It’s not fair to say Rodney Tom doesn’t have a budget. He totally does. You just can’t see it. It’s, um, in Canada. But it’s totally real.
The Senate Majority Coalition Caucus called a 6-minute press conference on Thursday to say that they’ve made a counter-offer to the House on the budget. But they released no details about what’s in that offer.
Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom said the Senate made a “comprehensive offer” back to the House on Thursday morning, but would not say what that offer entailed.
Look you guys, I don’t want to use this press conference about my budget to bring the media into the budget process. But my budget proposal is real. It’s real. It’s just so awesome that if you saw it you’d be sad that it wasn’t your budget, so I can’t show it to you.
That press conference was so bizarre that even Josh Feit, who usually bends over backwards to give the conservative side, was flabbergasted.
Tom’s response to the proposal was breif and bizarre.
Asked about the Democratic proposal today, Tom said it wouldn’t meet the “dependable funding” requirement of the McCleary decision because the money from closing tax loopholes was going to the public for a vote. “This isn’t the old Soviet Union where you can guarantee an election,” he said.
However, the Democrats’ proposal to close $255.6 million in seven tax loopholes is not attached to a public vote. Sponsor Carlyle says: “There is no referendum clause. There never has been. Absolutely not. Unequivocally. Emphatically. Period. End of sentence. Have a nice day.”
I guess we should feel flattered that GOP operatives like Rodney Tom pretend to be Democrats. Let’s enjoy the moment, and briefly close our eyes to the fact it’s not because they like us, but because their own brand is so universally despised.
Just, wow.
Wait. What?
Thisisn’t the old Soviet Union?
I was sure I saw a statue of Lenin somewhere.
@3 Must’ve been this one.
Hey, and while we’re at it, let’s sing the Soviet national anthem while presenting the House budget to the Reichstag, er, I mean the senate.
“This isn’t the old Soviet Union where you can guarantee an election,” he said.
… Much to the disappointment of RETHUGS everywhere. Yet with further electioneering and voter suppression in the wings, they have not given up hope.
# 5: It seems the Republican efforts to “reform” itself has already lost at least one wheel. They tried to target Latin Americans in order to avoid an increasing demographic disadvantage, but they can’t agree on whether to actually do anything. After years of saying “No Amnesty!”, they realize that even the slightest immigration reform will have to include a form of amnesty of some sort or another. And basically, they don’t like Hispanics – they are too brown, speak a different language, etc.
Latin Americans in the U.S. are smart enough to realize when someone is just trying to say nice things to them while planning to screw them over. At this point it would take a generation or two before any of them would consider trusting a Republican, assuming they could keep their mouths shut and behave nicely during that time period.