Jim Jefferies: Fixing the Constitution in five minutes
Today I Found Out: The truth about the Declaration of Independence.
The Atlantic: Is this video a deep fake?
Daily Show: Obama’s flag pin—The worst scandal in presidential history:
Vox: The problem with sex testing in sports.
Knowing Better: Taking on the red pill—Men’s rights activism.
NY Times opinion: Why America is just okay
Today I Found Out: The bizarre story of the Seattle mystery wending machine.
The Dotard Трамп And Other Federally Funded Grifters:
- Chris Hayes: Guess who’s a huge fake news offender on Facebook?
- Now This: AOC and colleagues detail abuse inside Трамп’s migrant detention facilities
- WaPo: How FAUX News infotainers used to talk about meeting with dictators
- The message is clear: close the camps
- Now This: Why does The Dotard keep talking about his brain?
- Robert Reich: Proof Трамп’s tax cut is a failure
- Hallie Jackson: What will The Dotard Трамп’s Fourth Of July events cost?
- Our Cartoon President: Save the right!
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп admin rolls out latest cruel tactic against immigrants
- WaPo: Everywhere we saw Ivanka during Трамп’s Korea trip
- Lauren Mayer: Nepotism Barbie Girl:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп wants to go around Supreme Court census ruling
- Robert Reich: Patriotism v. Nationalism
- Samantha Bee: Immigration coverage—A trip down memories we can’t forget lane
- Now This: New photos reveal overcrowding in Трамп’s migrant detention centers
- WaPo: The investigation into the FBI’s canceled headquarters plan, explained
- Yasmin Vossoughian: Drawings by migrant children depict themselves caged
- Mark Fiore: The Трамп of July
- Now This: How Трамп is endangering American farmers
- Rachel Maddow: The Dotard Трамп hints at defying court, edges toward constitutional crisis
Comedy Central: The truth about border crossers.
Roll Call: What do Presidents do on the 4th of July?
Real Engineering: The Soviet superplane that rattled America.
Vox: How India runs the world’s biggest election.
WaPo: The complicated history of the Betsy Ross flag.
Now This World: Planting new roots in the U.S.
Vice News: Explosion porn from the U.S. Government.
The Battle for Twenty-twenty:
- Songify The First Democratic Debate
- Rachel Maddow: Julián Castro calls on career officials to resist Трамп cruelty policy
- Mother Jones: Eric Holder’s bold plan to fix America’s elections:
- Trevor: 538’s Perry Bacon Jr. with highlights from 2020’s first Democratic primary debate
The Atlantic: Wolves—Can’t live with them, can’t live without them
Represent US: Corruption rundown—Gerrymandering, EPA ethics probe, and affairs with lobbyists.
Robert Reich: Should we abolish billionaires?
Samantha Bee: History has always been gay!
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Wendover: How the Panama Canal works.
Chris Hayes: Climate crisis update.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I admire how India is able to run an election with 900 million eligible voters. I can see why it’s spread over a couple weeks, though.
Leave it to the Fascist Conservatives to not live by the standards they set (for others). Only they can belch about the rules, and not have to obey the same rules – you know because they are better people – supremacists.
What happen to the Teabaggers? Do they still exist? Did they ever exist? They seem to have coincidentally disappeared after the black guy left the whitey house. Maybe they should have bagged themselves as Teafaschists instead.
@ 2
What happen to the Teabaggers? Do they still exist? Did they ever exist? They seem to have coincidentally disappeared after the black guy left the whitey house.
I think you’re confusing them with the #BLM crew. Now those dudes helped cost y’all the presidency.
Black Lives Matter Founder: ‘The Clintons Use Black People For Votes’
Coincidentally they seem to have lost influence since.
Super predators.
How to fix our elections?
Simple – We’ll get King County Elections to count the votes. It’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes that matters.
Dino… 4… Time…. Lossi…
It feels soooooo good…
20 plus Dems running.. Not a Clinton among them.. 2016? Back then the trolls all thought Bill was running.
Black folks raising a stink about unarmed black folks being shot and killed by cops?
Fuck! That’s how we got drumpf!
