Ballots have dropped, and Donald Drumpf Shit-Show is happening right now. So please join us tonight for an evening of political critique and conversation at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma, Bremerton, and Spokane chapters meet.
There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Republican top Congressional leader says “Sub Group” lives don’t matter ’cause they never contributed to building this fabulous white, Western, Xtian civilization. A real window into the country club cocktail conversations that inform GOP “intellectualism”. But don’t worry, Fuckwad. They’ll make room for you so long as you’re “one of the good ones”.
All in all, this thing has not gone and is not going well for Chachi.
Say it ain’t so!
Megyn admits you don’t get a hosting spot at FOX without sleeping with the boss.
I’m just shocked! Shocked, I say!
The loon appears to be having a personal crisis over on the old open thread. Best to just leave him alone until he comes to grips with the fact that Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech!
The wingnut National Review had it right all along.
“Deport Melania Trump”
They just don’t know when or how to stop.
“RNC Communications Chief Cites ‘My Little Pony’ In Defense Of Melania Trump’s Plagiarism”
This whole plagiarism thing is just too damned funny!
“An Astrophysicist Used Math To Show Melania Trump Stole Her Speech”
“There’s a 1 in 87 billion chance Melania didn’t rip off Michelle, a McGill scientist says.”
the cognitive dissonance resonates even through Dr. O’s filter.
Little wonder. The H-1B visa holding, communist-Balkan, rich-white-lady wife of President Penis-Joke steals her debutante ball speech from a working-class African American woman from the Midwest. That’s bound to entail some identity turmoil for HA’s blackpologist-in-chief. Eventually it’ll have to reject the non-compliant data and move on as if this sad episode never really happened.
Another good day on Wall Street. Maybe the loon is busy going over the indices on whether to get back in.
I’m not sure which will come first, the green light on the Puffy’s 7 indices or the return of Chrst.
Stupid officers. Didn’t they realize the guy was white and you get arrested for that. They should have waited for a black guy then they wouldn’t have been arrested.
“Donald is intensely loyal,” said his third wife, Melania.
Collecting trophy wives is a Republican family value.
Shorter GOP convention:
“America sucks! Because feminists and hippies!”
Bring on Friday!
The gathering in Cleveland is starting to get interesting. Look who’s together in one place. I sure hope no cops get hurt.
“Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK were in the square and were said to be throwing urine at each other, CBS affiliate WOIO reported.”
Megyn admits you don’t get a hosting spot at FOX without sleeping with the boss.
Where id Megyn Keely admit this Oregon moron? Or, as we know from your daily BULLSHITTIUM delivery, taking over the HA DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM because R senile is demonstrating early onset Alzheimers!
@1 Guess all that slave labor doesn’t count, eh?
QPPS appears to be having a personal crisis over on the old open thread. It can’t stop demonstrating that its only thought each day is PuddyLove!
@13 I don’t think it’s true. Even Ailes doesn’t want to sleep with her.
@10 Loyal to who? Himself? He’s certainly not loyal to the customers, contractors, or vendors he routinely cheats. With his track record, why does anyone think he’ll be loyal to people who vote for him?
Hey Oregon moron, you forgot your good friends from the Industrial Workers of the World in your group call out! Must be the Oregon moron’s libtard source didn’t want to identify those socialist commies, or, the Oregon moron purposely left them out due to personal embarASSment! Maybe the Oregon moron is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World!
Meanwhile Oregon moron’s other friends chanted “Cops and Klan go hand in hand.” Puddy is very sure the black Cleveland cops are really thrilled with that designation from #blacklivesmatter!
Seems the urine is coming from the left wrong protesters. Well DUMMOCRETINS are known to be full of three things:
1) Piss
2) Shit
3) Hot air
Meanwhile their mindless neanderthal cranial orifices are vacuum packed!
One thing is for sure… Careless Crooked Heilary must really be that unpopular in America. Careless Crooked Heilary has to remind Real Americans that she is against killing police officers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
PuddyCommentariat: Yesterday Careless Crooked Heilary promised that under her “proposed leadership,” her proposed sadministration would bring the “full weight of the law” to bear on anyone who killed cops. She told that to the National Association for the Advancement of Libtard Colored People. Conservative blacks need not apply! #blacklivesmatter peeps in the crowd learned she was just bluffing to solidify the black vote!
Wow this is even deeper… The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), members of which are commonly termed “Wobblies”, is an international labor union that was founded in 1905. The union combines general unionism with industrial unionism, being a general union itself whose members are further organized within the industry of their employment. The philosophy and tactics of the IWW are described as “revolutionary industrial unionism”, with ties to both socialist and anarchist labor movements.
