Now that Trump is president, can we say “Happy New Year”? Or does it still have to be “Merry Christmas” for that too? For the last few years, I’ve been a fan of “We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here.”
Open Thread 12/27
I was walking to Drinking Liberally the other night, and the city was all lit up. Christmas decorations, trees, really looked nice in the remaining snow.
Still, all I could think was: Man, Christmas starts earlier and earlier. I mean, wait for New Years Day to pass at least.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Join us this this evening for a “good riddance, 2017!” edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Open Thread
HA Bible Study: Jeremiah 10:2-4
Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Daily Show: Can liberals survive the apocalypse?.
Information about the winter solstice.
Young Turks: Roy Moore’s Muslim Marxist MELTDOWN.
Samantha Bee: FAUX and Friends’ war on justice.
The Dotard Трамп and His Merry Band of Looters, Thieves, and Deviants:
- The Late Show: The Dossier’s rebuttal to Dotard Трамп.
- Seth Meyers: Words the Трамп administration wants to replace.
- Samantha Bee: Apocalypse soon.
- Young Turks: Nobody kisses ass like Mike Pence!
- VOX: How Трамп makes extreme things look normal:
- Farron Cousins: Трамп family so bad at filling out forms that all their election ballots were thrown out.
- Трамп’s unqualified judge nominee embarrassed.
- Ari Melber: Dotard Трамп hid Mar-A-Lago tax deal from IRS.
- Farron Cousins: Dotard Трамп believes that all women are beneath him and he isn’t afraid to show it.
- Sam Seder: Трамп Jr. lies through his dumb teeth about people trying to take down his daddy.
- Seth Meyers: Senator-elect Doug Jones wants us to listen to President Трамп’s accusers.
- David Pakman: ANOTHER unqualified Трамп nominee drops out in shame.
- Maddow: GOP have been meeting in secret to undermine the FBI’s investigation of the Dotard Трамп.
- Seth Meyers: Republicans praise Трамп; Трамп claims he repealed Obamacare.
- Donald Pup the Трамп Pup: A Трамп Pup Christmas.
- Samantha Bee goes to church.
- Chris Hayes: Dan Rather on the similarities of the Dotard Трамп and Nixon presidencies.
- Young Turks: Trump Ambassador to The Netherlands is BUSTED!
- Sam Seder: U.S. Ambassador caught lying by reporter, incoherently tries to defend himself.
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is officially the Worst President Ever, says hardcore conservative George Will.
- Late Night: A Трамп Christmas Carol.
- Jackie Sampson: The 12 Months of Трамп:
- Ari Melber: Gov. Jay Inslee, “We must stand up to Dotard Трамп.”
- Sam Seder: Animatronic William Howard Taft calls in to defend nightmarish Трамп robot.
- Young Turks: Nikki Haley needs more friends.
- WaPo: Трамп name to be stripped from posh New York hotel.
- Young Turks: Трамп’s banned words list.
Jimmy Kimmel: The year in unnecessary censorship.
VOX: How smart is today’s artificial intelligence?
New Scientist: The best science and tech stories of the year.
HBO: Alabama—The special election.
Daily Show: Today’s future now — Crime-fighting technology.
The GOP Tax Scam on America:
- WaPo Opinion: The tax bill is the worst domestic policy legislation in a lifetime.
- Seth Meyers: Republicans pass their tax scam.
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan admits he has no clue if the GOP tax scam will work.
- Chris Hayes: Don’t believe Republicans who say they care about debt.
- WaPo Opinion: The GOP is giddy about its tax bill, but Democrats will laugh last.
- Schumer promises to “hammer away” at “unpopular” tax bill.
- Roy Zimmerman: Chuck G’s in Love:
- Elizabeth Warren: The GOP tax bill is for the rich, and no one else.
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan’s stunning tax cut admission.
- Chris Hayes: Many G.O.P. and Ivanka Trump bungle the basics of the tax bill.
- Sam Seder: Ivanka Трамп proves she’s a total moron after botching tax facts on FAUX.
- Seth Meyers: Senator-elect Doug Jones shares his thoughts on the Republican tax plan.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: White House repeats lie about Dotard Трамп’s tax returns.
- Mark Fiore: Christmas made permanent for billionaires.
- David Pakman: Republicans are clueless about what’s in the tax bill they just passed.
- Maddow: GOP tax bill set to make rich richer at everyone else’s expense.
- WaPo: Who gains and who loses under the G.O.P. tax plan?
Newsbroke: White genocide—Fake and present danger.
David Hawkings: The GOP is anxious to look productive in 2018—4 takeaways from the 2018 Congressional calendar.
Trevor Noah: The politics of branding, meeting Obama & Трамп’s first year.
Mental Floss: 500 facts.
I know Robert Muller.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Open Thread
Important PSA everyone:
If it’s cold or wet, and there’s a line to get on the bus, have your payment handy before you get to the front. I don’t understand how anyone gets in line IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE and then can’t be bothered to fish out their ORCA Card or transfer. I don’t get it when it’s nice out, but it’s extra shitty in the winter.