And if we don’t “just shut up” (apologies to sex pred Billo)…
Fuck! That’s how we get more drumpf!
How about this? We DON”T.. “just shut up”… It may take some time.. But our voices stay strong as our numbers grow and all the shrinking population fearful of losing their white privilege – their megaphones like Faux Snooze run their old age remedy, penis pill and peyronies disease ads as their revenues decline, their overall numbers decline until they just don’t matter anymore..
I like that scenario..
Still gloating over the mean-spirited, head up its ass Dino Lossi being a 4 time loser?
Fuck! That’s how we get more drumpf!
Bob Ferguson suing the Feds for drumpf’s xenophobic and islamophic shitferbrains policies?
Fuck! That’s how we got 2018… Wait a sec. That was a good thing..
Oh yeah, their crowning achievement was a “weapon of mass job creation” that made an attempt to be deployed in some 20 odd states:
We also shouldn’t forget the “economic miracles” in KansASS and Lousy-ana..
On the other hand Justin Amash made a recent stand on principle. Got to give credit when it’s due.
“A federal judge Friday ordered that a case go forward on whether a citizenship question can be added to the 2020 census and said it will focus on whether the Trump administration was ‘steeped in discriminatory motive.’
“U.S. District Court Judge George Hazel’s order could allow evidence from recently deceased Republican consultant Thomas Hoeffler to be introduced. Files discovered by his daughter showed that he played a key role in the administration’s decision to try to add the question and that it would aid GOP efforts to radically gerrymander legislative districts to the disadvantage of Democrats.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I’m not mistaken, I think what this means is that if Trump issues an EO, opponents of the census question don’t have to file a new lawsuit; they can ask this judge to issue a TRO blocking the EO and he’ll likely to do so.
“Alaska hit record-breaking temperatures on Independence Day, shattering the previous heat record by 5 degrees. At 5 p.m. local time Thursday, Anchorage reached 90 degrees for the first time in the state’s recorded history, topping the previous record set at Anchorage International Airport of 85 degrees on June 14, 1969.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey climate deniers, how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re living in? And if you think this is something, wait ’til the trunda melts and releases all that frozen methane!
GOP = making earth uninhabitable a crowd of dumbfucks at a time
Speaking of failed politicians (like Dino Lossi):
Today on always wrong wing nut welfare.. Oooh I bet the libs felt “owned” over that waste of taxpayer dollars…
Scientists are contemplating the possibility that Trump’s military parade didn’t exist and was only a figment of his ego.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If this theory is correct, Trump doesn’t exist either, and neither does Doctor Dumbfuck.
@2 Don’t you mean Tearacists?
Oh but rog @ 10, the climate is ALWAYS changing!
Here’s something that’ll give boob a sad. A guy who gave it his all to make the world a worse place is dead:
I like this part:
Oh fuck.. More renewables, less fossil fuels – that’s how we’ll get more drumpf and vlad putin.
81 years old. Gotta go sometime.. No more Faux Snooze for him.
@3 We know you’re a dumbfuck, but if you can’t tell the difference between Teabaggers and BLM, you’re really confused. You need to get out of the barn more.
The GOP loves their FREEEEEEEEDOM!
Here’s a thing, if you want to eat meat, go for it. If you want to be a vegetarian full or part time, that is totally OK.
But down here in Mississippi us Republicans will be damned if you name a non-meat thing a burger because Garden Burgers were invented by some commie hippie in Oregon, have been sold nationally since the late 80s but IT”S NOT MEAT!
Mississippi law bans vegan food companies from using words “burger” and “hot dog”
But we’ve been assured that repackaging to include GMO info on any food product is expensive and will drive companies out of business.
@4 Man, that argument from the 2004 gubernatorial election is old, tired, and shopworn — and also baseless. You guys spent $2 million to contest that election, and after hearing the evidence, your handpicked Republican judge in your forum-shopped red county subtracted 4 votes from Dino Lossi’s total. But here we are 15 years later, and you’re still full of shit. Isn’t it about time you had a BM? I think they sell brain enema kits at Bartells.
@3 & @6 Personally, I think it was Russia who cost us the election.
