No cure for lobbying addiction.
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very Very Reboanticly Ugly!
Sen. Rubio (R-FL) Zika virus no excuse to get an abortion
Thom: Where are the Koch brothers?
White House: West Wing Week.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard:Is August recess work or play?
Most hated candidates ever.
This Week’s Drumpf Blooper Reel:
- Jimmy Dore: Donald Drumpf suggests Clinton be assassinated.
- David Pakman: Drumpf would ban Porn if elected President.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf suggests assassination.
- PsychoSuperMom: You built this idiot:
- Farron Cousins: GOP rats abandon the ship they built.
- Young Turks: What is the most offensive thing Drumpf has said.
- Chris Hayes: Khizr Khan responds to latest attacks
- Jimmy Dore: Obama and Clinton founded ISIS says Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf gets his Twitter taken away.
- Sam Seder: Are we sure Drumpf isn’t a liberal plant?
- David Pakman: Drumpf prepares to chicken out on debates with Hillary
- Trevor Noah: Trump’s ‘Second Amendment’ comment is a dangerous joke
- Jimmy Dore: Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) won’t vote for Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf would try U.S. citizens at Gitmo.
- Steve Kornacki: Trump gives away the game on outrageous talk
- Larry Wilmore: Talkin’ about Drumpf
- David Pakman: Immigrant Melania Drumpf was likely working in US illegally
- Young Turks: Drumpf tries to defend his 2nd amendment comments.
- Thom: Greenpeace decimates Drumpf’s energy plan.
- Steve Kornacki: “Obama is the founder if ISIS.”
- Young Turks: Drumpf talks about Detroit “titties” during major economic speech.
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf does an entire speech off a Teleprompter.
- David Pakman: Secret Service has words with Drumpf’s campaign.
- Jimmy Dore: Rudy Guiliani defends Drumpf over assassination call.
- Farron Cousins: What the hell is wrong with Drumpf supporters?!?
- Bill Maher to Rick Santorum: No shame in punting
- Young Turks: National Security officials turn on Drumpf.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf says Obama founded ISIS
- Chris Hayes: Drumpf Vs. local paint store
- David Pakman: Polls aren’t skewed…Drumpf is losing badly.
- Nikki Glaser: Let’s talk about sex…because Drumpf is
- Steve Kornacki: Donald Trump raises specter of assassination
- Daily Show: What the actual fact—Donald Drumpf lays out his economic plan
- Bill Maher: New Rule…Priority fail.
- Young Turks: Historians are aware of a liar like Donald Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Trump speaking at outrageous & disgusting anti-gay conference
- Jimmy Dore: CNN host tells Drumpf supporter “Stop hurting the country”
- Sam Seder: Drumpf loses 3 of “The Five” on his assassination call
- Larry Wilmore: Drumpf Dump
- David Pakman: Unhinged Donald Drumpf says Obama literally founded ISIS
- Jimmy Dore: Don Lemon calls Drumpf supporter a liar over 2nd Amendment comment
- Michelle:
- Young Turks: Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) can’t support Drumpf.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf doubles down on “Obama founder of ISIS” nonsense.
Mark Fiore: Who’s on whose side?
Bill Maher: Future headlines.
Steve Kornacki: Hillary Clinton outreach to GOP makes left uneasy .
New Scientist: The brain’s waste removal system.
FAUX Fallout:
- Young Turks: FAUX News’s “Black Room”
- Pap and Sam: Roger Ailes’ perverted brain will pollute FAUX News forever.
- Young Turks: Andrea Tantaros breaks silence on Roger Ailes
- David Pakman: Apparently, audio tapes exist of Ailes’ harassment.
Mental Floss: Why are there 24 hours in a day?
Did Clinton lie about her emails?
Red State Update: Will Trump debate Clinton? Julian Assange & murdered DNC staffer!
BrideGate Lies:
- Steve Kornacki: Gov. Chris Christie lied according to staff text messages.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie flat out lied during Bridgegate.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Weren’t they critical of President Obama for using a teleprompter?
@1 watch it – those are the self righteous hypocrites that you are talking about.
Donald Drumpf is a Russian spy.
@ #1
Weren’t they critical of President Obama for using a teleprompter?
I think that criticism was mostly a product of their jealousy and personal outrage that a black man actually knew how to read well enough to actually write the things that were being put up on them.
Educated people are their sworn enemy. Especially if they have black skin.
