It’s the last post before the military parade. A lot of people have talked about why tanks in the streets are bad from a creeping (or at this point sprinting) fascism perspective and what they might do to the infrastructure.
But one thing I would like to add is that we’re still at war in Afghanistan. Maybe finish the war before you declare victory?
Carl, the way things are going this might be your last post before the DJIA hits 27,000.
This is how y’all get more Trump.
Fuck No.
Can Elizabeth Warren build a bigger welfare state without taxing the middle class?
The damage a Warren presidency would do to the future of YLB’s children is staggering.
I look forward to YLB’s perpetual suspension of disbelief as she cheers for her fave faux Indian in coming months.
I look forward even more to the struggles of YLB’s children to fund all of that ‘free’ shit as well as pay into the Social Security distributions my wife and I will receive during the Warren presidency.
One benefit of a Warren presidency is that it will teach Steve about the benefits of a stock market that trends sideways over an extended period of time.
Some of us know well, of course. But it will be nice to read Steve’s discovery of the benefits of a bit of market-timing and options strading.
The day before Trump’s July 4 Nuremberg rally, a Gallup poll shows that fewer Americans — less than a majority — are “extremely proud” of their country than ever before.
However, Republicans grow prouder of their Party and Fuhrer with every new Guatemalan toddler death, because that’s who they are now.
@1 At which point you’d have only 23,000 more to go before the DJIA under your orange moron matches its performance under the Socialist usurper from Kenyan. After that, who knows? Maybe someday it’d actually match its performance under Hillary’s husband.
Dumbfuck much, Doctor?
@2 “The damage a Warren presidency would do to the future of YLB’s children is staggering.”
The damage Trump’s presidency is doing to defenseless Guatemalan refugee babies, our national pride, and a whole bunch of other things is right here, right now, right in front of us.
And Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t care. He has other things on his mind. Such as ripe, juicy horses’ asses.
Picking up on WTF?!’s comment from the last thread, I think the progress on the issue in terms of media framing is rather breathtaking.
Five months ago, with the seating of a new House majority featuring a large number of newly elected Democrats who had openly campaigned on abolishing ICE/CBP, the media framed that question as an intra-party fringe debate fueled by a leftist insurgency. Today, owing to the entirely predictable efforts of the Trump administration to sow chaos and human suffering along the border and aided by the CBP being the CBP, the media framing is transformed. And now the media discussion of the secret CBP Facebook group frames it in broad public interest terms as an agency that may be incapable of reform in it’s current form.
Funny world.
Who would have guessed that seeing senior leaders of an agency and the majority of the rank and file widely sharing mock rape/murder fantasies involving children in a public forum could turn the public against the agency?
It’s not supposed to work that way. Not in the age of Trumpism.
While 40 million base voting Republicans furiously laugh and masturbate to images of drowned children, and another 23 million reliable Republican voters uncomfortably look the other way, the majority of American voters are refusing to get on board. And instead we are seriously grappling with questions of whether an agency like that can be trusted.
Following Shitdown, when they failed to get WALL!!!$$$, the GOP determined to bring about this refugee crisis to build activism at the base. This is why the GOP mass-fired the political leadership at DHS to make way for the new suffering. It has arrived, along with Baby Rape Cages, toilet water, and floaters galore. But it may have triggered the wrong base.
Well, look @3! Doctor Dumbfuck finally discovered technical analysis! Who knows? Maybe someday he’ll take the next step and actually understand it.
Dumbfuck much, Doctor?
My punctuation @7 violated AP style.
This is how we’all get more Trump.
Pom Pom boy has got his skirt on today.
@3 “One benefit of a Warren presidency is that it will teach Steve about the benefits of a stock market that trends sideways over an extended period of time.”
We don’t need a Warren presidency for that. The stock market has been trending sideways for a year and a half now.
And with all the data pointing to an economic slowdown (see, e.g., this morning’s private jobs report) and a likely recession just around the corner, it won’t be long before “S&P 27,000” is replaced by “it’s Obama’s fault.”
