Rep. Richard Baker (R-Baton Rouge, LA) was overheard telling lobbyists…
“We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it, but God did.”
Hmm. Perhaps that explains President Bush’s motive for declaring a National Day of Prayer? (Watch out, Detroit!)
Urban renewel and a chance for poor folks to go camping.
U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s visit to Reliant Park this morning offered him a glimpse of what it’s like to be living in shelter. The congressman likened their stay to being at camp and asked, “Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?”
Yes folks, the hits from the right keep on coming!
Public “guvment” housing: A Democrat “Hillary Village” paid for with huge amount of tax payer funds. A great place for Democrat politicians to visit to get votes.
Let’s compile a list of greatest hits!! Kinda like Pat Robertson comments but from the variety of religious freaks in public service. See if by the time 08 rolls around that even the average Kansas abortion clinic bomber agrees with the statements.
This proves it: the Repugs are, at the core, the most nigger-hatin’ group out there. Disgusting.
Not surprising when you consider David Duke almost joined the Republican delegation from LA.
#3 “SB Vets For Uni Health Care” ……This should come as a surprise to Dr. Condi Rice [Rice 2008] and Robert “KKK” Byrd. Democrats: victim Marxist “progressives” economic parasites
Will those who are trying to polarize the US into two Right and Left camps with no room for middle ground ever have a limit? Now both sides are bringing this political hatred to a natural disaster!
The awfulness is just hard to overcome, you know? I think alot of us on the left saw things we thought were gone from the US throughout this disaster…
And we’re damn mad. Our country is supposed to be better than the racist, jingoist, corrupt gibberish being posited by the right.
EvergreenRailfan @ 7:
I agree with you 100%! The people on both sides, be it here or on Shakansky’s blog, are over the line. All this hootin’ and hollerin’ ain’t gonna get us anywhere with the clean-up of the hurricane.
you seem to be a reasonable person. The cleanup is going now,either way.
But there were horrible errors, and some serious societal problems were revealed. We Have to call the people who claim to represent us to account. What happened, and several of the relevations since are unacceptable.
now for the politicized part.
Apparently, the concept of “Accountability” really freaks out the righties here, and in the Government. So they have gone into attack mode, trying to distract from the mistakes and ugliness. This, of course, only makes many of us on the left even more angrier.
Add the frightening spectre of racism raising its head repeatedly throughout this thing, and you’ll have to expect some anger.
gah “Even more angrier”
I’m a college graduate, dammit!
Hey Wabbit – While you were curled up in your hutch today, Harvey The Invisible Rabbit was out working the oil market. A barrel of light crude dropped 41 cents to $64.08 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, where gas futures declined 7.6 cents to $1.96 a gallon. And you didn’t have to lift a paw. Ain’t free markets great???? It’s a fucking miracle.
windie @ 10:
Good to hear from you. I agree with you that many errors were made with this situation. I don’t know for sure if anyone will be “punished” (if that’s the correct word??) for the errors.
Although it’s not a good comparison, ‘assessing responsibility and making corrections’ might be as hard to do ‘assessing responsibility and making corrections’ for a lightning strike.
What is interesting to me is that the country is united. Look at the donations and the reaching out that is being done for the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Also, look at the polls, the people are united that Bush is doing a lousy job.
Which is the difference between the left and the right. The left criticises Bush for his failures, but supports those that are the victims of his actions, be it the troops or the good people or Louisiana. The right makes excuses or attacks the victims. But, I’ll give them credit, they still back up the good people of Louisiana…, well, most except dolts like the Congressman quoted above. Maybe someone should tell him to go Cheney himself.
Interesting aside:
Traffic at the ss minnow’s site this week (Sat, Sept. 3 first thread through the latest thread as of 4:25p, Fri, Sept. 9)
18 threads with 503 posts, for an average of 27.94 posts per thread. Not great, but give the minnow a break, it was a holiday weekend, and it isn’t like anything important is going on (except apparently fires on Alki).
Traffic at HorsesAss this week (Sat, Sept. 3 first thread through the latest thread as of 4:25p, Fri, Sept. 9)
2375 posts in 25 threads for an average of 95 posts per thread.
Can you figure out which side bans posters that don’t agree with the host?
Actually, New Orleans had already started doing a pretty good job of “cleaning up” public housing. The large public housing projects got so bad that no one wanted to live there anymore. So most of them have been torn down already. There was already more emphasis on spreading subsidized housing people into different areas, rather than concentrating them.
Question: Will the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of LA, both Democrats, be held responsible or accountable for anything? If an all Democrat state [police, sheriff, city council, mayor, governor] is not responsible, why have Democrats running the show? Why not just give each “guvment” employee welfare?
Another little something for the wingnuts:
“Question: Will the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of LA, both Democrats, be held responsible or accountable for anything?”
Only by following God’s will apparently.
Amazing, any chance to push your agenda;
Try this one on: The fault for this actually goes to John Kerry. That’s right, it is all John Kerry’s fault. Had he not run such an lack luster campaign with a complete absense of vision and charisma, he would have beat Bush. Then he would have been President, liberals would run the universe, pixies would dance in the heavens, and all of this would have been avoided. We would be sitting around singing folk songs together, as I type.
To attempt to blame any one person for this natural/unnatural disaster is as ignorant I have just laid out above. This thing was blown by everyone at every level.
The first lesson everyone needs to learn from this (especially those living at the base of a volcano); Government, be it local, state, federal or an international organization, is not designed to or capable of responding at a moments notice to a massive emergency. To much buracracy. As horrible as 9-11 was, it was 10 square blocks in NYC, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. A major earthquake or NW blow of Mt. Rainier could be a disaster covering hundreds of urbanized square miles.
Go ahead and work on getting your “savior” elected in 3 years. You can bank on that. I am going to stockpile my house and vehicle with emergency supplies (including a firearm) and figure out a way to take care of my family and myself.
Good luck with the government. Let me know how that works out for you. Don’t be pissed when I am eating and your not. Keep placing your blame. God Speed.
Moonbats – How many people did you kill with your “kindness” today? How many people did you lie to? How many people did attack with the soft prejudice of low expectations? How many people did you convince were victims? How many people gave up hope today because of you? How many people did you exploit for your own personal gain? How many votes did you buy with MY tax dollars?
How many people did you make dependent on government handouts? How many people’s spirits did you kill? How many people quit school or quit their jobs today because you demoralized them? How many people got on the free ride of the nanny state.
You have blood on your hands. You killed those people in the gulf states. You made them dependent and then you failed them. You failed them because you had no way to fulfill the promises you made. You exploited them.
Had he not run such an lack luster campaign with a complete absense of vision and charisma, he would have beat Bush.
He very nearly did beat Bush, there was only a 2.5% difference between each candidate in the election. That’s less than the accuracy margin for most polls taken by Gallup or Zogby or whomever else. Blaming Kerry is a huge stretch.
To attempt to blame any one person for this natural/unnatural disaster is as ignorant I have just laid out above.
Nobody is doing that, either. Why can you neocons just not get the difference between a disaster response and the actual disaster itself?
If you’re unable to get past that logic gap then don’t even bother lecturing us.
The only thing that Bush is being blamed for is not responding to a natural disaster quickly and decisively, and for taking an important agency like FEMA or DHS and using them for political cronies when his entire campaign centered around keeping America safe.
However, PIE, I will give you credit, you have shown more logic than most wingnuts. And you are right, we would have been better off if Kerry had been elected. But, while his campaign sucked, I think we can agree that it was the slander of the “swiftboat vets” that caused him harm. Sort of like the slanders against McCain caused him harm…., Hmmm. who was each of those honorable men’s opponent?
Clearly it’s Jesse Jackson’s fault! Why wasn’t he in NO before Katrina hit making a fuss about the failure of the city to be proactive in evacuating the poor?
Hey Not So Notorious PIE “I am going to stockpile my house and vehicle with emergency supplies (including a firearm) and figure out a way to take care of my family and myself.”
Believe me brother, you ain’t alone. When the Neo-Con Fascists attempt to take my freedom, they better be packing.
Clueless @ 18
Didn’t you mean to link to the AP photo showing a giant lot of unused school busses sitting window-deep in flood water?
I’ve only seen the photo and there wasn’t any copy. Has anyone heard why they weren’t used to evacuate the people with no other transportation?
Windie @ 11
The reason you’re seeing a lot of non-whites in the media images of the disaster is that New Orleans is only 28.1% white (2000 Census). Even if the race-to-poverty distribution were uniform — which it clearly isn’t — you’d expect 7+ out of every 10 people hit hardest to be non-white.
In other words, if you base criticism of events only on the absolute number of victims by race (e.g. “more Black people are victims than white people, so Bush hates Black people”), you end up with logic that says “God hates trailer parks because he sends tornadoes to tear them up.”
