Hazard Above: A drone films its own demise.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
David Pakman: Explosion outside NAACP Colorado Springs likely domestic terrorism:
Maddow: Remembering the John Ensign sex scandal.
Paris Burning:
- Mark Fiore: Je suis Charlie.
- Sam Seder: The real reason Charlie Hebdo was a target for terror?
- Maddow: French newspaper no stranger to Muslim threats
- Pap and Thom: Religious extremism and the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack
- David Pakman: FAUX News turns Paris attack into (wait for it)…BENGHAAAAAAZZZIIIIIIII!!!11!1!!
- Ana Kasparian: 12 dead in Paris
- Sam Seder: Right Wing Catholic group leader sympathizes with terrorists in Paris
- Maddow: Obama delivers American condolences to France
- Obama speaks on the terrorist attacks in France
- Conan: Heartfelt statement on Charlie Hebdo.
- Sam Seder: FAUX News host asks, “How do we know they’re bad guys if we can’t see their skin color?”.
- Maddow: Terrorist manhunt in France
- Jon: Comedy shouldn’t be an act of courage.
- WaPo: 20 years of terrorist attack in France
- Sam Seder: Implications of the Paris terrorist attacks.
- Young Turks: Simultaneous hostage situations and raids end horrifying week in France
- Ann Telnaes: Charlie Hebdo retaliates against the terrorists.
White House: West Wing Week.
Elizabeth Warren: Wall Street is rigged.
David Pakman: “Fiscal conservative” Gov. Jan Brewer leaves AZ broke and hands out big bonuses.
Sam Seder: Michele Bachmann explains how she beat progressives.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Old McDonnell Had a Cell:
- Two years: McDonnell case by the numbers
- Sam Seder: Pat Robertson blames Bob McDonnell’s wife for Bob’s crimes.
Young Turks: Staggering numbers killed in Boko Haram massacre.
A cleaner Anacostia River for Washington D.C.
Hilarious Joe Biden moments.
Thom: The secret war against Solar power.
Young Turks: Cure for cancer is in the Bible, according to Mike Huckabee.
A New Congress:
- Harry Reid addresses the 114th Congress after his new home tries to kill him
- David Pakman: Day 1, Republicans introduce anti-abortion bill that violates Roe v Wade
- Young Turks: John Boehner gets hammered, cries & glows orange over Speakership.
- Sam Seder: GOP Congress day 1…Attack Seniors and disabled
- David Pakman: New Congress 80% white, 80% male, 92% Christian.
- Maddow: Boehner survives a challenge
- Jon: Congress as herpes
- Farron Cousins: Were midterm losses a blessing for Democrats?.
- Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week:
- David Pakman: Day after taking office, GOP majority takes credit for Obama’s economy
- Young Turks: This fact tells us why our Democracy is broken.
- Maddow: GOP Congress’ futile agenda.
- Barbara Boxer to retire from the Senate in 2016.
- Young Turks: GOP wages war to ruin the internet forever
- Sam Seder: Poor Louie Gohmert really wants to be Speaker of the House.
- David Pakman: Republicans elect whip with neo-nazi ties.
Thom: Republicans didn’t really win the Senate.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about driving.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Let the 2016 games being.
David Pakman: Jeb Bush has new gay marriage stance after negative reaction to 1st one.
Obama’s Community College Proposal (SOTU preview):
- Obama announces his Free Community College Plan.
- Obama speaks on his “America’s College Promise” proposal.
- Young Turks: Obama proposes new tuition plan that anyone can afford
David Pakman: Reagan or Obama—Who will have a better economic and fiscal legacy?
Chris Hayes: From David Duke to the modern GOP
What if Earth treated us like we treat Earth?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.