If the economy is doing so great, doc, why is Trump pushing so hard for interest rate cuts? How long’s the yield curve been inverted now, doc? Are you day trading that trend?
Bob is an old fart collecting social security? Wow took soooo many years to become a millionaire and get his own horse to fuck.
There’s a reason why Goldy named his blog “Horses Ass.” He knew exactly what kind of visitors it would get if he didn’t put up a gate to keep trolls out.
Of course, I’m glad he didn’t. How would we amuse ourselves without the likes of Doc, Puddy, Lost, Mark the Welshing Redneck, Klake, and all the other brainwashed morons who’ve found their way here over the years?
We need dumbfucks to bully and abuse, or we’d be bored to death, and these horse’s asses serve that function very well, so keep ’em coming.
Whenever I get requests for donations from different political and social entities promoting views with which I do not concur, I usually use their postage-paid envelopes to send them all a blank piece of paper each. That’s a way to get them to stop bugging me with requests for donations because they have to pay the
Post Office to get that blank piece of paper. Eventually they wise up and stop the begging.
Winter is coming…
“Such as ripe, juicy horses’ asses.”
I’m pretty sure Doctor Dumbfuck would trade his horse for a caged Guatemalan toddler in a heartbeat. I’m sure he’d see that as being a step up for the toddler, being raped in a horse trailer by a mentally ill radiologist instead being raped in a concentration camp cage by a mentally ill border agent.
@12 The biggest difference between him and me is, even though I’m a millionaire too, I don’t need or want a horse to fuck.
Fucking horses isn’t a millionaire thing. It’s a Bob thing.
Waits impatiently by the front window and checks his mail daily, opening every single piece and checking through it carefully. Uses a decorative letter opener he was given as a retirement gift twenty years ago. Licks stamps. Likes the taste.
Picture paints itself.
@14 Does that work with robocalls, too?
I notice there’s been a huge increase in robocalls and scamming since Trump took over. Part of that is changing technology, I suppose. But most assuredly part of it is his administration’s failure to effectively deal with the problem. They’re preoccupied with other endeavors.
It must be very frustrating for Boob knowing that every time the stock market goes up, I make money too.
And I don’t have big hay bills to pay.
Yertle is having a sad because he can’t buy racist-themed Nike shoes.
What happens when judges think rapists are fine people and victims don’t matter.
Wherein Lush Limpdick joins the growing chorus of Republicans who think making children drink water from toilets is a humantarian gesture by the Trump administration.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why can’t they give them the bottled water they refused to send to Puerto Rico?
A federal judge has slapped down AG Barr’s order to detain asylum seekers indefinitely without bond hearings as unconstitutional.
Gotta hand it to Doctor Dumbfuck though. While he and his orange moron will never see the DJIA match the performance it saw under either Obama or Clinton, our dumbfuck doctor has already exceeded the record levels of banality and monotony once held by Marvin.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Plain as day.
Person. Any person. Any person within its jurisdiction.
It’s time to stop pretending to politics here. These people are stupid. They are profoundly stupid. The obvious plain language of the law is incomprehensible to them. They arrive at lofty positions of authority owing to their birth, their personality, and their ready willingness to identify the right person suck off. But obviously not owing to any intellectual capacity.
This too will be part of the Trumpism legacy for the GOP.
The party of Teh Stoooooopid.
Drug and health supplies makers are hiking their prices again, including a saline solution maker who just doubled their price.
Much better to be a shareholder in these greedy companies than a hapless patient with a pre-existing condition and no insurance at all.
Say, wasn’t Trump going to bring down drug prices?
Wherein Alaska is set to join the growing list of failed experiments in Republican ideology (see, e.g., Kansas and Wisconsin).
