One of the things that jumps out at me from Darryl’s post on the final Q2 fundraising numbers in the Burner/Reichert race is the disparity between the contribution total that Real Clear Politics reports ($192,000) and the number that Dave Reichert’s staff recently gave the Seattle Times’ David Postman ($245,000). Huh.
The difference is mostly explained by a $64,000 transfer from ROMP, the NRCC’s “Retain Our Majority Program”. (Note to NRCC: you’re in the minority.) Apparently, the folks who cover these sort of things for a living don’t consider committee transfers like these as “contributions” when comparing dollars raised. In fact, Real Clear Politics points out that of the 19 “vulnerable House incumbents” on the Republicans’ ROMP list, only one raised less money than Reichert during the second quarter: NY Congressman Randy Kuhl, who pulled in a paltry $68,000.
And when you delve a little deeper into Reichert’s numbers they look even worse, especially as an early measure of his relative organizational strength and grassroots support. Of the $257,000 he ultimately reported, only $70,800 came from 86 individual contributors in Washington state — the rest came from PACs, out-of-state residents and outside committees. Compare that to Burner, whose $199,000 haul included $156,675 from 120 individual Washington residents.
I’m just sayin’.
In the comment thread, RonK suggests that I might have missed Reichert’s small, unitemized donations. I’m about to go on air, so don’t have the time to go back to my spreadsheet, but if so, the point remains the same, even if the numbers above aren’t exact: the bulk of Reichert’s money comes from PACs, out-of-state contributors and ROMP, whereas the bulk of Darcy’s money comes from individual, Washington state contributors.
I’m certainly no FEC expert, but after further review of the FEC filings, my original post appears technically accurate as an apple-to-apple comparison of in-state individual contributions. In addition, Reichert raised $25,052 in unitemized, individual contributions, while Burner raised $21,286. But since these are “unitemized,” they do not provide the information necessary to evaluate in-state support. Even if one were to assume that most of these unitemized contributions came from in-state, that would not change the premise of this post.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
And what’s better, is that the rightie traitor keeps pointing out that this is true. Thanks MTR. Please keep proving my point for me.
I just saw a powerful interview on ABC news showing a rapid reactionary force talking about Bush’s decision to extend them. One soldier dared the cowardly Bush to show up and pull one shift in his shoes. He said he’d re-up for another 15 months in country if Bush would show up. Man it was one of the first times I got to see an unfiltered, unspun view from the soldiers themselves. They know Bush is a coward and they don’t like one bit being subjected to the civil war he’s gotten them and us into.
Still Stupidman: I have had 48 posts blocked by Assie Voice on multiple computers using multiple ISPs and using my name Puddybud.
So one slips through his filter every so often. Goodness you are still stupid and I was barely visiting these past two weeks.
So once again – let’s regroup. Puffybutt is writing to say he’s been banned. Yet he’s still here – um – writing and posting. Puffy, you really ought to look into the mirror if you want to see stupid. Oh and ass-licker, if you’ve had 48 posts blocked, are those the ones you wrote while “barely visiting these past two weeks?”
Caught you in another lie you Muslim-fucking, traitor-loving, baby-raping liar.
Hey, Puddybud hardly ever rapes babies. I don’t think that’s fair. I mean it. Almost never.
None of Reichert’s take came from non-itemized small donors?
Read for c$ntent:
Hey goldy,
How come you forgot to mention that the IAFF (AFL-CIO) contributed to Cong. Reichert’s campaign. So much for him being bad on our issues.
How does it feel to know that a Republican that you seem to have a vendetta for, continues to get support from one of the nation’s top Political forces (That is the International Association of Firefighters)?
How does it feel to know that one of the most prominent LABOR organizations is giving money to Republicans?
Daddy Love @ 7 — I know what the Goldy’s post says.
My point is that it is almost certainly in error. (Is it plausible that Reichert campaign processed NO contributions under $250?)
David (or am I supposed to call you Goldy? your alter ego confuses me) as the incumbent, Reichert has a job to do. He doesn’t have the leisure of not working, er, I mean, running for Congress full-time.
