Stefan Sharkansky apparently suffers from paranoid delusions. I know this, because the men I’ve hired to trail him assure me it is true.
Take for example, his latest effort to revive media interest in the now-discredited voter-credit “discrepancy” hoo-hah. Has he found new incriminating evidence? No. Did he bother to actually look at the poll books? Naah. He just goes back to his same old, cranky Excel spreadsheet, punches in some “slightly improved” numbers, and concludes… oh my god… “The election was genuinely stolen!”
The only thing crazier than doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results… is to actually get them. As we have heard from election officials across the state and around the nation, the voter credit data says absolutely nothing about the integrity of an election — and the fact that Stefan repeats his debunked claim yet again, only louder, doesn’t make it any more “genuine.” But here’s the scary part: I think he actually believes it.
Like his fellow, unscientific conspiracy theorist, the BIAW’s Tom McCabe, Stefan never needed any actual evidence to conclude the election was stolen. In the angry, polarized, imaginary universe that the most rigidly partisan tend to construct for themselves, Dino Rossi’s brutally close defeat was proof enough of Democratic evil-doing. If, as Stefan amusedly describes me, I am a “lunatic-fringe blogger,” then he must be blogging from smack-dab in the middle of the lunatic homeland. It is a strange, disorienting, occasionally frightening place, where your opponents are at once laughably incapable of exercising even the simplest demands of their elected office, while at the same time masterminding a criminal conspiracy so brilliantly devious, it would have remained undetectable if not for the heroic labors and superior intellect of Stefan himself.
Stefan dives into the numbers with such absolute confidence that they will prove his theory of official corruption, that when they don’t… well, that merely proves that the numbers themselves are corrupt. And so the debate on (un)Sound Politics plays out like some Paranoid Fantasy Baseball League, where the champion is predetermined through mass psychosis, and the season consists of attacking, undermining, and ridiculing any statistic that suggests otherwise.
Is this attack on Stefan’s mental health unjustified or unfair? Well, borrowing from his own topsy-turvy logic, “the ball is in his court” to prove otherwise.
Fortunately for Stefan, in the real world, Christine Gregoire is governor, and she will surely sign HB 1154, a bill that requires health insurers to cover mental illness the same as they cover physical ailments. It very well may be that for Stefan, the only prescription for a free and fair election is, well… a prescription.