Is Dino Rossi running for governor? He says not. In fact he looks a reporter straight in the eyes and tells him that his actions as a non-candidate now — traveling the state and promoting his policy agenda — “are very different” from his actions as a declared candidate in 2004… traveling the state and promoting his policy agenda. Yet it’s the exact same policy agenda, and indeed, the exact same stump speech that he delivered as a declared candidate. The only difference is that back in 2004 his campaign was held to all the contribution limits and public disclosure requirements of any other candidate, whereas now he claims his bullshit foundation can launder unlimited contributions in secret, and with impunity.
This is more than just an issue of whether Rossi has found some technical loophole that allows him to skirt our campaign finance and public disclosure laws simply by not officially declaring his candidacy. This about Rossi lying… to the public and to the press. He looks the reporter straight in the eyes and lies. And I hope my friends in the media remember this as the campaign progresses.
Last time around Rossi got a free pass from many in the media, who repeatedly failed to press him when he refused to give direct answers on questions about abortion, stem cell research and other defining issues. Rossi, holding one of the most conservative voting records in the Legislature, was allowed to pass himself off as a moderate. Rossi, a man with a history of running such mean-spirited campaigns that several of his primary opponents refused to endorse him, was allowed to pass himself off as a nice guy. Rossi, a man who lies to reporters, was allowed to pass himself off as honest and credible.
The public has a right to know who is funding Rossi’s non-campaign. And the media has an obligation to relentlessly press Rossi to disclose his contributions.
And as always, for latest in Forward Washington ideas, keep an eye on the WhackyNation blog, where people who deny that global warming is real keep us abreast of the real issues that threaten humanity, like half-ape, half-man slaves:
Acupuncture is the first thing excluded in my benefits handbook. I don’t know *how* he’s manipulating that to say it, but I noticed it last week. It’s the very first exclusion.
I’ll go out on a limb and say Rossi and the Republicans — doing the bidding for their insurance companies allies — are a big part of the health care crisis in this country.
Dino Lossi.
Dino Lie-ssi.
I can’t believe anyone could believe anything Rossi says. ‘Real estate broker’ indeed. Just demonstrates that some people are pathological liars, who will fib just for the thrill of it (‘will they catch me this time?’), and that when pathological liars go into politics, they find a home in the GOP. Rossi can’t help lying in the same way Larry Craig couldn’t help cruising for anonymous gay sex in public bathrooms. It’s a ‘need-driven behavior’ as the mental health folks say. Why do so many GOP politicians have such obvious (even to us laypeople) mental illness / cognitive dysfunction?
Sigh. Maybe someday, they will have a treatment for authoritarian spectrum disorder.
Hey Lee:
I went to the WhackyNation link. You might want to have a look at the post about Cary Grant. I do believe that Lou has mischaracterized Grant’s opinion regarding LSD. As I recall hearing it, Grant actually took it periodically for many years, and felt he obtained positive insight from it. This might make a good EffinUnsound post or something.
Wow! I knew absolutely nothing about that and I just found some links with Grant talking about his experience. Thanks so much!
What happens if Dino Don’t Doit?
The public is not exactly wildly enthusiastic over either party. A Schwarznegger style reformer runing vor gov under the GOP flag would be a serious threat. Of course I am assuming that not all Repubs have ARS.
There ARE some Republicans who do not have scales, circulate wran=m blood, and actually believe in science! Some of these folks have enough $$ to not need a lot of Darcy style campaign funding either.
Whats the difference? Our (s)elected Governor travels around on the taxpayer dime campaigning for her re-election. At least Rossi’s is out of either his own, or his supporters pockets.
I like where Lou Guzzo referred to LSD as a “lethal” drug.
The difference is transparency, and compliance with election law.
8 SJ
“There ARE some Republicans who do not have scales, circulate warm blood, and actually believe in science!”
But those people are not who the WA GOP run. They run instead faux “moderates” who are actually stealth conservatives. In other words, they won’t run someone who believes in science, they will run someone who doesn’t but who will refuse to say so on the campaign trail and who instead will attempt to obfuscate his/her way into office.
Dino should have called it “Foreplay Washington.”
Oh…aren’t we all just so titillated over the prospects of Dino saving Washington state….