Öpën Thrëäd
Congrats to everyone who voted for the tax cuts for the wealthy. I look forward to hearing what a deficit hawk you are when you gut education and Social Security to make up part of the difference in a few years.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Join us this Tuesday evening for a “what’s all that smiling about?” edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 242 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
open Thread
How far do you feel you have to go in a book before you abandon it. I say unless you’ve been told it starts slow, if you didn’t like chapter 1, stop reading. I don’t have time for this shit.
But now, I’m reading a book on the July Crisis (between Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand being assassinated and the outbreak of World War One). It’s good, but slow going. I am well over 200 pages in. There’s a lot of interesting stuff about Balkan nationalist movements and great power politics. But so far, the Arch Duke remains sadly still alive.
I think I might give it up even though it is interesting, because it’s taking forever.
HA Bible Study: Genesis 6:4
Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Stephen: R.I.P. The Internet.
Young Turks: Five years after Sandy Hook massacre, less than nothing done on guns.
WaPo: Fact checker’s list of the biggest Pinocchios of 2017
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Going at the movies.
The Dotard Трамп and His Band of Predators, Thieves and Reality Stars:
- Stephen: Трамп attacks the mainstream “meadia”
- Kimmel on Alabama election
- Young Turks: USA Today’s epic takedown of the Dotard Трамп
- WaPo: Former “Apprentice” star Omarosa Manigault Newman to leave White House
- Samantha Bee: Get a load of this asshole—Zinke edition
- Farron Cousins: Dotard Трамп Jr. botches Tweet, didn’t know his dad appointed FCC Commissioner who repealed net neutrality
- Stephen: Katy Tur on the greatest trick Трамп played on America
- Sam Seder: Trump’s judicial nominee has embarrassingly bad job interview
- Young Turks: Will Dotard Трамп pardon Michael Flynn?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Magazines blast the Dotard Трамп
- Mark Fiore: Dotard Трамп ends the war on Christmas
- Late Show: Meet the Vanquishers
- Maddow: TRMS Law School—What is a constitutional crisis?
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Silent Трамп.
- Stephen: Трамп called his sexual assault accuser the ‘C-word’:
- The Dotard Трамп is making Christmas great again
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Dotard Трамп and the Republican war against FBI & Robert Mueller’s probe
- SNL Weekend Update: Трамп recognizing Jerusalem as Israeli capital.
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The year of The Dotard.
- Jimmy Kimmel on net neutrality
- Seth Meyers: FCC Repeals net neutrality and Omarosa drama continues
- Stephen: Трамп’s most shameless Tweet of 2017?
- Maddow: Трамп administration distinguished by high-level departures
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп remixes ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Lawrence O’Donnel: “President Dotard Трамп’s lies, the definitive list”
- Sam Seder: Dotard Трамп is PISSED at Nikki Haley for siding with accusers.
- Young Turks: Omarosa escorted out of White House
- Farron Cousins: Трамп’s daily intel briefings are being dumbed down to avoid upsetting him
- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calls Трамп’s tweet a “sexist smear.”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Dotard Трамп in Pensacola.
- Stephen: Omarosa got ‘You’re fired!’ again
How you can help Puerto Rico.
Young Turks: Robots hassling homeless people.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Farron Cousins: Republican Congressman who mocked sick people as immoral announces he has cancer
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The Alabama of the solar system.
Sweet Home Alabama:
- Conan: Trump crashes Obama’s Doug Jones robocall
- Late Show: The legend of Roy Moore:
- Francesca Fiorentini: How to be the perfect sexual assault victim
- Jimmy Kimmel: Roy Moore interviewed by 12-year-old girl
- David Pakman: Serial child sex abuser Roy Moore loses in ALABAMA!
- Conan: Roy Moore appeals to the Jewish community
- Sam Seder: Jake Tapper interviews the dumbest spokesperson ever!
- Farron Cousins: Watch the moment Doug Jones supporters found out he WON the election
- WaPo: Alabamians react to Doug Jones’s win
- Seth Meyers: A couple things, Kayla Moore
- Conan: Kayla Moore gets a do-over.
- Stephen: Roy Moore loves Putin just as much as Трамп
- Trevor: Black women save America from Roy Moore.
- WaPo: How Alabamians voted in the Senate election
- Jimmy Kimmel: Roy Moore’s defeat
- Stephen: Dang, that pedophile rode in on a horse?
- Late Night: Amber explains how Black women saved America from Roy Moore
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: How Roy Moore supporters defeated fake news
- Michael Brooks: Don’t forget, the GOP WANTED Roy Moore to win
- Jimmy Fallon and Yamaneika Saunders on how Black women helped stop Roy Moore.
- Stephen: God distances himself from Roy Moore
- Samantha Bee: No Moore!:
- Vice News: What Democrats can learn from Doug Jones’ Win
- Late Show: Who voted for Roy Moore
- Maddow: Weak President Трамп political clout further eroded by election losses
- Young Turks: How Doug Jones beat Roy Moore.
- WaPo: How Steve Bannon’s big bet on Roy Moore backfired
- Seth Meyers: Doug Jones wins in Alabama; Moore, Bannon and Трамп lose
- Stephen: Трамп walks back his Roy Moore endorsement
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The 12 Wars on Christmas.
