Stephen has a message for MacKenzie Bezos.
Roll Call: World Central Kitchen on Pennsylvania Ave to help federal workers.
Bill Maher: Middle class squeeze.
Stephen: Doin’ it donkey style—Which Democrats are running?
Vox: The problem with video gambling machines
Minute Earth: Why are your fingerprints unique?.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Dotard Трамп And Other Grifters and Charlatans:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Karen Pence takes job at a school that hates gays
- Stephen: The State of the Union is…cancelled?
- Trevor: Cardi B & Nancy P take on Трамп and unpaid workers crowdfund
- Bill Maher: Shutdown shutdown.
- James Corden: Dotard Трамп fed “hamberders” to the Clemson Tigers
- Daily Show: The A-Mexican Express Card—Buy whatever you want, Mexico’s paying for it:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп eats “hamberders” while government remains shut down
- James Fallon: Extended government shutdown chaos
- Rachel Maddow: Be Forewarned! The Dotard preps return of infrastructure week
- WaPo: How popular is Трамп’s border wall?
- The Atlantic bears witness to Трамп’s destructive presidency
- Democrats: Трамп’s shutdown is harming federal workers
- Seth Meyers: Трамп country
- Stephen: Nancy Pelosi struck a nerve with The Dotard
- Roll Call: Pelosi on what if The Dotard disagrees with SOTU delay?
- Steve Kornacki: Why did Mueller refute the Buzzfeed news report on Трамп & Cohen?
- Mark Fiore: Unbelievable vehicles invading America!
- Seth Meyers: Трамп is losing the shutdown fight
- Jimmy Kimmel asks The Dotard to end the shutdown
- WaPo: What we know about the Трамп–Putin meetings
- Trevor: Трамп is the world’s worst spy:
- Jimmy Fallon: Longest government shutdown in U.S. history
- Stephen: Трамп’s lonely weekend in the White House
- Jimmy Kimmel puts a NASA engineer to work during the shutdown
- Stephen: We’ve come a long way from “no collusion”
- Late Show: The interpreter’s notes from the Трамп-Putin Meeting
- James Corden: Michael Cohen created “Women For Cohen” Twitter account
- Stephen: The White House smells like hamberders
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing
- Seth Meyers: Late Night White House press conference with Трамп
- James Corden: Трамп denies working for Russia
- WaPo: Трамп tweeted about “prayer rugs” at the border, echoing a far-right bullshit scare tactic
- Roll Call: It’s official—the Трамп shutdown is the longest ever
- Chris Hayes: Special Counsel disputes blockbuster report in a rare statement
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп vs the Left, Pelosi & Cardi B
- Rachel Maddow: Buzzfeed stands by Michael Cohen story in face of Robert Mueller objections
- Trevor: The U.S. & The U.K. are allies in chaos
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп cancels speaker Pelosi’s Afghanistan trip in shutdown retaliation
- Stephen: Chris Christie knows why Трамп wears long ties
- The Atlantic: It’s time to impeach Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel puts a federal employee to work during the shutdown
- Late Show: Grimace puts Трамп on the hot seat:
- Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani contradicts Трамп on collusion
- Stephen: The art of the doing whatever Putin asks you to
- Jimmy Kimmel: Rudy Giuliani lies about lying about “no collusion”
Late Night: What is Brexit PSA?
Nova: How do government shutdowns affect science?.
Roll Call: The week in Congressional hits and misses.
Real Engineering: How the Ford Model T took over the world
Stephen: Another company was inspired by Gillette’s ad.
Vox: How tax brackets work.
Late Show: Mary Poppins—Post-Brexit.
Kurzgesagt: Is organic really better? Healthy food or trendy scam?.
Roll Call: The first 2020 Senate race ratings.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
FBI Agents needing to use a Food Bank, this should not be happening. The Coast Guard working without pay. Those paychecks support small towns, like Kodiak, where the cost of living is high, mainly due to the cost of shipping supplies in.
Well if Bob isn’t waking up happy this morning because of the stock market then this is sure to give him one big smile.
Why care about Syria, or the starving in Africa (are there still any), or worry about the South Koreans? Really. Why? It’s not other people we or this Country as a whole care about. It is about individuals in fear caring about themselves that pretend to give a shit about anyone but themselves – or in other words COWARDS.
@1 Don’t they have a fishing pole and some tackle.
All they need is to be taught and learn how to fish.
Just think if @2 involved Jews or Christians – mainstream people would get all hot and bothered, and Bibi or the evangelicals would have a sad. A sad, so sad enough, to make some type of public remark. But just gay people here.
Yesterday the Prude, along with his cunty wife, and the Hump spoke at a pro-life rally…….talking, again talking, about how each life maters. Do they really believe their bullshit?
The Hump says if he’s impeached the Stock Market will crash. Those Damn Motherfucking Democrats! Just when things were getting so good.
I wonder why he didn’t make that statement when the Stock Market was on its downward spiral into the sewer? Hmm.
66 people dead in Mexico pipeline explosion. No worries – Go back to bed – I heard they were all gay people.
Lindsey wants a slower withdrawal – I’m just not sure if he was talking about Syria or the cock from his ass
Hey, Railfan, if Andrew McCabe would use his GoFundMe account to help out his former FBI colleagues, a food bank wouldn’t be necessary.
You would have done better to point out that Kodiak is in a precarious financial position because there is not publicly-funded rail boondoggle anywhere on the island to pump taxpayer money into something that almost nobody ever uses.