If I’m not mistaken, Burner’s only job since her last loss has been to ask for money and attack GWB. Glad Burner finally decided to make the right choice though, and run for President in ’08. What’s that, she’s not running against George W. Bush, again? Coulda fooled me!
Is Burner’s fundraising really all that surprising? I mean, a Harvard-educated, former MSFTY, yeah, doubt she knows any rich people willing to give the max.
RightEqualsStupid @ 2, thanks for pointing that out. I’ve blogged about it.
I just saw a powerful interview on ABC news showing a rapid reactionary force talking about Bush’s decision to extend them. One soldier dared the cowardly Bush to show up and pull one shift in his shoes. He said he’d re-up for another 15 months in country if Bush would show up. Man it was one of the first times I got to see an unfiltered, unspun view from the soldiers themselves. They know Bush is a coward and they don’t like one bit being subjected to the civil war he’s gotten them and us into.
Hahahahahahahahahaha I wonder how long it took to find this donk. They probably couldn’t find him out on the battle field so they scoured the Kitchens and mess halls. Hahahahaaha ABC unfiltered??? hahahahahahahaahahhaahha The day you donks let the soldiers vote will be the day I believe they are on you side. hahahahahahaha
RonK @6,
It’s possible I misread the FEC report in my quick reading of it; don’t have time at the moment to go back to the spread sheet. But the point remains the same. The bulk of Reichert’s money came from PACs, out of state residents, and ROMP, whereas the bulk of Darcy’s money came from individual, Washington state contributors.
I’ve known a lot of firemen. None of them are assholes.
You are demonstrably an asshole. I seriously doubt that you are a fireman.
You come off as being a fucking liar, asshole.
What is wrong, hate to hear the truth? I know for a fact, that the IAFF has contributed to the Reichert Campaign fund (Both last year and this year) and they consider him a strong ally of First Responders. Marcy, on the other hand, will always be the little engine that couldn’t. She will also be known for letting her campaign manager slander the largest firefighters local in the Pacific Northwest. Don’t hate the player, hate the game kiddo.
Sounds like yet another case of premature bloggeration to me. Forget to check your facts? How many of Marcy’s donors came from the district she wants to represent?
By the way, how come you are blocking comments under Union Fireman? Hate the truth Goldy?
IAFF “Fireman” @ 15,
Goldy is not blocking your post, dipshit. Your tripe is not worth reading, let alone deleting or screening.
Here’s the deal. There is a spam filter that catches hundreds of spams a day and every now and then it grabs a real comment.
Everyone occasionally gets comments stuck in the spam “hold” file until Goldy or I have a chance to free ’em.
You and Puddydolt (@ 3)…what an ignorant couple of fucks you are!
David, I don’t think I need to lecture you about double checking your numbers–looks like one of your regular readers has already done that. Two further points,
#1 From our friends at CRP: “As a general rule, incumbents get more out-of-state money than challengers, a reflection of their status as members of Congress and the wider circles in which they travel.”
#2 In 2006, Burner’s third & fourth top zip codes included 98112 & 98105, both in Seattle. Contrast that with Reichert’s top five zipcodes, all received inside his district.
Patrick (or am I supposed to call you Auntie? your alter ego confuses me) @ 10
“as the incumbent, Reichert has a job to do. He doesn’t have the leisure of not working, er, I mean, running for Congress full-time.”
Sorry…you lose Auntie. Other Repub. congressmen in Reichert’s position have raised far more than him. The average ROMP candidate raised over $316,000. Reichert ranks 18 out of 19 for ROMPer fundraising.
“Glad Burner finally decided to make the right choice though, and run for President in ‘08. What’s that, she’s not running against George W. Bush, again? Coulda fooled me!”
Well…considering Reichert’s perfect record of support for BushCheneyCo™ on Iraq (one of the most important issues for most Democrats), she is kind-of running against Dave “Mini-Shrub” Reichert, isn’t she?
Hey, Auntie…How come you are not over in Iraq personally offering your support for the war? Whats-a matter you, eh? Not willing to put your body where your mouth is?
Auntie @ 17
“David, I don’t think I need to lecture you about double checking your numbers–looks like one of your regular readers has already done that.”