Young Turks: The world’s creepiest Congressman resigns amid sexual harassment scandal.
Stephen: Tuck Buckford grills his CIA-Loving Google Home.
VOX: How the end of net neutrality could change the internet.
The G.O.P. Tax Scam on America:
- Farron Cousins: Republican Senators lock office doors, refuse to talk to constituents about tax bill
- Young Turks: Republicans finalize their “F*ck everyone who isn’t rich” tax bill
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Rich get richer in deficit-exploding GOP tax bill
- Trevor: The Treasury Department’s tax analysis doesn’t add up
- Young Turks: Will the tax bill break the G.O.P.
Jokes Seth can’t tell: Starbucks’ gay agenda, the lowest point in U.S. history.
VOX: The diet that helps fight climate change
James Cordon breaks down an insane 2017.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Open Thread (today’s date)
I’ve got a bit of the yucks, so I think I will half sleep and hope I don’t miss my stop. As ever, I am the worst.
Open Thread 12-13
I was at the library the other day, so this is one of those posts.
There’s a remodel going on, and they’ve taken out the pay phones. I don’t want to write a post bemoaning progresses: It’s better that most people don’t need to use them. But! There is still a population that needs them.
Alabama Election Thread
Will you be singing Sweet Home Alabama? Or will Alabama Get Away? Either way this is the place to discuss tonight’s Yellowhammer special election. If it ain’t (broadly) about this election, take that crap to the previous open thread.
I’ll be (*ahem*) Mobile on my way to Roanoke Park Place Tavern, and may post random observations and whatnot as the spirit moves me.
Here’s one for the geeks among us:
Moore's Law: Political insanity doubles every 18 months.
— Bob Cohn (@1bobcohn) December 12, 2017
The needle moved! NYT extrapolating model changes from "tie" to "Jones 0.5" with 2% of precincts reporting…
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) December 13, 2017
Roy Moore's horse Sassy breaks her silence
— JDCrowe2 (@Crowetoons) December 12, 2017
Tweenie girls LOVE ponies!
— Mordant FreedomVoter (@MordantFV) December 12, 2017
So far, Doug Jones is holding his own in rural Alabama. Still extremely early. #ALSEN
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) December 13, 2017
5:56: AP has Moore leading for the first time, 7% reporting….
6:02: I wish Washington election results would trickle in like this. This “one ballot dump a night” business sucks!
6:05: With 16% precincts reporting, Moore’s lead has shrunk to +2%.
6:10: Now 21% reporting, Moore’s lead is up to +5%
I pray Roy Moore loses, but I am grateful the campaign kept him too
busy to apply for a mall Santa job this year.— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) December 12, 2017
6:20: 33% in, Moore up by 5%.
6:26: Now 40% in and Moore is still up by 5%.
Half the votes are counted. Moore leads by four. But the needle is not impressed.
— Binyamin Appelbaum (@BCAppelbaum) December 13, 2017
6:33: Yep…with 50% of precincts reporting, Moore’s lead over Jones has shrunk to 3%. Remember, bigger and more urban precincts usually report later….
Fmr McConnell chief of staff who often says what McConnell can’t: Thanks, Bannon “for showing us how to lose the reddest state in the union.”
— Christina Wilkie (@christinawilkie) December 13, 2017
6:40: Moore’s lead is back up +7% with 62% in.
6:57: Now 75% reporting and Moore’s lead has shrunk to +3% (51% to 48%).
7:03: Now 77% and Moore’s lead shrinks to +2%.
7:06: And at 81%, Jones is down by -1%.
7:09: And with 85%, Jones is almost even with Moore at 49% each. Jones is still down about 5,000 votes out of a million and some votes.
7:13: NYT still has Jones winning with a 73% probability by a margin of 2.1%
7:15: And as I typed that, the NYT “needle” jumped giving Jones a probability of 84% and a final 2.7% margin.
7:19: AP has 86% of precincts and Moore’s lead is about 500 votes.
7:22: Now we have 88% reporting and Jones is up by 8,000 votes. The NYT web site has Jones probability of winning >95%.
Blue tide.
— michaelscherer (@michaelscherer) December 13, 2017
FOX calls it for Jones🙌🙌🙌👋👍👍👍👍 #AlabamaSenateElection
— Artemis (@artemis1954) December 13, 2017
@nytimes & @AP calling Jones the winner! Not Fake News! Wheee!
— Dr. John Fulwiler (@Doorcow) December 13, 2017
7:37: I love the fact that Jones’ margin of victory is LESS THAN the number of write-in votes. In so many ways, this qualifies as a STRANGE election!
Huh. I guess God hates child molesters.
— Darryl Holman (@Hominid_Views) December 13, 2017
7:52: If you are an Alabamian, child molestation is worse than being a Democrat. VERY SLIGHTLY WORSE!
It’s not easy to go 0-2 in the same race with two different candidates but @realDonaldTrump just pulled that off. He has Bannon to thank for that 2nd loss
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) December 13, 2017
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