” … Alaska is now the latest petri dish for the grand conservative experiment, which holds that slashing government as well as taxes is somehow the key to raining prosperity on the populace. It’s a principle that has failed repeatedly — see most recently and infamously, Kansas — but which the party sticks to slavishly despite all the evidence.”
@26 “These people are stupid. They are profoundly stupid.”
I disagree. They know exactly what they’re doing — laying the groundwork for a Nazi America. They aren’t stupid, they’re sinister, and profoundly evil.
@ 26, 29
The federal government is a “State”?
@30 Reverse incorporation doctrine. See Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 U.S. 497, 74 S. Ct. 693, 98 L. Ed. 884 (1954).
Of course, not being a lawyer, you wouldn’t know the Supreme Court made those provisions of the 14th amendment applicable to the federal government, oh, shortly after you were born.
What a dumbfuck. I see why Republicans don’t respect the Constitution. They don’t even know what’s in it or who it applies to.
A federal appeals court has ruled that Amazon may be liable for injuries caused by defective products sold by third-party vendors through its website.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This will put pressure on Amazon to get more aggressive about keeping counterfeit goods off its platform.
You’re a goddamn idiot. Already. Don’t make it “worser”.
30 is case in point
There is no reason to believe that the GOP pol appointees are any better informed than this Dumbfuck.
Beyond stirring up hooting baboons like that Dumbfuck, these detentions don’t change a goddamn thing. I get that they enjoy watching children suffer and die. But that’s largely accidental.
@31 just another example, of many or all, that shows he’s never right. Sad. The horse is truly embarrassed for him.
“I get that they enjoy watching children suffer and die.”
First, they rape them. #MAGA
But I should get back to thinking on my sins. After all, it’s all my fault that Doctor Dumbfuck and his Republican pals are getting off on toddler rape because, you know, Hillary was so…awful.
Flashback: Betsy Ross Flag Flew Over Barack Obama’s Inauguration — But Nike (and the incels) Now Says It’s Racist
Here’s wishing all of you loyal, patriotic Americans a very happy 4th!
To the rest of you, have a great Glorious Leader Day.
“and the incels”
You guys are against that flag, too?
Trump has overruled his commerce secretary and AG, and is forging ahead with a census citizenship question.
He must be skeered of losing the 2024 election if browns can vote.
Is Trump trying to send a subliminal message by surrounding the Lincoln Memorial with tanks? Or is he just afraid of his public, and wants an Army between him and them? He must know he’s not very popular in the wider world outside his rallies.
I wonder if he’s going to have an Army band play “Preußens Gloria” as they march past his reviewing stand?
I wonder if Bob is going to spend the Day tomorrow washing his cheerleading skirt for Friday’s Stock Market opening. I mean it has to be dirty from today.
Donald ordered the Justice Department to draft an executive order to overrule SCOTUS on census citizenship question.
Fireworks exec has meeting with Trump to delay tariffs, donates $750k of fireworks for The “Salute to Me, Trump the Maganificent” the same day Donald announces delay of those very same tariffs.
The Trump Pence Campaign emailed all donors an invite to the rally on July Fourth being paid for by the department of the interior (public funds) making it legally an official campaign event.
Two of those are crimes and the other is unconstitutional, you know separation of powers, three branches. It’s not even the parts that are hard to read or ambiguous.
Happy fourth of July everybody. Wrap yourself in the founding fathers and the flag, GOP. The body is still warmish.
@43 I’m wondering when he’s going to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution.
@37 because it didn’t get ramped up as a symbol of white supremacists until after President Obama was elected.
What The Hump is doing to the immigrants in the detention centers is no different than how slaves were treated and sowed in this Country years ago. When the detriment of what is happening mow manifests itself years from now in a negative way the Repukes will not want to comprehend.
I’m sure the 80% chance of rain, lightning and high winds won’t deter Doctor Dumbfuck from being the only person to show up.
