Pierce County Superior Court has issued a temporary restraining order preventing King County from counting the 573 (723?) erroneously rejected absentee ballots. Back to the Supremes.
I will restrain from editorializing for the moment… I don’t want to sound like the paranoid loons on the right-wing blogs.
I take that back… I’m only willing to show so much restraint.
First of all, I’m fairly confident that the Supreme Court will overturn this decision. But if they don’t, and Rossi wins on a technicality, then we will have seen a miscarriage of justice that transcends any paranoid fantasy perpetrated on the right-wing blogs.
Nobody is arguing that these are not legal votes from legal voters. Nobody is implying that there was any voter error. These are ballots that would have been counted the first time if election workers had done their job right.
What the court just said was “fuck you” to the voters being disenfranchised, and “fuck you” to efforts to elect a governor based on who actually got the most votes, rather than who got the most votes in counties that managed to canvass them correctly the first time around.
Gregoire could still pull ahead without these ballots, but regardless of who “wins” this election, voters should be outraged if these votes aren’t counted. I know I will be.
Oh… and to those of you offended by my use of profanity… it’s my blog and I can curse if I want to. What… you never express emotion when things don’t go your way?