Anarchism… right up the hershey highway of the vomit producer!
Communism/Socialism – Oregon moron’s call to arms!
Will DUMMOCRETIN nutcases in Philadelphia during the DUMMOCRETIN Nutcase Convention have #bluelivesmatter support next week on stage? Sheriff Clarke is a DUMMOCRETIN! Will they invite him?
I wonder if there are 4 more years left in Melania Trump. Sure she still looks like a beautiful model in her prime. But she could start fading any moment now. There are new models coming out every year, as the D knows.
Wow… This is very interesting. The LA Times is coming out against JAMA!
Wow. The LA Times has grown a set! Amazing information here. Admitting that Obummer is petty will not get them chosen at the next Obummer presser!
The Oregon moron posted from JAMA before. Obummer is not a scientist. Neither is the Oregon moron! Obummer still hasn’t calmed the seas or stopped them from rising! JAMA shouldn’t pretend Obummer isn’t anything butt a narcissist.
When people scream they want to bring class and dignity back to the White House, I assume they haven’t paid attention to the class and dignity the Obama family has already returned to the office. It didn’t seriously occur to me that maybe we have wildly different definitions of class and dignity.
Says it all about @blacklivesmatter support by DUMMOCRETINS! This sad police officer experiences prejudice as a black man and as a cop! DUMMOCRETINS like R senile would make fun of this poor proud black man! He wants to end the cycle of violence, butt the #blacklivesmatter maggots say “Cops and Klan go hand in hand.” This was hidden by the Oregon moron!
What in the holy fuck is that imbecile on about @18?
Can anybody tell me what any of that verbal diarrhea it is spewing at 18 has to do with me (the one he calls his Oregon God).
Urine? IWW? Piss? Shit?
Looks like we broke the troll again guys. Probably “Chrome’s fault”.
Anybody know where we can get a new one?
Nope. Apparently not since according to GOP leaders that “sub group” needed the benevolent guidance of White Xtian Southerners to get anything done. Only the “masters” lives matter.
Then Repukes wonder why there is no peace….bunch of fucking angry hateful violent provoking mother fuckers… reap what you sow you dumb fucks….keep at it….don’t cry later.
Christie doesn’t like that we overthrew Gaddaffi, the guy who ordered the bombing of a Pan Am jet full of Americans. Of course, we’ve always known Republicans love tinpot dictators. They hope to be there themselves someday.
Trump family looking dynastic. They’ve got at least a 25 year bench they can use to control the GOP.
Boob must be thrilled. Oh wait. That’s right, he quit the GOP in order to support Cheech and Chong for President. Spark it up, Boob!
@28 Free speech. They have a constitutional right to be assholes. Let’s win the election and then raise their taxes and draft their kids into the military.
@22 She knows too much. He’ll have to bump her off.
bear in mind that Congressional leaders like Speaker Ryan are watching carefully. His most important project, assuming Trump gets his ass kicked, will be trying to bamboozle and steer these mouth breathers back into his “supply side” “entitlement gutting” fold. Looks like one very easy way to do that would be to give them a series of show trials.
The GOP chose to promote an anti-immigrant white Nationalist hate group at their convention. Cool! VDare are the guys who helped coin the term “Cuckservative”. Sweet.
So I mentioned I’m on the Oregon coast in a big beach house with the extended family. A little over half are born again Christian Freedom is under attack types and two are prosperity gospel nut jobs. Funny those two don’t have any money for the house. They rely on our charity to go on vacation.
Anyway, care to guess if anyone has turned on the RNC tonight? Not at minute. I am blissfully unaware what the shitshow day two is.
There is a palpable sense as of late last night and all day today that even these never voted Democrat in their lives sense….it’s over.
It’s so good to see the Oregon moron getting spun up over the truth! There were four groups outside and the only one not spoken by the Oregon moron was his friends at the Industrial Workers of the World! Did you notice the head explosion in its mindless neanderthal cranial orifice?
When the Oregon moron explodes you know you struck gold!
The three-way piss, shit and hot air explosion was
P R I C E L E S S!
Chris Christie – She’s guilty! The Libya attack was spot on! The argument DUMMOCRETINS screamed at Bush was he removed Saddam and had no strategy. When Republicans remind those same DUMMOCRETINS there was no Libya exit strategy notice the mindless HHTL response above?
What ever floats the HHTL boat! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
What happened because of this reckless action by the candidate who is the self proclaimed champion of women around the world? These terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young girls two years ago.
These schoolgirls are still missing today.
Chris Christie tells it like it is!