Yeah, but y’all HA libbies had fun for a few hours, amirite? The same way you had fun when Michael Wolf’s book first came out, before the interviews started. ’cause it’s totally believable that Nikki Haley would fuck Donald Trump to advance her career.
The special counsel’s office has only rarely issued public statements since it was created in May 2017; it had never previously issued a public statement regarding evidence in its investigation into Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Inside the Justice Department, the statement was viewed as a huge step, and one that would have been taken only if the special counsel’s office viewed the story as almost entirely incorrect. The special counsel’s office seemed to be disputing every aspect of the story that addressed comments or evidence given to its investigators.
Certainly it takes your mind off the advancing stock market and the acceleration of the judicial appointment and confirmation apparatus while you watch the pretty, shiny objects dance before your eyes.
At this point it’s fair to describe the entire @GOP as a criminal conspiracy, the crime being (at least!) obstruction of justice.
That was yesterday. At this point it’s fair to describe Goldy as more full of shit @ 9 than usual.
Fer Chrissakes, it was BuzzFeed. Goldy, you went all-in holding a two of clubs and a four of hearts.
Van Dyke got 7 years.
Just long enough for him to come out precisely the way he’ll go in:
A violent, sadistic, drug addicted white supremacist.
3)They are the guys that rescue the fisherman. One of the reasons it is one busiest Coast Guard stations. Crews from Kodiak have been seen on Deadliest Catch.
Or, as they say in the YLB household, just a typical Saturday.
Lesbian Couple Identifying As Straight Couple Prepares To Transition 5-Yr-Old Son Into A Daughter
@13 yeah but they haven’t chained them to the basement walls or locked the kid in a closet for years, like some of the Straights.
yeah but if we teach each individual to fish for themselves from the safety of the shoreline or the edge of the fish pond then we don’t need any fisherman or the people that have to rescue them. Or each individual should build themselves a fish tank and farm fish. Just like chickens they can trade them in for medical services.
I read it in the Bible.
How fucking gullible do you need to be to begin a post ‘No question about it’, when the post subject involves BuzzFeed?
Goldy Retweeted
Jeff Merkley✔
No question about it: if the @BuzzFeedNews account is proven true, Trump committed a felony that demands his resignation or impeachment.
Jan 18, 2019
I’m so old I can remember when preserving DACA was important to libbies.
@ 15
I read it in the Bible.
Yeah, it was the parable right between Sodom and Gomorrah.
Great Day for Country
At least he didn’t misspell “country”.
Trumpublicans behaving just like Trumpublicans.
Many of the people removed from state at-will employment were technical/professional employees. Some of the hardest employment openings to fill, especially in a remote location with a higher cost of living like Juneau. Doctors, attorneys, and engineers who take state employment in these places accept a huge reduction in lifetime earnings and other compensation. The value to the taxpayers represented by their decades of professional public practice experience can’t be replaced with partisan loyalty. So aside from being blatantly illegal, this move trades away broad public interest in favor of narrow partisan political interest all at taxpayer expense.
In other words, Classic Trumpublican!
@ 20
Doctors, attorneys, and engineers who take state employment in these places accept a huge reduction in lifetime earnings and other compensation.
“In these places”?
Consider the poor living standard and future of the family of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who took state employment right here in WA.
Of course, a good part of the Dumbfuck Rabbit family’s poor future is because Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit spun the wheel with his investments.
Teh Dumbfuck already accepted a MASSIVE reduction in lifetime earnings and other compensation forty years ago, when he let a remote and overly strict father figure drive his yearning for approval into trading his top grades, superior intellect, and rigorous discipline for 12 years of additional schooling followed by 90 hour work weeks at less half minimum wage scraping the butt crusts of homeless street people. And he watched classmates with 100 point lower SATs who spent their weekends “booting” with “BART” go on to take corner view offices with partnerships right about the time he got his student loans under control.
But white coat. So totally worth it.
godwin, how can you say there are no publicly-funded boondoggles when trump’s planning Infrastructure week! Again!
@13 Godwin you can’t stop being homophobic with the gay slurs and innuendo. Get help for your fragile masculinity. Seriously see a professional.
You gotta go to Red state to find a British couple who don’t conform to your rigid views of what makes a family? What’s the harm of the boy living as a girl if it makes him happy. It’s not like they are doing anything permanent like chopping off his dick before he is old enough to give consent.
It’s not hurting YOU. but I can see how it could threaten you.
What’s next, driving around your neighborhood and looking for gay people to beat up so they go back into the closet and don’t make you feel “ickky”.
Again get help for your fragile masculinity obsession. It’s not healthy.
“because Roger Rabbit spun the wheel with his investments.”
I find it amusing that godwin somehow telepathically knows what Rodger Rabbit’s exact financial situation is. Does Rodger call him up weekly with his bank statements? Share the password to his investment accounts?
Any guesstimate of what roger is actually worth is pure thoughts and prayers.
I wonder how much of that is projection of how much godwin has lost in the market?
Godwin, will you share your account and password so we can see how you are really doing?
@18. Is that before or after the 10 commandments?
Or maybe you wouldn’t know about those.
I’m so old I can remember when not being a puppet of Russian was important to conservatives.
I’m so old I can remember when the deficit mattered to conservatives.
I’m so old I remember when the constitution mattered to conservatives.
I’m so old I remember when Christian values mattered to conservatives.
Friday: SCOTUS declines to hear DACA case leaving lower court ruling in place. That DACA is legal and deportations of ‘Dreamers’ is illegal at least until the second case comes before SCOTUS in maybe a year.