Ummm….I don’t think you understand what RonK was getting at. The numbers Goldy posted were accurate and comparable between Burner and Reichert.
Two further points,
#1 From our friends at CRP: “As a general rule, incumbents get more out-of-state money than challengers, a reflection of their status as members of Congress and the wider circles in which they travel.”
No shit, Sherlock. The issue comes from the previous comment thread where Mark the Redneck Dipshit claimed that Burner collected more out-of-state money.
“#2 In 2006, Burner’s third & fourth top zip codes included 98112 & 98105, both in Seattle. Contrast that with Reichert’s top five zipcodes, all received inside his district.”
No shit, Sherlock. That is because there is a very high density of Democrats in metropolitan Seattle. Gawd. Maybe you have tried, Auntie, but no branch of the military would even have you? That must be it.
#2 In 2006, Burner’s third & fourth top zip codes included 98112 & 98105, both in Seattle. Contrast that with Reichert’s top five zipcodes, all received inside his district.
Woooops. I wonder how that fact slipped through the honest liberal lefties on this blog. Hmmmmmmm hehehehehe
Rufus @ 20
“Woooops. I wonder how that fact slipped through the honest liberal lefties on this blog.”
Ummm…because this post (and the previous post) are talking about 2007 fundraising for the next congressional election. I.e. NOT fundraising for the 2006 election, ya dumb fuck.
Wooooops! I wonder how you overlooked that obvious fact?
You’ll note, from his characteristic call, that “Dan” is a hyena. That call will alert you that (A) we have a pack of hyenas in here, or, (B) shizoid Dan calls itself by several names.
Mange precautions should be in force.
“#2 In 2006, Burner’s third & fourth top zip codes included 98112 & 98105, both in Seattle. Contrast that with Reichert’s top five zipcodes, all received inside his district.”
No shit, Sherlock. That is because there is a very high density of Democrats in metropolitan Seattle. Gawd. Maybe you have tried, Auntie, but no branch of the military would even have you? That must be it.
So how is this bad for Riechart??? If no one is giving money to Darcy’s campaign in her own district than I doubt…. unless???!!! this is King county (Cook county west). Who knows how many corrupt poll workers have infultrated to the eastside.
Compare that to Burner, whose $199,000 haul included $156,675 from 120 individual Washington residents.
I wonder how much of this came from Seattle vs. Bellevue??? Nothing has changed. Darcy is a paper tiger propped up by the Seattle moonbats.
Rufus @ 23
“So how is this bad for Riechart??? If no one is giving money to Darcy’s campaign in her own district than I doubt….”
Ummmm…Rufus…try to keep up. There was no implication anywhere that Darcy wasn’t getting boatloads of money from the 8th. Sheesh. Typical Wingnut alternate reality.
“unless???!!! this is King county (Cook county west). Who knows how many corrupt poll workers have infultrated to the eastside.”
Ahhhh…I see now. You are in the midst of another one of your paranoid-delusional spells. Please get help, Rufus. All your friends at HorsesAss are pullin’ for ya! Good luck, pal.
@10 “Reichert has a job to do. He doesn’t have the leisure of not working, er, I mean, running for Congress full-time.”
WTF do you think you’re kidding? Only yourself. You know squat about politics. Congressmen are constantly campaigning and fundraising. They never stop. That’s 90% of what they do.
Rufus @ 24
“I wonder how much of this came from Seattle vs. Bellevue??? Nothing has changed. Darcy is a paper tiger propped up by the Seattle moonbats.”
Fair enough…but that suggests Reichert is a empty suit propped up by out-of-state Wingnuts.
(Oh…I meant Reichert is an empty suit with a fabulous head of hair propped up by out-of-state Wingnuts.)
@12 “The day you donks let the soldiers vote will be the day I believe they are on you side.”
The real question is, when will REPUBLICANS let soldiers vote?
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. … While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Darryl the Dolt:
I sent one, two and three word blog posts USING THE SAME WORDS AS PELLETHEAD AND CLUELESSMAN.
MINE WERE BLOCKED JACKASS! PacMan asked Assie Voice why was he blocking me. Assie Voice didn’t answer PacMan.
Stupidman: Every now and then a post slips through. DUNCE!