@8 “There ARE some Republicans who do not have scales, circulate wran=m blood, and actually believe in science!”
(Note: Roger Rabbit is on vacation.)
@9 “Whats the difference? Our (s)elected Governor travels around on the taxpayer dime campaigning for her re-election.”
(Note: Roger Rabbit is on vacation.)
Grergory Peck was a serious acid freak as well.
As we from the 60’s well know: Acid puts the critical in chronic!
Before you go calling Dino a liar, it may do readers some good to take a trip down memory lane. The illegitimate Queen promised no new taxes in her campaign, yet many, many fees and taxes have been jacked up via Crissy and Co. during her illegitimate reign. Remember the biggest budget increase of ANY Governor in State history! I think it was around 33% or something. Whose the hypocritical liar now? The Queen certainly is full of excrement that’s for damn sure.
Roger Rodent has nothing to vacation away from. Gimme a break!
Technically, Republicans are incapable of lying. Lying involves the intentional misrepresentation of fact. Given that Republicans are incapable of recognizing facts, or the truth, they are not capable of intentional misrepresentation, hence they are not actually able to lie. More accurately, Rossi and his ilk should be characterized as having reckless disregard for the truth.
Before you go calling Dino a liar, it may do readers some good to take a trip down memory lane. The illegitimate Queen promised no new taxes in her campaign, yet many, many fees and taxes have been jacked up via Crissy and Co. during her illegitimate reign.
I don’t remember any promises about no new taxes. Can you provide a link to that?
Remember the biggest budget increase of ANY Governor in State history! I think it was around 33% or something.
No, I don’t. Can you please provide a link?
Whose the hypocritical liar now? The Queen certainly is full of excrement that’s for damn sure.
I’ll be waiting for those links to determine who’s full of excrement here.
@10 actually, unlike POt or even coke, LSD is a potent poison. Ya takes your chances.
LSD is a potent poison. Ya takes your chances.
From Erowid:
The reported LD50 values for LSD are 46, 16.5, 0.3 mg/kg I.V. for mice, rats, and rabbits, respectively. Again, it’s hard to accurately translate these numbers to oral values.
Note that an average human dose is 0.001 mg/kg, ie, 1 microgram/kg, ie, 1 part per billion by weight.
This is to say, using the most conservative LD50 (0.3 mg/kg), the LD50 for LSD is 300 times the standard dose.
That being said, LSD has very unpredictable psychological effects. Some people have an enjoyable time, some people really do become acid burnouts. Use with extreme caution kids.
@12, 14 Really Rare Rational Repubs
oh come on .. it is not that hard to make a list ….
They DO exist. Like the dems they need to kowtow to the base, only their base has gotten a bad case of ARS.
Nothing about being rational implies being good Newt.
Can these folks retake the party?
Like you I am amazed that any sizable group could be so afflicted with ARS. BUT I do remember a period when that was happening to the Dems …Clinton Is most impressive achievement was consolidating the party someplace near the center.
They came close with McG. Despite being tutored at DL, I still do not understand why he imploded.
One last worry for those of you who re relly liberal. If the Reprican part can not be repaired, I ‘spect rightish pols will move to the demo party. We already have some very impressive Demicans:
I don’t get it. He filed a C1 with the PDC on Dec 13, 2004 under “Rossi for Governor 2008”.
The question, “What office are you running for?” is answered Governor.
How can he not be a candidate for governor then?
21 SJ
So who has died directly from its toxicity? As oppoosed to the old “jumped out the window thinking they could fly” crap.
@23 ,, I did not say it was lethal, although it does kill test animals at varying does. As for toxicity of several kinds I do not have time now but if you google LSD and toxicity you will find a sizable literature.
The point I wanted to make is that the gvmnt hurts its own credibility by misusing science to make claims about marijuana but other drugs as well. Some things the govt bans are dangerous but how can a kid tell if they call wolf every time a puppy passes?
So, what I’m trying to figure out is why would someone, regardless of party or office sought, recycle speeches from 4 years ago? Does he think nothings changed in that time? Does he think that no one will notice? Is Dino so jaded and cynical that he doesn’t care about any of this?
