I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, she has a far more impressive resume than most of them do.
This is someone who has an asteroid named after her for her microbiology work while still in high school. She has participated in politics since college, interned in Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office, and graduated with dual majors in economics and international relations. After college, she worked for nonprofits and started a publishing firm.
Bartender, indeed.
Today, she’s in Congress, and only 28 years old. It’s obvious from watching videos of her performance in congressional hearings that she’s highly capable and well-brief. She’s better at questioning witnesses than many prosecutors. By all outward signs, she’s on her way to a consequential political career. She’s going to be a U.S. Senator someday. Maybe President.
No wonder Republicans are scared shitless of her. They ought to be. She has them so far outclassed it isn’t even a contest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who do the Republicans have? Trump. Duncan Hunter. Roy Moore. Yertle. A collection of farmyard animals.
And, of course, Doctor Dumbfuck. I wouldn’t throw in his horse, though. The poor horse is just along for the ride. I’ll bet Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse is a Democrat.
Mr. Cynical’s goats and sheep probably are, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s just a matter of time before another resistance group arises, this one calling itself the Goat Liberation Front. I mean, how many times do you have to be fucked by Republicans, until you can’t take it any more?
So maybe y’all might rethink sending a Senate and House Delegation hell bent on cutting federal funds for higher education.
Then maybe y’all might want to not elect a Governor who is a true believer in the notion that college is a Liberal plot to indoctrinate.
When your brightest children end up having to go to the lower 48 to get a Bachelors degree a lot of them aren’t going to come back.
Just wondering, how many registered Republicans in Alaska with high school age kids woke up this morning and thought, “Oh holy Fucking Shit! Out of State Tuition to University of Washington is fucking expensive.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What is so appalling to GOP about having an honest job?” — Alexandria Ocasio-Crotez
Well, yes, having to work at an honest job is appalling to Republicans. The whole point of having wealthy parents, and being born into privilege, is so you don’t have to.
Frankly, it’s appalling to me, too. Let’s face it, most bosses are Republicans, and they treat workers like dogshit. That’s why I quit being a worker and became a capitalist.
Now, I sit back on my fluffy cottontail, and spend my days flipping financial assets, cashing dividend checks, and doing no productive work, just like Republicans. If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me, too.
I still vote for Democrats, though. I haven’t forgotten the working class, even though I’m a capitalist millionaire now and not one of them anymore. I’m still on their side. Some things just stay with you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doctor Dumbfuck probably will post some caustic comment about my financial status when he wakes up and shows up here.
I never said being a millionaire amounts to anything. It doesn’t. A million bucks today is punk. Today’s dollar is worth about ten cents compared to what it used to be. I remember when you could buy a vending machine soda pop or a comic book for a dime. You can’t now.
No doubt my $1.4 million net worth is just an afterthought compared to the millions that Doctor Dumbfuck sucked out of Medicare during his distinguished career as an x-ray reader.
But all that proves is he’s an even bigger socialist than the rest of us. That was, after all, government handout money. He’s kinda like a redneck gassing up his pickup with an Oklahoma Credit Card. I know Doctor Dumbfuck has a big pickup. He bragged about it. I’m not calling him a redneck, only pointing out the parallels there.
One of my neighbor’s kids back from her first year as WSU signed up for the summer for the WAG dog walking app. They were over for dinner the other night and she was telling us about all these super expensive homes in Beux-Arts Village and Mercer folks who pay for dog walks when their high school and college age kids ARE FUCKING HOME on the x-box.
Reminded me of one of my high-school friends. Probably the richest kid in the school. Nice car on his 16th, didn’t have go to college, lived at home and then… Dad died, the estate went to Mom who had a stroke a few months later and required 24 hour (in home at first) care and then a nursing home. The house he grew up in was sold to continue her care. She lived 18 years after the stroke and never walked or spoke again and the family money was all gone. He did a kickstarter for the funeral.
Some of those kids not walking their own dog will grow up to be financially secure probably ass-holes and some of them are a bad life event from having no marketable skills and no possessions.
