A few days ago I wrote a rather whimsical post about political gadflies. The post was inspired by Richard Pope filing as a Democratic candidate for King County Council, District 6. In the general election Pope will be running against the Republican incumbent, Councilmember Jane Hague.
The interesting thing about this race is that District 6 is demonstrably a strong Democratic district. For example, the 6th incorporates parts of the 32nd, 41st, 45th and 48th legislative districts for which Democrats hold eleven out of twelve legislative seats. The 6th voted 61% in favor of Cantwell in the 2006 general election.
Considering how blue the 6th is, the King County Republicans ought not ignore Richard Pope. (Besides the taste of shame in losing to Mr. Pope will be all the more bitter because of a $40,000 fine levied on them by the PDC last month for campaign finance reporting violations. Richard Pope filed the complaint that resulted in the fine.)
Also, given what a motley band of tricksters that go under the Republican brand name in this state, we might well expect some dirty pool from the King County Republicans. And when it comes to goofy tricks, the Republicans never seem to disappoint.
Case in point: if you do a WHOIS query on the domain names “RichardPope.Org” and “RichardPope.Net”, the names were registered on June 9th, 2007 by Mr. Matthew Lundh of Seattle. A quick web search reveals that Matthew Lundh is both the Political Director and the Secretary for the King County Republicans.
So far, nothing has been done with the domain names (besides making them unavailable to Mr. Pope), but it is hard to believe that collecting domain names is simply one of Mr. Lundh’s weekend hobbies.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I do believe the King County Republicans are, um…rather concerned!