– A progress report on the ex-offender hiring bill in Seattle.
– While here in Washington we’ll have to get even modest background checks on the ballot, Oregon may get a measure passed through their legislature.
– The Power of Choice Awards are coming up.
– The 2013 Seattle Bicycle Master Plan is out now. There will be time for public comment, and then after it’s finalized, politicians can ignore it.
Woop, woop, way to go Scotty Walker! How anyone can think these people are anything except idiots is beyond me.
Today is the anniversary of Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy, which began the Liberation of France and Western Europe.
1)Utility companies get free use of public right of way in exchange for absorbing the cost of relocation if needed for public works projects. In Milwaukee, there is a proposed streetcar line, and a aign that it is getting closer to construction, legislators are working on changing the law to have the city be on the hook for relocation costs. It’s an attempt to kill the project.
From 2,
It’s also Andrew Napolitano’s birthday: he’s 63 today.
Besides calling the special election, Governor Christie(R-NJ), has made a temporary appointment. His Attorney General, another Republican, and an opponent of the Death Penalty, and a supporter of gun buyback programs.
The teahadists will be out in force to tar-and-feather Christie. Not so much for the interim-Senator appointment, though it will surely rankle them that, say, Scott Garrett wasn’t picked.
No, if what you say about Chiesa’s policy positions is true, they’ll be aghast that such a liberal socialist has been part of Christie’s inner circle for a long time.
New Jersey is one of the few states that doesn’t elect its Attorney General. Thus, Governor Christie actually chose to put Chiesa in the AG position. And before becoming AG, Chiesa had run Christie’s transition team and then became his chief counsel.
So Christie has been palling around with this obvious commie for years.
6)Tennessee goes one further and has the State Supreme Court pick the AG.
Governor Christie is probably used to the criticism. He has been able to dish it right back, but this will hurt him in 2016. In Presidential Primaries, it’s the base that turns out. Ohio and Michigan allow crossover voters, but barring any change in government in Columbus and Lansing, expect to see that eliminated.
Something that we will probably never see in the Washington State legislature. In recent years, the British Columbia Legislative Assembly has been a two party duopoly, but for the first time in awhile, that’s over. The first BC Green Party MLA to be elected was sworn in. If any province would have this, even within a Winner Take All system, it would be BC. The Greens have one Federal seat from BC, and one seat on the Vancouver City Council.
A federal judge appointed by the saint who armed Contra murderers is in hot water.
“A group of civil rights organizations and legal ethicists filed a complaint of misconduct against Jones on June 4, 2013, after she allegedly said that ‘racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime,’ and are ‘prone to commit acts of violence’ which are more ‘heinous’ than members of other ethnic groups. According to the complaint, Jones also stated that a death sentence is a service to defendants because it allows them to make peace with God and she ‘referred to her personal religious views as justification for the death penalty’.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard to believe, but Shrub actually considered this moron for SCOTUS. But it takes a moron to know one.
@6 “The teahadists will be out in force to tar-and-feather Christie.”
They already were.
The energy boom in the Marcellus Shale and Bakken formation has led to a shortage of tank cars available to the railroad industry. ACF Industries had a dilemma, to many new orders, so with help from the State of Pennsylvania, has reopened a production facility in Pennsylvania.
We’re going to have too many tank cars in the near future. The oil folks like to apply standard depletion rates to fracked wells which deplete way faster than a standard well.
You Learn Something New Every Day Dep’t
An NBC/WSJ poll finds that 24% of Americans blame poverty on government welfare.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I always thought poverty was caused by lack of money.
The NY Times had something to say…
This is The NY Times, so Puddy should cheer? NOPE! The NY Times did not attend the Holder “off-the-record” farts last week. They wanted it open. They didn’t know Obummer went further than Bush ever did on these phone records! Obummer is proving the old adage power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!
But we know The NY Times wants a “private” meeting so their Verizon phone records are immediately purged. Also we know The NY Times leads the charge of the lamestream msm with their heads up Obummer’s butt. Just a small skirmish between two lovers in the slobbering love affair of Obummer and The NY Times.
