Mark Fiore: The toxic mining law.
Mental Floss: Why do people and animals tilt heads when confused?
Stop Being a Baby When It Comes To Access To Reproductive Health Care :
Julian Bond:
- Sam Seder: Remembering Julian Bond
- Remembering Julian Bond.
Red State Update: Black Lives Matter and Hillary and Bernie and Mike Huckabee.
Jimmy Carter talks about his cancer.
Congressional Hits and Misses: Steny Hoyer edition.
Young Turks: Will the world end in September?
The Intimate Explainer: Sweet Nothings about the Iran deal.
AT&T Helps NSA Spy on Americans:
- Thom: Companies the NSA found “extremely willing” to spy on Americans
- Mike Papantonio and Farron CousinsWorld’s largest telecom company is NSA’s biggest snitch
Thom: The Good, the Bad – and the Very, Very Matronymicly Ugly!
The Iraq war hawks are back…for Iran.
Maddow: July 2015 was the hottest month ever recorded on planet earth.
Mental Floss: 21 failed inventions.
Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins: The U.S. burns while Congress fiddles.
The 2016 G.O.P. Circus Show:
- PsychoSuperMom: I Didn’t Come From Your Rib, You Came From My Vagina:
- Thom and Pap: The conservative media has hijacked the GOP
- Young Turks: Ending birthright citizenship? Goodbye Rubio, Jindal,…
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Time for Republicans to realize just how disgusting they have become.
- Sam Seder: John Kasich whines about teacher’s whining
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News’ anti-Trump spin
- Lawrence: Trump the insult candidate trashes himself
- Young Turks: FAUX News has lost control of The Donald
- José Díaz-Balart: Trump, “Many gang members are illegal immigrants”
- Sam Seder: Donald Trump goes to war with FAUX News’ Frank Luntz
- David Pakman: Donald Trump thinks the Constitution is unconstitutional
- Donald Trump: The Horror Film (trailer)
- The Donald’s “immigration plan”
- Chris Hayes with Ezra Klein & Michael Steele: How does Trumpism work?
- Thom: Who can stop The Donald?
- Sam Seder: Watch The Donald destroy Jeb!™
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Two shrinks weigh in on Trump’s extreme narcissism
- David Pakman: Donald Trump implodes on simple question
- Young Turks: Trump blasts O’Malley as “disgusting little weak pathetic baby”
- Larry Wilmore: Born in the USA…now GTFO!
- Lawrence O’Donnell: In ’99, Trump quit the G.O.P. because Republicans are too crazy.
- Young Turks: Huckabee thinks MLK would’ve been against Black Lives Matter movement
- Sam Seder: Mike Huckabee supports denying abortion to 10-year-old girl raped by her stepfather
- Bush edition: Fool me once.
- Maddow: Jeb’s latest blunders, lies and confusion
- José Díaz-Balart: Trump and Bush defend their use of “anchor baby”.
- Matt Binder: Bobby Jindal seeks to expand Big Government & use authority from laws that do mot exist
- David Pakman: Rick Santorum (ewwwwwww!) says ‘cancerous’ abortion is like the Holocaust
- Farron Cousins: Chris Christie is a jerk, and the public despises him
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz to hate group—only way to save US is by turning it into theocracy
- Young Turks: Lying liar Ted Cruz is not against birthright citizenship.
- Roy Zimmermann: The Big Republican Tent:
- James Rustad: “We Will Drone Illegal Immigrants”
- Deez Nuts for President
- Larry Wilmore on Deez Nuts
- Sam Seder: Mike Huckabee “speaks for” Martin Luther King Jr.
Fans want Jon Stewart to moderate a presidential debate.
Richard Fowler: Nutbag Rep. Steve King things you can marry your lawn mower.
Thom: Here are the different rules for Democrats and Republicans.
White House: West Wing Week
Pap and Farron Cousins: Florida’s criminal Governor still stealing trom tax payers.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about space.
Citizen Zimmerman:
- George Zimmerman is selling Confederate Flag art at Muslim-free gun store.
- Young Turks: George Zimmerman paints a confederate flag to prove he “loves” America.
- David Pakman: George Zimmerman selling Confederate flag painting at ‘Muslim-free’ gun store
Who funds the anti-immigrant hatred?
College Humor: 31 words that sound like slurs…but aren’t.
A baby seal responds to Shell Oil Drilling in the Arctic.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.