen on NSA surveillance.
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News espionage act hypocrisy.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Scandal! State of America.
Young Turks: When God saved Boehner.
Jonathan Mann: Ode to the NY Times legal force.
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Sam Seder: GOP Senator blames hormones for military sexual assaults.
Maddow: GOP’s & FAUX News’ History of Fake ‘Obama Smoking Guns’
Stephen on Superman.
Thom: Why are “We the People” subsidizing the Tea Party:
Sharpton: GOP tells ‘car thief’ Darrell Issa to ‘cool it’.
Mental Floss: 31 Strange Medical Conditions.
The week in Chris Christie:
- Jon on Gov. Chris Christie.
- Sam Seder: Christie spends $12 Million to protect his reelection
- Young Turks: Christies big fat election.
Bill Maher: Pot is the new gay marriage.
O’Donnell: Incompetent Rudy Giuliani was an ‘unwitting accomplice’ of Al-Qaeda.
White House: West Wing Week.
ONN: Week in Review.
Jon says goodbye.
Young Turks: Is Roger Ailes insane?
Maddow: Not much for GOP to build on in outreach to women voters.
Ann Telnaes: More sexist nonsense from Republicans.
John Fugelsang and Dan Savage: Interrupting Michelle Obama.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.