12)Good point, plus another aspect could be an age limit on cars used in interchange traffic, 40 years, set by the Association of American Railroads.
Now, after 40 years, it does not mean immediate scrapping. The editor of Classic Trains magazine did a study on how many of an older type of boxcar that was superseded by bigger boxcars, and intermodal containers. 40ft boxcars peaked in 1942, so under AAR Rule 90, they could not be used in interchange traffic after 1982. There are about 20left on railroad rosters registered with the database that tracks freight cars available for hire in North America. One was used to haul a load in Mexico last month with Ferromex. Now when demand cools, or wells depleted, the tank cars could be repurposed, such as hauling ethanol.
In Germany,cthe Federal Constitutional Court ruled that same-sex partnerships are eligible for equal tax benefits. It is not marriage equality, but for them a big step.
In some ways, the Federal Constitutional Court is different than the US Supreme Court. First, it does not meet in Berlin, but the Western German city of Karlsruhe. Second, it appointments are not determined by who is the Chancellor when there is a vacancy. It is made up of 2 senates of 8 members each, with 4 members of each panel appointed by the Bundestag, 4 by the upper chamber of the parliament, and not all are appointed by Christian Democrats or Social Democrats. There is 1 Liberal(pro-business Free Democratic Party), and one Green Party member. Part of the reason is, a 2/3 majority required to confirm, and the governing coalition does not have to be 50%, of the Bundestag(45 is good enough).
Following up on my post at 16, the article from Der Spiegel, is interesting. The conservative parties are in a corner. The Christian Democrats are against marriage equality but softening, their sister party in Bavaria, the Christian Democrats are entirely against it. All other parties are for marriage equality. The legislation enforcing the decision is expected before summer break, and the election is due in September.
This is not going to be a full vote on equality, but a vote on providing one benefit.
Ah, Susan Rice…worth $20mm after 1 year doing consulting work….sweet to be a fat cat. She lied about Benghazi…what a piece of work she is.
how can you libs hate fat cats but love liberal fat cats?
@18 Well lookee who’s back — a long-missing troll. When did you get your parole?
@14 “They didn’t know Obummer went further than Bush ever did on these phone records!”
Didn’t know the Kenya Kommie was a closet rightwinger, didja? The fact Wall Street paid for his first campaign should’ve clued you in.
Politics makes strange bedfellows. In Atlanta, Georgia Power has a monopoly, and aover it’s reluctance to expand solar power, it has put renewable energy advocates and the Atlanta Tea Party on the same side. The ATP believes Georgia Power, a subsidiary of the Southern Company, being a monopoly, goes against their belief in the free market. Solar, if done right, can be a distributed source, potentially rendering bog power plants obsolete.
Up here, our public utility districts may be monopolies, but they do invest in alternative energy sources. In fact, sometimes not looking at the cost. EnergyNorthwest has Hydro, wind, solar, and biomass in their portfolio, but they continue to push for expansion of Nuclear Power. EnergyNorthwest is formerly known as Washington Public Power Supply System, the owner of 4 incomplete nuclear powerplants(Satsop and 2 at Hanford), and one operating plant at Hanford.
6. What’s so unusual about Christie palling around with another communist? He’s been palling around with Obama for months.
Keep thinking that SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. Nothing in the Obummer portfolio supports that lunatic claim of yours! But don’t stop being HA’s chief lunatic for Puddy’s account.
It’s so great seeing Obummer taking Bush programs and pushing them was past any of the Bush levels. Will the Friday Night Comix discuss this? Of course not!
Tells you a lot about libtardism. They scream about Republican programs. Then when they see how they can use them against their political enemies, they go the EXTRA MILE!
Crime Blotter
Shannon Rogers Guess Richardson, a minor actress from Texas who has appeared in a couple of vampire films, has been arrested for sending ricin-laced letters to President Obama and other public figures. Guess and her husband are going through a messy divorce, and her motive was to frame him. I’ll bet she’s a Teahadist.
Richard Ramirez, the notorious “Night Stalker” convicted of 13 murders, 5 attempted murders, 11 rapes, and 14 burglaries, has died of natural causes in a California prison at age 59. Ramirez was one of over 700 inmates on California’s death row. Burn in hell, cretin.
