North Carolina anti-gay tourism advertisement.
Jimmy Kimmel mansplains to Hillary.
Minute Physics: Are we looking in the wrong place for aliens?
Rosie the Riveter goes to Washington.
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
- Great moments (and one not-so-great moment) in American Oratory
- Sam Seder: Trump goes on and on about his tiny, tiny hands with the WaPo editorial board
- David Pakman: President Drumpf would outsource SCOTUS nominations to a think tank
- Daily Show Reenacts (verbatim) Donald Drumpf speaking to the Washington Post.
- Thom: Drumpf is a delusional crybaby.
- Young Turks: Drumpf and Cruz have Twitter wars over their wives.
- Maddow: Trump’s escalating violent rhetoric.
- Larry Wilmore meets Drumpf’s Black supporters.
- Sam Seder: Cruz calls Trump a sniveling coward.
- David Pakman: Embarrassing Drumpf audio exposes him as totally clueless
- Kimmel: Mitt Romney’s attack ad on Donald Drumpf
- Red State Update: Is Drumpf Hitler?
- Jimmy Dore: A Donald Drumpf criticism so sad you’ll feel sorry.
- Trevor Noah: How the fuck did we get here?!?
- Kimmel: Things Drumpf loves.
- Thom: Ted Cruz & Drumpf have come for the Muslims…
- Seth Meyers with Sorry Not Sorry: Racist Drumpf supporter, Kasich insults women.
- Wait…WHUUUT? Ted Cruz has a sex scandal.
- Young Turks: Lindsay Graham gives worst endorsement EVER
- Obama calls out Ted Cruz on his Muslim surveillance proposal.
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz sex scandal explodes.
- Trevor Noah: Lindsey Graham picks his poison.
Seth Meyers: Eric Holder explains why more Wall Street bankers aren’t in jail.
Greenman: How reliable are satellite temperatures? (Director’s Cut).
Proof of evolution in our bodies.
Larry Wilmore: Racist origins of Nixon’s War on Drugs.
Cuban Romance:
- Seth Meyers with a closer look at Obama in Cuba.
- The complicated history of the U.S. and Cuba explained.
- President Obama addresses the people of Cuba.
- Sam Seder: Glenn Beck completely loses it over Obama in Cuba
- Young Turks: Republicans are furious over Obama’s Cuba trip
- Jimmy Dore: Barack Obama & Raul Castro have awkward handshake to end all awkward handshakes.
- Daily Show: Americanization of Cuba.
Mark Fiore: Thank You! Love, ISIS.
Food processing science (and weirdness).
Sarah Palin gets her own “Judge Judy” show.
Young Turks: The legacy of Rob Ford.
Thom: Portland, Oregon sues Monsanto.
Matthew Filipowicz: Who’s to blame for the five hour long voting lines in Arizona?.
GOP Obstruction of Justice:
- PsychoSuperMom: Dear Mr. Garland
- Kimmel: Hillary on the Supreme Court nominee
- Farron Cousins: Republicans are holding the whole court system hostage.
- Steve Kornacki with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) GOP Raises Partisan Bar In SCOTUS Obstruction
- Who is Merrick Garland and why is he Obama’s Supreme Court nominee?
- Sam Seder: Does Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court make any damn sense at all?
Trump vs. Bernie in the First Ever @midnight Presidential Debate:
Hashtag Wars: Bernie v. Drumpf in #IfIWerePresident.
Farron Cousins: Sarah Palin to return with the dumbest TV show of all time.
Young Turks: Alabama Governor’s (R-Family Valuesville) phone sex with mistress released.
Kimmel: New Hillary Clinton campaign slogans.
Capitol Hill Kids on 2016.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.