Judge not lest ye be judged: the quiz game.
City Hall Drama: Nick Licata battles Kshama Sawant aid Clay Showalter.
Jimmy Dore: Erick Erickson trashes his own mom to defend his racist lie Part I and Part II.
The Koch Brother’s Climate change deniers’ anthem.
Lee Camp: The truth about being a drone pilot.
Mental Floss: 25 facts about the science of music.
Islamophobia: Woman yells at and hits Muslim praying in California park.
The 2016 Clown Convention:
- The 2016 Republican field: Extreme across the board
- Trevor: Awkward moments at the Republican Jewish Coalition Forum
- David Pakman: Republicans panic…will Romney save the day?
- Harry Reid: “Trump’s just saying out loud what other Republicans merely suggest.”
- Sam Seder: Trump, “We have no choice” but to be insane bigots.
- Stephen: A tahini bit of perspective on politics:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republicans slam Trump.
- Meet the Trumps.
- Jimmy Dore: Trumpism is fascism & his supporters couldn’t be happier (Part 1)
- Jimmy Dore: Trumpism is fascism & his supporters couldn’t be happier (Part 2)
- Maddow: G.O.P. is too frightened of Trump 3rd party run to confront him.
- Sam Seder: Philly Mayor says about Trump, “He’s an Asshole”
- Pap: Trump is the new ugly face of the Republican party.
- Donald Trump sings “White Christmas”
- Young Turks: Bald eagle is not a Trump fan.
- David Pakman: How Trump would run as an independent.
- Richard Fowler: Donald Trump elevates the Republican party to America’s largest hate group.
- Sam Seder: Trump knows all the cool Jewish jokes.
- Maddow: Trump message plays into hands of ISIS recruitment
- Mark Fiore: Trump recruitment and retention.
- Young Turks: G.O.P. may be planning a coup if Trump wins.
- Everyone agrees that Trump’s Muslim ban “idea” is the worst
- Sam Seder: Republican fearmongering has come to its natural conclusion…Donald Trump
- Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice”: Vice Presidential.
- Young Turks: Trump suggests his Muslim ban is “not about religion.”
- Sen. Jeff Merkley slams Trump over proposal to ban Muslims entering U.S.
- Matthew Filipowicz: How Donald Trump plans to “take out” more than just families of terrorists
- Young Turks: Trump Spox, “So what? They’re Muslim.”
- David Pakman: Trump Spox, “So what? They’re Muslim.
- Larry Wilmore: The Donald isn’t funny anymore.
- Watch “Person of the year” nominee Donald Trump cower in fear of an American Eagle.
- Republicans weren’t always Islamophobes
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump’s plan to ban Muslims
- Sam Seder: The G.O.P. prefers a War of Civilizations to gun control.
- Trump’s Muslim ban idea has some strong reactions
- Jimmy Dore chats with Jeb Bush on “women stuff”.
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz’s latest ad is a substitute for his missing masculinity
- #CruzYourOwnAdventure: Portrait of a Serial Killer Ted Cruz
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz smears Democrats with “violent criminals” lie
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz doesn’t trust Trump’s finger on the button.
- #CruzYourOwnAdventure: Genetic Experiment
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz just cannot stop lying.
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz gets big laughs with his contraception comedy
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina grilled on her constant Planned Parenthood lies and rhetoric
Stephen helps the cause of free speech in Turkey.
Harry Reid blasts Justice Scalia’s racist remark.
KPLU: A preview of the Inslee–Bryant gubernatorial race.
Jimmy Dore: What could Obama possibly say to appease the Republicans?
VSauce: Supertasks.
For the First Responders:
- Jon crashes Stephen’s monologue.
- Jon returns to the daily show to scold Congress over 9/11 first responders.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jimmy Dore: Jokes of the Week.
Pap and Farron Cousins: Congress critters own stock in the pharma companies that they (de)regulate.
David Pakman: Could a guaranteed basic income work?
Sam Seder: GOP terrifies people then argues policy should be formed around ‘feelings’.
How I feel right now as a Muslim in America.
The Week in Gunz:
- Colbert makes the case for gun controls.
- Mock mass shooting planned by gun advocates in Texas
- The Yelling Man takes on guns.
- Daily Show: Good guy with a gun.
- Democrats blast inaction on gun control with silent speech.
- GunTV coming to a cable TV channel near you.
- Jimmy Dore: Want sane gun laws like universal background checks? Then you are just like most NRA members.
- Biggest driver of gun sales? Barack Obama.
- Sam Seder: FAUX News wants kids to attach active shooters.
- Young Turks: FAUX News faceplant…Hey, kids, attach shooters.
Rent-An-Endorsement : hooks politicians up with celebrities!.
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
Jimmy Dore: Dick Cheney predicted the quagmire he later created.
Jay Pharoah and Michelle Obama: Go To College Music Video.
Sens. Al Franken and John McCain do some trash talkin’:
Mental Floss: Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?
Friday hot takes.
Seth Meyers does Hillary:
- Part I: On Donald Trump
- Part II: Gun control
- Part III: Why Bill will make a great first gentleman
- Part IV: Bill’s mission to North Korea
Stephen: How to defeat ISIS.
Pap and Farron Cousins: Texas is trying to redefine “personhood” to keep Blacks and Hispanics from voting
Jimmy Dore chats with John Boehner on life after Congress.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.