@24 Yeah, that should make you rightwing police-state enthusiasts happy. You won the election after all; Obama is one of yours.
“Then when they see how they can use them against their political enemies, …”
Huh? How the fuck do you read that into it? Far as we know, they’re eavesdropping on everybody. So how does that translate into “using against political enemies?” Are you trying to outdo your own stupidity?
25)I hope they throw the book at her. Plus, all mail bound for Capitol Hill goes through special screening, so on that case, it was a postal service employee put in danger.
In the case of Ramirez, California’s death penalty is notoriously slow, inmates die of natural causes before the needle. Although while their appeals process is slow, have they ever done an execution where they later had questions of innocence?
In Illinois, they already have three state funded Intercity Passenger Rail corridors, and 2 more planned. NOW one lawmaker is pushing for a new corridor from the Quad Cities to Danville, via Galesburg, Peoria, Bloomington, and Champaign. It would not serve Chicago, but connect the other corridors that do.
I’m very disturbed by the internet spying.
One way to look at it: If the gun rights people are adamant that the government should not be tracking their gun purchases, they should be just as adamant that the government not be tracking their every click on the internet, cause if any gun owner, or anyone who knows the gun owner, ever sent an email, or tweet, or istagram or facebook entry, or made a VOIP call that mentioned about the new arsenal, the government now knows about it.
Before it was the NRA angle by others. But she has five chillun and none of them are from her existing husband whom she’s divorcing. She was a Zombie extra… Zombie… AKA HA libtards marching to Obummer’s beat! Sounds like a loose libtard to Puddy!
Maybe you leftists need to commiserate first and then collaboratively promulgate useless leftist theories SENILE AND DUMB Wabbit!
#31. What does her kids have to do with anything?
Why do conservatives always attack the kids?
Where did Puddy attack the children Fascist Pigsty? If you actually read the news stories her oldest claimed his mother was paranoid that she was being poisoned with ricin by Richardson. Puddy didn’t post this before butt since you asked Fascist Pigsty!
Why do you use her kids to launch into a conservative character assassination?
Interesting use of drones proposed in Germany. Deutsche Bahn wants to use them to combat graffiti artists along their routes, and their will be restrictions.
You know what, puddy, you and your boyfriend just keep ranting through your performance art project. I don’t care what gibberish you post. Life is too short to bother responding to you two. I’m out.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
Four people are injured, two critically, after a nut opened fire at Santa Monica College. Two bodies were found at a nearby house. The suspect is believed to be among the wounded.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t worry, we’re not gonna take away anybody’s guns, the Republicans will make sure of that!
@28 ” … have they ever done an execution where they later had questions of innocence?”
I don’t know of any California cases, but California has very few executions despite its populous death row. The state most likely to kill innocent people is GOP Gov. Rick Perry’s Texas, where the incumbent governor’s stupidity and stubborn closed mind is a potentially mortal threat to the lives of its residents. There are no proven recent cases of innocent people being executed in the U.S. The most probable such case is Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for a house fire that killed his children, which leading arson experts now say was likely an accidental fire.
@28 I suspect this was about money. She may have figured she’d get it all if he went to prison. That doesn’t necessarily make her a golddigger; she probably earned most of it in the first place. Even bit-part actresses make more than Army soldiers. Or at least I think they do.
@31 Speaking of theories, you seem determined to one-up me. Zombie actors equate with “leftists”? Even I’m not that creative. Gotta hand it to you, putz, you have quite a fertile imagination inside that cinder block perched between your shoulders.
@32 Yeah, he didn’t attack her children (other than calling them “chillun”), that was just a typical Puddy Pointless Irrelevancy (TM; pat. pending).
@35 Germans don’t know a good thing when they see it.