Heeeere’s the poll you’ve been waiting for!
Awww did you see how Rachel MadCow’s head exploded over Saul Alinsky and how Dr Ben Carson FACTUALLY brought it home? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Saul Alinsky’s interview in Playboy, 1972
ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.
PLAYBOY: Why them?
ALINSKY: They’re my kind of people.
The first leftist was Lucifer. Lucifer claimed these three lies about God:
1) That His Authority and Word may be questioned without negative consequences resulting (Gen. 3:1)
2) that God is a liar or even nonexistent (3:4)
3) that they could be like God (3:5)
See ya!
Meanwhile, R senile’s only black hero Al NotSoSharpton has another lawsuit…
On that Iran deal… You’ve been punked!
Apparently there’s a thing going on that only Piddles sees and then there’s the shit show that even Fox News is calling a shitshow.
Puffy’s boyfriend, Milo, not having a good day.
What is this world coming to when you can’t speak all the hate you want (just be careful not to Libel someone).
A little dramatic with a bullet proof vest but very fashionable, especially for today. Who knows maybe Milo will start a trend, and bullet proof vests will be as common as sun glasses! Is he being a coward? Shouldn’t hate be for courageous people and not the cowardly mother fuckers? Such a shame that we spent a time of our lives and past history worri g about losing manufacturing jobs.
I’m sure the NRA and gun manufacturers see a new market and have $ $ signs in thier eyes.
Ohhh, I’m sure some will cry crocodile tears over the loss of the 1st ammendment, but what good is it if you really can’t yell fire in a theater.
This all started with the PC police when we had to stop saying the N word. See what happens when you become PC.
The irony that this happening surrounds a lady of African American decent – such trouble making people demanding such respect.
Can’t we all just get to hate each other! Fuck all you mother fuckers – who needs ISIS when we have our own ability to self destruct!?
Puffy and Milo sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Golly Gee.
Twitter Permanently Bans Breitbart Writer Following Attack On Leslie Jones
For Booooob
I should have added, at the end of @45
#GoFuckYourselfTwitter #LetHateLiveOn
Hey Boob, how about boycotting Twitter! What is the world coming to when a business has to cower to Milo and his fans, aren’t they a private entity and can allow all squashing of freedom of speech – isn’t that freedom? No one is entitled to a Twitter account by the Constitution. To think that some spent years of bloodshed for – silly them.
Iraq War and Terrorism it spawned – Punk You, let me do a little macharana at blue funeral.
Did anyone find the mob mentality of the GOP trumpsters to be scary? They were whipped into a frenzy and they seemed to like it. I worry what will happen when they lose. I worry what will happen if they win.
@48 yes either way this Country is fucked!
Nah. We’ve seen all this before more than once.
In the end, when these pieces of shit have suffered a record defeat, about a third of them will slink back into the fever swamps of fringe conspiracy peddling, a third will call it a huge success because it’s all about the grift, and a third will shrug and shift their focus to SEC football. The GOP will rebuild their identity around obstructing a President with the highest popular vote total in a half century. If we’re really lucky, they’ll hold impeachment hearings. And at the 2018 mids they’ll lose the House.
And just remember as all this comes to pass – they are doing it to themselves. No voter suppression campaign, no abuse of the US Attorney’s office to go after them, no massive Hippie spending blitz to “steal” elections. This one is an own goal.
What will happen to the Oregon moron if Trump wins? Chris Christie prosecuted the case perfectly last night. People do not know how inept Careless Crooked Heilary really is! The coming commercials will be P R I C E L E S S!
Wow, HHTL really has this fixation on Milo! Well Milo is a “dangerous faggot” as Milo calls himself!
Yeah Twitter banned Milo again. That result is rather strange since it ignores open calls for violence against police officers from real #blacklivesmatter twits and allows death threats against Republican Senators remain on the platform for months without taking action.
Look up Kyler Schmitz from Virginia and his leftist tweets Twitter DID NOT remove until forced to. Kyler detained by the local police after it was ruled that the death threat against Senator Roy Blount was an illegal violation of FCC rules. However, Twitter took no action because hey, Roy Blount is a conservative senator and Twitter is leftist. Kyler only had his account suspended and the tweets deleted after some conservative bloggers asked Twitter why the allowed the threats to stay. Seems the ends always justifies the means!
Then there are the recent hashtags #ShootRepublicans #Politicians referencing “I’m coming for you,” tweet towards Republican Senator John Hoeven. It seems the “You may not incite or engage in the targeted abuse or harassment of others” Twitter guidelines only matters if you are a conservative tweeter not a libtard twit!
More purposeful bias towards conservatives!
