Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Josh
The Stranger’s Josh Feit joins me for the hour for a round-up of the week in state and local politics, including bikes, developer loopholes, and pot, plus
8PM: President Dick Cheney?
President George Bush underwent a colonoscopy today, which meant that for several scary hours, Dick Cheney was acting president. What did they find in Bush’s colon? Is Tehran still standing? Also, old-line Republicans warning we need to impeach Bush/Cheney now, or risk becoming a “dictatorial police state.” Scared yet?
9PM: Do you want to recycle Richard Conlin?
Seattle City Councilman Richard Conlin joins me for the hour to talk about the city’s new mandatory food waste recycling program, and to take your calls.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).