Which raises legitimacy questions, in addition to the pre-existing competence, character, honesty, truthfulness, fitness, and mental stability questions.
“This one time, the Teleprompter went out and I was in the middle of sentence about lemon and I just went with it and talked about how delicious it is stirred into milk. Crazy right?
When it didn’t come back on I just riffed on the Jet Propulsion research done by the Royal Court of Elizabeth the First.
What could I do. I didn’t have a teleprompter.
Who among us hasn’t been in that situation?”
@14 Even bullshit doesn’t last forever, although sometimes it resembles a 24-year-old cat (as in “when is the fucking animal going to die? I’m tired of emptying its litter pan”).
@19 No teleprompter? He shouldn’t have any trouble making things up as he goes along. After all, he practices every day.
Gonna be a long primary, Creepy Joe. Try not to drop all of your gaffes at once.
Biden mocked for suggesting Russia wouldn’t interfere in elections ‘on my watch’
Well my recollection is that they tried the locks on elections systems but didn’t go further.. In my opinion it was the stupidity of 70k dumbasses in three states that cost us and ouch has that stupidity been painful.
Maybe the Mueller indictments have more juicy details.
This time they’ll almost certainly try something bolder. Vlad’s gotten too much out of it.
@ 8
On the other hand Justin Amash made a recent stand on principle. Got to give credit when it’s due.
Gee, girlfriend, I don’t recall you crediting Tulsi Gabbard when she resigned from Team Clinton in 2016.
@ 23
In my opinion it was the stupidity of 70k dumbasses in three states that cost us and ouch has that stupidity been painful.
Nothing is ever YLB’s fault. Typical woman.
YLB, as long as you are willing to let your party fuck you in the ass, it’s going to hurt.
Woo hoo! Look at what’s whippin’ itself into a billo froth..
It’s gotta crush on Tulsi to boot. Now look at the freak go at 25.
That’s entertainment..
Is this how the freak@25 got more of the black guy?
@3 deflect. Way to go genius!
Oh, looky: Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit takes a one-day data point and uses it to prove global warming.
Denver weather: City breaks 128-year cold record on Tuesday
Record Cold, Snow, Flooding and Tornadoes: Why the Midwest and Plains Have Been Most Extreme Weather Regions in 2019
Mount Carroll, Illinois, dropped to minus 38 degrees on Jan. 31, setting a new record low for any location in Illinois.
At least 340 cold records were set in the Midwest over two days Jan. 30-31, including record lows that were tied or set in Moline and Rockford in Illinois, Mather, Wisconsin, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
The coldest temperature was minus 56 degrees in Cotton, Minnesota, on Jan. 31.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is nothing if not predictable.
Little earthquake in Cali. Tons of news coverage. Oh well. It’s Mother Nature, and snot happens.
I mean,Climate Change is of no concern so who would really give a fuck about a little shake, rattle am roll. Dance mother fuckers!
840k dumbasses in this state voted for Will Baker for State Auditor because it had an R next to its name.
Dino Lossi made an ass of himself in a red county court.
That’s how y’all got eight years of Chris Gregoire. That’s how Rob McKenna went from shoo-in to goat.
And we got a freak here projecting about what its political party has done to its ass.
Yep. That’s entertainment.
Some follow-up info on the hot day in Anchorage:
Anchorage hits an official 90 degrees for the first time on record – with an asterisk
The weather service first reported that a record of 89 degrees had been reached in an hourly sampling of airport weather. The actual temperature was 89.1, but it is the weather service’s practice to round to the nearest whole number.
So the 89.1 number was rounded up to 90.
This is even more interesting:
Upon evaluation of minute-to-minute temperatures, the weather service said, meteorologists saw that at exactly 5 p.m. the temperature spiked to 89.6 degrees before cooling back down to 87.8 five minutes later.
That may very well be due to jet engine heat or something else airport-related. It’s hard to know, but the ONLY place that temperature sensors are used for reporting is the airport.
Ludwig said the National Weather Services picks a location to collect official temperatures where “we’ve had the longest term quality records.” In Anchorage, he said that happens to be the airport and temperatures taken at other locations across Anchorage do not count for the record.