Here is real truth.
The banks that jock strap Careless Crooked Heilary do this to keep black people down!
Pakistan is moving toward more gender equality.
Looks like it’s going to be Kaine.
Meanwhile, Republicans can’t do anything right.
@44 I see Piddles is reaching back 44 years to find something to caw about.
@48 ” I worry what will happen when they lose.”
I was thinking about that yesterday. Here’s what I think we can expect to see:
(1) Conspiracy theories will abound. They didn’t lose. That’s not possible. They wuz robbed. By dead people and illegals voting en masse. Democrats handed out cigarettes to homeless people and had them vote multiple times under other people’s names. That’s why we need photo ID laws, even in places that already have photo ID laws.
(2) A resurgence of secession talk. Secession bills introduced in some state legislatures. Guys in cowboy hats will occupy a Forest Service trail shelter and declare it’s now an independent republic. Sales of sovereign citizen kits will soar.
(3) A surge in gun sales and “militia” membership.
(4) A grassroots impeachment movement.
(5) A massive stock market rally.
So now it’s linking to random Facebook people who made a video? Yep, that’s how to change minds and influence people.
How many axe wielding peeps has Obummer allowed in?
How many axe wielding peeps has Obummer allowed in?
Shorter Ben Carson.
“Saul Alinski, yaaaaaaaargh! Clinton is the devil.”
Shorter Republican National Convention
“Nutjobs getting all their news from Breitbart and the seriously deranged on internet comment threads. We believe you and we are with you! Everyone else Why don’t you believe us?”
@51 Daydreaming at work again?
@53 In your case, it has nothing to do with your race.
The front page story in much of Florida today is how the GOP is turning against their popular two time Governor. The not so subtile other side of the coin is to remind everyone in Florida that their popular two term Governor thinks Donald Trump is a total disaster.
“But the convention is going GREAT!!!!”
PiddlesThe Liar, or words to that effect.Et Tu, Ann Coulter?
Dipshit checkmate, the DIPSHITTIUM KLOWN can’t even get it right…
Saul Alinsky
Careless Crooked Heilary is not the devil, she worships him dipshit checkmate! That’s the Dr Carson argument! Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh!
The link was dipshit checkmate. Let Puddy help your silly ASS dipshit checkmate… MSNBC Reacts To Ben Carson Calling Hillary Clinton A Disciple Of A Devil Worshipper
See dipshit checkmate… You really are a useless twit! Keep on that Breitbart rant dipshit checkmate. You’ve used that for years and what has that gotten you except being called really stoooooooooooooooooooooopid for not knowing anything else? Libtard sites are readily apparent with interesting comments dipshit checkmate!
Sux to be dipshit checkmate… dispenser of the DIPSHITTIUM element!
That’s the best you can do R senile @64? Race baiting? Par for the course!
By all means, run commercials with a guy at 29% approval as Governor and when last polled nationwide was under 40%.
That will be priceless.
dipshit checkmate… dispenser of the DIPSHITTIUM element @59. NOPE you DOPE dipshit checkmate. Just a constant reminder that Careless Crooked Heilary is jock strapped by those whom oppress us every day dipshit checkmate!
If Donald continually reminds blacks who Clinton really is this will be very interesting dipshit checkmate!
FACTS suck dipshit checkmate! it really sux to be dipshit checkmate… dispenser of the DIPSHITTIUM element!
Now that’s a head explosion! My work here is done. Time to dig in the sand and walk the beach.
“Heilery worships the Devil!” Yeah, that’ll get you the moderate Democrat vote your boy needs!
“Guilty, or Not Guilty?”
Those four words are all Trump needs!
Did you catch that the loon is holding out for Cheeto Jesus to win the “black” vote?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Good on Cuomo. Past time for media to abandon taboo against using the words “lie” and “liar.” …
Sure, now that the Democrat primary is over.
“What will happen to the Oregon moron if Trump wins?”
I’ll have to put answering that on my “to-do list”, right after these:
What will happen to me if the great apes learn to speak English and take over the planet?
What will happen to me if the La Brea Tar Pits turn into a super volcano that consumes the United States?
What will happen to me if a tornado full of sharks touches down on my street?
What will happen to me if I never achieve my secret lifelong dream of becoming a Vegas showgirl and instead remain a stripper at Cheetah’s?
I may never sleep again.
Holy shit!
These Republican idiots have nominated a candidate who promises to outsource the most powerful job in the world to someone they don’t even know.
GOP competency at it’s finest.