Stolen from a FB post:
Trump’s involvement with NAMBLA is purely a financial one, which is yet another reason why he is great. A true businessman builds a wall between the business model, and the resulting income and success. I doubt that trump has used every toilet installed in Trump Tower, yet without his participation, there would be no toilets. I don’t think I need to say anything else on the matter.
Now, that is some funny shit right there.
I think Drumpf hopes that the highly educated Republican constituents will confuse “Funding” with “Founding”.
Obama has been Funding ISIS!
I wonder what’s next for Republicans. You going to nominate Jeffery Daher in 2020?
Where is Piffy when you need him?
@1 There is nothing, nothing, they haven’t criticized Obama on no matter how many times he proved he was doing the right thing. They criticized FLOTUS for going sleeveless but not a peep about Melania doing lesbian porn!
This Country is getting borderline Psychotic. You see what happens when you let the fags get married.
Long Live Ireland – The Real Home of the Free and the Brave!
The search-and-replace is odd with this one.
The link for one of the sam seder videos has the phrase “rudy guilliani” in it. Also, one of the “trump”s didn’t get the john oliver treatment.
I personally don’t think Drumpf will last to the end of Augst.
“Donald Drumpf is a Russian spy.”
More of a stooge.
Just wandered through somewhere they were playing Fox News and saw washed up soap star Antoino Sabat Jr. tell of the heartbreak of not getting by hired by Hollywood liberals now that he spoke for Trump at the Republican National Convention.
Dude, in 2012 your big gig was “handsome guy #1” in the big screen remake of Three Stooges starring the guy who played the super gay friend on Will and Grace.
Yeah. Your career was burning up before you got blacklisted, eh?
@ 13
What funny is that the only “celebrities” the Trump campaign could come up with were all “has-been and barely were” third rate sitcom actors.
Scott Baio can’t get work anymore because he got himself a solid reputation for being a super-pushy alcoholic who demands creative control during a shoot (as well as some pretty hefty perks while working), but the man is almost completely illiterate. He has about a 6th-grade education.
Sabato is an underwear model for chrissakes, and in spite of spending several years on the soap opera circuit, never really developed or understood the process of acting or what it takes to be an actor but is apparently a complete prima donna on the set even when he’s in a barely supporting bit-part role.
He’s mostly eye candy, and has little talent for much of anything other than smiling for the camera and primping in the mirror. He too, is almost completely illiterate, having never attended any educational institution since he was about 14.
Trump sure knows how to pick some real fine references.
I think the death penalty should be used very infrequently, but it’s an option juries should have for the worst criminals. This guy committed his first homicide at age 16; was sent back to prison for armed robbery; and now you can add carjacking, shooting a carjacking victim, and killing a cop to his crime spree.
Republicans are trying to create a narrative that America is in decline:
“The Republican National Convention followed this theme, focusing on making America ‘safe again,’ ‘work again,’ ‘first again’ and ‘one again’ — suggesting that the American people are largely defenseless, unemployed, failing and divided.”
Problem is, the facts aren’t on his side:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the legal profession, we lawyers know that even the greatest lawyer in the world can do only so much with a lousy case. And Trump ain’t no lawyer, nor is he a great politician, or good at anything else. Maybe the problem is that Republicans see their party in decline and extrapolate that to the whole country. No, their decline is strictly their problem; the rest of us are doing okay or fine.
14))I remember the soap opera actress/avocado farmer that mentioned at the RNC that we needed to fix up our infrastructure. I was thinking that people needed to mention the States that returned the money because it was the wrong kind, or because it was President Obama’s proposal. Now some GOP Governors did not return the money for higher speed rail, mainly Michigan, but that was an exception. When I take a train to Portland, and see the improvements, I often say Thank you Wisconsin, Florida, and Ohio.
This is how you treat stupid people, and calling them stupid is actually giving them the benefit of doubt Because you know they know the real truth.
Tweeters Give Hilarious History Lesson To Donald Trump’s Spokesperson
Don’t try to debate the facts with them. If you do – you just fall into thier trap. Just get more stupid and crazier. Fight fire with fire.
Will my prediction come true?
Can history be made? Abigail, anyone ever drop out of the Presidential race as the nominee 3 months before the big erection with such a big penis? I’m sure you have a history lesson here.
Would this cause any turmoil? Will Puffy and Boob return with some hope of beating Hillary?
Where are the Teabaggers? They seem to be silent. Cat got thier tongue?
Will Trump Fire Himself?
Not I sad the blind man.
Bahhhh, Bahhh.
Republicans Got Totally Scammed By Donald Trump’s Creation Myth
Robots taking jobs
Tattoos by robot