Kevin Carns, the man claiming credit for the Republican’s disgusting fake metaphorical Sex Offender Notification postcards, remains unapologetic, calling the Democrats’ complaints “sniveling” and “asinine.”
“What they are doing is a political smoke screen.”
For those who aren’t familiar with the state GOP operatives rogues gallery, Carns holds the dual titles of Political Director for the House Republican Organizing Committee and Executive Director of its associated PAC, The Speaker’s Roundtable, which paid for the mailing.
Carns is also one of’s longtime professional trolls.
This information came to me today quite by accident, but when I looked into it further I discovered that Carns has been a prolific fixture on HA comment threads for well over a year, posting hundreds of comments under several different pseudonyms, at all hours of the day and night… but mostly during normal business working hours. That he trolls the threads from his HROC/Speakers Roundtable office at BIAW headquarters seems indisputable. That he considers trolling to be part of his official duties, seems clear.
Carns’ comments range from pedantic regurgitation of GOP talking points, to deceitful, vitriolic, and extremist rhetoric, to down-in-the-gutter name-calling. He has attacked me personally. He has launched veiled threats against other thread participants.
His primary reason for remaining anonymous seems obvious: attaching his name to his commentary would embarrass his employers and potentially undermine his party’s agenda. It would also impair his ability to masquerade as just another irate voter in this and other public forums.
One would think that if Carns was as proud of the bile he spews here, as he claims to be of his schemes to politically exploit abused children, he might hang his name on his comments. But he isn’t. No, what Carns is, is a gutless coward… a sneaky, chicken-livered, spineless pussy… a dick-less wonder, who despite all his tough talk, macho bravado, and BIAW funding, just got his tiny little political balls snipped off by some balding, middle-aged, amateur with a DSL connection and a four-year-old iBook.
Does the hateful, lying rhetoric emanating from my right-wing trolls represent the values and views of the majority of rank and file Republicans? Of course not. But apparently, it does represent the values and views of the Republican leadership and the staff they hire. So the next time you read the bullshit spewed in my comment threads, be sure to remember the self-descriptive words of one of the walking talking-points who spew them:
“What they are doing is a political smoke screen.”
Kevin… it has privately been suggested to me that perhaps it was inappropriate of me to question your manhood in such strong and provocative words… especially considering the fact that you own firearms. So… I would like to make it absolutely clear that when I call you a pussy… or, for example, describe you as a limp-dick, epicene, girly-man with testicles the size of David Irons’ political prospects… I am, of course, speaking metaphorically.