I awoke in a fever from a dream. Like all dreams, as soon as I was awake, it seemed silly and unreal, and, yet, there was something about it. A hope for the future that I have to pass on.
In my dream, George Bush came forward and spoke. For once, the words flowed, for it was the truth he was speaking, and he was speaking for the good of the country.
“We must pull together,” the president said, “We must stop the divisions that cut us, as a country, too deep. I have been as much a part of this as anyone else. I have made mistakes, like any man, but then I have had my operatives slander and lie to cover and distract from my mistakes. This will stop. I will no longer lead by fear and only on behalf of a part of the people. I will take my oath of office seriously, and lead for all the people.
The President continued, “Running the country should not be a game of winner take all. Everyone deserves a seat at the table. As such, as my first act of contrition, I announce that I have asked Joseph Liberman to become the next associate justice of the Supreme Court. I believe his life of public service, and his moderating influence will greatly help a court that has been sadly divided by idelogues.
“I further promise to approach or long standing allies to help provide security for the Iraqi people as we pull our troops out. We truly thought that this war would be easy, and that a flower of democracy would bloom in the desert. We thought we were so right, we were willing to lie to get our way. I am sorry that I took the trust that was put in me after 9/11 and used it to launch this war of choice that had nothing to do with the wounds of 9/11. I am sorry that I let it distract me from Osama Bin Laden, so that he still walks the Earth a free man. This is my fault and my greatest sin. We cannot ignore the liability we owe the Iraqi people now; Colin Powell was right, if you break it, you own it. So we cannot bring all our troops home. But we also have to admit that we made a mistake, and that we cannot go it alone. I hope that both our allies and the American people can forgive me and work with me to make right that which we have set asunder.
“Lastly, I want to personally appoligise to John McCanin and John Kerry, noble men who, unlike me, gave selflessly to this country. I and my surrogates have slandered you and others all in the name of power. I am sorry that I let my own selfishness, which was bought by yours and those you seved with blood, override the great service you have done to this country.
“I now ask that we rise up as a people and work to make things better in this country. We will need to raise taxes on the wealthy to help pay for the recovery we need, the war I started, and the short changing of vital government programs that has occured over the last few years. But it is better to ask those that have achieved the most from our society than force our children to pay for our follies.
And then the President call up his daughter and Dick Cheney’s daughter, and announced they would be wed in the morning, and that his other daughter had joined the Marines, and that he hoped she would see combat duty soon. As he wept openly, and hugged Mrs. Sheehan, asking for forgiveness, I awoke with a start.
It was only a dream. And the idea that Bush might try, just once, to be an uniter, not a divider, began to fade as I switched the channel onto FOX. But the hope is alive, even if, sadly, it will take three years until we get someone who cares about hte country, not just himself, to be president.
You know, while all this other stuff is going on, those bastards at uSP are scheming night and day to politically control this state from top to bottom. Don’t drop the ball just because it is finally apparent even to the densest person that Bush is incompetent. They’re not interested in competence, the Republicans. They’re interested in raping this country as quickly and efficiently as possible. They have the Federal Government. Don’t give them the states!!!
re 2: If I could choke the life out of you , I gladly would!
I had a dream that the republicans ran the country and had majorities in the house and senate. I saw democrats gnashing their teeth in anger at the presidents every move. The Supreme Court was finally going to be liberated from the liberal ideologues who legislate from the bench. Foreign countries actually feared us instead of laughing at us. Oh it was a beautiful dream. I hardly wanted to wake up because I didn’t want it to end. When I did wake up I realized that I wasn’t dreaming at all, but that I was living reality. Ah life is good. To all you donks… sweet dreams!!!
re 13: It is if you’re in a certain social class that needs correction. Your biggest fear is that we’ll take it all away from you.
And you know what? As the Stones said —- so long ago—– …..time is on MY side!!!!!!” We will take it all away from you. “Free Markets” be damned….
re 21: Is GM relying on government handouts? Was Chrysler bailed out with government handouts? Does Boeing rely on government (handouts) contracts? Will Boeing hire retired workers on a part-time basis and not have to pay them any benefits while the younger workers support the older ones on SS because Boeing refuses to fund their retirement? You Bet!!!
Is this too complicated for the average person to understand? Of course it is! That’s why we must educate the voters that everything a right winger says is against their self interest and unpatriotic to boot!!!
Have I said lately how much I hate these Neo-Cons?
Here is a newspaper ad by a clueless cell phone company, AllTel, in the 09/09/05 New Orleans Times-Picayune:
It lists a number of AllTel retail stores and authorized dealers. About half of the listed locations are currently closed due to the damage from Hurricane Katrina!
Re 17: Why don’t you go into your closet, wrap a towel around your neck, and beat-off for a while?
re 20: Could we smoke joints, drink beer , play R. Johnson (Clapton approved) remakes, eat a few dexies, and sing ,”DAYDREAM BELIEVER”?
Not in your world—but in mine…… Come to e , y pretties!!!
HeH ! Heh! I guess that’s why they call you , “HEADLESS!” Come to me, my pretties, is what I meant to say!!
Kiss my ass you lame piece of shit.I will meet you anywhere , anytime. POSER!!! -Comment by headless lucy— 9/9/05 @ 10:09 pm
I call BULLSHIT on you, Ballsless Looney.
You don’t even have the testicles to answer a question HERE, little girlie man.
HeadlessLucy: all mouth and ASS, no brains or balls.
Mark @ 26
There was no one to drive those buses and no where to take people. There was no place those buses and their drivers would be safe from that hurricane, i.e. no way to guarantee they would be available to evacuate people from NOLA. RTA buses were used before the hurricane and maybe a few after the hurricane to transport people to the SuperDome and the convention center. That’s all NOLA could be reasonably expected to do after a powerful storm that flooded the city and wrecked just about everything else for miles and miles.
Yet you right wingers point at that picture because you know it will hoodwink people. It is despicable.
For about the two hundredth time, the busses were to be used BEFORE the storm to evacuate the poor and elderly who had no other way to evacuate. It was in the New Orleans disaster plan. The city govt. was the only agency that could do this and they did not. We’re talking about the day before the storm hit landfall. What part of that do you refuse to understand?
Richard Pope.. are you really planning on running for office?
uh… might want to stop posting bullshit.
just an FYI.
Do what you want. It is a free country.
Well, for now, sort of.
For awhile, anyway.
Sort of.
I guess their plan didn’t work, so where was our savior, GWB?
Zip for brains, the hapless uSP spinmaster is living over here again. Stefan the ‘name changer’ must be sending his minions out to the world to confuse all with their lies and hate.
Clueless (again) sez, “That’s all NOLA could be reasonably expected to do after a powerful storm that flooded the city and wrecked just about everything else for miles and miles”.
NOT ACCORDING TO THE NO EMERGENCY PLAN! It was their responsibilty. Read the damn thing you blithering idiot!
41 zip you and Mark anyone else who cling to that bus propaganda are truly braindead.
Buses were in the plan and were used. People were alerted by tv, radio and by firemen riding around with bullhorns.
Listen to this NPR report here
The list of schools where people were told to wait for the buses is here.
Donn and JDB;
You all still can’t quite grasp what I am saying so let me gel it down even further.
I am not blaming Kerry. My example was to show how idiotic it is to try to place blame. Every level was “unprepared”.
No matter who is president, political hacks will be appointed to high powered positions. Do really want to start debating the qualifications of all of Pres. Clinton’s appointees? How about all the folks Gov. Gregoire has put in place, or even better, what about Gov. McGreevey’s appointment to Jersey’s homeland security office.
That is my point, all though it could be better, government will never be able protect you, the individual. When a “Mandatory” evacuation of a city goes down, you better be damn well prepared to evacuate yourself. That is the main lesson we all need to learn from this.
Instead of spin and blame, why don’t you talk to people about how you plan on protecting your family. If you have elderly relatives who don’t drive, who in your extended family is going to go get them? If you have poor relatives without transportation, who is going to go get them?
These are the questions that Americans need to answer themselves, not who can we blame for not protecting us.
You really want to play the blame game well here you go:
Simply put, the first line of blame for not protecting yourself is YOU!!!
Let me hear all of the “right-wing”, “facist” comment you have, but the guestimated 100,000 who “made a choice” not to leave a city during a mandatory evacuation are the first line of blame. The 25K to 50K or so, who legitimately had not means to evacuate, the first line of blame falls on family, friends, and community for not caring for their own.
Down the line, we can start blaming anyone in the government.
So their’s your blame game for you.
re 30: Panama and Grenada fear us to this very day. Sweet dreams , Sap.
Blame is the only thing their side has left. I have been telling the windies, cluelesses, donk****dons on this site that I can accept some FEMA blame. But they want to blame from the top down. I blame from the bottom up. Here’s why.