Saturday, Donald, “I’ll temporarily extend DACA if you give me everything I ask for.”
He might as well be offering to leave the oxygen flowing in the capital.
I’m so old I remember this:
“Peculiar thing about this document. It was never notarized.”
Ranks right up there alongside:
“No collusion. You’re the collusion.”
“I never paid those women.”
“I have absolutely no investments in Russia.”
“Nothing to do with Russia, folks.”
“I never spoke to him about General Flynn.”
“I don’t even know any Russians.”
“I’m a self-made billionaire.”
“I won the biggest landslide victory in all history.”
“Michael Cohen was never my lawyer.”
“There was never any meeting.”
“There was never any tower deal.”
“I don’t know anything about any payments.”
“That tape is fake. That isn’t my voice. I never said those things.”
If Senate Republicans want to attach the DREAM Act to the CR legislation let them. I might even pay to watch Yertle try to wiggle that one through his own members. That would certainly be one way to get rid of him.
Saturday, Donald, “I’ll temporarily extend DACA if you give me everything I ask for.”
Who really thinks the trump vanity WALL is ONLY going to cost $5.7 billion. This is just the first installment. If dems cave to blackmailers, the blackmailers will keep coming back for more payments again and again.
@ 30
This is just the first installment.
Will someone explain to Red that the next installment will have to go through the House and then the Senate and then be signed by the president, just like this one.
In exchange for this installment the Dems would get 3 more years of DACA. In exchange for the next one Dems might get…
Voter ID now the law of the land in NC.
Voter ID becomes law in North Carolina as House overrides veto
@5 Yes please. I want to buy cheap stocks.
@9 “it’s totally believable that Nikki Haley would fuck Donald Trump to advance her career”
That’s true. Whether she did or not is irrelevant.
@16 He’s not saying the BuzzFeed story is true, bozo, he said if it’s true then Trump committed a felony that demands his resignation or impeachment. But, even if it’s true, you would question whether it does, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@17 Evidently sending a 16-year-old who was brought here at age 2, and has never known another country, to a place where he doesn’t speak the language or fit into the culture is very important to you, either because you’re a dumbfuck or a heartless cretin, or some combination of both; in any case, you’re not like us. When God passed out brains you got shorted. You should complain to her about it.
@20 Republicans have never been shy about wasting taxpayer dollars on their partisan interests. You can’t expect them to start now.
@22 “But white coat.”
And a basement lab where he hardly ever had to have contact with human beings. For some people that’s a priceless perk.
@31 Why should Democrats trade a permanent wall for a temporary DACA?
This is okay as a first offer. The Democratic response should go something like this:
There can be no negotiations while the government is closed, nor can there be any quid pro quo for reopening the government. The government must be reopened, period. Then let’s talk. You want something and we want something. We’re not going to give you $10 for a $1 bill, but we can break a $10 bill for you into smaller bills adding up to $10. We’ll give you a $5 and five $1s for a $10. But only when the government is up and running.
It’s only been “working hard” to be this way its entire miserable life. This is the way it wants to be in the world.
It’ll end one day. And no one will be the better for it. Some in its wake will be worse unfortunately.
The base is not pleased. They wanted “catch and kill”, not “catch and release”.
“#KillTheBill We cannot allow this bill to pass the Senate..McConnell has vowed to pass the bill next week.”
“This is going to be included in the bill that Trump wants passed. – Trump Advisers’ BRIDGE Act Expands ‘Catch and Release’ for Future Migrants”
““It puts a legal forcefield around illegal aliens,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies. She said the expanded catch and release law “creates an even stronger magnet for people to come north than the original [2012] DACA did,” adding, “We see how these smugglers market the [federal government’s] catch-and-release policies already. So we’re going to see every town [in Central America] empty out as teens and people in their 20s and even 30s try to get here.”
Looks Doctor Dumbfuck’s going to need more help in 2020 than just voter ID cards.
Better call Putin.
Do it.
Get your 2017 Republican House “Bridge Act” through your Republican Senate (who brought it back up after Paul Ryan killed it last year) and then send it back over. That’s how the process works, idiot. It’s not like you didn’t have all of last year to work on it. Too busy choke-fapping to Bigfoot Porn?
For nearly two decades you people, the people who donned backward red baseball caps at Nazi torch rallies and threw burritos and toilet brushes at “Dreamers” have labeled this “Amnesty”. If something has suddenly changed you need to prove it.
Take a vote for fuck’s sake. You took at least two hundred votes to repeal health insurance. You can’t take one single fucking vote on something you claim you support?
Speaking of North Carolina.
Joe Biden 49%
Donald Trump 44%
Not sure 7%
Kamala Harris 45%
Donald Trump 45%
Not sure 10%
Elizabeth Warren 46%
Donald Trump 46%
Not sure 8%
It was only a year ago. Still it seems like an eternity. Imagine how it feels if you are some Rhodes Scholar who can’t attend Oxford because you’ll never be able to return.
-After Schumer offered PornSweat $20 billion for WALL in exchange for DACA PornSweat says fuck off.
-Weeks of bipartisan negotiation culminate on Valentine’s Day in a bipartisan compromise deal that includes $25 billion for WALL in exchange for a pathway and narrow extension of protections. White House declares NO AMNESTY FUCK THE BROWNS and Yertle scuttles the deal.