BTW 14 days 48 posts is less than 4 posts a day. Some days I post 10 or more times and some days it’s too BORING to post. Yet, you are too stupid to figure that out, you worthless piece of human biomASS.
Puddydope @ 29
Listen, dipshit: NOBODY AT HA IS BLOCKING YOUR FUCKING POSTS, ya paranoid fuck. You’re the village idiot…why would we want to block you? (And did you notice you have a couple of posts in this thread? Now how’d that happen, considering that you are using an IP address that you frequently use?)
There is an exception: When I empty the spam trap, I free all comments that are clearly comments. I usually do not let through comments that just say “test” and I don’t release duplicates submissions of comments. But otherwise, they all come through.
Everyone occasionally gets caught. I’ve freed numerous Roger Rabbit comments as well as numerous “specimens” from you. So don’t take it personally.
Puddy…let me give you a helpful piece of perspective. The spam filter is your friend; it filters out hundreds of individual spams each day that would otherwise clog up the comment threads.
Now take your medications and go nighty-night, Puddy.
Back in the day you repeatedly used the argument your using to support Reichert to dis on Maria Cantwell. It wasn’t good enough for Cantwell to be “Doing her job” but it’s fine Reichert?
Guess it doesn’t really matter seeing as you, also, crowed constantly about how Mike! was going win big.
I figured out over the weekend why some of my comments were being trapped and took steps to fix it. No, I’m not telling any of our resident trolls what I did. Suffice it to say that I had posts trapped in the filter over the weekend, but since I took these steps, all is well in HAland.
Darryl, go ahead and let Pud have his paranoid fantasies. I gather he gets off on thinking he’s important enough to ban.
Hey Darryl, if you don’t mind saying, did you ever figure out what the problem WordPress had with Firefox was? For a couple of weeks there it was touch-and-go whether I could post any given comment.
I had to quit and restart firefox after posting if I wanted to post again.
Which cramped my style like a bad prostate, but that seems to be fixed now.
Darryl, go ahead and let Pud have his paranoid fantasies. I gather he gets off on thinking he’s important enough to ban.
Yeah, he seems to need it, but I get some entertainment too. I really like the repeated posts claiming he’s been banned. That’s the kind of clear thinking we’ve come to expect from certain commenters.
Yer Killin Me @ 33
Hey Darryl, if you don’t mind saying, did you ever figure out what the problem WordPress had with Firefox was? For a couple of weeks there it was touch-and-go whether I could post any given comment.
The problem still exists. I haven’t asked Goldy about it for about the last week, but he was working with his web hosting service to get to the bottom of it (things were working fine until they changed servers and mysql version.
Here is the trick that works for me in Firefox:
1. Write post.
2. Hit submit.
3. After a few seconds, cancel the submission (use the red-X-in-a-circle icon on the address bar).
4. Submit again, and it will post properly.
This works for me every time in Firefox version running on Windows XP-SP2. No Firefox restarts necessary.
Darryl, apparently the Yellow Elephant still under way comrade? I hadn’t noticed that was still in vogue. So I’m not taking the bait. My comments stand, and your feeble attempts to knock them down are duly noted.
Reichert is well positioned to beat back another Darcy, or more worthy Democratic candidate’s challenge. Do you think after she looses this time, she’ll keep it up as a perennial candidate? She’s quickly heading down the path to becoming a frumpy old cat lady.
Auntie @ 38,
“Darryl, apparently the Yellow Elephant still under way comrade? I hadn’t noticed that was still in vogue. So I’m not taking the bait.”
I see…so your support for the war ends at the point it inconveniences you. That’s okay…just toss a few more ribbons on your car and you’ll feel better about yourself.
(Doesn’t help the soldiers much, but it’s all good if it makes you feel better….)
“Reichert is well positioned to beat back another Darcy, or more worthy Democratic candidate’s challenge. Do you think after she looses this time, she’ll keep it up as a perennial candidate?”
Sure…you bet. Don’t worry about Darcy. Reichert is doing just fine (just a little hiccup this quarter in the fundraising, but he’ll be back on track in no time). No worries there.
Look over there! A shiny new country to invade!