If you are a person hired by a corporation to come in and resurrect a company flailing, what do you do? You evaluate the pieces that are working and those failing. Then you look at the failing parts and you determine why they are failing. You then turn your energies to those that are working and try to improve their efficiencies.
Now turning to the Katrina disaster. FEMA comes in and everything has failed. Where is the base for them to start working with that which is working? Nothing was working here at the local level.
Fact: The mayur calls for a “mandatory” evacuation Sunday. His emergency plan says it takes 72 hours for a full evacuation. As asked above did you lefties read it or are you drinking the Daily Kos – Goldy Kool-Aid? If the mayur reacted in a timely manner, less po black people dead. – Lefties reaction: No Pud you are wrong; mayur not responsibull. (spelled for emphasis)
Fact: We now know the Red Cross with FEMA’s help (Red Cross President – stated it on National TV) and Salvation Army had staged had victuals and aqua at the Convention Center, the Superdome, and the I-10 overpass for delivery. Govnur Blanco (Blanco – Spanish for White) blocked the victuals and aqua from being delivered by her National Guard UNDER HER CONTROL. Lefties: No Pud – again you lie. She never gave that order. Fact: Read the Red Cross web site.
Fact: Looting and shootings in these “collection zones”. Proven by MSM reports everywhere. Jason “the REDNECK” whatshisname white supremacist publishes an account and Chuck whatever places it on HA that is verified by overseas newspapers talking to their citizens who left and you all castigate the source because you will not admit the failed Democratic policies of keeping po black people po in NO & LA would make you look bad. What happened to the Kennedy/Johnson Great Utopian Society where handout will make po people better. No it makes them a dependent class. I AGREE Jason is probably a racist of the First Degree! But did his messge hit home so bad that you lefties started vomiting up the truth? Lefties: No Pud again you are wrong. Jason and Chuck are racists. PacMan fell for their swill. PacMan eloquently explained his position and rujax the asswipe didn’t consider what he was saying. Clueless almost gave him the doubt benefit. If you ain’t black how can you attack him?
Fact FEMA there on August 30th. Terry Ebbert NO Emergency Disaster chief admitted it to the MSM. But JDB in his day counting method counts back eight days. Well factually speaking instead of JDB conjecture that means August 22nd. Does he acknowledge August 22nd? NO! Does tha make him a lefty ignoramous? YES!
So I can write more about the local failures and how FEMA had to first overcome those failures and how FEMA walked into chaos and they weren’t prepared. I hope a true post mortem is performed here. When the American people see that the President had to personally plead with the guvnur and she didn’t want the president to look good so she took an additional 24 hours (fact from the mayur) to decide, this killed more po black peoples.
Then we have Chuck Schumer putting out press releases asking for money for Democrats while people are dying. Your side has no shame whatsoever!
I await your awesome attempts to spin the facts to make your side look good.
What do you suppose is actually going through GWB’s mind when he “prays”?
re 49: Turn your head slightly to the left. There’s a glass belly-button there!
PIE @ 47:
First, if you will, listen to these stories about everything that FEMA and DHS did wrong, and that they were tasked to do, and had done right before:
I would also note that Gov. McGreevy resigned for his choice. Are you suggesting that Bush should resign?
And your argument would make some sense if Bush had not made the center of his campaign the need to make America Safe. FEMA is the primary federal agency for coordinating Federal, State and private response. As the two stories, and a million others have made clear, it failed totally. Bush failed in both his primary responsibility as President, and on his primary campaign promise.
Government exists for a reason. You can hold up in your shack with your shotgun all you want, but I expect that you will be awfully happy when the government shows up to drag your body out from the ruins after the next earthquake. And if they fail to save your sorry ass, I will hold them responsible too.
Why would anyone listen to NPR?? It/they simply ANOTHER liberal welfare recipient sucking off the money teet of the American taxpayer. When they become an INDEPENDANT (of taxpayer funds) news source, then, perhaps they might be ligitimate; until then they have as much credibility as a crack addict on food stamps giving out pharmaceutical advice.
I have a suggestion… why don’t all you big hearted compassionate liberals (snicker, I’m sure there really is one, somewhere) sit down and type a letter to all your liberal representatives telling them to immediately stop using taxpayer money for NPR and The National Endowment of The Arts, and instead send that money to the Katrina Victims?
I’ll be waiting for you all to C&P your letters here, along with the responses you receive…
49 And raving, paranoid lunacy and hate is all you have left Freepboy.
Spin, spin, spin. You rely on a white-supremacist for information and then applaud him and make excuses? You blindly support a dangerous clown who pats another clown on the back, i.e. “Brownie you’re doin’ a heck of a job!”?
Where’s “Brownie” now?
Did you know that Nagin also issued a voluntary evacuation order the night before the mandatory at 5:00 pm? That was way before Clownboy “pleaded” the following morning around 9:00 am. See the timeline.
Hungry, thirsty, people crowded in a sweltering pit of feces do bad things because they are driven mad by the circumstances – not because of Great Society programs that had been cut way back anyway. Ever hear of “welfare reform”?
AFAIK, the Red Cross would have been dogmeat at one point if the LANG let them in. If chimpboy didn’t hold up the New Mexico Guard that aid might have gotten in sooner! Blanco was forced to make a miserable decision.
Evidence is coming out that the Oval Office Clown held NOLA hostage. Sketchy post but see the comments section for some discussion of your Posse Comitatus bullshit. IMO, the Chimpinator needed full control for his photo-ops.
Keep digging a hole for yourself.
As a member of a FEMA authorized medical task force/strike team, I will tell you that JDB’s statement “FEMA is the primary federal agency for coordinating Federal, State and private response” is patently FALSE. If NPR reported that, they are line you JDB, as usual, WRONG.
FEMA is, always has been and always should be nothing more than a federal clearinghouse for planning and coordinating federal resources to aid regional, state and municipal who are the PRIMARY, and rightly so, responsible for planning and execution of comprehensive disaster contingency plans and operations.
After speking with 2 co-workers of mine who returned from NO last night, the stry about to break with the media is, they are begining to talk with the experts instead of political hacks. The OVERWHELMING failure in NO falls directly on the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans for a disaster that became a travesty as a result of FAILURE to even follow their own “master plan”. No matter what uninformed opinion you have JDB, whatr blame that ends up being assesed 60-90 days from now is going fall right into the laps of a 50 year history of Democratic malfesance in that part of the country. Go on critique all you want. It’s typical of the lunatic left. Blather on endlessly about something you have no idea about.
Clueless @ 40 & 46: “There was no one to drive those buses and no where to take people.
Let’s see… how about “anywhere but here?” As for drivers, who do you think drives those buses during the week?
“…no way to guarantee they would be available to evacuate people from NOLA.”
Hmmm… I’m thinkin’ the mayor and/or governor could merely have said, “Hey, Bob, call the school district and ask if the busses are in the lot [where they are every frickin’ day]. They’re there? Good. Use them to get people out.”
“Buses were in the plan and were used. People were alerted by tv, radio and by firemen riding around with bullhorns.”
Apparently 20% of the people in NOLA never got the memo.
“The list of schools where people were told to wait for the buses is here.”
I don’t deny that the list is there and that some people were helped in that way. BUT… If the family doesn’t have a car to get out on their own… and the kid takes the bus to school already… how the F are they going to get to the school to take the bus out? Catch a bus??!! Too bad they couldn’t take light rail there, huh?
I will state clearly that I think FEMA didn’t do as good a job as they could. BUT the state and local governments had a direct impact on the magnitude of FEMA’s job by not getting that 20% out.
Along with IDGAF, wasting more time and energy telling the Koolaid drinkers something they don’t want to hear, won’t accept as fact and will dismiss when proven:
(And yes, it’s not mine, I copied and pasted – get over it)
A few basic facts:
(1) FEMA is not an agency of first responders. It is not the agency responsible for bringing people bottles of water and trays of fresh food, or transporting them out of harm’s way. It also has zero law enforcement authority, or personnel.
These first-responder jobs are the responsibility of local and state government — city police and firemen, city transportation and emergency services personnel, state police, and ultimately the state National Guard.
FEMA has always been primarily a federal financing agency, providing funding to the locals after the crisis hits to help them respond and rebuild. That is why FEMA’s Web site baldly states don’t expect them to show up with their aid until three or four days after the disaster strikes.
(2) Moreover, the National Guard is under the command of each state’s governor, not the president. The president can federalize control of a state’s guard on his own order, but doing so without a governor’s consent to deal with an intrastate natural disaster would be a supreme insult to the governor and the state. In addition, using federal troops for local police actions is against the law and has been since the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
With this background, let’s examine who did what in response to Katrina.