-Schumer folds and Republicans in control of both chambers and the White House pass the Omnibus without any protections or any reforms. Immediately following PornSweat announces he wants DACA. House and Senate Republicans reply “not a good time”.
The “very fine” people have spoken:
“NO AMNESTY 4 a wall!”
-Steve King
“100 miles of border wall in exchange for amnestying millions of illegals. So if we grant citizenship to a BILLION foreigners, maybe we can finally get a full border wall,”
-Ann Coulter
“…will encourage more illegal immigration and undermine the rule of law.”
-Judicial Watch
“Trump proposes amnesty. We voted for Trump and got Jeb!”
-Ann Coulter
“An amnesty-for-wall trade would once again reward previous immigration lawbreakers without preventing future immigration lawbreakers.”
-Roy Beck, Numbers USA
“…including amnesty in the new proposal is not the way to do it.”
-Heritage Foundation
Just think. Last time Democrats took the bait it only took a single mean Tweet to upend the Cheeto Jeebus.
BTW, still as of today more than 90% of the border security funding already in place remains unspent by the current Republican administration.
@ Dumbfuck….
We could maybe talk about double taxation. The Bridge act that is being offered involves already DACA registered persons paying an additional fee and paying for another background check.
They’ve already done that to become DACA eligible. The filing fee was $495.
There is no path to citizenship in the bridge act.
But if you think it’s a good deal, I’ll trade you my 2003 MX5 convertable for three horses but I won’t tell you if it runs. I’ll just give you the key after you hand over your horses. Trust me.
Coulter tweets that the offer is “Amnesty” and called Donald “Jeb” so deals off.
Yes indeed. “Teh Durty Rapey Meskins” is quite the perfect little Republican mechanical booby trap. Carefully assembled from the lovingly preserved bits of JBS clockwork, powered by Fritz Thyssen Nazi springs financed with Bush family blood money, and wound tight through the years by hours and hours of AM Hate radio and old Dukes of Hazzard episodes generously lubricated with 24 pack “Suitcases” of Milwaukee’s Finest.
Now all Yertle has to do is relax while the Very Stable Genius cuts the blue wire. Or red. Whatever.
@44 What’s wrong with North Carolina? Trump should poll at 0% there and everywhere else.
@46 Looks like Trump didn’t check with his base.
Two down, only six more to go.
That’s years in office, not SCOTUS nominations.
Anyone seen RBG lately?
@ 47
BTW, still as of today more than 90% of the border security funding already in place remains unspent by the current Republican administration.
I will gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today.
…does not take into account funds that are promised to companies through signed contracts that have not yet been completed (and therefore are not yet paid).
Nearly 60% of those funds have been promised in contract awards made through the Army Corps of Engineers via Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a Department of Homeland Security spokesperson said. That includes 35 of 40 miles of replacement wall funded by the fiscal 2017 budget and $700 million of the $1.2 billion funded in the 2018 budget, she said.
In other words, the DHS has committed about 60% of the money for physical barriers via new contracts, while 40% of the money remains uncommitted. In fact, the government shutdown over the wall is stopping the agency from committing more money to build it. “An additional approximately $300 million is ready to award as soon as the government reopens” the DHS spokesperson said.
It’s also harder to spend funds if the funds don’t get to you like they’re supposed to get to you.
Outlays were also lower across many other programs due to delayed action on FY 2018 appropriations.
Other than that, QoS McHillbilly, you might have something.
Steve @ 44:
PPP is a Democrat-affiliated polling firm.
Try looking at data from other firms and you might see something different. A possible example:
North Carolina (+Trump): Four polls drop out, and three favored Clinton, plus a tie. Here is another case where we have a pair of polls from Remington Research and The Grafalgar Group, both G.O.P. pollsters. The result is Trump moves from a 46% probability to a 91% probability of taking North Carolina.
Or maybe those final NC polls, irrespective of pollster ideology, accurately caught Hillary’s final-week collapse, and I just felt like rubbing your fucking nose in 2016 one more time, Steve.
Other items about your PPP data, Steve:
1. It surveyed registered voters, not likely ones.
2. …while 21% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the
survey over the internet through an opt-in internet panel.
C’mon, Steve. You’re better than this. You used to be, anyway.
@ 51
Trump should poll at 0% there and everywhere else.
And this is why you will feel extremely awful at noon exactly two years from today, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You learned exactly nothing from your 2016 experience.
Dumbfuckery should be painful.
Duhr, yup Teh Dumbfuck.
Sure sounds like a WALL!! EEMUUURJINSEEE!!! CRYSSISSS!!!! to me.
Fiscal 2017 DHS outlays were $2.2 billion less than appropriated, in part “due to slower-than-expected spending for procurements and construction for customs enforcement and border protection infrastructure projects,” treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and federal budget director Mick Mulvaney said in October 2017
We’re slow in precisely the areas our boss says are an EEEMUUUJINSEEE!!! because… we’re slow! Any excuse is a good one, eh Teh Dumbfuck?
And the border issue is complicated by the fact that in many of the places where a wall can be built a barrier is already in place. More than 650 miles of the 2,000-mile border already have some sort of wall or fence, CBP officials have said.
Some of the rest of the border area is virtually unbuildable at this time—there are landscape features in the way, like the Rio Grande river, or the federal government needs to seize land from US landowners, a contentious issue even before Trump took office.
“Virtually unbuildable”. In the administration’s own words.
But fuck it! Let’s do WALL!!! SHITDOWN!!! anyway ’cause limp, balding, gender insecure trailerbillies need new bumper stickers for their mobility chairs.