“White House staff forced to hand out VIP tickets to Trump’s Fourth of July rally to anyone who will take them”
“White House in ‘finger pointing’ mode as Fourth of July headed for disaster: ‘It’s going to be inauguration all over’”
“The concern in the White House is not so much about the use of military, or about the fact that the president has been focused on this kind of a display, basically since the Bastille Day celebration two years ago in France that he saw,” said Haberman. “It’s that there won’t be crowds. He wants there to be a huge turnout. He wants this to be, you know, a mega event.”
Too bad Doctor Dumbfuck and his ilk already burned their Nike sneakers. SAD!
“White House and allies fear lousy turnout for Trump’s Fourth of July rally: ‘Everyone has plans already’”
Gun Maker Responds to Nike with AR-15 Parts Bearing Betsy Ross Flag
Palmetto State Armory responded to Nike’s decision to pull its Betsy Ross Flag shoes by releasing gun parts with the flag etched on them.
“Nike has pulled a Betsy-Ross-themed Fourth of July sneaker after Colin Kaepernick – now a Nike ‘endorser’ – found it offensive,” Nine Line Apparel said in a statement. “In response, Nine Line Apparel, a veteran-owned apparel company, has just released a t-shirt line that proudly features the Betsy Ross flag.”
NineLineApparel @NineLineApparel
We don’t do recalls on PATRIOTISM. @Nike
Conservative White people can’t grasp why the darkies might not be too down with the flag from when their ancestors were LESS than 3/5 of a person.
(Not a new issue just because you’re hearing it Decades after the Civil Rights movement….Mr. White Privilege)
You’re doing great on the minority outreach.
I thought Repukes always lived by the saying “there’s only one flag”?
Repukes are so confused nowadays, so much that they’ll all start to fuck horses.
Happy 4th of July! Seems like Today we are celebrating more Fascism! Hail Hitler!
Hump 2020!
Hump 2024!!
Hump 2028!!!
That’s how you get more Hump.
Happy Puffy Independence Day!
“Last year, there were 484 official heat waves across India, up from 21 in 2010.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey climate change deniers, how d’ya like this ICE AGE CYCLE we’re in? Are you ready for 750 million climate refugees to knock at our borders when they can’t live in their own countries anymore?
Even Trump doesn’t want his supporters in his campaign ads. They’re not good-looking enough.
Can’t see I blame him. I mean … Doctor Dumbfuck???
Founded in 1952, MAD Magazine has come to the end of the road after 67 years of publication.
Too bad. It’s the only magazine Trump is known to read.
“Even Trump doesn’t want his supporters in his campaign ads. They’re not good-looking enough.”
Those so-called supporters aren’t even Americans.
“The Real Americans In Trump’s New Ads Are Foreign Stock Models”
I’m only surprised that they’re not all Russians.
What? Me worry?
It’s the grift that keeps on giving.
How do you feel about a taxpayer funded campaign event?
How do you feel about ordering military equipment to a campaign event?
How do you feel about a Political Party being in charge of tickets to the taxpayer funded political event?
How do you feel about the military equipment you paid for being ordered to a political event, ticketed by a political party being cordoned off so only the ticketed GOP vIPs can get a good look at it?
I’ll take questions @ 60 not asked by Cz-252 during the years 2009-2016 for $500, Alex.
@ 58
“Even Trump doesn’t want his supporters in his campaign ads. They’re not good-looking enough.”
Apparently Steve forgets Team Obama swapping people in and out of those standing behind The One during some of his presidential events in order to artificially create a more PC racial composition of his audience.
Anyone know what Hillary and Bill have planned for today? After she takes care of his morning wood, I mean.
@55 what! What! Us pro lifers just choose to kill them!
But keep the horses!
@62 The difference is they were real people, real supporters, not Ukrainian models. And knowing Trump, he probably pirated the photos. But not a word of criticism from you. How will you feel when he comes to your barn to steal your horse?
@64 it will be hard to take the horse without also taking Bob, seeing that they’ll be attached by the horse’s cock.
Perhaps we can not waste time on the feigned outrage over use of stock photos in campaign materials. Both sides do it, and plenty.