President Bush declared the entire Gulf Coast, including New Orleans and Louisiana, a federal disaster area days before the hurricane hit, to enable federal aid to get there sooner.
The disaster that struck New Orleans did not become apparent until the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 29, as the levees apparently broke after the storm had passed. But that very day, the Army Corps of Engineers was already working on levee repair. And the Coast Guard was already in the air with helicopters rescuing people from rooftops, ultimately employing 300 choppers. These are both federal agencies under Mr. Bush’s command.
In addition, before the end of that week, Mr. Bush had already pushed through Congress and signed an emergency aid package of $10.5 billion for the Gulf Coast region.
Now what about Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin? President Bush had to get on the phone two days before the hurricane to plead with the governor to order a mandatory evacuation. In response, she dithered and delayed. Mayor Nagin also had full authority, and responsibility, to order an evacuation. He also dithered and delayed.
The city’s own written evacuation plan requires the city to provide transportation for the evacuation of those without access to vehicles or with disabilities. But Mr. Nagin did nothing to carry out this responsibility. Instead, hundreds of city metro and school buses were ruined in the flood, as Mr. Nagin left them in low-lying areas.
Mr. Nagin asked residents who couldn’t get out to go to the Superdome. It was his responsibility to then provide water, food, portable bathrooms and security for them. But, again, Mr. Nagin did nothing to carry out this responsibility in service to the poor blacks who primarily exercised this option.
President Bush pleaded with Mrs. Blanco the day after the storm to get the National Guard into New Orleans. Not much happened. Seeing this, he asked her to give him federal authority over the state’s Guard. She refused. As a result, the Guard wasn’t in force in the city until near the end of the week.
President Bush finally had to order in 7,000 federal troops, including the 82nd Airborne, on Friday to get the stranded residents out of the Superdome and the Convention Center, where Mr. Nagin had also completely abdicated responsibility. This was of dubious legal authority, but with the total collapse of the state and local governments in dealing with the crisis, what choice did he have?
Filter hell, again.
What a joke.
You do know the first sign of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over even when it is clearly not true? But, of course you don’t, otherwise you would not be Wrongboy. But let’s show how wrong you are again:
“Fact: The mayur calls for a “mandatory” evacuation Sunday. His emergency plan says it takes 72 hours for a full evacuation. As asked above did you lefties read it or are you drinking the Daily Kos – Goldy Kool-Aid? If the mayur reacted in a timely manner, less po black people dead. – Lefties reaction: No Pud you are wrong; mayur not responsibull. (spelled for emphasis)”
Fact: the Hurricane Pam simulation found that they would only evacuate about 64% of the city. Nagin evacuated 80% of the city. Looks like he did better than was expected and was responsible and you are wrong. Also, most of the remaining people (about 50%) were moved to refuges of last resort for those that couldn’t or wouldn’t leave. No one perished because of either the storm or the flood at these refuges of last resort. So, it looks like that the local government did its job, pre-hurricane, right, and you are just wrong.
Also, don’t forget, FEMA and DHS are supposed to be on site and in control 48-72 hours after notice of an event (Here, Aug. 29). So, clearly, the locals, at least in New Orleans (as opposed to Hailey Barbur in Mississippi, who said he was caught by surprise), did well, while the feds failed and you are wong.
But I will agree with you on something, what you are spewing is pure bull.
“Fact: We now know the Red Cross with FEMA’s help (Red Cross President – stated it on National TV) and Salvation Army had staged had victuals and aqua at the Convention Center, the Superdome, and the I-10 overpass for delivery. Govnur Blanco (Blanco – Spanish for White) blocked the victuals and aqua from being delivered by her National Guard UNDER HER CONTROL. Lefties: No Pud – again you lie. She never gave that order. Fact: Read the Red Cross web site.”
Fact: Yep, Wrongboy, you lie. First of all, you are ignoring all the reports of the problems with FEMA in both pre-staging and distribution of material. That they had trucks full of food and water and ice that were either directed to the wrong place or just let to sit because FEMA did not do its job. You also ignore that the whole purpose of FEMA is to coordinate and take care of problems like this. You also ignore that none of the concerns that lead to this one hold would have affected the Feds from air dropping in supplies, which they apparently didn’t do because they didn’t watch television and both Brown and Chercoff didn’t know there were problems. as of Sept. 1. You are also ignoring that Governor Barbur was having similar problems in Mississippi, and that once Blanco was supplied with enough National Guard Troops, things got better. You also always forget to mention the Red Cross says they understood why they were not sent in. So, as usual, you are simply wrong.
“Fact: Looting and shootings in these “collection zones”. Proven by MSM reports everywhere. Jason “the REDNECK” whatshisname white supremacist publishes an account and Chuck whatever places it on HA that is verified by overseas newspapers talking to their citizens who left and you all castigate the source because you will not admit the failed Democratic policies of keeping po black people po in NO & LA would make you look bad. What happened to the Kennedy/Johnson Great Utopian Society where handout will make po people better. No it makes them a dependent class. I AGREE Jason is probably a racist of the First Degree! But did his messge hit home so bad that you lefties started vomiting up the truth? Lefties: No Pud again you are wrong. Jason and Chuck are racists. PacMan fell for their swill. PacMan eloquently explained his position and rujax the asswipe didn’t consider what he was saying. Clueless almost gave him the doubt benefit. If you ain’t black how can you attack him?”
Wow, you are so desperate you are standing up for a White Supremist. Secondly, you are ignoring that General Honore has said there was no sniping. Third, you are ignoring that if FEMA and Bush had done their job right, and had brought in the military and other federal agencies to help with disaster relief, the New Orleans police could have concentrated on law enforcement like they are supposed to do. Once again, in your blind desire to protect Bush no matter what his sins, you are willing to swallow racist swill and you are simply wrong.
“Fact FEMA there on August 30th. Terry Ebbert NO Emergency Disaster chief admitted it to the MSM. But JDB in his day counting method counts back eight days. Well factually speaking instead of JDB conjecture that means August 22nd. Does he acknowledge August 22nd? NO! Does tha make him a lefty ignoramous? YES!”
Fact: Mr. Ebbert, on Sept. 1, stated that FEMA was there, but hadn’t done anything yet!!! I know that in the Bush world, just being there is enough, but you might not believe this, FEMA is supposed to do something. And, as I’m sure you are aware, even as of Sept. 3, FEMA was not doing its job by many reports. But let’s hold them to not doing anything before Sept. 1. By your own source, the one you keep coming back to, that is true.
So, how does the calculation work? FEMA was tasked to proactively help as of August 26 (24 hours after Blanco declared a state of emergency). The first calculation was based on, as you have admitted, a wrong statement you made (big surprise). So, instead of eight days, based upon your first statement (which is probably true, based on other reports), we have only seven days. I have already done the calculations for you, but since you are a fool, I will do them again. 1) 9/1, 2) 8/31, 3) 8/30, 4) 8/29, 5) 8/28, 6) 8/27, 7) 8/26. Seven days, and FEMA had done nothing. Based upon your own statement. By the very report you love, JDB is right, and you are, not really a surprise, wrong.
“So I can write more about the local failures and how FEMA had to first overcome those failures and how FEMA walked into chaos and they weren’t prepared. I hope a true post mortem is performed here. When the American people see that the President had to personally plead with the guvnur and she didn’t want the president to look good so she took an additional 24 hours (fact from the mayur) to decide, this killed more po black peoples.”
Wow, you are a sick pup wrong boy. First of all, the entire purpose of FEMA is to walk into chaos. That is their job!!! Don’t you understand what it means to do a job? Or do you really believe in the Bush work ethic, that the more you screw up, the better you are doing? God knows, that would explain your posts.
Once the Governor asks for help (Aug 25), and the President Declares a State of Emergency, (Aug 26) the Feds have all the power they need to come in and help. Heck, DHS doesn’t even need the Governor’s invitation or to wait for the state when a catastrophic event occurs. That is their job!!! That is what the law allows.
And what local failures did FEMA have to overcome? Beyond the fact that that is their sole reason for being, what local failure caused Michael Brown not to ask DHS for 5,000 employees until five hours after the storm hit? What prevented DHS or FEMA from realizing there were problems in the Dome and the Convention Center as of 9/1, even though that had been on TV for two days? What prevented them from dropping in supplies and water? The answer, of course, is nothing, other than their own incompetence.
And, wrongboy, Bush did not personally plead with the mayor or Governor. That is right wing propaganda and you are just wrong. They declared their states of emergencies on 8/25, 24 hours before Bush. If you want to blame anyone, blame Bush for trying to federalize the guard instead of just offering help, as he is supposed to do.