38)Good point about Texas. California seems opposed to the Death Penalty, but for retaining it as an option. I mean that they elect anti death penalty politicians, but when they had a chance to repeal it at the polls, they did not. Governor Jerry Brown is opposed to it, but defended it as AG, Attorney General Kamala Harris is even more opposed to it. I heard that one time the voters defeated three judges opposed to the Death Penalty in an attempt to stack the California State Supreme Court with judges appointed by Governor Dukemejin, and all judges on the court except Justice Goodwin Liu, are Republican appointees.
42)Good point. Although they take pride in the ICE trains, I doubt that they want them looking like NYC subway cars of the seventies and eighties. I doubt that they have to worry about copper wire theft, the overhead wires are energized, and at 15KV AC.
@43 Until today, Richard Ramirez was an outstanding candidate for intravenous attitude adjustment.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Our trolls had to have been raised on formula:
Sorry to miss the 30+ post whilst at work. Back to Susan Rice…..how did she get so rich?
@47 “how did she get so rich”
1. By marrying a guy with a good job;
2. By investing in banks and oil companies;
3. By being a hell of a lot smarter than you.
Santa Monica Mass Shooting Update
The death toll is now 7 (including the shooter, who was killed by police) with several injured. The shooter is described as a white male between 25 and 30 who was wearing “all black” and “a ballistic vest.” He apparently shot victims, many of them women, randomly.
Meanwhile, a “person of interest” is in custody, and police are saying they aren’t sure the shooter acted alone. Question: Was this another Boston-style act of terrorism?
CNN reports that President Obama was at a fundraiser in Santa Monica just a 10-minute drive away from the shooting rampage.
Vladimir Putin is about to become a tabloid star and laughingstock. He’s ditching his wife for this chick.
Mother Jones with a mother lode!
PuddyCommentary: As Puddy wrote earlier this week… Obummer has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past where George W. Bush ever thought about going!
@52 “Obummer has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past where George W. Bush ever thought about going!”
You’re exaggerating. http://www.antiwar.com/news/?articleid=2444
Silly Wabbit, You’re exaggerating.
Drones killing Americans overseas SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
Regardless of who’s gone how far the fact of the matter is that they’re both wrong and while some of us on the left have better ideas, better ways of doing things, and better ways of living, currently The Right has nothing.
Susan Rice….had a 3 yr private sector job and the rest in the government. Yeah, she invested smart but only because of tips and favors. She’s now worth $20mm plus.
Oh, and she’s a proven liar.
Now the Bush/Obummer comparisons begin.
An 86 page FISA report against Bush?
Butt we were told by HA leftist Bush was the Worst. President. Ever. So comparing Obummer to Bush means Obummer is now the Worst. President. Ever.
Puddy agrees Obummer is not the Worst. President. Ever!
That is Jimmy Carter. Carter is the Worst. President. Ever!
@54 You coddling terrorists now? It figures. That’s your speed.
@56 Since all of their money is in CANADIAN stocks it’s hard to see where she got her insider stock tips from. Maybe she studies stock sheets like the rest of us. But never let facts get in the way of a rightwing smear …
As with my comments to Puddy, Susan Rice might be the most awful thing ever (I disagree with you on that one), but what do the Republicans have that’s better? Nothing. Last I checked the Republican Party was tearing it’s self apart and had an approval rating of something like 16%. The Republican’s have no coherent, workable, national security policy. The have no coherent, workable, foreign policy.
My advise? Unless you can bring something better than what the Democrats have to the table just STFU.
@58 Carter wasn’t a warmonger or torturer, didn’t spy on citizens and lie about it, or snort coke on the job, and while his economy wasn’t fabulous it was better than the steaming turd pile Smirking Chimp left for his successor to mop up.
Cell phones can be replaced, lives cannot.
Susan rice earned maybe 300k a year at McKinsey. Say she takes 100k/yr and thus invests 300k. Now she is worth $20mm. Their is near zero chance you turn 300k into 20mm by way of smart investing on your own. (do the math) What happened….a) she marries well, I get that, and b) she goes into government. Somehow you and your ilk are fooled into thinking she and others are one of you. No, just like the Clintons and others….she managed to turn her connections in government into a lot of money. I don’t begrudge her in the private sector. But in government I don’t want people turning “service” into a path for millions. Don’t get me going on Harry Reid and his money making career in government