So was it really a one-day record? Probably. However, it’s also a good example of an Urban Heat Island effect on reported temperature.
Be careful, libbies. Picking the numbers that look best to you @ 23 might make you think that if not for a small number of people in just three states in 2016, Hillary Clinton would not have been a truly awful candidate.
Yawnn oh have we all seen that “heat island” tape @ 32 played before..
Boob’s slavish slobbering of “Lord” Monckton, Christopher Booker and Anthony Watts..
That’s what happens when a professional with a huge ego refuses to stay in his lane. Next thing you know, they start believing they know more about law than judges and attorneys, more about climate than climate scientists, more about engineering than engineers, etc. Pretty fucking pathetic.
@ 33
You just compared a one-day, one-location observation to a global trend, YLB.
Which makes you as big a dumbfuck as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but with two X chromosomes.
A location that’s been among the most affected by trends in global temperature changes..
And you’re still in denial of a practically complete global scientific consensus on anthropocentric global warming…
To serve your selfish, narrow, hate-centered, misogynist, emotional interest. I’m sure money’s involved too.
What’s next boob? Let’s open up the ozone hole bigger? There’s a global scientific consensus that actually went somewhere.
Better bidness for oncologists? Your stupidity is painful to watch. So painful, we all might as well choose to be entertained by it.
Another step on the road to boob’s next rape fantasy. That’s how y’all will get your next tax hike.
@34 but I bet he knows more about horse anatomy than anyone here. So there, Steve!
This made my eyes water.
I’m sure every “Proud Boy” would have felt the same way; you know, so many good people on both sides.
@22 “Try not to drop all of your gaffes at once.”
You have nothing to worry about on your side. Your guy drops a ton of them a day and still never runs out of them.
Capturing airports from the British during the Revolutionary War.
I’m surprised he blamed the teleprompter. Usually something like this is the Democrats’ or Obama’s fault.
@28 He learned how to squirt squid ink from the master.
@29 Climate change brings weather extremes at both ends of the scale, dumbass.
@32 “may very well be due to jet engine heat”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s explanation for Alaska’s heat wave.
Not quite as amusing as Trump’s Revolutionary War airports, but close.
@34 The classic example is doctors who think they can fly a plane through the mountains in bad weather. That’s how Beech Bonanzas became known as “doctor killers,” although I suppose these days they kill themselves with private jets.
No way was this going to ever end well for the Proud Boys.
“Drags queens use hand fans to shut down Proud Boys at poorly attended alt-right rally”
So Proud Boys founder Gavin something or other had a sparsely attended national rally in DC today where he took the stage wearing handcuffs for to be sure some totally coherent point about Social Media and censorship and Obamunism.
But he couldn’t get them off and had to delay his speech while someone came on stage to help him.
This is not, repeat, not a scene from Spinal Tap.
@44 reminds me of how Bob has it so tough here, being that it’s 20 against 1.
I mean even gay people aren’t as outnumbered (no pun intended – “out”) by The Straights.
Just so sad that Bob chooses this kind of lifestyle – to come here and take it by the libs. It’s heroic! Or maybe it’s BDSM. I wonder if the horse has a leather outfit.
His heroism is almost like those that took all the airport during the Spanish-American Proclamation Era.
Replace the word girls with boys and this becomes a completely different story in the eyes of the phobics.
Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Allegedly Sex Trafficking Minors: Reports https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jeffrey-epstein-arrested-sex-trafficking-minors_n_5d213a82e4b0f31256852d10
Link to above comment.
Dumbfuck will be quick to point out that Epstein was also a known associate of Bill Clinton and yes, Bill rode on his plane frequently.
Problem is, Bill and Hillary aren’t running.
The other problem is the Secretary of Labor.
The third problem is the future PAC ads: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump said of Epstein in a New York magazine interview in 2002. “It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Not hard to spin that into an ad that directly accuses a sitting president, himself accused of sexual assault, admittedly a sexual assaulter of underage women in changing rooms, was well aware of his good friend and campaign donor’s pedophilia.