Sure is amazing that the Oregon moron is reading PuddyMissives again. Why? The Oregon moron went on one of his racist rants, then called Puddy a racist. When Puddy reminded the moron that #blacklivesmatter peeps it supports claim blacks can’t be racists because whites like the moron are the oppressors, the moron had nothing else to say on the subject.
Now we see the Oregon moron responding to Puddy. Seems the moron knows it needs Puddy to remind the moron how silly the moron is every day! Just can’t stay away after all. That Dr Obnoxious script kept the moron stoooooooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Sux to be the Oregon moron. Can’t decide to read or not to read FACTUAL PuddyMissives!
“The coming commercials will be P R I C E L E S S!”
Don’t you need money for those?
Totally fucking hilarious that Republicans and their historic over reliance on large media buys have suddenly forgotten how that works. Priceless. IF Cheeto Jesus ever gets his shit together and starts fund raising it’ll be too late. The air time blocks in battleground markets are being bought up right now you ignoramus! You can’t buy what has already been sold! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You motherfuckers are too late! Hurry up, dumbshit, and empty out your mattress, cancel the car lease, and liquidate the grand kids college fund. Send it all to Cheeto Jesus before it’s too late!
What, that one you fucking moron?
Paying attention much?
You got so carried away with Cheeto Jesus rapture and your usual keyboard palsy you didn’t notice that was Roger Rabbit posting about demonstrations in the square in Cleveland.
Blame the Chrome! Blame the Chrome!
Why on earth would I pass up such a wonderful once every four years opportunity to bask in your humiliation? I won’t be able to have this much fun at your expense for another four years. Of course I’m gonna poke at your misguided Republican carcass, fool!
Not sure he is a “dangerous Faggot”. But he is your Faggot boyfriend.
Wow that Industrial Workers of the World post really struck gold! Puddy has to catalog that post for use in November!
Notice the Oregon moron using Puddy’s trademark
Pretty soon you’ll see
@65 Well, that’s good news. At least we know he’ll never be president. But one incompetent moron is just replaced by another with these creeps.
“…struck gold!”
Of course! I’ll gladly respond to “golden” opportunities to demonstrate how winding up a Republican results in inattentive, confused, befuddled, head explosions. It’s my civic duty.
You just keep laying your neck on the block, imbecile. You’ll “strike gold” every time.
@52 if Twitter is leftist then maybe you should have a beef with the Boob.
And a little bit of false equivalency if you equate one man making death threats against one senator – although I think the police would intervene at that point and as you say Twitter did eventually close the account, taking your words – I don’t care to find out (because I am a liberal twit).
But for Milo (your boyfriend) to provoke his followers to all ban together to hate one person (in a mob fashion) I think that is a little different comparison. Jeeze, not sure what is worse in the sense of one’s security, making a libel statement against someone, or for someone to encourage the masses to threaten someone. I’d say twitter getting rid of your boyfriend was well warranted…..if he and others don’t like it they can create their own twitter application – call it “litter” – tweeting for loons.
@52 what action do conservatives take when anyone but their kind are threatened?
Go fuckyourself moron. See here is a rule – you can’t speak about something if you are a hypocrite!
@58 1-4 Goooooooooooooood
5 – Badddddddddddddd
@60 not enough – if they haven’t got you yet!
Mrs. Trump isn’t a plagerizer……Drumpf is just firing her speech writer because he found it he/she was a Nazi!
Nice work DR!
The whole Drumpf Family (if you could call them one – seeing that there are three wives. Are there any step children? How about goats? Any goats?) are all frauds.
I hope Donald doesn’t want to sue me.
Speaking of law suits.
Alligator eaten boy’s family not sueing. Anyone learn a lesson here?
Just doing my patriotic duty.
What happened to “Mrs. Trump is busy this week writing her own speech”?
More outsourcing???
@68 Race baiting? How do you figure? I posted that your race isn’t what’s keeping you down. Now, if you accused me of picking on intellectually challenged people, that’s something else.
Looks like Trump tried to get Kasich for VP and was turned down.
“Republican nominee Donald Trump reportedly offered Ohio Gov. John Kasich a chance to be his vice president with a vast policy portfolio, according to a new report. Donald Trump Jr. went to a Kasich adviser with an offer, the report in the New York Times Magazine, said: if Kasich joined the ticket, he could be ‘the most powerful vice president in history.’ By that, Trump Jr. said he meant Kasich would ‘be in charge of domestic and foreign policy,’ according to the Times. When the Kasich adviser asked what Trump would then be in charge of, Trump Jr. simply replied: ‘Making America great again.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, Kasich would be the de facto president, while Trump handles the marketing. Kasich must’ve looked at how Trump treats his other subcontractors and decided this wasn’t as good a deal as it appeared on paper. He would get stuck doing all the work and then be left holding an empty bag.