#youbuiltthat… trap. Good luck finding a way out, genius.
Hint: always cut the red wire.
This morning, from an East wing toilet:
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
No, Amnesty is not a part of my offer. It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!
5:23 AM · Jan 20, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone
Listen, sounds like the trailer people need some time to hash things out.
Let’s us Democrats just let them be while we get on with the investigations into $12,000 office furniture and the no-show jobs. Who knows? Maybe by the time they’ve worked this little “disagreement” out we’ll be looking into the wall contracts.
@ 57
Sure, because any delays in a year in which Team Obama was in charge for four months, without a budget, absolutely has to be on Republicans.
All while Democrats put up every road block possible.
President Donald Trump’s long-promised wall on the Mexican border, a key promise in his campaign, received no funding under a new deal to fund the government for the last five months of the fiscal year.
Democrats insisted on keeping that money out, and they are celebrating their success in the spending deal…
@ 58
Let’s us Democrats just let them be while we get on with the investigations into $12,000 office furniture and the no-show jobs.
It’s long past time that y’all took a look at Chicago politics. More power to ya.
“Dumbfuckery should be painful.”
You would know.
@ 25
I find it amusing that godwin somehow telepathically knows what Rodger Rabbit’s exact financial situation is. Does Rodger call him up weekly with his bank statements? Share the password to his investment accounts?
Any guesstimate of what roger is actually worth is pure thoughts and prayers.
Red, a few years ago Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit shared the exact amount of his investment account’s dollar value.
Only a couple of years ago on a more-than-weekly basis Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would regale us with how much he made in the stock market on a day in which the market rose.
You probably were not here for it, but Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had virtually no filter, and by comparing his pitiful returns with the market’s numbers on the same day it was pretty easy to demonstrate that he was then, and is now, nowhere close to being the millionaire he claims to be.
It’s now uncommon for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to be as boastful because he knows that it will likely be used against him. An example is his lack of explanation earlier in the week as to why the Dow was up 140 on the day and yet his own holdings were flatline. He mused that there must be something wrong with the Dow.
The reality is that there is something wrong with Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment selections.
There’s history for you, Red. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was stupid enough to tell us all that his brokerage account held somewhere around $450k in it. For a retired attorney, that is a very, very pitiful account balance.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was in the habit of bragging. I made him pay for doing it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does not do it much, anymore. You’re welcome.
@ 61
I feel oh, so much pain from:
Two SCOTUS justices
Very successful effort to stock the judiciary with conservatives
Tax cut
RBG’s failing health and six years to go
Increased Senate GOP majority and Doug Jones on borrowed time
Incredibly weak Democrat presidential aspirant pool to date
#MeToo boomeranging back on the Democrat party and, notably, on it’s biggest patriarch
It’s really too bad Martin O’Malley was dismissed so quickly, Steve. Going all-in on Hillary Clinton?
Yeah. Dumbfuckery should be painful. And I do know, Steve, because I’ve watched the effect it has had on you.
The Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Suck it, Steve.
Check out Glenn Greenwald’s Twitter feed over the last couple of days. It’s a nice summary of opinion about BuzzFeed’s huge fuckup and how it’s lame attempts to parse something useful out of it have made the situation worse.
When you publish a story that ends up giving Donald Trump an opportunity to thank Robert Mueller, you won’t have many friends in journalism.
I wonder if Goldy follows Glenn Greenwald. I wonder if then answer to that is, “Not anymore.”.
Hey, Steve:
Michael Tracey
Verified account
Jan 18
There is MORE THAN ENOUGH to legitimately criticize Trump for: despicable Yemen policy, ridiculous corporate tax giveaways…the list goes on. That this nonstop, frequently-disproven Russia panic has become *the central* criticism of his presidency is both an irony and a tragedy.
Steve, you’ve been an irony and a tragedy for two years now.
You’ve also become boring in the process.
All while Democrats put up every road block possible.
The Democrats who controlled no committees, scheduled no hearings or votes, and brought absolutely zero spending bills to the floor for a vote for two years? Those Democrats?
Oh, but “honorable” Gen. Guatemalan Toddler Torture says it’s “somebody else’s fault”. And he’s never, ever, ever lied. Ever.
winningwhiningAnd here I was thinking the GOP could never be such gigantic fucking crybaby pussies. Do they even fuck anymore?
What for? Can’t we continue to count on you and Steaksauce for regular doses of DERP STATE!! QAnon conspiracy nonsense?
Say what now? Former FBI Assistant Director went on Tucker Carlson and said…
Remember when there was a years long investigation because the IRS thought it prudent to check if groups registering non-profits using the name of a political movement were indeed non-political 502(c)3 s?
How do those same GOPers feel about the Nation’s top law enforcement agency working against your right to choose your representative in government?
And all you have to do is pass The Durty Rapey Evil Amnesty for Meskins Act survive two more years of #winning.
current eventsthe beatings#winning gets bad enough Teh Dumbfuck climbs back into the Time Masheeen for protection, or heads down to his voodoo alter in the basement to summon death for nice old ladies.Things have got to be pretty bad when he has to do both.
With one very politically important distinction.
The Republican Presidential campaign’s participation in a conspiracy to defraud the United States government in cooperation with foreign espionage agents and subsequent criminal obstruction is distinct from the many other abuses of this White House in that this was, and is being done with either the mute acquiescence, or even vigorous support of the entirety of the Republican Party and nearly every single one of it’s leading elected officials.