I understand Roger Rabbit’s need to kill time until death, since his family wants him to do anything other than spend time with them.
ThinkProgress death watch began in earnest earlier this week.
Who misses Air America? Other than Al Franken who enriched himself at AA’s expense, I mean.
Uh huh. When you made this snap decision, were you holding your own bags, or were they, someplace like the middle of a baggage depot like the $1 billion baggage-handling facility at the international airport in Denver?
Taking @Amtrak from Philly to NYC. Arrived at the station early, and used the app to switch my ticket to an earlier train. No fee, no hassle, no extra charge.
Airlines used to work that way. They could again.
Hurray America loving COWBOYS (boo incels)
May my tummy never grumble
May my heart never ache
May my horse never stumble
May my cinch never break
We celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY on July 4. We don’t celebrate July 4th.
@66 Kinda like the progressives used photo’s of kids in cages from the Obama era and blamed them on his successor?
Writing to his wife on July 3, 1776 from Philadelphia, John Adams said he believed the occasion would be “celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival.”
He described how he believed Americans should mark the day:
We celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY on July 4. We don’t celebrate July 4.
@70 Dear Russian agent, be a good little troll and prove it, or you are just repeating propaganda and lies.
@65 While horse stealing is a serious crime, there’s no enhanced penalty for taking Bob, too.
@66 Most people pay for the privilege. I’m sure Trump and Xi have been having some highly interesting conversations about intellectual property theft recently. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that one.
Happy 4th of July! The Hump is a racist! Happy Holidays!
I will fully admit that I love to poke the regulars here at this site. I do.
But today, as I reflect, as I am moved, sometimes deeply, by our great and classic American songs, about and honoring our beloved country I refuse to believe that those of you here are not equally moved.
I refuse to believe that we can’t find common ground in our freedom, in our love of our country. It would be heartbreaking if we couldn’t.
Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY to you and and thank you to our country and those who fought for it to bring our freedom all those years ago and to keep our freedom as it was intended, now.
Long Live Ireland. True Home of the Free and Brave!
@76 in that first link – there’s a negro in the choir – ewwww!
I wonder if any of those males suck dick when not singing. What do you think?
Yes, I’m laughing at you, Doctor Dumbfuck.
Keep the Christ in Christmas?
Is this another holiday that only conservatives really understand now.
Seems like a good plan. You WILL celebrate in the proper fashion or get the hell out.
If I grilled chicken instead of burgers, should I check in with the gulag or just the re-education camp. Oh. And I had a taco for lunch so I guess it’s the firing squad.
Maybe the British could get in on Independence Day. Treason is the reason for the Season.
So reads the word of our Bill Paxton. Amen!
“I refuse to believe that we can’t find common ground in our freedom, in our love of our country. It would be heartbreaking if we couldn’t.”
Seeing you let go of your hatred of teleprompters gives me hope.
@ myself
Paxton, not still alive. Aliens, Weird Science’ ‘Frailty’
Pullman ID4, Spaceballs, while you were sleeping
Grill veggies on the 4th?
This is how we get more Trump
As an experiment I’m trying to sneak Impossible Burgers past everyone today. “You want cheese on that?”
The one guy from the Ministry of Loyalty gave me the side eye after a couple bites so I may be fucked.
But I’m currently only a long but doable swim from Canada so keeping tabs if the maga-Istrates show up and I have to make a run.
Gay bartender wearing a red and blue shirt that has big letters USA on it….oh no!!! That’s how you get more Hump.
“The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war.”
Sydney J. Harris
… or brown toddlers in cages.
Cops sure do like to spend taxpayer money.
“US Customs and Border Patrol agents at a migrant processing center in Texas allegedly attempted to humiliate a Honduran migrant by making him hold a sign that read, ‘I like men,’ according to emails written by an agent who witnessed the incident.
