6:05: Here we go!
6:06: Prepare for an onslaught of lies, lies, lies, lieslies.
6:07: There is a small crowd here at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern for Drinking Liberally.
6:08: Why is Melanie wearing pajamas.
DemocratIC agenda. Don't be petty.
— Christina Reynolds (@creynoldsnc) February 6, 2019
6:10: He has said absolutely nothing so far.
6:11: Wait…”The Great Crusade” wasn’t the liberation of Europe! He is basically feeding his base with anti-Islamic dog whistles.
— Trump Sniff Counter (@TrumpSniffCount) February 6, 2019
Not everything is an applause line.
— Carl Ballard (@BallardCrl) February 6, 2019
6:19: The economy is good. That’s because Trump inherited the Obama recovery, and he hasn’t totally fucked it up. Yet.
6:22: What companies have come back to the U.S. as a result of the G.O.P. tax scam?
6:23: The U.S. is a net exporter of energy. But that was achieved under Obama. “Thanks Obama!”
Our economy is so hot Trump is gonna move on her like a bitch
— Jessica Mason Pieklo (@Hegemommy) February 6, 2019
6:29: I hate these fucking anecdotes. For every Alice there is a Joe Arpaio, so fuck off, Drumpf.
6:32: Here comes the bullshit “dangerous southern border” part of the speech.
6:33: “Caravans of refugees are coming!!!!!11!1!!1!” When, exactly, did Republicans become such fucking cowards?
6:37: Human traffickers, MS 13, and caravans, OH MY!
96 Americans die from gun violence every day. Every day. Yet, Trump will never mention that. He's only concerned about victims of crime when he can use their stories to further his agenda
— Joe Sudbay (@JoeSudbay) February 6, 2019
Human trafficking? You mean like what may have happened to the kids this presidential administration lost track of after they took them from their families at the border? #SOTU19
— Ruth H. Hopkins (@RuthHHopkins) February 6, 2019
6:42: Let’s see…Drumpf says 300 girls rescued from 1000 pimps!?! That is a very large pimp to girl ratio!
6:45: Drumpf describes his wonderful “barrier”. Did he get some funding from Mexico yet?
"I will get it built! And Mexi….uh.."
— Sam Seder (@SamSeder) February 6, 2019
6:46: “Walls work and walls save lives”. That should convince the Mexicans.
6:48: “More women serving in Congress than anytime before.” Drumpf does get sine credit for that, but not how he thinks!
6:50: “First ever program focusing on economic empowerment for women in developing countries.” Bullshit. Obama and Clinton had such programs. Hell, Shrub probably did as well.
Trump has one move. Scare white people that brown people are rapists, drug dealers, murderers and sex traffickers.
That is All This Is.
Race baiting plain and simple. #SOTU
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) February 6, 2019
6:52: USMCS is pretty much a slightly modernized NAFTA.
Before the week is out, our Trump-loving, @GOP-voting neighbors & co-workers will "know" with true Republican certainty that Trump & the Republicans are to thank for all the women now serving in Congress.
— Mordant FreedomVoter (@MordantFV) February 6, 2019
Did Trump claim credit for the electoral backlash against Trump?
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 6, 2019
6:56: Drumpf declares a war on “global freeloading”.
Note to @realDonaldTrump: Patients with pre-existing conditions already have protections written into law. It's called the Affordable Care Act. Stop the attacks on our care. #SOTU #HealthCareVoter #ProtectOurCare
— Laura Packard (@lpackard) February 6, 2019
7:01: Drumpf is all about paid family leave. We’ll see how long that lasts.
7:06: Yay for more nuclear weapons! “Mush Room Cloud! Mush Room Cloud!”
Applause for withdrawing from the INF treaty?! WTF? Who the hell applauds a failure in nuclear arms control agreements?
— Mordant FreedomVoter (@MordantFV) February 6, 2019
Nothing scares seniors on universal basic income and single payer health care like talk of socialism.
— ⚡️LOLGOP⚡️ (@LOLGOP) February 6, 2019
7:16: Drumpf says “radical regime of Iran” as if he is trying to convince people (and himself) it is true.
7:23: The State of Our Union is 75 years ago.
I bet Judah doesn't think there were good people on both sides. #SOTU
— shauna (@goldengateblond) February 6, 2019
7:29: Drumpf gives a stirring speech asking us to chose greatness. Tomorrow he will Tweet something about “Cryin’ Chuck”.
7:40: Ummm…happy lunar new year?
Stacey Abrams looks great, relaxed & strong! She's rocking this #SOTU response!
— BCarniello (@BCarniello) February 6, 2019
Good chance @staceyabrams would be giving this speech as governor of GA not private citizen if it wasn’t for GOP voter suppression
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) February 6, 2019
How dare he speak of Dachau when he created this. #SOTU pic.twitter.com/CsdZ6o1CAs
— Parker Quinlan (@parkerquinlan) February 6, 2019
Stacey Abrams: "Compassionate treatment at the border is not the same as open borders."
— Michael Del Moro (@MikeDelMoro) February 6, 2019