And all Donald and his minions can say to Kamala or Bernie or Pete or Joe is, “Investigate Clinton too. Lock her up!”
“Mr. President. Two of your personal fiends Bob Kraft and Jeffrey Epstein have been charged with soliciting prositution. You have stated many times how much you enjoy spending time with these men. Have you ever solicited a prostitute?”
Then sit back and watch the Stormys and the Kates and the Kelees with two Es and the Stefanis with a heart over the I to come out of the wordwork. Some of them will probably be seeking fame but some of them are the Real Estate mogul’s clients.
A militia demobilized after shooting a woman, a girl, and shooting at a crowd, cops, and police robots. Apparently he didn’t like noisy fireworks. Now he can’t hear them at all.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The NRA keeps telling us guns make us safer, but I don’t see it.
@46 He thinks he’s winning.
49) There are many people in jail that wished they could get a Plea Bargain like that. Epstein should have got the book thrown at him.
Today on always wrong wing nut welfare.. Oooh I bet the libs felt “owned” over that waste of taxpayer dollars…
He is now, and Fat Donny is directly named as a defendant.
Epstein is going to throw Fat Donny under the bus, and there’s a paper trail to help him do it.
@54 Ivanka is so hot. Boy would I like to get a pice of her ass.
USDA suspends honeybee colony research
“USDA has temporarily suspended data collection on the Obama-era Honey Bee Colonies report, the only federally overseen national survey that tracks honeybee losses”
“USDA reportedly suspended data collection due to cost cuts and budget constraints.”
But the richest got their tax cut.
I hope conservatives are willing to go in to the fields and pollinate the crops for the farmers. I imagine vast fields of obese geriatric trumpers in their red hats stooped over in the 90 degree temps and humidity hand pollinating the crop flowers so they can eat.
Free speech doesn’t mean speech free from all consequences, despite what some conservatives argue
“The “alt-right” claims that they are martyrs and dissidents in need of more government protection than anyone else feels particularly absurd in 2019.”|
xkcd on free speech
Conservatives: “Private businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone, including gay people”
Also Conservatives: “y-you can’t refuse service to me just because I’m a conservative. t-the government should seize your business and force you to cater to me”
Alabama Republican party official calls LGBTQ people ‘freaking queers’
“Benson told AL.com on Tuesday that he sees the cake-shop case both as a sign of government overreach into private business, and as an example of societal special-interest groups being favored. “It’s not only the gays, the LBG-ABC whatever,” he said. “All groups have gotten just too strong, too powerful.””
This reads like a white guy who’s freaked out that his culture is being chipped away and his tribe is going to have to share. Those Gays and “LBG-ABC whatever” are getting powerful enough to treat his tribe like they treated them, and that scares him.
Hungry, Scared and Sick: Inside the Migrant Detention Center in Clint, Tex.
“Outbreaks of scabies, shingles and chickenpox were spreading among the hundreds of children who were being held in cramped cells, agents said. The stench of the children’s dirty clothing was so strong it spread to the agents’ own clothing — people in town would scrunch their noses when they left work. The children cried constantly. One girl seemed likely enough to try to kill herself that the agents made her sleep on a cot in front of them, so they could watch her as they were processing new arrivals.”
Alas, conservatives don’t care. Republicans are hurting the right people. They don’t see them as humans.
“One teenage mother from El Salvador said Border Patrol agents at the border had taken her medicine for her infant son, who had a fever.
“Did they throw away anything else?” Ms. Binford said she had asked her.
“Everything,” she replied. “They threw away my baby’s diapers, formula, bottle, baby food and clothes. They threw away everything.”
Once at Clint, she told Ms. Binford, the baby’s fever came back and she begged the agents for more medicine. “Who told you to come to America with your baby, anyway?” one of the agents told her, according to the young woman’s account to Ms. Binford.”
What is wrong with the Americans who cheer for this?
@56 “due to cost cuts and budget constraints”
I wonder how much honeybee research a Trump golf weekend could fund?
Government budgets are always about policies and priorities. Lack of money is never the problem. If Republicans cut the University of Alaska’s budget by 41%, it’s because they hate higher education.