“The emails — obtained by CNN — were sent to the agent’s supervisor and outlined the March 5 episode in which a Honduran man was forced to hold a piece of paper that said, ‘Me gustan los hombre(s),’ which translates to ‘I like men,’ while being paraded through a migrant detention center.
“The incident is one of many, per the emails, in which the CBP agent allegedly witnessed several colleagues displaying poor behavior and management’s failure to act.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Want to save some money? I can think of a federal agency that should be eliminated.
@76 “I will fully admit that I love to poke the regulars here at this site.”
For someone who gets poked at lot more than he pokes, you’re a real sport!
Trump’s Fourth of July: Fizzle in the Drizzle
As a U.S. Army veteran, I especially liked the part of his speech where he gave us credit for capturing the airports from the British during the Revolutionary War. Even though the U.S. Army didn’t exist then. Airports? Hmm. Don’t let the Redcoats have the airports!
Next up: Overruling the Supreme Court with an Executive Order.
I think Elijah posted something yesterday about all the DoJ lawyers circulating their resumes.
There are things you just can’t defend and orders you just can’t follow, and if anybody can compel them to quit, Trump can.
Have you noticed how the conservative racist incels who post here, who type vile things about women, are now trying to project their sins onto their opponents in the most non sequitur times.
“I’m not an incel, You are the incel!” “But Nike (and the incels) Now Says It’s Racist”
More lies and propaganda.
Comments about the Betsy Ross Flag Being Co opted by the Alt Right.
“Swastika now decried by civilized nations, pundits, was once Hindu symbol of good luck”
“Pepe the Frog now decried by left, pundits, was once a harmless internet meme.”
“It’s almost as if shit has changed since 2012.”
“That was when racist fascism was in retreat and nazism was little more than a dark fear.
Now, racist policies, ‘proud boys,’ and concentration camps are openly supported on Fox,”
Kamala Harris is the most cynical and dishonest 2020 Democrat — and it just might work
Newt Gingrich: Ocasio-Cortez is vicious, cruel and dishonest – And determined to destroy the America we know
Ocasio-Cortez Spends July 4th Attacking Those Who Protect America
I see a theme here.
Well, looks like business as usual here.
@94 “Swastika now decried by civilized nations, pundits, was once Hindu symbol of good luck”
Yeah, Hitler co-opted a perfectly good religious symbol and ruined it, but had to kill millions to do it. The alt-right isn’t even close to his body count yet, so they draw on Hitler associations to defame Betsy Ross’s flag (or, as Trump would describe it, “beautiful flag,” although he likes it better as a white supremacist symbol).
@96 Our business is putting Putin/Trump-loving turncoats, rightwing sociopaths, and Republican nitwits in their place. We do that seven days a week, because it’s our patriotic duty. Got a problem with it?
@95 “Ocasio-Cortez is vicious, cruel and dishonest … determined to destroy the America we know”
She’s coming up in the world. Last week she was merely a “waitress.”
Someone should run a SQL on how many times Dumbfuck referenced a teleprompter MERGE Obama MERGE rely
Just discovered this hilarious website:
Thousands of crackpot loons are described in detail, each with a diagnosis. To wit:
The various “diagnoses” of course come in handy when a laugh is needed after glancing at the ugly venom of our miserable trolls like boob and z0 hog slop.
It’s kind of depressing to see so many thousands of loons that have paying followers and systems of support. It doesn’t speak highly to the health of our society.
I should also mention that Bernie Sanders makes this list. Sanders has a record of supporting alternative medicine that is of concern. I supported Sanders in 2016 and I’m not supporting him now but not because of his record on alt-med but because I believe his time has passed just as it has for Joe Biden.
Well no one who goes to Wall Street for cash should be supported. Have we forgotten 2008 and no one going to jail for that so soon?
Out of the top ten Dem contenders, only Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren has stayed away..
That’s alarming.
I love this shit!
Another SoCal earthquake, same area, but bigger — 7.1 magnitude.