Sure, criticize President FingerFuck for bragging about sexually assaulting women. Criticize him for tongue rimming brutal Saudi dictators who murder journalists and cut up their bodies in a NATO based embassy. Criticize him for blowing up containment of North Korean nukes, etc, etc. Hell, criticize him because it’s easy and fun!
But at the end of the day, for two solid years the Republican Party and it’s Congress has done every last thing they could to protect this conspiracy from being exposed and help this administration follow through on their end of the criminal bargain. And that is why it matters more than all the rest.
Because the end game here is to bring down the GOP for a generation. It’s now a matter of national security.
Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.):
“The vote this week in the Senate is not to pass the bill, it is to open up and say: ‘Can we debate this? Can we amend it? Can we make changes?”
Can you get those chairs out of the way and start moving cars out of the driveway?
‘Cause some of us may need to get away from this in a hurry.
Sen. Schumer (Boss of you)
“Nope. My chair is good where it is, bro.
How you livin’?”
“six years to go”
I recall a time when you didn’t have to embrace delusion in order to survive a thread.
“Doug Jones on borrowed time”
Speaking of delusion, I see it makes you feel better to believe the 2020 senate map isn’t a real thing.
“Incredibly weak Democrat presidential aspirant pool to date”
Even Beto whats-his-name is within a point in North Fucking Carolina.
“I’ve watched”
I’ve been watching, too. Back in 2014 I started posting here that you trolls wanted to be “ruled with Putin’s iron fist up your ass”.. Called it. Obviously.
The fucking best man, the best! The best fucking economy ever! The fucking best man! It’s the best fucking wall too!
“There is MORE THAN ENOUGH to legitimately criticize Trump for”
That horseshit stinks of borscht. Your orange moron has shown himself to be Putin’s pawn. So have you.
@63 Wooooow! That’s quite the list of accomplishments! Now if you can only stop feeling like such a dumbfuck then maybe you’ll be able to move on.
By the way Boob, you were up quite early today… really should give the horse Sundays off.
Yawnn. Martin who? Any relation to Jon who from Utah?
Oh and there’s some republican greedhead “from Utah” that was just elected to national office I hear?
Name recognition make any sense? As much dumbfuck sense as a programmed Marco Robot – Martinez ticket.
Mmmmm. painful.
@56 “And this is why you will feel extremely awful at noon exactly two years from today, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You learned exactly nothing from your 2016 experience.”
Sounds like you’re planning to pull a re-election victory out of an electoral system designed 232 years ago to preserve slavery. Think that’ll work if your candidate loses the popular vote by 10 million instead of 3 million?
@58 “Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!”
Man, talk about empty threats. With what money?
@60 Never mind the corruption in D.C. — look over here!
Classic Republican, classic Doctor Dumbfuck.
@62 You’ve made me pay nothing. I feel no pain. Why would I? I have a seven-figure net worth, sixth-figure income, and low expenses. I can get free medical care from the V.A. if I want it. I don’t have to work. I’m set for life. As for the remainder of your comment, my daddy taught me to not get in pissing contests with skunks. Have you fucked your mare today? I hear she’s lonely.
@63 “Very successful effort to stock the judiciary with conservatives … Tax cut … RBG’s failing health …”
Yeah, you would celebrate this. You’re stupid enough. Dumbfuck is your middle name, not mine. As a housekeeping matter, you should fix that typo.
Yeah, trying to imagine the enthusiasm of ICE RAID teams at 3am after spending the previous night working their other job and standing in line at the food bank.
More realistic to assume they’ll be lining up at 3am at the same locations looking for work alongside their targets.
“Stable Geniuses”
“Black Muslims” made my son do it, says mother of MAGA hat-wearing boy who mocked Native American veteran
What cowards MAGA people are, unable to stand up to the consequences of their convictions.
Her parenting, and his school, has not taught him very well if someone else “made him do it”. Learn accountability mom.
The party of personal responsibility, everyone!
“Black Muslims” … If they are gonna be bigots at least the bigotry correct. They were Black Hebrew Israelites, which is kinda the opposite of Muslim.
The tricky part to me about this is that the parents and the school sponsored and promoted this trip for these kids as an overtly political act. And while the part about them forming a MAGA Mob and going after some of the folks in the Indigenous People’s March may not have been part of the original intent, the fact is these adult authority figures were totally okay with the kids being right out and proud about their politics, good and bad.
They’re going to have their lives ruined, at least in the short term. I’m not sure any stupid kid really deserves that. But much of the blame begins with their parents and school advisers who sent them there in the first place and did not intervene to stop them when the kids went MAGA Mob crazy.
Anybody who wants to can know these kids names, their Gram accts, FB, emails, etc. just by looking on the internet today. And some of them may lose friends, jobs, etc. over this shit.
Funniest thing is if they were anything other than the whitest kids you’ve ever seen the MRM/alt-right trolls, web incels, and Ann Coulter would be totally cool with blaming the parents.
If you send your stupid, sheltered, deeply ignorant kids to a political march know what you’re getting them into. Don’t assume your kids understand the issues the way you do. And don’t be surprised when they fuck up and act like stupid, sheltered, deeply ignorant kids. This applies without regard to political ideology.
Kids can learn a lot by getting directly involved in political issues. Parents and organizers have an obligation to make sure those lessons don’t hurt too much.
@85 whoa.. check out these incels in the making. musta just left a speech given by boob..
boob shows these proto-freaks how to be in the world.
Wherein Giuliani destroys what’s left of the credibility he never had.
