What are basic human rights?
How is this a thing? Whitewashing.
Jimmy Dore: Bizarre Don Quixote lie & why Richard Dreyfus was stunned
Thom: Why are Republicans so vexed over Gitmo?
The 2016 Clown Show:
- The 2016 campaign is a nightmare for Marge Simpson.
- Lindsey Graham: My party has gone batshit crazy”
- Stephen: We may have to get used to a President Trump!
- Sam Seder: Someone finally brings up Trump’s University fraud.
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Trump monster stronger and more frightening than ever (p.s. you deserve this, GOP)
- Matthew Filipowicz: Network executive’s Trump confession:
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie’s heartfelt endorsement of Trump
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump’s South Carolina win.
- The Pope weighs in on Trump’s wall.
- David Pakman: Trump’s fraud case.
- Sam Seder: Trump loses it when Rubio calls out his privilege
- Stephen: Pope shot first.
- Sam Seder: Glenn Beck fasts on behalf of Ted Cruz….
- Ted Cruz 30 second spot
- Seth Meyers with a closer look at Ted Cruz’s dirty tricks.
- Ted Cruz, the ZODIAC KILLER
- Sam Seder: Jeb Suspends…the crowd response is awkward.
- Stephen: It’s time to grow up with Marco Rubio.
- Young Turks: Marco Rubio thinks he can win via a brokered convention
- Stephen: Marco’s “Morning again in Canada.”
- Trevor Noah: Ben Carson’s blackness
Minute Physics: How do we know what air is like on other planets?
What is a rigged economy?
Obama is still trying to close Gitmo.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at Bernie Sander’s “Democratic Socalism”.
The Church for people who are “Spiritual, but not religious”.
Obstruction of Justice:
- David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Election-year Supreme Court nominations
- Daily Show: Congress, the game.
- Young Turks: If Cenk was Obama’s nominee
- PsychoSuperMom: Block that nominee!
- Pap with Howard Nations: SCOTUS Limbo Is A Huge Gift For Liberals.
- Constitution or Chaos?
- What happens if a Supreme Court decision ends in a tie?
- Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) blasts Republicans for refusing to consider a SCOTUS nominee.
- LGBT Americans and SCOTUS
Seattle police release video of Che Taylor shooting.
Nikki & Dan Savage do politics.
Stephen’s wish list for Hillary.
John Oliver: Abortion laws.
For those who need help getting to the polls….
A moment with Triumph The Insult Comic Dog.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.