(This isn’t necessarily irrational; they understand perfectly well they do better among ignorant voters.)
@57 Free speech means they have a right to express their opinions, and you and I have a right to express what we think of their opinions.
WaPo poll has Trump at 47% approval among registered voters.
Trump/Haley 2020 will pretty much guarantee a woman withina heartbeat of the presidency regardless of the outcome.
Those bitches win, damn it,
It’d be only too sweet to see white evangelicals stay home over dumping a rabid anti-lgbtq freak for a “climbing” woman of color.
This is as about as painfully stupid as robot rubio/martinez..
Thanks for the laughs.
but still struggles in match-up against Dems
Nice try..
Now wait for it..
In a head-to-head match-up against Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden fairs the best – beating Trump 55 to 41, with Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders all snagging 51 percent to Trump’s 43, 44 and 45 percent respectively.
Being an engineer waiting outside an apartment for a disabled friend while black. What was he thinking? He could have been shot!
“Video busts white man calling police on black engineer who was waiting outside apartment for disabled friend”
Nikki Haley and Child separation. Pocahontas. Raised in a Madrassa.
What do these things have in common?
I think it would be great for Haley to run on a National stage.
Sane Republicans would get another chance to see how racist/misogynistic the base really is.
Christian Twitter today – California’s acceptance of the gays and sanctuary cities are the reason God’s wrath is sending Earthquakes in retribution.
Which is why the two recent quakes hit an area that voted +16 for Donald.
@67 His name is Christopher Cukor, and he was leaving the building with his son when he saw the black guy waiting for his friend. Cukor demanded to know the friend’s name, and the black guy responded, “I don’t have to tell you that.” Cukor then called the police and told the dspatcher the black guy was trespassing, tailgated him through the door, and threatened him. The video doesn’t show the black guy doing any of those things. Sounds like Cukor could be prosecuted for filing a false report.
70 – Is that guy any relation to George Cukor, the famous movie director from the last century?
69) Not sure, but on a few railfan/advocate Facebook groups, it’s been mentioned that a cheaper and more direct route pushed by some hsr ccritics through Tejon Pass was in this earthquake zone. Earthquakes are one extra cost California had to worry about.
“A new team of Civil Division lawyers at the Department of Justice will take over handling 2020 census-related cases, … a shake-up that came as President Donald Trump pushes to include a contentious citizenship question in the decennial population survey. Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec did not give a reason for the change, but” …
… the old team would be ethically compromised if they were tasked to peddle whatever lies Trump dreams up next, and therefore want nothing more to do with the case.
Trump’s actual rationale for insisting on the citizenship question: “Not one damn dollar of federal money will be spent on a single immigrant while I’m President-for-Life!”
@71. If conservatives need help understanding why this exchange bothered people, these comments may help…
if that white guy thought for 1 SECOND danger was afoot, he would’ve brought his son to safety THEN made call. It wasn’t about trespass or imminent danger. “I just want you to tell me your name” = code for submit to your massa.
I don’t see what the problem is…the white man asked the black man for his freedom papers and when he didn’t produce them he called the slave patrol, oh yeah…it’s the 21st century.
@75 Racists think freedom papers are invalid anyway, so by his own logic he had no reason to ask for them.
Ummm… yeah.
About that…
Of course, you understand that’s exactly why Guatemalan Toddler Torturers periodically float names like Haley, Romney, etc. That’s an essential part of the recipe. A very nice living can be made putting a telegenic face to the great myth of “compassionate conservatism”. These people and their work is essential to the baby rape.
More than “ethically” compromised. Possibly facing contempt and disbarrment. As it is the new team will have its work cut out convincing the courts that all of the previous filings should simply be disregarded.
Some poor bastard had to splain to president peepee what the Commerce v New York decis meant. So they told him he had a Mulligan. It’s anything but. The entire trial record remains intact along with every pleading, memo, and other filing. Many of those filings from Commerce contain provable lies. Justice Pubic Hair notwithstanding, the courts will now have a duty to revisit much of that trial record. Better not have actual fact wittnesses to the lying standing at the bar responding when they get to that part.