There’s something about those black Muslims that makes good Catholic MAGA boys hate Native Americans.
My favorite part:
“It may be attorney-client privilege…”
Nope. Not by a fucking mile. Crime/fraud exception for starters.
How can anybody take anything this clown says seriously?
And why is it, when he says shit like this over and over again, that these so-called media corps keeping booking time for him to declare these obvious lies and distortions? How the fuck is paying Rudes to lie to your audience journalism?
One week ago:
“Everything Cohen says is a lie”
Two days later:
Most of what Cohen says is a lie”
Two more days later:
Some of what Cohen says is a lie”
Two more days later:
“Some of what Cohen says is the truth”
“Most of what Cohen says is the truth… So what?”
I think Teh Dumbfuck’s “confidence interval” curve just went asymptotic.
Now the two sources have told BuzzFeed News that Cohen also told the special counsel that after the election, the president personally instructed him to lie — by claiming that negotiations ended months earlier than they actually did — in order to obscure Trump’s involvement.
“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Peter Carr, SCO
“If… If he had any discussions with him they’d be about the version of the events that Michael Cohen gave them, which they all believed was true. I believed it was true. I still believe it may be true.”
In advance of his appearing before the committee, The President and his attorneys discussed Cohen’s testimony with him, settling on “the version of the events” claiming that negotiations ended months earlier than they actually did. And the President and his attorneys claim to have believed that this “version of the events” was true.
It’s the Alternative Facts defense.
A classic.
womp, womp
Yesterday I paid $24 out of a total renewal fee of $112.75 for my 22-YEAR-OLD beater car so you elitists of King Country and Seattle can have your precious light rail system, a system that I WILL GET NO BENEFIT FROM and won’t even live to see completed.
You “people” are NOT welcome, assholes!
@92 Didn’t you complain about that last month? Is this a regular monthly whine now? I didn’t vote for ST3 either. Now, what do you want me to do about it? Listen to your whining so you’ll feel better?
@92 By the way, you shouldn’t post here that you drive a 22-year-old car, even if it’s true. Doctor Dumbfuck will call you a failure.
@92 take your little red MAGA hat and shove it up your ass.
That kid and group of kids that disrespect the Native American war hero, and the mother of the kid, need to go fuck themselves….may god punish them!
@92 to cheap to buy a real car? Oh, you can’t afford one, sorry about that. Maybe elitist Bob could help you…he can rent you the horse.
@96 The guy who won’t pay restaurant help $15/hr. (or $10/hr., for that matter) probably charges $100/hr. to ride the horse, and considerably more if you want to fuck it.
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
A Republican is someone who doesn’t want anyones taxes to benefit anyone but him.
@99 A Republican is someone who wants to cut down all the trees on public property to put profit in his own pocket.
Patriots vs. Rams in Superbowl.
92)Phase I is operational, Phase 2 is under construction. One of the reasons it’s taking so long is the subarea equity rule, which means money raised in one subarea can only be spent in the subarea it was raised.
@101 It’s perhaps worth mentioning that the subarea equity rule is designed to address precisely the kind of concern expressed by our friend @92, i.e., that the taxes collected from people like him will be spent to serve the areas where they live.
His argument might be more persuasive if he had also complained about the $1 trillion GW Bush blew up halfway around the world by attacking a country that wasn’t a threat to us and had nothing to do with 9/11/01, from which taxpayers got nothing except 4,424 flag-draped coffins.
But I don’t remember him saying anything about that. He paid taxes for that, too, albeit possibly in a smaller per capita amount because it was spread over a larger tax base. In any case, selective outrage tends to dilute itself.
Looks like NK is cheating. I thought Trump took care of this with his little buddy? Guess not.
@ 85, 86, YLB @ 87, 89
When the story fits your narrative a little too well, it’s likely because that’s how someone decided to tell the story.
David Brooks✔
Yesterday I had one impression of the maga kids from Kentucky. Now after seeing more videos I have a different more complicated impression. Makes all the hot takes seem silly.
8:15 AM – Jan 20, 2019
Whenever something silly happens YLB’s always right in the middle of it, the unserious twat.
So Teh Dumbfuck returns from drowning kittens in the barn to back search through two dozen comments going back twenty hours and the best he can come up with is to quote the biggest intellectual fraud in the history of modern journalism.
Good for a laugh anyway.
@104 No matter how his defenders try to spin it, the videos don’t lie, this punk kid was challenging a harmless old man with a drum to a physical altercation.
The bigger question is, where were the police? Normally they keep different groups of demonstrators separated so things don’t escalate out of control. But there’s no sign of police in the videos. I’m guessing they’re on furlough while Trump throws his wall tantrum.
Couple more things, doc, about the kid’s claim that he was trying to defuse the situation.
It he’s on the level, his family wouldn’t have to hire a public relations firm to do his talking for him. It’s glaringly obvious he’s being coached what to say.
And why would a kid with a chaperoned group try to defuse a situation? If there was a situation, why didn’t he report it to the chaperones and let them handle it? That’s what they’re there for.
It doesn’t add up. In lawyerspeak, his story doesn’t hang together.
Even the National Review, which is hardly “liberal media,” says, “We’ll stipulate that the Catholic boys from a high school in Kentucky were a little obnoxious ….”
If your friends and kindred spirits won’t defend you, you’re probably in the wrong.
@ 107
It he’s on the level, his family wouldn’t have to hire a public relations firm to do his talking for him.
If he wasn’t getting death threats he might not need professional assistance, either.