@72 Good luck with that.
according to the original author it wasn’t stealing because he was Trump Jrs. speech ghostwriter. So it isn’t stealing. It’s lying.
You begin to get the picture of an entire family of super-wealthy entitled brats who just can’t be bothered. Even Cheeto Jesus has said he’ll leave the day to day boring stuff to his V.P. Given the very understandable Constitutional constraints on that kind of devolution of executive power, it may mean that his Chief of Staff would be running the show. Anybody honestly believe that Paul Manafort wouldn’t put our national security up for auction? Republicans have sold out any claim they ever had to patriotism.
RealClearPolitics’ latest aggregate poll shows Clinton leading in 8 of 9 battleground states. (The exception is Georgia, which in normal circumstances shouldn’t even be in play.)
Early reports indicate that tomorrow night’s festivities in Cleveland will culminate when some Republican bigwig named Savanarola builds a great big bonfire in the middle of the Quicken Arena floor and all the d-gates dance around it smeared in blood.
I’ve got my DVR programmed.
@97 Is anyone even watching this thing? I’m not.
I tried. It was simply too boring. When you take away Cheeto Jesus the whole of this rhetorical enchilada of “Make America Great Again” and doom and gloom becomes unbearably banal. Trump has real charisma. He’s certainly dangerous and absolutely unqualified. His ideas are criminally unconstitutional and impractical. But for those willing to set such trivial concerns aside for the sake of tribal identity and “unity” his charismatic authoritarian personae has undeniable appeal. I’ll tune in Thursday for the big show stopper.
I’d say credit for causing the loon’s double head explosion @81 would have to go to both DR and czechsaaz.
Well done!
I give full credit to…
“Guilty or not guilty?”
Hey loons on comment threads we believe you. Hey everyone else. Why don’t you believe us.
Guilty. You keep using that word I do no theenk it means what you theenk it means.
(AP) July 20, 2016 –
After days of Republican deflection and finger pointing a campaign statement was released today finally acknowledging the plagiarism issue and explaining the gaffe. Melania Trump blames…
Chrome is no doubt a heinous bitch.
@97 I really should be working and not laughing out loud here!
This should be such an embarrassment…..but this “Party” or People of Disgust” really should be holding their heads (gluteus Maximus) in shame (or in this case squatting).
Chrome should be put in the firing line and shot for treason!
“Secret Service investigating Trump adviser’s call for Hillary to be ‘shot for treason'”;ocid=iehp
Puddy wonders if these two would have voted for Careless Crooked Heilary?
La Raza strikes again!
Poor GOP. Nobody wubs you anymore.
Debbie Blabbermoth Schultzie is upset that the speakers for the last two days were picking on Careless Crooked Heilary. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
For the life of me, I simply can not imagine why the United States Secret Service would be investigating this close adivsor to the GOP.
Could it possibly have something to do with the Cheeto Jesus campaign operative threatening the life of a protectee?
He looks like he was joking to me. Sure. That’s gotta be it.
I’m honestly a little excited about tomorrow night.
Given that up to this point the whole affair has been characterized by the unique combination of plagiarism and threatening to shoot the opposing nominee (that’s one way to win, I suppose), I expect el Douche is going to try to pull out a show stopper. Which means in all likelihood the same team of crack advisers who put together this debacle so far will be responsible for fact checking whatever whoppers Cheeto Sr. cribs in at the last minute. The potential for calamity is breathtaking.
I know it’s been tough for them to recruit, but this is ridiculous.
Turns out the Cheeto Jesus staffer who
wroteplagiarized Mrs. Cheeto’s Monday night speech is a registered Democrat!@102 You’ve just established yourself as one of the gullible fools who swallows edited videos hook, line, and sinker. What else do you swallow whole? How about a deal on swampland or a bridge? Lucky you weren’t born a fish.
One of the reasons I don’t post much in here anymore is because the Schizo always seems to descend into the kind of blathering nonsense one can only find in the darkest wards of places like Bridgewater State Hospital or Eastern State right here. There really is no point to attempting a conversation.
The reality is, one cannot reason with such people. It is too emotionally taxing to attempt to do so. Their minds are absolutely shut of any non-internal cogitation. People like The Schizo, and believe me there are many, many such people, just flat out do not have the intellectual wherewithal to understand how they could ever possibly be wrong they are about anything. They have managed to somehow manually, and deliberately separate their own cogitation from their personality.