Looks like outsourcing foreign policy to your Girlfriend Daughter and meeting with a dictator who murdered his half brother and makes family members of those who displease him witness their brutal executions isn’t really popular.
How else to explain Donald’s favorite daily poll dropping him 6 points from Friday to Monday?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Not just higher education:
“Dunleavy, a Republican, also cut state support for public broadcasting, reduced spending for Medicaid and eliminated a program that provides money to senior citizens who have low or moderate incomes.”
Of course. There’s never money for those things when Republicans are in charge. But they always have money for corporate handouts, useless wars, border walls and toddler torture, and Obamacare lawsuits, etc. Because that’s who they are.
Oh, and how’s this for classless retaliation?
“He cut about $330,000 from the state court system that his budget office said was commensurate to state funding for abortions. A budget document says the ‘only branch of government that insists on State funded elective abortions is the Supreme Court.’ The state Supreme Court earlier this year struck down as unconstitutional a state law and regulation seeking to define what constitutes medically necessary abortions for Medicaid funding.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Alaska has no income or sales tax, and distributes money from oil revenues to residents. However, falling oil prices have made things tight. Here’s how state leaders are dealing with it:
“Dunleavy’s predecessor, independent Gov. Bill Walker, unsuccessfully pushed tax proposals as part of a fiscal plan. Dunleavy said he’s taking a different approach that includes reduced state spending.”
But of course. This is the Sam Brownback and Scottie Walker approach. No taxes (especially on businesses and rich people), and no public services. Can’t afford to send your kids to college? Tough shit. Their kids will do fine. Don’t have health insurance? Too bad. Their families are covered. That’s all that matters.
They see the world through a different lens than we do. They can afford everything they need (and a lot of things they don’t need), so they don’t need a community, and have no sense of community. In their world, it’s everyone for himself. They want to turn all public services into fee-for-service. No free parks, no public schools, hell, they’d slap a toll on your driveway if they could figure out how to collect it.
You wonder how these go-it-alone rugged individualists ever mentioned to form a political party and keep it going. Greed and selfishness are the glue that holds it together. It’s what they all have in common. That and their contempt for anyone who isn’t as “successful” as they are. Never mind that these people are the biggest socialists around and many of them got their money from government programs and handouts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“On Monday, ProPublica published messages from a Facebook group of roughly 9,500 Border Patrol agents named ‘I’m 10-15,’ a reference to the agency’s code of ‘aliens in custody.’ Among the messages were jokes about a 16-year-old Guatemalan migrant who died in Border Patrol custody in May and sexist references to Ocasio-Cortez, including illustrations of her performing oral sex on migrants and President Trump.
“The group, Ocasio-Cortez said, also suggested raising money for an agent to throw a burrito at her and Rep. Veronica Escobar, a Democrat who represents the El Paso, Tex. Area. The two freshmen congresswomen are among a delegation visiting the border on Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure I’m on board for disbanding CPB — if you did, you’d need to replace it with something — but I can think of 9,500 Border Patrol agents who are unfit for law enforcement duties and should be removed from their jobs.
Too funny.
“Disturbingly hilarious Daily Show video exposes the similarities between Fox News and North Korean propaganda”
Big difference. North Korean viewers don’t know any better and have no other choice.
Republicans choose these lies. They need these lies. Without the lies they have only humiliation and regret.
“a Facebook group of roughly 9,500 Border Patrol agents”
Which is just shy of being half of the 20,000 border patrol agents.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Black dude in a hospital for pneumonia is told by his doctors to walk around for a while, so he goes outside still hooked up to an IV, and gets arrested by white cops who allegedly yanked the HIV out of his arm and then charged him with trying to steal the IV equipment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s a civil rights lawsuit for sure. But another big payout at taxpayer expense won’t stop the police abuse of black people. As Elijah says, you can’t fix police racism, because it’s the system. I guess the only solution is to disband existing police departments, lay off the cops, and start over with a new agency and new personnel. Probably cheaper than paying the endless legal settlements, and would save innocent lives, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s something wrong when law-abiding citizens fear the cops more than the criminals. Most of the criminals just want your money. The cops will take your life.