Any true post mortem would show that Bush and his appointees failed utterly, which is why the GOP doesn’t want a true post mortem, but one where they stack the deck. They hope to change the truth and rely on lies like you do. Sadly, the truth is out there, and everyone can see that you are just wrong.
“I await your awesome attempts to spin the facts to make your side look good.”
No need to spin like you when the facts are on your side. Mistakes were made locally, but the major mistakes were made at the federal level. And since the only one that ran for office on the single platform that he would make us safer, and who failed at that utterly was Bush, he is the one that needs to be held accountable.
I know that to people like Bush and you, being held accountable is unheard of. But, heck, I think after he have been shown the lies that Bush’s supporters are reduce to support the president, even you would have to admit that not holding him responsible would be just wrong.
The religious right and their phony god are just plain evil. It’s a shame there is no hell for them to fry in.
But it’s a bigger shame they’re not exposed more often.
Tax the churches.
Well, IDGAF, you apprently haven’t read what FEMA says its job is:
“The Federal Emergency Management Agency – a former independent agency that became part of the new Department of Homeland Security in March 2003 – is tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disasters”
Or this:
“As it has for more than 20 years, FEMA’s mission remains: to lead America to prepare for, prevent, respond to and recover from disasters with a vision of “A Nation Prepared.” At no time in its history has this vision been more important to the country than in the aftermath of Sept. 11th.”
And I agree with FEMA, at no time has this vision been more important than in the aftermath of 9/11, and at no point has it failed so catastrophically.
Mark @ 56
That bus meme dies hard. I suppose that happens when you remain fixated on a picture and refuse to think.
Anywhere but here? Brilliant. How about Libya? A category 4 storm with power of umpteen H-bombs is on the way and the plan is to go to Libya. I hope the road forks somewhere. The storm takes one fork and Libya is on the other.
Hey Bob call the school district. Ring. Ring. It’s Friday night when the Governor calls the state of emergency and no ones at the school district office. Didya ever think that the school bus service is farmed out to an outfit like Laidlaw and maybe they didn’t agree to have their property used for disaster response? That maybe that outfit had the right to sue if their property was commandeered by the government.
20% didn’t get the memo. You’re a glib, smug bastard. How do you explain the 26,000 people who were in the Superdome the night before Katrina hit? Many of them got there BY BUS!
How the F are they… Now you’re really having a brain fart. Maybe the same way people got to the Superdome and Convention Center perhaps? You know what you AND the LIGHT RAIL you rode in on can do with yourselves.
Think about this. That 20% were the poorest people in NOLA. They had seen hurricanes before, had stayed put and rode them out. They crossed their fingers again this time and human nature being what it is told them that they could dodge the bullet yet again. THEY WERE WRONG BUT.. aid could have come to them at least 48 hours sooner if idiots like the clown in the oval office and his braindead crony Brown didn’t dither and engage in turf wars.
I tell you what. Find another city affected by Katrina that was prone to flooding and had a school bus “plan” to bus out their poor and indigent. Complete with shelter and a place other than the floor to relieve ones self.
How very evil of these guys.
Tell me again how many tuitions for displaced hurricane victims you’ve sponsored… Michael Mooron has sponsored… George Soros has sponsored…. Millionaire Waggin his Willie and his thieviing wife, Comrage Hillary have sponsored… the Ketchup queen and her loser husband husband have sponsored… Teddy the Sot Kennedy has sponsored… Sean Penn, Babsy Streisand, Martin Sheen have sponsored… ANY loony, lefty, fringie LIBERAL has sponsored.
Non com in liberal speak = non compos mentis
lmao… check out the pic properties:… what could possibly be more appropriate for the numb nuts and brain dead libs! (Hello, lucy…that would indeed be YOU)
The good news for the Wingnuts, Mike Brown and FEMA were not only incompetent in Louisiana:
“Members of Mr. Bush’s party also were angry. Last week House Republicans pressed the White House to fire Mr. Brown. Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi pulled the president aside for a private meeting on Monday in Poplarville, Miss., to ask him to intervene personally to untangle FEMA red tape. Mr. Lott, exasperated, told Mr. Bush that he needed to press the agency to send the state 46,000 trailers, promised for days as temporary housing for hurricane victims.”;emc=th
Idiot-Gaf @ 57, ProudtobeAnAss @ 59:
Shame the head fo FEMA disagrees with you two:
Statement of Under Secretary Michael D. Brown
Remarks to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security
March 9, 2005
Good Morning, Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee. I am Michael Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for the Emergency Preparedness and Response, and head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
. . .
Our Nation is prepared, as never before, to deal quickly and capably with the consequences of disasters and other domestic incidents.
. . .
FEMA’s dedicated and skilled team of professionals, along with its partners in government and the public and private sectors, must stand ready to provide rapid assistance and resources in emergency situations.
Mark @ 58
I have a detailed response for you stuck in the filter.
Clueless @ 64
Why can’t you just admit that the mayor and governor didn’t do everything in their power to mitigate the situation?
And if people chose to stay for whatever misguided reasons, why is that the fault of Bush, Brown or FEMA?
The only reason the bus argument comes up is that you Lefties twist reality and put the incomplete evacuation in the laps of the feds when first response is primarily the job of the locals and state. The fact is that people died because the state and local governments failed to get them out. The 250 idle buses (as per US News & World Report) are just the most glaring symbol of wasting time and resources and not thinking outside the box. How about putting 250 drivers in 250 buses and driving them through the poorest neighborhoods saying, “get on board, we’re leaving town?”
As for your “turf war” comment, please cite a legitimate news source. From all that is in the MSM (and not just Fox), Blanco played a big role in delaying aid. Part of the death and illness responsiblity lies squarely in her lap.
And, as I said before, FEMA did NOT do as good a job as they could.
Dummie~ I mean conservative mark #1
I’m more about the racism you see in blogs and comments and various web-areas all over the place. I really thought people were better.
MSNBC Show at 9:09 PM: Ex-Clinton FEMA official said level problem was because the feds cut the levee monies in the 60s, 70s & 80s. Golly that was when GWB was what? Then we see the donks sued to stop the levees.
Regarding all of you donks, we gave $500 more last night to charity for Katrina. So eventhough we can argue policy, procedures and how the locals broke down and it affected the feds, we still love the people.
Oh, and JustDumbBozo: Your timeline is wrong still. But because I am in a great mood, I will not tarry on your continual mistakes. It looks like the MSM is finally starting to criticize the Guvnur and her decisions regarding holding back the prepositioned supplies. That’s why I am in a good mood. The MSM world is passing the moonbat HA lefties by.
Here is a good timeline, and I went overseas to get it. Why trust the MSM that voted almost 88% for the Big MoonBat John Kerry. Truth can’t be found.
Also the VA Hospitals evacuated their patients from their hospitals B4 the hurricane was close. Both hospitals were destroyed. Read about the VA and how they could do it.
The mayur knew about this. Why did he wait until less than 24 hrs?
FEMA sends in more fuel for hospitals on Aug 31. Why didn’t the guvnur send in the LA-NG to protect hospitals? But Buttboy JustDumbBozo said FEMA was non-existent.
Like on the Bart Simpson episode when parents Homer and Marge were thinking about giving Bart some ADD drugs when the principal talked to Barts parents: “I bet there was a cone of ignorance around Bart (substitute JustDumbBozo) in all of his classes”. Good night Buttboy JustDumbBozo.
Just in: Robert Moneyhan of Yulee, Florida (blue country) indicted. Nickname is Demon Moon! How much you want to bet he’s a MOonbat donk?
Do YOU hate President Bush more than you hate terrorism?
re 73: Do you hate Martha Stewart more than you hate Kenneth Lay? Have you ever bought Kenneth Lay potato chips? You get a colorful , puffy bag , but there are no chips inside.
Kind of like the president’s head– and yours.
But Buttboy JustDumbBozo said FEMA was non-existent.
Nope, you have said it. Your favorite quote:
“An angry Terry Ebbert, head of New Orleans’ emergency operations, watched the slow exodus from the Superdome on Thursday morning and said the Federal Emergency Management Agency response was inadequate. The chaos at the nearby New Orleans Convention Center was considerably worse than the Superdome, with an angry mob growing increasingly violent and few options for refugees to leave the scene.
“This is a national disgrace. FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control,” Ebbert said. ”
Don’t you read your own cites? Or do you just enjoy being wrong?
Hello Buttboy JustBumbBozo: I used the Terry Ebbert quote above to demonstrate that your events time line is inaccurate and incorrect. This guy was in CYA mode and the press is now printing. You can spin it all you want. Why is the mob angry? No food or water? Why, Read the RED CROSS WEBSITE you fool! Just as the mayur said, he had not talked to the guvnur and didn’t know the LA-NG was blocking relief supplies. You still have not acknowledged that. At least WINDIE has the sense to admit that. But no, not JustDumbBozo. When will your pea-sized-brain kick in?
