Keith Olbermann analyzes Cheney’s change of heart. It seems Cheney was lying to look mainstream in 1994:
Also, the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza is posted at Hominid Views.
by Darryl — ,
Keith Olbermann analyzes Cheney’s change of heart. It seems Cheney was lying to look mainstream in 1994:
Also, the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza is posted at Hominid Views.
At the time Cheney was just mouthing the loyal party line. It didn’t take long before he signed up with the nutcases at “new american century”.
9-11 unleashed his batshit craziness to the general public. Those who have observed him over the years are not suprised.
He is a very dangerous man. Impeachment should be just the beginning.
Some say Richard Pope, the antithesis of Dick Cheney, has come out in favor of national health care to prove he is a “real democrat”.
Any truth to that?
[Deleted — Darryl, HA Comment Policy]
I see the backslash bitch is back. Joy.
Doesn’t Cheney have to get his heart changed every 3,000 miles?
If you want to know what it’s like to live in a Wingnut Economy, read this article. If you don’t want to know, read it anyway. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....IEA01.html
From the link:
This “wingnut economy” you are deriding has worked better at reducing poverty than Johnson’s “War on Poverty”.
Keith Olbermann – now there’s a credible objective source if there ever was one. Come on……that’s like selling an objective analysis of Hillary Clinton from Rush Limbaugh.
Olbermann is not a serious credible journalist. He should go back to SportsCenter where he is a natural.
From way downtown……BANG!!!!
Mark, Olbermann has more credibility than all the Fox Lies Newscasters put together. He does news in his own way. Why you don’t like him is because he shows how hypocritical, and undeniably corrupt the Republicons are on a daily basis.
Tell you what Mark. I have a played out coal mine that I want to do a little retreat mining in. I have the go ahead from the OSHA because I give campaign cash to Republicons, but it is gonna collapse at any time. Do you want a job? There is a 50 / 50 chance you won’t be buried alive!
From what I understand, the buying power from earned wages is going down every year for 95% of Americans. From Thom Hartmann. I would believe Thom before any confirmed liars on the right. Even O’Liley says you shouldn’t use Rush as a source of information……
The lefties don’t have to lie. The truth is bad enough. Why do the righties have to?
By the way, have you found them WMD’s yet?
The nuclear program?
The Al-Queda tie?
The complicity in 9-11?
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and lie some more. A Republicon’s job. That, and covering for pedophiles (Foley) and outing undercover CIA Agents looking for “REAL” WMD’s…..
In an earlier thread, there was some commentary regarding Tony Snow’s stepping down as White House Chief Apologist. (I’m using that last word in the ecclisial sense, by the way.)
It somehow escaped my attention that earlier this year it was announded that his cancer had returned, and spread to his liver. Whatever else they’re saying, that probably means he’s toast.
It has to really suck being him. Nonetheless there’s an exquisite irony here if the “financial problems” he cites are due to the cost of his treatment far exceeding his medical coverage.
Obviously Tony made some “bad” choices, and per the standard wingnutology, he will just have to ‘live’ with them. Thus social good is maximized.
Shorter: “That’s the way the cookie crumbles, thus making for the Ultimate Good”.
@7 claims: “The poverty rate in Dodge City plunged from 28 percent in 1980 to 14 percent in 2000.” This improvement he ascribes to the ‘wingnut economy’ without any background, any analysis, or any explanation, yet the casual reader is expected to gasp in abject awe and this learned disquisition.
Well, let’s see. Over that same time period, the hispanic population in Dodge City went from 14% to 40%. Obviously, that must explain it!
I’ve given this challenge out to both Marvin Stamn and Libertarian, so I’ll throw it out to you as well. Please provide one link of where Keith Olbermann has reported something that was not factual.
And just to save you some time, even the Olbermannwatch website doesn’t have an example (Stamn tried that already).
#9 – Facts Support My Positions says:
“Mark, Olbermann has more credibility than all the Fox Lies Newscasters put together. He does news in his own way. Why you don’t like him is because he shows how hypocritical, and undeniably corrupt the Republicons are on a daily basis. ”
Please get you facts straight – Olbermann is a left wing nut spewing absolute nonsense most of the time. His continuous contortions about what ever the President says are only to to suit his emotional needs the left wing emotions of his audience.
Evidence of Olbermann’s factual problems are shown by the lack of readership of his books and TV show.
Eue @ 14
“Please get you facts straight – Olbermann is a left wing nut spewing absolute nonsense most of the time.”
So says the Wingnut dipshit posting anonymously on a blog comment thread. LOL!!! If it sounds like nonsense to you, it is probably from ideological septicemia. (Either that…or it’s the polysyllabic words that are sometimes used…)
“Evidence of Olbermann’s factual problems are shown by the lack of readership of his books and TV show.”
You see…this is the problem with you Wingnuts…you believe “facts” are established by a popularity contest!
Um…I noticed you didn’t take Lee up on his challenge, there, Squirt.
People who spew nonsense get very little readership or viewer ship. It is not a popularity contest at all. Intelligent people know what the truth is and watch it. ergo – Intelligent people don’t watch Olbermann.
Ewe @ 15
“People who spew nonsense get very little readership or viewer ship. It is not a popularity contest at all. Intelligent people know what the truth is and watch it.”
Umm…not really. Careful management of a brand name is typically more important than product quality. For example, the New York Times has the 3rd largest U.S. newspaper circulation. This doesn’t mean that they are more “truthful” than 99% of other U.S. papers. Rather, it is a long-established brand that has had careful name brand management.
“Truthfulness” is just one component of product quality, and in the TV newertainment business, “truthfulness” doesn’t seem to be all that important in overall product quality and presentation.