I dunno, but anyone who invites Lou Alzheimer Guzzo into his nest may have some problems with current realities.
Yeah, I saw that too. By comparing lethal doses, cocaine is definitely “deadlier” than LSD (so is alcohol).
fair use and all
It is, as always, a nuanced statement. At the time she of course meant general taxes not sin taxes.
Personally, I think he regards his 2004 effort as being fairly successful (and considering he almost defeated a Democrat in a blue state, he has some reason to believe that), and he feels that his message about how the business climate here is bad is still valid (but considering that Washington State has been praised for its business climate, he has zero reason to believe that).
That’s actually quite a bit better than I thought you’d come up with. Well done, sir. Of course, I’ve learned to filter it out any time a politician claims they won’t raise taxes because no politician can ever be sure that they won’t be in a situation where it’s absolutely necessary to do so. We tend to care too much about taxes and not enough about spending.
Still waiting for the proof of the budget increase.
“considering that Washington State has been praised for its business climate, he has zero reason to believe that”
And it wasn’t true in 04 either. Or 06 when a bunch of Republican candidates for state offices ran and lost with pretty much the same stump speech. It was fun in ’06 to watch audience members eyes roll when Republican candidates talked about how we need to be more like Idaho.
I guess they didn’t get the message that we don’t want to be more like Idaho.
Dino did well for 3 reasons in ’04:
1. The good governor ran a crap campaign.
2. Dino was given a pass by the MSM and the governor’s campaign on lots of issues (as noted in Goldy’s piece).
3. A small chunk of the population (mostly male) will not vote for an assertive woman.
Dino had little to do with it.
Sorry, but I don’t see any proof of what you claimed in that article. In fact, I see the opposite.
@33 I’m not the original poster, but the passed budget increased spending pretty dramatically.
“The proposal Gregoire released Tuesday would bump general-fund spending from $26.5 billion to almost $30 billion. And she also would spend the $740 million set aside to help cover areas such as pensions and teacher salaries. That would boost her overall spending increase to around $4.2 billion — 15 percent more than the current budget.”
That’s all.
Tracking spending can be a tricky thing. If the population goes up spending goes up, but it may be going down on a per-capita basis. State spending also goes up as the GDP goes up, but it may be going down as a percentage of the GDP.
The real thing to look for is the per-capita and % of GDP spending. The raw number is pretty meaningless.
“Before you go calling Dino a liar, it may do readers some good to take a trip down memory lane. The illegitimate Queen promised no new taxes in her campaign, yet many, many fees and taxes have been jacked up via Crissy and Co.”
Actually we can go ahead and call Dino a liar regardless of what Governor Gregoire says or does. They are separate issues.
I was just responding to requests for references to “not raising taxes”, and “incresed spending”.
Of course one can’t look at one aspect of a budget and draw a final conclusion.
tax revenue, spending, tax increases/cuts, size and scope of departments, projects, etc etc etc.
I totally apologize for confusing you with Mark. As one of the few reality-based righties around here, I shouldn’t be getting you confused with him.
Anyway, what I challenged was this statement:
Remember the biggest budget increase of ANY Governor in State history! I think it was around 33% or something.
The article doesn’t seem to support either claim.
@40 I agree.
Actually, Dino has a been a liar since he entered politics. He has lied about where he stands on the issues, about his opponents both republican and democrat, lied about who he worked for, what he knew and when he knew it, lied about his personal life and lied about fraudward Washington and the lies just keep getting bigger and bigger.
“Whats the difference? Our (s)elected Governor travels around on the taxpayer dime campaigning for her re-election.”
A Republican Secretary of State certified her election. A Republican Judge in a Republican county re-certified her election, by a larger margin. A Republican Attorney General has brought zero charges against anyone involved in her election. How many parts of ‘No’ do you not understand?
“At least Rossi’s is out of either his own, or his supporters pockets.”
I like your implicit admission that he’s running for election. Thank you for admitting the point of this post.
My take on Rossi the candidate or not….
At the very least he owes the GOP a decision very soon as to whether he is or isn’t running for Gov. We are still a long way off from the election, but if he is not running, the WSRP will certainly want some time to vet the best possible candidate to run against Gregoire.
my two cents.