More to come.
I expect this next post to go into purgatory for a while.
Here’s a good piece that is even on-topic, M/L.
“9/11 And The Sport of God ”
Bill Moyers
The religious right traitors in this nation must be destroyed.
Tax the churches.
Are you drinking again? Or are you just naturally this stupid. I have never denied that Blanco made mistakes, like Hailey Barbur did. But you keep forgetting that the Red Cross has said they understood why they were held out. You also ignore that FEMA could have brought in supplies on its own, or the Bush could have air dropped supplies, but refused to do so.
Can’t you admit that this was a catastrophic failure on the part of Bush who failed on his chief campaign promise? Did Blanco promise to deal with natural disasters better than everyone else would? No. Did Bush? Yes. That is the difference. And until you come to grips with that, you will, as always, be wrong.
Mark @ 70
Everything in their power.. I think Nagin did just about everything a city of 500,000 (40 percent of them living at poverty level) could be expected to do under threat of that kind of catastrophe. Nagin called for a “voluntary” evacuation at 5:00pm Saturday evening when Katrina was still hovering between category 2 and 3. He held off on “mandatory” evacuation until he could determine the legal liability involved in shutting down hotels and other businesses. It came at 9:00 am the following morning. 80 percent got out. A substantial portion of the remainder got to shelter.
people chose to stay No one’s blaming the feds for people’s decisions. We’re blaming the Feds for their piss-poor foot-dragging response and when they did start to respond, they mostly got in the way.
the only reason Puhhhleeze… The ONLY reason you wingers bring this up to PLACE ALL THE BLAME on Nagin and Blanco with only the most token of murmurs about the feds. You’ll keep flashing that picture of flooded buses way after Brown and the band of inept cronies working under him are long gone from FEMA.
people died.. People died because of the hurricane and the flooding. The state and local governments and ordinary citizens did just about all they could. They needed backup. It didn’t come when it was needed. It didn’t have to be that way.
250 buses.. If you don’t see it now you’ll never see it. You are obviously so pathologically wedded to this bus meme you can conjure bus drivers, fuel to drive the buses and places for the buses to go to deliver people safely within a category 4 hurricane impact zone under a mandatory evacuation order, i.e. utter chaos.
legitimate news source That kos post mentioned NPR who has done some of the best reporting on this catastrophe. If you bothered to read the comments on the post you would have learned some of the details involved in the turf war. Newsweek has more.
FEMA did NOT… Yeah, nice way to understate it.
JustDumbBozo said “You do know the first sign of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over even when it is clearly not true? But, of course you don’t, otherwise you would not be Wrongboy. But let’s show how wrong you are again:
Puddybud wrote:“Fact: The mayur calls for a “mandatory” evacuation Sunday. His emergency plan says it takes 72 hours for a full evacuation. As asked above did you lefties read it or are you drinking the Daily Kos – Goldy Kool-Aid? If the mayur reacted in a timely manner, less po black people dead. – Lefties reaction: No Pud you are wrong; mayur not responsibull. (spelled for emphasis)”
JustDumbBozo said “Fact: the Hurricane Pam simulation found that they would only evacuate about 64% of the city. Nagin evacuated 80% of the city. Looks like he did better than was expected and was responsible and you are wrong. Also, most of the remaining people (about 50%) were moved to refuges of last resort for those that couldn’t or wouldn’t leave. No one perished because of either the storm or the flood at these refuges of last resort. So, it looks like that the local government did its job, pre-hurricane, right, and you are just wrong.
Puddybud clarifies the JustDumbBozo bullshit: The mayur didn’t follow is plans from the Pam simulation. But again, JustDumbBozo forgets to mention that large fact. The mayur did not evacuate the 80% of the people who he admitted needed evacuation, the poor and those without cars or self-provided transportation. You love to spin the numbers. Those who left had their own transportation. The flooded buses were for the po city folks. Duh JustDumbBozo. Even windie admitted the flooded buses were real. Wake up from your GBW hatred stupor.
JustDumbBozo said: “Also, don’t forget, FEMA and DHS are supposed to be on site and in control 48-72 hours after notice of an event (Here, Aug. 29). So, clearly, the locals, at least in New Orleans (as opposed to Hailey Barbur in Mississippi, who said he was caught by surprise), did well, while the feds failed and you are wong.” Wong, not I am not Chinese. But that aside: I posted a link that proved FEMA was delivering fuel to hospitals the day after it struck. So if FEMA wasn’t there why are hospital officials saying that FEMA was helping. JustDumbBozo, golly you must be dumb. Yes you are.
JustDumbBozo said: “But I will agree with you on something, what you are spewing is pure bull.”
Puddybud says: “You are right about the bull. Right from the HA lefties fingers to the screen.”
Puddybud wrote: “Fact: We now know the Red Cross with FEMA’s help (Red Cross President – stated it on National TV) and Salvation Army had staged had victuals and aqua at the Convention Center, the Superdome, and the I-10 overpass for delivery. Govnur Blanco (Blanco – Spanish for White) blocked the victuals and aqua from being delivered by her National Guard UNDER HER CONTROL. Lefties: No Pud – again you lie. She never gave that order. Fact: Read the Red Cross web site.”
JustDumbBozo said: “Fact: Yep, Wrongboy, you lie. First of all, you are ignoring all the reports of the problems with FEMA in both pre-staging and distribution of material. That they had trucks full of food and water and ice that were either directed to the wrong place or just let to sit because FEMA did not do its job. You also ignore that the whole purpose of FEMA is to coordinate and take care of problems like this. You also ignore that none of the concerns that lead to this one hold would have affected the Feds from air dropping in supplies, which they apparently didn’t do because they didn’t watch television and both Brown and Chercoff didn’t know there were problems. as of Sept. 1. You are also ignoring that Governor Barbur was having similar problems in Mississippi, and that once Blanco was supplied with enough National Guard Troops, things got better. You also always forget to mention the Red Cross says they understood why they were not sent in. So, as usual, you are simply wrong.”
Puddybud responds: “Where are the links? Again all you provide is your conjecture and lefty web sites. I provided links that said all the helos were under attack from ground fire.” They grounded them until the military came in. Did you read from the Coast Guard? No, that would admit defeat. So don’t read anything so JustDumbBozo can continue to write lie after lie after lie after lie. Just like Ted Kennedy said.
“Fact: Looting and shootings in these “collection zones”. Proven by MSM reports everywhere. Jason “the REDNECK” whatshisname white supremacist publishes an account and Chuck whatever places it on HA that is verified by overseas newspapers talking to their citizens who left and you all castigate the source because you will not admit the failed Democratic policies of keeping po black people po in NO & LA would make you look bad. What happened to the Kennedy/Johnson Great Utopian Society where handout will make po people better. No it makes them a dependent class. I AGREE Jason is probably a racist of the First Degree! But did his messge hit home so bad that you lefties started vomiting up the truth? Lefties: No Pud again you are wrong. Jason and Chuck are racists. PacMan fell for their swill. PacMan eloquently explained his position and rujax the asswipe didn’t consider what he was saying. Clueless almost gave him the doubt benefit. If you ain’t black how can you attack him?”
JustDumbBozo said: “Wow, you are so desperate you are standing up for a White Supremist. Secondly, you are ignoring that General Honore has said there was no sniping. Third, you are ignoring that if FEMA and Bush had done their job right, and had brought in the military and other federal agencies to help with disaster relief, the New Orleans police could have concentrated on law enforcement like they are supposed to do. Once again, in your blind desire to protect Bush no matter what his sins, you are willing to swallow racist swill and you are simply wrong.
Puddybud responds: “All the MSM have reported that they were under gunfire. Rescue helicopters were stopped.” Paramedics have been interviewed and they said they heard the shots. You are stoopid to the nth degree. Also now you all want to quote Lt. Gen Honore, a decorated soldier when it appears he can help your side. Sorry lefty JustDumbBozo, it doesn’t cut it. Either accept everything the man says or don’t use him.”
“Fact FEMA there on August 30th. Terry Ebbert NO Emergency Disaster chief admitted it to the MSM. But JDB in his day counting method counts back eight days. Well factually speaking instead of JDB conjecture that means August 22nd. Does he acknowledge August 22nd? NO! Does tha make him a lefty ignoramous? YES!”
JustDumbBozo says: “Fact: Mr. Ebbert, on Sept. 1, stated that FEMA was there, but hadn’t done anything yet!!! I know that in the Bush world, just being there is enough, but you might not believe this, FEMA is supposed to do something. And, as I’m sure you are aware, even as of Sept. 3, FEMA was not doing its job by many reports. But let’s hold them to not doing anything before Sept. 1. By your own source, the one you keep coming back to, that is true.