(Gawd…you naive Wingnuts are adorable!)
Darryl the Dolt: I posted:
Hilary lied in her book, Bill wanted to leave her – Where did it go?
NY Times is liberal – Where did it go?
Ted Rall’s disgusting cartoon – Where did it go?
Dow closes higher eceonomy doing well- Where did it go?
Edwards and Clinton band together – Where did it go?
Tell me when you find them!
Yeah, blame it on the filter. You R 100% all BEEF JACKASS!
Darryl the Dolt:
Find my Fairness Doctrine posts! I sent quite a few.
Darryl the Dolt: Find my Cindy Sheehan vs Nancy Pelosi entry.
Maybe while you search for the one above you’ll find my Cindy Sheehan got booted from Daily Kurse post.
Keep looking JACKASS!
Yeah Darryl, stop banning him or he’ll keep coming back complaining about being banned.
One more for you to find Darryl the Dolt:
Scary Harry Reid was recently interviewed on ABC by Jake Tapper about his comments on Iraq.
Golly Dolting Darryl, I seem to have missed seeing that post!
That’s just 9 of my posts Darryl the Dolt. I know I didn’t send them up Assie Voice’s ASS!
Send me the flash-gram when you find them all.
ATJ: I just entered 9 posts not recorded on ASSWipes! They described the stupidity of the left. I really liked the Carl Bernstein book. He gave great facts about Hilary.
Since you the genius ATJ, where did they go?
Dismissed without prejudice cuz you R an IDIOT!
Since you the genius ATJ, where did they go?
Dismissed without prejudice cuz you R an IDIOT!
If I (sic) the genius, how am I also an idiot? More of the logic that allows someone who’s been banned to repeatedly post complaints about being banned…
ATJ: Scurry on down to Assie Voice’s home and help him find the post on the Nobel peace laureate Betty Williams saying: “Right now, I could kill George Bush”.
Seemed to miss that one too.
ATJ: You missed the english lesson on sarcasm.
Oh, I am not blocked anymore ATJ. At least for a wHile!
Looks like someone could use his buddy David Vitter’s diapers…
Yeah, I figured out the cancel-and-repost pretty early on. I haven’t seen the problem for several days, which led me to conclude that it had been fixed. Sorry to hear it hasn’t.
BTW I am using the latest version of Firefox 2.0 at home (Linux) and work (Windows XP). I haven’t done anything in the way of updates, new extensions, etc. over the last few days that I can think of that would affect this.
Just a note, RonK was correct in that I did not account for “unitemized” contributions, but since these do not provide the information necessary to discern state of origin, they’re not really useful in evaluating in-state support.
Reichert raised $25,052 in unitemized, individual contributions, while Burner raised $21,286. This in no way changes the basic premise of the original post, as stated.
KingBud @ 40
So you posted 5 off-topic posts. I’m so sad that your trolling didn’t pay off. Learn how. Maybe ask your kid how.
Darryl @ 37
This is faster:
1. Write post.
2. Copy text of post.
3. Refresh page.
4. Paste clipboard text into post edit box.
5. Click Submit Comment.
Reichert took in $25,052 in small donor contribs.
Darcy took in $21,286.
These usually skew heavily to home turf.
Oddments: Looks like Dave maxxed out 1 donor this qtr, Darcy 16 or so.
LuvingDaddy@53: The posts were relevant to the topics posted by Assie Voice and Friends at the time. All I wrote was these posts upon rentry, closing the Mozilla, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers multiple times and reposting would sometimes accept the post but it was nevert “posted”.
Hence the “banning” commentary.
Puddy @ 56
‘Hence the “banning” commentary.’
The commentary was misguided. You are not banned and never have been. Seriously.
Darryl: Why were the accepted posts never posted? Hmmm…? I gave you 9 posts I specifically remembered posting.
But… but, Darryl, he has a list of missing posts!!one!!! Where could they be if he wasn’t banned?!?! And he also has in his possession a list of 50 COMMUNISTS WHO HAVE INFILTRATED THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE!!!eleven!!
Okay, okay. I’ve derived enough entertainment from this. I’ll stop mocking him and go back to ignoring him. Thanks for indulging me.