I’m man enough to admit when I am wrong.
Last week I told the story the Irons’ family wanted voters to hear… the long, sad tale of their son David Jr., and their heartfelt belief that he lacks the qualifications, intellect and temperament for high public office. In doing so, I also made a point of lambasting the MSM for not covering the details of the Irons family feud… details that I believe speak directly to his character.
In an era when pundits and reporters can soberly chronicle the impeachment of a president for lying about a blowjob, it seems inconceivable that our local media could ignore the character testimony of a candidate’s own parents. But that is exactly what the MSM has done for years, most recently with Joni Balter’s timid, almost-apologia of a column in the September 29 edition of the Seattle Times.
Well… apparently my Google skills aren’t what they should be, for in fact checking my reporting, Darryl at Hominid Views has uncovered a number of articles from 2003, covering various aspects of the troubles. So those reporters who have privately complained that they had previously covered this story, well… I guess you were sort of right. Sorry. My bad.
Of course, that was two years ago during a county council race, back when few voters were paying attention to David Irons. I still think it is relevant to raise these issues again in 2005, now that Irons is running for a much more high profile county-wide office. And I provided some necessary context by stringing all the various allegations together into a single, coherent narrative, so that voters could get a clearer picture of what the Irons family is actually alleging: not simply that he hit his mother, but that he is totally unfit for office.
So what did Darryl discover from these news accounts?
For the most part, Goldy’s story is corroborated. In fact, I am surprised at the consistency, given the way time tends to warp memories.
My point here is not to criticize Goldy for not knowing about these articles. In fact, I find it reassuring that Goldy rediscovered this story and documented it without use of previous media accounts. At the same time, Goldy’s account includes some new angles, eyewitnesses, and relevant new details.
Finally, Goldy did what the MSM did not do in 2003. He brought together many eyewitness stories to document larger patterns of dishonesty and voilence.
Darryl’s research kind of puts my harshest critics in a curious bind, as it’s tough to attack me as a lowlife slimeball for breaking a story that… um… apparently, I didn’t break. As to abusing me for rehashing the story just a few weeks before election day, hey… I’m just some blogger. I think the MSM did voters a public service by jumping all over this story on Friday… but it’s not like I held a gun to their head.
In any case, stay tuned, and keep looking for that other shoe.