SENS. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell would benefit their state and their party by supporting repeal of the federal death tax.
In perhaps their most cynical editorial on the topic yet, the Seattle Times attempts to persuade Democrats that it would be good political strategy to support repeal of the estate tax, if only to stop their Republican opponents from continuing to use it as a fundraising cash cow.
Okay, we get it already, Frank… you’re mortal, and your family doesn’t want to pay the estate tax when inevitably, the type is set on your tombstone. So how about if Murray and Cantwell trump your cynicism, and instead of repealing the estate tax entirely, they just support an exemption for all people with the last name Blethen? Will that shut you up?
Or as long as we’re considering creative incentives, how about we add a provision that raises the estate tax on newspapers by a whole percentage point, for each time they print the propagandistic misnomer “death tax” …?
Or better yet Frank, if you really have your heart set on repealing something, why not help the state close its yawning budget gap, and selflessly editorialize in support of repealing the sales tax exemption for newspapers?
I’m all for a well-informed, public debate on the estate tax… but you’re just not going to find one in the Seattle Times.