Then they
blamecredit God for the thought processes that everybody experiences in the course of a day.That is, muttering to oneself as a task is performed or carrying on that internal conversation when trying to puzzle out some new information. That is how the very process of cognizant thought happens in everybody. To them however, it is God telling them to do things. It is God that guides their hand at every moment.
So when they do this, it is always an external factor that caused them to fuck up. It is always an outside force that causes them to do bad things, which is also something everyone does on occasion, some more than others of course. Within the context of that, how is it even possible for them to discern right from wrong, or good from evil?
One can ask any experienced 11/b about that. They can tell you that they were following orders. It was the primary defense strategy of the defendants in the War Crimes tribunals that happened at the end of WW2. It is the task of a Soldier to understand and carry out his orders.
It strikes me as being a very militarist paradigm.
Thus, if it is GOD that made them beat/starve/neglect their kid to death or told them to build a gigantic phony “ship” in the middle of Kentucky and fill all the little cages with stuffed animals. The money spent on that piece of utter shit could have built nicely equipped 2 bedroom houses for 25,000 people.
So, somehow, they too, were just following orders.
So, with all that bullshit being laid out. I have a question.
Where is such an individual taking responsibility for themselves? Where could it be possible to convince such an individual that it was them, themselves, who made the decision or took the course of action that got them in trouble in the first place?
The Schizo is now pretty much openly supporting the Cheese Weasel. There are Police Officers who have openly declared war on organizations like Black Lives Matter. I just want you to ponder this, Schiz. Donald Trump has pretty much said that as President, he would indemnify Police Officers from being held personally responsible for their actions, and is saying that they would be permitted to do whatever they deem necessary to do their jobs.
So, who will be giving the orders?
@113 “threatening to shoot the opposing nominee (that’s one way to win, I suppose)”
Tried and tested. By a Republican, of course.
A fight broke out outside the RNC today. Looks like Puffy’s gang started it.
@ 102 and 115
The full text of that speech.
The actual video of the Speech.
That’ll help the Schiz with the big words.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
The GOP is still “the party of Lincoln” in that few (if any) Republicans in 1860 would have ever voted for a black or female president.
Um, in the 1860s it was the Republicans who pushed through the 15th Amendment.
Not a whole lot of help from the other side.
@ 120
Funny thing Bob. You have to go back 150 years to get the same sort of rhetoric from the Democrats that you GOP rightists have been saying in every election since, and especially in the current one.
Put that link in my post at 102 because I knew you couldn’t resist looking at it, and it would piss you off. Worked like a charm!
You have established yourself as an arrogant ass who has no respect for anything but his own ego and opinion, rodent.
Eat shit and die, you arrogant motherfucker.
I actually watched Cruz in another brewery, closed captioned. Hey didja know Pelican has opened othe breweries on the coast. Pelican makes good beer. It’s good to be on vacation.
Cruz was breathtaking in his ability to not throw gasoline on the fire but also never really urge anyone to go out and gift for Trump. Already campaigning for 2020.
Three days and still nothing to convince the undecideds and the sizable number of weak Hillary supporters that the GOP is the way to go.
@122 you fool…….next time try holding your breath under water for about 20 minutes. Do us all a favor.
Ohhhh vomit producer @119,
#102 was not from Puddy. If there is one thing we’ve learned about HA DUMMOCRETINS… they don’t really check things out from their fellow DUMMOCRETINS. When one HA DUMMOCRETIN says something all others just accept it as fact. Well, got this wrong too!
Sux to be the vomit producer!
Travis @120,
When you kiss the DUMMOCRETIN ring and their ASS you always get the big pASS…
PuddyCommentariat: This is why Zuckerberg went nutzo when Gizmodo broke the news of inherent purposeful Facebook bias!
Three days and still nothing to convince the undecideds and the sizable number of weak Hillary supporters that the GOP is the way to go.
– per checkmate reading the DUMMOCRETIN e-rags!
are you in Pacific City?
Nice place. Still not too totally overrun. Didya catch Dory Days? Last weekend, no? Check out Bob Straub on the spit south of town. Decent peaks when the wind is off shore. Parking with bathrooms and outdoor showers behind the fore dunes.
So you’re telling us you get turned on by having your ass kicked?
Dude, really. TMI.
and it was the Republicans in the 1960s who launched their ongoing project to repeal the 14th.
Nope. Seaside. We’ve been renting the same big house for nine years. Two families leave tomorrow but two different ones come for the weekend.
Did the Tillamook head trail up and over and then met people for happy hour in Cannon Beach for a ride home today at a new place owned by Pelican.
Threatening Ted Cruz’s wife. Suggesting killing the other nominee. Plagiarism. He’s a Muslim. The convention is losing moderate republicans and gaining no moderate democrats and independents. But the lunatics think it’s telling facts.