So, how does the calculation work? FEMA was tasked to proactively help as of August 26 (24 hours after Blanco declared a state of emergency). The first calculation was based on, as you have admitted, a wrong statement you made (big surprise). So, instead of eight days, based upon your first statement (which is probably true, based on other reports), we have only seven days. I have already done the calculations for you, but since you are a fool, I will do them again. 1) 9/1, 2) 8/31, 3) 8/30, 4) 8/29, 5) 8/28, 6) 8/27, 7) 8/26. Seven days, and FEMA had done nothing. Based upon your own statement. By the very report you love, JDB is right, and you are, not really a surprise, wrong.
Puddybud says: “It is your wonderful calculations that originally had everything assbackward. Terry Ebbert said FEMA there three days so count back from September 1st. Let’s try again JustDumbBozo, FEMA on site on Aug 29th. Let’s go back 8 days. Everyone can subtract except you. What, the facts stand in the way of your lying shit you continue to spew here? You take it from the first day Terry Ebbert says they were there, August 29th BOZO! You choose to start on September 1st. Now we find out from hospital administrators FEMA on the job the 29th supplying fuel. But because Terry Ebbert says FEMA on the job 3 days not doing anything is his cover for his ineptitude, still places them there the 29th. You still throw around 8 days. But wait, now it’s seven days. Deflection again by JustDumbBozo. Please try and keep your dates straight. Because if you can’t do that by your own admission above “You do know the first sign of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over even when it is clearly not true!!””
“So I can write more about the local failures and how FEMA had to first overcome those failures and how FEMA walked into chaos and they weren’t prepared. I hope a true post mortem is performed here. When the American people see that the President had to personally plead with the guvnur and she didn’t want the president to look good so she took an additional 24 hours (fact from the mayur) to decide, this killed more po black peoples.”
Wow, you are a sick pup wrong boy. First of all, the entire purpose of FEMA is to walk into chaos. That is their job!!! Don’t you understand what it means to do a job? Or do you really believe in the Bush work ethic, that the more you screw up, the better you are doing? God knows, that would explain your posts.
Puddybud says: “JustDumbBozo, again you twist the truth. The truth will set you free. Just take a moment and think. WHat happened on today 9/11. Mayor Guiliani (you don’t have any Guilianis JustDumbBozo) and the city took the first response into their hands and there was no chaos. Then FEMA came in. Last year in Floridafour hurricanes came through. Jeb Bush took first response into his hands and there was no chaos. Then FEMA then came in. This time LA and NO were fully chaotic. FEMA was unprepared to address the total chaos. When the first responders the Red Cross and the Salvation Army tried to respond, you still can’t acknowledge that they were held up by the LA-NG eventhough the Red Cross web site proved my point. But to you JustDumbBozo, the Red Cross president is a liar!”
JustDumbBozo says: “Once the Governor asks for help (Aug 25), and the President Declares a State of Emergency, (Aug 26) the Feds have all the power they need to come in and help. Heck, DHS doesn’t even need the Governor’s invitation or to wait for the state when a catastrophic event occurs. That is their job!!! That is what the law allows.”
Puddybud responds: “Again for all to see, JustDumbBozo has changed the dates again Now it’s Aug 25th. Wow Blanco made the declaration on the 26th. [BATON ROUGE, LA–Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco today issued Proclamation No. 48 KBB 2005, declaring a state of emergency for the state Louisiana as Hurricane Katrina poses an imminent threat, carrying severe storms, high winds, and torrential rain that may cause flooding and damage to private property and public facilities, and threaten the safety and security of the citizens of the state of Louisiana The state of emergency extends from Friday, August 26, 2005, through Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless terminated sooner.]
So again everyone we can see in his hatred for GWB, JustDumbBozo continues to fabricate lies and creates further innuendo.”
JustDumbBozo says: “And what local failures did FEMA have to overcome? Beyond the fact that that is their sole reason for being, what local failure caused Michael Brown not to ask DHS for 5,000 employees until five hours after the storm hit? What prevented DHS or FEMA from realizing there were problems in the Dome and the Convention Center as of 9/1, even though that had been on TV for two days? What prevented them from dropping in supplies and water? The answer, of course, is nothing, other than their own incompetence.”
Puddybud says: “Michael Brown said some stoopid things. Correct. FEMA. But what did they have to overcome? The guvnur Blanco stoppingthe sullies. I suggest you watch the video JustDumbBozo. You may become educated.
JustDumbBozo says: “And, wrongboy, Bush did not personally plead with the mayor or Governor. That is right wing propaganda and you are just wrong. They declared their states of emergencies on 8/25 (wrong date again JustDumbBozo) – Puddybud, 24 hours before Bush. If you want to blame anyone, blame Bush for trying to federalize the guard instead of just offering help, as he is supposed to do.
Puddybud says: ” Read from this link JustDumbBozo. We do have a constitution and a republic. http://www.intellectualconserv.....e4584.html
Puddybud said: “Any true post mortem would show that Bush and his appointees failed utterly, which is why the GOP doesn’t want a true post mortem, but one where they stack the deck. They hope to change the truth and rely on lies like you do. Sadly, the truth is out there, and everyone can see that you are just wrong.
“I await your awesome attempts to spin the facts to make your side look good.”
JustDumbBozosaya : “No need to spin like you when the facts are on your side. Mistakes were made locally (JustDumbBozo finally admits local mistakes were made and people died from them!!! Yahoo, we have an epiphany!!!), but the major mistakes were made at the federal level. And since the only one that ran for office on the single platform that he would make us safer, and who failed at that utterly was Bush, he is the one that needs to be held accountable.
I know that to people like Bush and you, being held accountable is unheard of. But, heck, I think after he have been shown the lies that Bush’s supporters are reduce to support the president, even you would have to admit that not holding him responsible would be just wrong.
Puddybud says: “I have said local mistakes and federal mistakes were made. While you side calls the President a racist, no right side thinking minority has. Why is that. Because we see that of all the parishes that flooded, most of the city was white. Only Orleans parish is black. Where were the buses you continue to overlook? In Orleans parish. Who was in control of those buses? Da Mayur. So it you want the Feds to take over city property, I again refer you to: http://www.intellectualconserv.....e4584.html
Nuff Said!!!
Post just finished JustDumbBozo. Now it’s August 25th for the Blanco declaration? I thought it was the 26th.
Blanco’s own words: from Larry King Transcripts:
KING: Governor Barbour said that the president wanted to visit Mississippi, he told him not to come. Does he want to come to Louisiana?
BLANCO: Well, I’ve been in touch with the president. He’s called often before the storm and after the storm. I know he’s helping Haley. He’s helping Louisiana. He’s helping Mississippi. We’re in desperate need. I’ve never seen anything like this. We’ve seen lots of hurricanes on this coastline here in Louisiana and Mississippi. We’ve got a lot of friends al along the coast, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi.
Amazing the lies you continue to spew JustDumbBozo. Even the Clinton News Network, and his head cheerleader have spotted another JustDumbBozo lie!
This is why repeating the pittiful spin of the few die-hard wingnuts who have not fled Bush like rats on a sinking ship is not going to work this time.
“Ebbert said he knew conditions in the Superdome would be “horrible,” but Hurricane Pam had predicted a massive federal response within two days, and Ebbert said the city’s plan was to “hang in there for 48 hours and wait for the cavalry.”
Around midnight, at the last of the day’s many conference calls, local officials ticked off their final requests for FEMA and the state. Maestri specifically asked for medical units, mortuary units, ice, water, power and National Guard troops.
“We laid it all out,” he recalled. “And then we sat here for five days waiting. Nothing!””
Read the whole article, it puts to shame almost eveyone of your lies.
Oh, and by the way, to set aside one of Michael Medved’s favorite lies that no one thought the levees would breach, from the same article:
“On Saturday, according to Army Corps homeland security chief Ed Hecker, the corps had warned FEMA that Katrina would probably send water over the levees, and quite possibly breach them.”
Don hates blacks and took a “guvment” job that could have and should have gone to a minority. Goldy, racist Democrats should not have posts on your board.
JustDumbBozo, you are hallucinating. I haven’t quoted Michael Medved in any of my posts. The Feds told Ebbert 72-90 hours would be their response.
Red Cross & Salvation Army tried to respond but were blocked. How many ways and links are needed for you to acknowledge that? You still don’t get it or if you see it you won’t acknowledge it. I have posted link after link that says FEMA there on the 29th. FEMA chief says take one day to travel and one day to train. When was this sent to FEMA personnel? August 29th. You continue to obscure the facts and blend in anecdotes.
I see you dropped the timeline. I see there is hope for the calcified (I liked that) cranial orifice connected to your pie hole. Can’t continue to tell that timeline lie, now that Larry King is repeating my facts? Damn I like CNN (NOT!)