P.S., I can think of 9,500 law enforcers wearing badges and guns who need to be given their walking papers right now. Not tomorrow, or next week, but today.
Great idea.
“Vets To Give Out Thousands Of USS John McCain Shirts At Trump’s July 4 Event”
We can’t really “disband” police departments. And we don’t need to.
As I’ve repeatedly argued, hiring, promotion, and payroll should be capped and strictly tied to measurable performance metrics that must include settlement dollars, racial profiling and discrimination, independently sustained instances of abuse of authority, and falsified and/or incorrect reporting. Incentivize the ranks to police and cleanup themselves. And tie hiring, pay, advancement, and overtime to the cleanup.
When Oscar Grant was first violently assaulted by Anthony Pirone and then murdered in cold blood by Johannes Mehserle a half dozen sworn law enforcement officers stood by hooting and masturbating. It will happen again. It already has. Several times. We can’t possibly change that culture form outside. It is up to police to change their own violent, sick, perverted culture from within. Our job is to impose upon them conditions that make that imperative.
The only thing lacking is the will to do so. They are the way they are because up to now that is what we have wanted them to be. If we want it to change, first we have to change. And then we have to change the way police are managed and supervised. No doubt it will result in fewer police, at least at first. They can’t change overnight. And they will resist the changes. But as their ranks thin, promotions and overtime dry up, and toys and perks disappear they will eventually see they have the means before them to gain it all back.
M4 Sherman, officially Medium Tank, M4, was the most widely used medium tank by the United States and Western Allies in World War II. The M4 Sherman proved to be reliable, relatively cheap to produce, and available in great numbers.
September 1941 (prototype)
February 1942 – July 1945
No. built
49,234, excluding prototype[2]
Donald on his 4th of July, “Celebrate ME! (and america)” festivities
And we’re gonna have some tanks stationed outside… So we have to put them in certain areas but we have the brand new Sherman tanks
Ok. So a ‘bartender’ visits a ‘concentration camp’…
A bunch of Pro Concentration Camp protesters showed up. These Trumpistas would swear they’re not racists but then when Rep. Tashida Tlaib took the Mic they started chanting about loving pork. And they told the Detroit Born congresswoman she’s a foreigner so go home and take her Sharia Law with her.
ProChildrenInConcentrationCamp demonstrators are now a thing in Trumpistan.
We’re doing great here in America. Why do you ask?
The snowflakes organizing the Straight Pride March called the police because a letter arrived with dangerous powder that they were sure was a chemical weapon.
It got all over the office and they could get rid of it all.
It was glitter.
Police have declined to investigate further or consider charges to the NOT anonymous sender of sparkly joy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 It’s clear to me that police departments have hired a lot of the wrong people. For starters, if you have a Nazi, white power, or biker tattoo, you don’t get past the front door. And no more union contracts that make it impossible to fire bad cops. The union’s role is to represent its members in disciplinary proceedings, not run the proceedings or write the discipline rules.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 There are people who collect those things. Maybe he can borrow theirs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 They’re just making it impossible for our country to credibly complain about the next ethnic cleansing, that’s all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Next thing you know their mothers will try to dress them up in sequined outfits.
So now the insane right is making up details about Colin Kaepernick making Nike drop the Patriotic American Flag shoe.
Ok. Start with a flag shoe means you’re walking on the flag and it’s touching the ground.
Then move to it was the Betsey Ross Flag of the 13 colonies/states
Then think how the flag was adopted while slavery was still common and accepted and African Slaves we’re building the future wealth of United States (not a new theory Mr. DuBois)
Then ponder why that particular flag might be offensive to hundreds if not thousands of people who are currently contractually obligated to wear Nike products.
And the lesson learned here, when you release a new design or new product or really anything, have at least one black person have a look at it to point out what isn’t totally obvious to white people. Maybe a woman too. And for good measure a Latinx. Hell even a gay. Just one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A group of Democratic members of Congress who inspected Border Patrol detention facilities found conditions so deplorable one was prompted to say America “has gone to a very dark place.” And pro-Trump protesters behaved like the swine they are.
Well said.
Two illegitimate rulers shaking hands at a border wall.
Now there’s a picture for the ages.