People who spew nonsense get very little readership or viewer ship. It is not a popularity contest at all. Intelligent people know what the truth is and watch it.
So, in light of the continued rapid growth of KO’s audience, what lesson should we draw?
And, given that O’Reilly’s audience is a little more that one-third what it was three years ago, what lesson should we draw from that?
People who spew nonsense get very little readership or viewer ship. It is not a popularity contest at all. Intelligent people know what the truth is and watch it. ergo – Intelligent people don’t watch Olbermann.
For many years, no newspaper in the country had as high a readership as the National Enquirer (you know, the newspaper that kept us up to date on the space aliens living in Wichita, etc, etc). When you understand why that happened, you’ll also understand why Fox News has such high ratings.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Does this blog have to be continually infected by the backslas\her?
Can’t you spray for that?
Copy and paste posts should be deleted, but Darryl or Goldy has to do it.
Proud To Be An Ass says:
Not sure what your point is here, but it certainly doesn’t refute that Roger’s own link shows the “wingnut economy” he is deriding actually helped poor people.
Hey, it’s an open thread!!! Just because I choose to use a cut and paste on an open thread to criticize one of your war monger pals doesn’t make my opinion invalid. The only real difference between Cheney’s war mongering and Dan Savage’s war mongering is a matter of degree. That is not a copy and paste-OK? Goldy and Lee and Will and Darryl hang out with a war monger-Dan Savage. Goldy has him on his show and promotes the guy as a progressive liberal. While on this blog he criticizes Cheney for having the same opinions expressed by Dan Savage. How can a guy who is politically in sync with Dick Cheney on invading and occupying countries that pose no threat to us be a liberal? Go over to The Stranger and read Savage’s piece “Say Yes To War” and you will find him making the same argument for invading Iraq that Cheny did. Don’t you see this is why you liberals are not taken seriously? So, go ahead and delete this post too. As Dan would say you stupid squishhead liberals.
Please see a mental health specialist. So Dan Savage read too much Andrew Sullivan before the war. So what? It’s not like he doesn’t admit that his position was a mistake now. Unlike other people, he has the capability of learning from his mistakes.
If Horsesass is going to hold our vice president, the honorable Dick Cheney, responsible for statements he has made about invading and occupying Iraq as far back as 1994 it can surely hold it’s pal, America’s favorite cocksucker, Dan Savage responsible for comments he made promoting the invasion of Iraq in 2002. So let’s see a post addressing this issue Goldy. Darryl? Or why don’t you commission a piece by Dan Savage concerning his current thoughts about the invasion and occupation of Iraq? Specifically, it would be interesting to learn if considering his, albeit small, role in starting this war, he feels any personal responsibility for the carnage.
I believe that my mental health is fine. Fuck you! “So what?” Real live human beings have been maimed and killed in a war promoted and supported by Dan Savage. Savage continues to argue the invasion was a good idea-the problem is that Bush fucked it up. You folks at Horsesass are awfully selective in who you direct your outrage at. EVERY person who supported this war bears some responsibility for the results. REGARDLESS if they have now changed their mind. Why doesn’t Horsesass hold Dan Savage responsible for his role in starting this war?
I’ve banned your IP from commenting at Reload. If you have a problem with that, feel free to email me. Otherwise, I don’t tolerate copy/paste comments like that. The comment section at Reload is for thoughful discussion, not activism that centers around creepy personal grudges.
Gee Lee, you ever heard about anonymizer software? But don’t worry I won’t be back to Reload. That little post was just juvenile fucking with you for your cheap shot at my mental health. If my posting of Dan Savage’s very own words promoting the war is a creepy personal grudge-what is your posting of the Cheney video?
29: Good point! Excuses abound when you are a Donk Moonbat!
Well, a mental health specialist needs something to work with.
Backslash needs a magician.
Not that I’m all that fond of Savage myself, and I’m gay…
So you are gay Chadt! I couldn’t care less. And it’s OK to be gay and not like Dan Savage. About my mental health? I’m going to take a chance here and cut and paste with a slight alteration a sentence from my #29 comment.If my posting of Dan Savage’s very own words promoting the war is a creepy personal grudge-what is your posting of the Cheney video? Are we all mentally ill? What nuance is there in Dan Savage’s support for the war that inspires understanding, forgiveness, acceptance, and affection from you horsesasses that you refuse to give to your vice-president? If Dick Cheney were Gay would you be more willing to forgive and forget? Oh! And Fuck you Chadt!
Compare this Dan Savage pro-war piece Oct. 2002 to the pro-invasion arguments made by the Bushies.
Mr. Dan loves W-Goldy loves Dan,
“Hey, it’s an open thread!!!”
So? Read the fucking rules.
“Just because I choose to use a cut and paste on an open thread to criticize one of your war monger pals…”
The topic of your post was irrelevant—I didn’t even read the text. The rules dis-allow “Large chunks of cut-and-paste from copyrighted works.”
“…doesn’t make my opinion invalid.”
Here’s an idea…offer your opinion more and other people’s words less. In general, if you offer some commentary to go with a quotation, I am less likely to delete it.
It is very simple, really. Comment threads are for your comments, and not a repository for other people’s writings.
Dear Mr. Dan loves W-Goldy loves Dan,
So I have read all your posts here and here is what I have found: You spout the party line, no original thought and Chadt is right. WE NEED TO SPRAY for folks like you.
Try writing an opinion off line. Be thoughtful, write from your heart and your head. Use your own words and feelings.
I know you can do it. I have faith in you.
@32 Backslash
Thanks, but I have absolutely NO intention of fucking you.
I think chadt needs rendition.
chadt now we know why you never posted anything worthwhile!