It stands for “Google Fucking Exists,” and I think both David Postman and the folks in Senator Patty Murray’s office might want to familiarize themselves with it. Postman posted here about Senator Murray allegedly talking out of her posterior about a bridge that a school bus could not traverse without first letting the children off. Toby Nixon, who appears to be quite familiar with GFE, wrote in the comments:
Somebody needs to teach Sen. Murray’s staff how to search the web. It took me about 30 seconds to find a reference to this school bus story in U.S. Senate testimony from the president-elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers in September 2002 (he says it was in Washington County, Alabama, but doesn’t cite a source): CLICK HERE
I also found this reference to a similar situation in Guam: CLICK HERE
And that goes for Daphne Retter at TheHill as well.
UPDATE: This is not an open thread, so any comments not related to Patty Murray, Daphne Retter, David Postman, Washington County, Alabama, school buses, schoolchildren, rickety old bridges in the South, Guam, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Google, fucking, or how Toby Nixon is the coolest Republican in the state (next to Richard Pope, of course) will be deleted.