Republicans keep calling AOC a “bartender.” What jackassery.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, she has a far more impressive resume than most of them do.
This is someone who has an asteroid named after her for her microbiology work while still in high school. She has participated in politics since college, interned in Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office, and graduated with dual majors in economics and international relations. After college, she worked for nonprofits and started a publishing firm.
Bartender, indeed.
Today, she’s in Congress, and only 28 years old. It’s obvious from watching videos of her performance in congressional hearings that she’s highly capable and well-brief. She’s better at questioning witnesses than many prosecutors. By all outward signs, she’s on her way to a consequential political career. She’s going to be a U.S. Senator someday. Maybe President.
No wonder Republicans are scared shitless of her. They ought to be. She has them so far outclassed it isn’t even a contest.
Who do the Republicans have? Trump. Duncan Hunter. Roy Moore. Yertle. A collection of farmyard animals.
And, of course, Doctor Dumbfuck. I wouldn’t throw in his horse, though. The poor horse is just along for the ride. I’ll bet Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse is a Democrat.
Mr. Cynical’s goats and sheep probably are, too.
It’s just a matter of time before another resistance group arises, this one calling itself the Goat Liberation Front. I mean, how many times do you have to be fucked by Republicans, until you can’t take it any more?
So maybe y’all might rethink sending a Senate and House Delegation hell bent on cutting federal funds for higher education.
Then maybe y’all might want to not elect a Governor who is a true believer in the notion that college is a Liberal plot to indoctrinate.
University of Alaska budget cut 40% by Governor’s line-item veto
When your brightest children end up having to go to the lower 48 to get a Bachelors degree a lot of them aren’t going to come back.
Just wondering, how many registered Republicans in Alaska with high school age kids woke up this morning and thought, “Oh holy Fucking Shit! Out of State Tuition to University of Washington is fucking expensive.”
“What is so appalling to GOP about having an honest job?” — Alexandria Ocasio-Crotez
Well, yes, having to work at an honest job is appalling to Republicans. The whole point of having wealthy parents, and being born into privilege, is so you don’t have to.
Frankly, it’s appalling to me, too. Let’s face it, most bosses are Republicans, and they treat workers like dogshit. That’s why I quit being a worker and became a capitalist.
Now, I sit back on my fluffy cottontail, and spend my days flipping financial assets, cashing dividend checks, and doing no productive work, just like Republicans. If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me, too.
I still vote for Democrats, though. I haven’t forgotten the working class, even though I’m a capitalist millionaire now and not one of them anymore. I’m still on their side. Some things just stay with you.
Doctor Dumbfuck probably will post some caustic comment about my financial status when he wakes up and shows up here.
I never said being a millionaire amounts to anything. It doesn’t. A million bucks today is punk. Today’s dollar is worth about ten cents compared to what it used to be. I remember when you could buy a vending machine soda pop or a comic book for a dime. You can’t now.
No doubt my $1.4 million net worth is just an afterthought compared to the millions that Doctor Dumbfuck sucked out of Medicare during his distinguished career as an x-ray reader.
But all that proves is he’s an even bigger socialist than the rest of us. That was, after all, government handout money. He’s kinda like a redneck gassing up his pickup with an Oklahoma Credit Card. I know Doctor Dumbfuck has a big pickup. He bragged about it. I’m not calling him a redneck, only pointing out the parallels there.
One of my neighbor’s kids back from her first year as WSU signed up for the summer for the WAG dog walking app. They were over for dinner the other night and she was telling us about all these super expensive homes in Beux-Arts Village and Mercer folks who pay for dog walks when their high school and college age kids ARE FUCKING HOME on the x-box.
Reminded me of one of my high-school friends. Probably the richest kid in the school. Nice car on his 16th, didn’t have go to college, lived at home and then… Dad died, the estate went to Mom who had a stroke a few months later and required 24 hour (in home at first) care and then a nursing home. The house he grew up in was sold to continue her care. She lived 18 years after the stroke and never walked or spoke again and the family money was all gone. He did a kickstarter for the funeral.
Some of those kids not walking their own dog will grow up to be financially secure probably ass-holes and some of them are a bad life event from having no marketable skills and no possessions.
