Slate: What is Bastille Day?
Mental Floss: Why do things taste bad after brushing one’s teeth?
Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Surveillance State:
- Thom: Phone surveillance ruled illegal by appeals court
- José Díaz-Balart: NSA program is judged illegal
- Chris Hayes: Illegal!
- Sam Seder: NSA bulk collection is ruled illegal
- Young Turks: Court rules (one type of) NSA spying is illegal.
Minute Physics: How to subtract by adding.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Obama marks 70th anniversary of WWII end:
Jon on Deflate-gate.
Haters Attack a Hate Group:
- Mark Fiore: Pam Geller’s Islamification
- Young Turks: Pam Geller compares herself to Rosa Parks!?!
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Anti-Muslim activist nut wanted violence in Texas
- Jon explains when it is okay to shoot people who’ve offended you
- Matt Binder: Shooting at “Draw Muhammad” event in Texas
- Young Turks: How Texas Cartoon Contest and Charlie Hebdo are significantly different
Reid on the “unconscionable” backlog of judicial nominees.
Slate: A brief history of Godzilla.
Senate Historian: How TV changed the Senate.
Ann Telnaes: What’s a “rough ride”?.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- Young Turks: Neurosurgeon-turned-FAUX-News-loon joins the Presidential clown parade.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Scott Walker is the Koch brother’s Manchurian Candidate
- Jon: Let’s play “get rid of Ted Cruz.”
- Young Turks: Is this job-slashing ex-CEO the anti-Hillary the GOP’s been praying for?
- David Pakman: Ex-CEO who laid off thousands and left with $21 million, is running for President
- Sam Seder: Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina…what is Canadian Ted Cruz to do?
- Maddow: GOP overwhelmed with 2016 candidates for president
- Young Turks: Huckabee is in!
- The Daily Show looks at the legend of ‘El Jebe’
- Young Turks: Jeb Bush…adios amigo
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jeb Bush’s incredibly sleazy PAC strategy
Mental Floss: 20 facts about the Muppets.
David Pakman: School without sex ed has chlamydia outbreak.
White House: West Wing Week.
Sam Seder: Mitt Romney doesn’t know what “mass incarceration” is.
Jade Helm 15 and Other Conspiracies from the Lunatic Right:
- Sam Seder: The Pentagon addresses Jade Helm 9
- Young Turks: Chuck Norris fears United States may invade Texas
- Maddow: Fearful Texas GOP base amuses nation with conspiracy panic
- Thom: GOP crazy new conspiracy theories
- James Rustad: “Barack Obama Is Invading Texas” (Jade Helm 15 song):
- Sam Seder: Alex Jones and Michael Savage team up for insane Obama conspiracy
Stop! Or the entire state of Texas will shoot.
David Pakman: Cop accidentally shoots his mother in church…at a wedding.
Money and Politics:
- Maddow: Money in Politics is out of control
- Thom: Why Tennessee Republicans are “aggravated” by the Koch Brothers
- Sam Seder: Corruption is here to stay as FEC throws in the towel
- Jon on FAUX News hypocrisy over campaign finance
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about English.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.