Hello everyone JustDumbBozo implements selective use of an article just like he did with Lt. Gen. Honore. From your own referenced article:
“Many state officials on the call feared there simply wouldn’t be enough help to go around once the storm cleared, and peppered FEMA with questions about resources. “We were concerned about making sure there were enough commodities to cover all three states, water, ice, MREs,” recalled Bruce Baughman, Alabama’s top emergency adviser.” Didn’t I say that JustDumbBozo?
“By late Sunday, as millions of people in the Gulf region sought a safe place to hunker down, hundreds of shelter beds upstate lay empty. “We could have taken a lot more,” said Joe Becker, senior vice president for preparedness and response at the Red Cross. “The problem was transportation.” The New Orleans plan for public buses that would take people upstate was never implemented, and while many residents did manage to get out of town — about 80 percent, the mayor said — tens of thousands did not.
“Once a mandatory evacuation was ordered, those buses should have been leaving those parishes with those people on them,” said Chip Johnson, chief of emergency operations in Avoyelles Parish, who helped put together the plan. In Avoyelles alone, there was room for at least 200 or 300 more on Sunday night before the storm, and more shelters could have opened if necessary. “I don’t know why that didn’t happen.” – WTF JustDumbBozo, did I just read this in your posted article. I suppose you ddin’t read it.
But everyone the piece de resistance is the following. Loo at what is before what JustDumbBozo posts: At the Superdome, city officials reckoned that 9,000 people had arrived by evening to ride out the storm. FEMA had sent seven trailers full of food and water — enough, it estimated, to supply two days of food for as many as 22,000 people and three days of water for 30,000. “Ebbert said he knew conditions in the Superdome would be “horrible,” but Hurricane Pam had predicted a massive federal response within two days, and Ebbert said the city’s plan was to “hang in there for 48 hours and wait for the cavalry.”
So JustDumbBozo, did you really think I would not read that wonderful post since I get the WaPo links in my email too?
I rest my case. JustDumbBozo admits in a WaPo link that FEMA did place trucks with victuals and aqua (food and water for lucite) for the Red Cross & Salvation Army and were blocked by the Guvnur and her National Guard from distribution. Looks like the lies you lefties placed forth on FEMA’s tepid response are beginning to unravel.
More from JustDumbBozo’s wonderful article. “But now the power was out, roads were unnavigable, and communication was practically nonexistent; even Nagin’s aides had to “loot” an Office Depot for equipment to install Internet phone service. Maj. Gen. Bennett C. Landreneau, the top National Guard official in Louisiana, found his New Orleans barracks under 20 feet of water; vehicles were washed out, and troops had to take refuge upstairs.
The federal disaster response plan hinges on transportation and communication, but National Guard officials in Louisiana and Mississippi had no contingency plan if they were disrupted; they had only one satellite phone for the entire Mississippi coast, because the others were in Iraq. The New Orleans police managed to notify the corps that the 17th Street floodwall near Lake Pontchartrain had busted, and Col. Richard Wagenaar, the top corps official in New Orleans, tried to drive to the site to check it out. But he couldn’t get through because of high water, trees and other obstacles on the road.”
Just like Jack Kelly said in:
For further reading: http://www.captainsquartersblo.....005416.php
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act, R.S. 29:721, et seq., confers upon the governor of the state of Louisiana emergency powers to deal with emergencies and disasters, including those caused by fire, flood, earthquake or other natural or man-made causes, to ensure that preparations of this state will be adequate to deal with such emergencies or disasters, and to preserve the lives and property of the citizens of the state of Louisiana;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Proclamation No. 48 KBB 2005, a state of emergency was declared and is currently in effect;
WHEREAS, R.S. 29:724(D)(4) provides that the governor, subject to any applicable requirements for compensation, may commandeer or utilize any private property if she finds it necessary to cope with the disaster or emergency;
WHEREAS, there is an immediate need for mass transportation to move citizens to shelters and other safe locations from disaster areas; and
WHEREAS, given the current exigent circumstances, buses are the most reasonable and practical mode of mass transportation to move our citizens to safety;
NOW THEREFORE I, KATHLEEN BABINEAUX BLANCO, Governor of the state of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, do hereby order and direct as follows:
SECTION 1: Each Superintendent of Education for each school district in Louisiana that remains substantially operational following the passage of Hurricane Katrina shall contact the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness at 225-925-3916 and provide an inventory of school buses and bus drivers in their district;
SECTION 2: As determined by the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, such buses shall be made available to be used as necessary for the mass transportation of Hurricane Katrina evacuees, accompanying law enforcement personnel, and necessary supplies to and from areas of concern to areas of safety;
SECTION 3: The Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is hereby authorized to commandeer and utilize such buses for such purposes;
SECTION 4: Each Superintendent of Education for each school district in Louisiana that remains substantially operational following the passage of Hurricane Katrina shall coordinate with local law enforcement agencies and peace officers to ensure that at least one peace officer ride in each bus and at least two marked law enforcement vehicles accompany every ten buses;
SECTION 5: The Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness shall make efforts to work with the superintendents and local boards of education to minimize interruption of regular transportation of students;
SECTION 6: La. R.S. 17:158, relative to parish and city school boards providing free
transportation to students, is hereby suspended until Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless reinstated sooner; and
SECTION 7: La. R.S. 32:402, relative to the requirement for drivers to secure commercial driver=s license (CDL), is hereby suspended until September, 25, 2005, unless reinstated sooner. Notwithstanding the above suspension, such driver=s must have a valid Louisiana or other valid driver=s license of their state of residence.
SECTION 8: Executive Order No. KBB 2005-31, issued on August 31, 2005, is hereby rescinded and terminated.
SECTION 9: This Order is effective upon signature and shall continue in effect until amended, modified, terminated, or rescinded by the governor, or terminated by operation of law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand
officially and caused to be affixed the Great Seal
of Louisiana, at the Capitol, in the city of Baton
Rouge, on this 2nd day of September, 2005.
/S/ Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
/S/ Al Ater
So, you read the article, you just missed the point:
“but Hurricane Pam had predicted a massive federal response within two days, and Ebbert said the city’s plan was to “hang in there for 48 hours and wait for the cavalry.””
And yet, five days later, FEMA still had not brought in the resupply. Nor had they tried to supply areas other than the dome.
But, since you read the article, you must have wept as you saw that the Bush Administration failed time after time to do what they had promised. You also must have seen that Mayor Nagin did a remarkable job, and that Gov. Blanco requested everything the feds had, but had to wait for five days as Bush fiddled (or, to be truthful, guitared). Having read the article, are you not ashamed for all the spew you have attempted to spin? Have you no shame?
Could the locals have done better, sure, but they did very well, and they did what they were supposed to do, get people through the first 48 hours. It was the Feds that were not able to cope, even though they had full warning. Apparenlty Brown, Bush and Chertoff thought they didn’t have to do their jobs. Sadly, like you, they were just wrong.
JustBumbBozo: FEMA told them 72-90 hours for their arrival. Sorry if Terry Ebbert can’t figure it out. Again I call Bullshit to your stoopidity JustDumbBozo. Here is what JustDumbBozo left out in all of his wonderful posts in the same Washington Post article he posted but chose to leave out.
“Even the gloomy Hurricane Pam drill had optimistically assumed the levees would hold, but they were designed to withstand only a Category 3 storm, and Katrina created at least five breaches at three locations. Now the waters were rising.”
“At the Superdome, city officials reckoned that 9,000 people had arrived by evening to ride out the storm. FEMA had sent seven trailers full of food and water — enough, it estimated, to supply two days of food for as many as 22,000 people and three days of water for 30,000.”
In St. Bernard Parish, a hardscrabble industrial zone just outside New Orleans, emergency manager Ingargiola realized that his entire community was marooned. He did not even have contact with his own emergency shelter, so he didn’t know its roof had blown off. But local officials immediately launched rescue efforts with boats they had prepared in advance. They figured help was on the way. – What did I say JustDumbBozo? Other parishes just as hard hit had boats. But not Orleans Parish..
“As water poured into the city, as many as 20,000 more residents poured into the Superdome. “People started coming out of the woodwork,” Ebbert said. The stadium was hot and fetid, and tempers were flaring. Ebbert said he told FEMA that night that the city would need buses to evacuate 30,000 people. “It just took a long time,” he said.” – JustDumbBozo why is that? Even Tim Russert asked the Mayor why didn’t he use the buses. He had no answer. See the Meet the Press transcript.
“As systems either were not followed or broke down, people just went to what they believed they could handle. Every man for himself,” said Ghilarducci, Blanco’s adviser. “You don’t use the system, you don’t use resources effectively and it breaks down.” – What you say? Don’t use your system Govnur?