I’m starting to wonder how likely it is that a few states end up 1 Clinton, 2 Johnson, 3 Trump? I could totally see WA going 58% Clinton, 20% Johnson, 19% Trump, 3% Stein.
You’re aware that FNC and republican insiders are calling the convention a shitshow?
But if you think it’s just us liberals enjoy the delusion until November.
@ The Schizo @ 125:
#102 was not from Puddy.
Did I mention you at all there? No, I didn’t.
Once again you proudly illustrate to everyone your total lack of basic reading comprehension.
Stupid fuck.
Oh checkmate, those are the ones like you who called BREXIT supporters racist, xenophobic, and Nazi’s! HHTL language eh? Remember polling data was worthless on BREXIT. It had Britain staying in the EU.
FACTS! Sux to be checkmate!
Did I mention you at all there? No, I didn’t.
Wrong again vomit producer. Unless, of course, you didn’t pen this That’ll help the Schiz with the big words.
Puddy was not involved and Puddy seldom reads your vomit produced links. Why? Because they are as soiled as you are. Full of BULLSHITTIUM!
Sooooooooooooooooooo vomit producer you EPIC DAYUM yourself with the BULLSHITTIUM you wrote above in #135…
Once again you proudly illustrate to everyone your total lack of basic reading comprehension.
Stupid fuck.
The vomit producer… Smelly vomit in every thread it pollutes!
Sux to be the vomit producer. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Oh checkmate,
While Donald J Trump appears to be quite a douchebag during the primary season, people who know him and the way his children are respected by both parties in the business and people worlds says much about him! Trump’s policies would benefit all Americans. This scares the status quo!
On the other hand, Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton is a total douchebag of a person and her policies will benefit her first (email servre) and her donors second Clinton Crime Family Foundation (CCFF) and Goldman Sucks, with the people paying the bill and getting screwed. The DUMMOCRETINS skipped over Bernie and decided to keep the status quo!
This says much about Obummer’s foreign policies… Moderate Syrian rebels!
So should Real Americans take comfort in the fact that Obummer’s CIA-supported and Middle East Institute vetted “moderate rebels” are only moderately beheading Palestinian children? Aren’t Palestinians the cause célèbre here on HA DUMMOCRETINS? Y’all put them first in the Intifada even after full proof was offered by the UN that Palestinians were hiding their weaponry behind women and children, Placing waeponry in their mosques, digging tunnels to blow up Israeli school children and killing innocent Israeli citizens at will.
It seems that one of the HA DUMMOCRETINS favorites is getting slaughtered by Obummer’s favorites! Hmmm…?
So HA DUMMOCRETINS who heads up the Middle East Institute? Remember Richard Clarke? DAYUM, this can’t get any better for the Obummer foreign policy in these last six months! Then there is radical Islamist loving Charles Lister from the leftists at the Brookings Institute who said those who call Zenki terrorists lack nuance!
So Palestinians are against the US-backed “moderate rebels”? Wow HA DUMMOCRETINS… seems y’all are backing a loser group! Well y’all are losers anyway! Just visit the garbage paragraphs written by the vomit producer in #116 for further proof of the demented HA DUMMOCRETIN mind!
Puddy can’t write anything better than that above! Y’all are very strange people!
Did you see that DUMMOCRETIN who set himself on fire at the RNC?
Why do these incidents continue to happen in DUMMOCRETIN led cities HA DUMMOCRETINS? Another unarmed black man shot! Professional bllack man shot by DUMMOCRETINS! Trigger happy inner city DUMMOCRETIN po-po 5-O too!
It’s sad when you have to flat out lie innit?
PiddlesThe Liar. Show me where I really weighed in at all on Brexit other than to note the drop in the GBP, predicted, was happening. Still down against the dollar fwiw.That’s just a liar makin shit up to delude himself. of the 14 polls released a week before the Brexit vote 6 said they would vote to leave, six said stay and two were tied. Only two of those polls had results outside the MOE, one on each side
So I’d concede that the polling data was useless in the sense that no solid conclusion could be made of them. And the punditry here and in Europe said it would be extremely close and they THOUGHT it would go stay.
Compare and contrast an American candidate where poll after poll in key states that matter have him losing, many outside the MOE and if it makes you feel good to say “Brexit, yaaaaaargh! Trump can win the polls are wrong….”
Did you all notice what checkmate DID NOT FOCUS on?
Oh checkmate, those are the ones like you who called BREXIT supporters racist, xenophobic, and Nazi’s! HHTL language eh?
See ya!