Washington isn’t the only state where Republican lawmakers are playing politics with the civil rights of the gay community. As Carla reports on Preemptive Karma, Oregon House Speaker Karen Minnis has gutted a civil union bill, effectively killing it for the current session.
The problem isn’t really that Minnis thinks civil unions are too much like marriage. The problem is that Minnis is hungering for higher office. Achieving higher office in Oregon requires getting through a primary. Republican primaries have lately been won by ultra conservatives…who find themselves on the losing end of a moderate to liberal Democrat.
The moral to this story? Don’t rely on Karen Minnis if you’re looking for good public policy in the State of Oregon. However if you’re looking for an individual willing to sell Oregonians down the river in an attempt to get to a higher office, Minnis is your girl.
Civil union is not marriage… it merely extends to committed, unmarried couples (gay or straight) some of the same legal rights and benefits taken for granted by married couples. It is a legal contract, nothing more, that deals with everyday issues like child custody, medical visitation and decisions, inheritance and more. It doesn’t “sanctify” anything.
And if it were not for Minnis’ cynical parliamentary maneuvers, it would likely pass the Oregon legislature. There is no sound public policy rationale for denying couples these basic legal rights… that the Oregon speaker would scuttle this bill so as to curry favor with a gay-bashing minority in her own party, is both disappointing and disgusting. And as Carla suggests, it will only hurt Republicans in the long run.