Looks like outsourcing foreign policy to your
GirlfriendDaughter and meeting with a dictator who murdered his half brother and makes family members of those who displease him witness their brutal executions isn’t really popular.How else to explain Donald’s favorite daily poll dropping him 6 points from Friday to Monday?
@6 Not just higher education:
“Dunleavy, a Republican, also cut state support for public broadcasting, reduced spending for Medicaid and eliminated a program that provides money to senior citizens who have low or moderate incomes.”
Of course. There’s never money for those things when Republicans are in charge. But they always have money for corporate handouts, useless wars, border walls and toddler torture, and Obamacare lawsuits, etc. Because that’s who they are.
Oh, and how’s this for classless retaliation?
“He cut about $330,000 from the state court system that his budget office said was commensurate to state funding for abortions. A budget document says the ‘only branch of government that insists on State funded elective abortions is the Supreme Court.’ The state Supreme Court earlier this year struck down as unconstitutional a state law and regulation seeking to define what constitutes medically necessary abortions for Medicaid funding.”
Alaska has no income or sales tax, and distributes money from oil revenues to residents. However, falling oil prices have made things tight. Here’s how state leaders are dealing with it:
“Dunleavy’s predecessor, independent Gov. Bill Walker, unsuccessfully pushed tax proposals as part of a fiscal plan. Dunleavy said he’s taking a different approach that includes reduced state spending.”
But of course. This is the Sam Brownback and Scottie Walker approach. No taxes (especially on businesses and rich people), and no public services. Can’t afford to send your kids to college? Tough shit. Their kids will do fine. Don’t have health insurance? Too bad. Their families are covered. That’s all that matters.
They see the world through a different lens than we do. They can afford everything they need (and a lot of things they don’t need), so they don’t need a community, and have no sense of community. In their world, it’s everyone for himself. They want to turn all public services into fee-for-service. No free parks, no public schools, hell, they’d slap a toll on your driveway if they could figure out how to collect it.
You wonder how these go-it-alone rugged individualists ever mentioned to form a political party and keep it going. Greed and selfishness are the glue that holds it together. It’s what they all have in common. That and their contempt for anyone who isn’t as “successful” as they are. Never mind that these people are the biggest socialists around and many of them got their money from government programs and handouts.
“On Monday, ProPublica published messages from a Facebook group of roughly 9,500 Border Patrol agents named ‘I’m 10-15,’ a reference to the agency’s code of ‘aliens in custody.’ Among the messages were jokes about a 16-year-old Guatemalan migrant who died in Border Patrol custody in May and sexist references to Ocasio-Cortez, including illustrations of her performing oral sex on migrants and President Trump.
“The group, Ocasio-Cortez said, also suggested raising money for an agent to throw a burrito at her and Rep. Veronica Escobar, a Democrat who represents the El Paso, Tex. Area. The two freshmen congresswomen are among a delegation visiting the border on Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure I’m on board for disbanding CPB — if you did, you’d need to replace it with something — but I can think of 9,500 Border Patrol agents who are unfit for law enforcement duties and should be removed from their jobs.
Too funny.
“Disturbingly hilarious Daily Show video exposes the similarities between Fox News and North Korean propaganda”
Big difference. North Korean viewers don’t know any better and have no other choice.
Republicans choose these lies. They need these lies. Without the lies they have only humiliation and regret.
“a Facebook group of roughly 9,500 Border Patrol agents”
Which is just shy of being half of the 20,000 border patrol agents.
Black dude in a hospital for pneumonia is told by his doctors to walk around for a while, so he goes outside still hooked up to an IV, and gets arrested by white cops who allegedly yanked the HIV out of his arm and then charged him with trying to steal the IV equipment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s a civil rights lawsuit for sure. But another big payout at taxpayer expense won’t stop the police abuse of black people. As Elijah says, you can’t fix police racism, because it’s the system. I guess the only solution is to disband existing police departments, lay off the cops, and start over with a new agency and new personnel. Probably cheaper than paying the endless legal settlements, and would save innocent lives, too.
There’s something wrong when law-abiding citizens fear the cops more than the criminals. Most of the criminals just want your money. The cops will take your life.
P.S., I can think of 9,500 law enforcers wearing badges and guns who need to be given their walking papers right now. Not tomorrow, or next week, but today.
Great idea.
“Vets To Give Out Thousands Of USS John McCain Shirts At Trump’s July 4 Event”
We can’t really “disband” police departments. And we don’t need to.
As I’ve repeatedly argued, hiring, promotion, and payroll should be capped and strictly tied to measurable performance metrics that must include settlement dollars, racial profiling and discrimination, independently sustained instances of abuse of authority, and falsified and/or incorrect reporting. Incentivize the ranks to police and cleanup themselves. And tie hiring, pay, advancement, and overtime to the cleanup.
When Oscar Grant was first violently assaulted by Anthony Pirone and then murdered in cold blood by Johannes Mehserle a half dozen sworn law enforcement officers stood by hooting and masturbating. It will happen again. It already has. Several times. We can’t possibly change that culture form outside. It is up to police to change their own violent, sick, perverted culture from within. Our job is to impose upon them conditions that make that imperative.
The only thing lacking is the will to do so. They are the way they are because up to now that is what we have wanted them to be. If we want it to change, first we have to change. And then we have to change the way police are managed and supervised. No doubt it will result in fewer police, at least at first. They can’t change overnight. And they will resist the changes. But as their ranks thin, promotions and overtime dry up, and toys and perks disappear they will eventually see they have the means before them to gain it all back.
M4 Sherman, officially Medium Tank, M4, was the most widely used medium tank by the United States and Western Allies in World War II. The M4 Sherman proved to be reliable, relatively cheap to produce, and available in great numbers.
September 1941 (prototype)
February 1942 – July 1945
No. built
49,234, excluding prototype[2]
Donald on his 4th of July, “Celebrate ME! (and america)” festivities
Ok. So a ‘bartender’ visits a ‘concentration camp’…
A bunch of Pro Concentration Camp protesters showed up. These Trumpistas would swear they’re not racists but then when Rep. Tashida Tlaib took the Mic they started chanting about loving pork. And they told the Detroit Born congresswoman she’s a foreigner so go home and take her Sharia Law with her.
ProChildrenInConcentrationCamp demonstrators are now a thing in Trumpistan.
We’re doing great here in America. Why do you ask?
The snowflakes organizing the Straight Pride March called the police because a letter arrived with dangerous powder that they were sure was a chemical weapon.
It got all over the office and they could get rid of it all.
It was glitter.
Police have declined to investigate further or consider charges to the NOT anonymous sender of sparkly joy.
@20 It’s clear to me that police departments have hired a lot of the wrong people. For starters, if you have a Nazi, white power, or biker tattoo, you don’t get past the front door. And no more union contracts that make it impossible to fire bad cops. The union’s role is to represent its members in disciplinary proceedings, not run the proceedings or write the discipline rules.
@21 There are people who collect those things. Maybe he can borrow theirs.
@22 They’re just making it impossible for our country to credibly complain about the next ethnic cleansing, that’s all.
@23 Next thing you know their mothers will try to dress them up in sequined outfits.
So now the insane right is making up details about Colin Kaepernick making Nike drop the Patriotic American Flag shoe.
Ok. Start with a flag shoe means you’re walking on the flag and it’s touching the ground.
Then move to it was the Betsey Ross Flag of the 13 colonies/states
Then think how the flag was adopted while slavery was still common and accepted and African Slaves we’re building the future wealth of United States (not a new theory Mr. DuBois)
Then ponder why that particular flag might be offensive to hundreds if not thousands of people who are currently contractually obligated to wear Nike products.
And the lesson learned here, when you release a new design or new product or really anything, have at least one black person have a look at it to point out what isn’t totally obvious to white people. Maybe a woman too. And for good measure a Latinx. Hell even a gay. Just one.
A group of Democratic members of Congress who inspected Border Patrol detention facilities found conditions so deplorable one was prompted to say America “has gone to a very dark place.” And pro-Trump protesters behaved like the swine they are.