If celebrities like Kathy Griffin weren’t calling for him and his friends to be doxxed by the sane Deathfrogg types on the left
Kathy Griffin Retweeted
Kathy Griffin
Verified account
Jan 20
Replying to @42_cliff
Names please. And stories from people who can identify them and vouch for their identity. Thank you.
and then retweeting her call to make sure it got enough visibility, he might not need professional assistance.
NPR is now busily walking it back – was listening to it about 45 minutes ago.
Without a PR firm involved the kid’s family probably doesn’t get NYT and NPR to revisit its initial smear and provide some necessary context, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 108
From racist mockery to ‘a little obnoxious’ in 24 hours.
Go for the kill, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’ve got them dead to rights being mildly obnoxious high school kids.
Next you’ll tell us they masturbate in private. While viewing porn.
If MAGA TEEN had responsible, accountable, trustworthy adult authority figures in his life he wouldn’t be getting death threats.
Hey, good thing he wasn’t wearing a hoodie at night.
Bail now dumbfuck trolls. As a distraction from WALL EEMURJINSEE SHITDOWN/subornation of perjury, MAGA TEEN “VICTIM” has no legs.
Even #Sowhat? was working better than this. And it really doesn’t help that your “victim/hero” has a face like a smirking hatchet.
@ 112
If MAGA TEEN had responsible, accountable, trustworthy adult authority figures in his life he wouldn’t be getting death threats.
No, but then you’d have video of an adult telling a Native American to get out of a boy’s face, and THAT would be your evidence of racism.
Heads you win, tails I lose. What joy it must be to be a liberal, unaccountable for anything.
Well at least that “version of events” would still be preceded by a chubby adolescent man-boobed MAGA TEEN JR. provacatively performing a strip tease in front of a half dozen Black Hebrew Israelites while fifty or sixty of his classmates and their chaperones cheered him on hooting and mimicking apes.
I can certainly understand why you needed to see that.
Nothing wrong with you looking, I guess.
Mind that rake, Teh Dumbfuck.
What was it Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit just @ 108 said?
If your friends and kindred spirits won’t defend you, you’re probably in the wrong.
In that context, following a rush to judgement comes a rush to avoid being judged in return.
Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming MAGA-Hat Kids
Libbies, this did nothing to help turn Ohio blue. On 1/20/2021, think on your sins.
Heads or tails have got nothing to do with it as long as the over backward bending you do on behalf of “mildly obnoxious high school kids” is exclusively reserved for white Trumpublicans.
MAGA TEEN deserves the same chance to grow up and learn from whatever his mistakes might be as Tamir Rice did. But you only defend MAGA TEEN’s parents. And you think it’s funny that Tamir Rice is dead. You can flip that particular coin forever and you’ll always lose.
You should have bailed, Teh Dumbfuck.
By all means keep the story going. The other MagaBros mocking the Native Singong while doing the Tomahawk chop backs up little Catholic Victim theory.
The tape from the Black Israelites where they ask the kids why no blacks in their group? Response, “We’ve got a hoe but she’s not here.” That shows how not racist they are. Side note, if you’ve spent any time in the NorthEast you’ve encountered B.I. Screaming obscenities at sporting events and malls. They’re pretty much Westboro Baptist with melanin.
Sheltered white rich kids didn’t know how to ignore them.
Chaperoned students = Unsupervised thug who jumps a guy on the street, rains blows on him MMA-style. @ 112
Chaperoned students = Unsupervised kid in a park pointing a Colt 1911 replica at strangers, police respond to a call telling them it’s a man with a gun and shoot someone holding a gun. No orange tape on the muzzle. @ 116
C’mon. Do Mike Brown next.
You do you, QoS McHillbilly.
@ 117
Sheltered white rich kids didn’t know how to ignore them.
This country spent eight recent years being implored by its leader to punch back twice as hard.
Maybe you slept through them.
“Turn the other cheek.” is from a Book you incessantly mock and was said by someone you claim does not exist, and yet you expect high school students to do it.
You mean the ones who attend a High School BASED ON THAT BOOK?
You know Catholic High Schools still have mandatory bible classes with particular emphasis on the teachings of Christ over the OT.
Wow, there’s dumb ass shit you’ve posted here and then there’s that.
Now do “We have a
fellow student who we respect and include AND she’s blackho but she’s not here.”118,
Tamir Rice was a twelve year old middle schooler playing with a toy gun in a park in front of his house, Teh Dumbfuck.
Buuuuut what the fuck. They all look alike when viewed from the trailer park. Right?
The formula you are desperately grasping for is Children = Children ∴ BE AN ADULT AND PUT YOUR FUCKING GUN AWAY ASSHOLE
You’ll never ever get this right, Teh Dumbfuck. That’s why I told you to bail. I was being “nice” for a change. But please, now fix it by telling us all about realistic looking toy guns and split second decisions, blah, blah, blah, fuck you.
So, is it working out the way you planned, Teh Dumbfuck?
Your decision to log on this morning and pull out MAGA TEEN to shame the hippies?
Bet you didn’t think you’d wind up whining about “realistic looking toy guns”, “orange tape” and “heads you win, tails I lose”. How the fuck did that happen? Probably seems entirely unfair, right?
Let me help again. Don’t know why I try.
What you and David Brooks, and all the other traillerbillies defending him really find unfair is the idea that MAGA TEEN might just a little bit have to grow up in Trump’s Post-Racial Murica without all the protections, presumptions of innocence, and grants of privileged status that all children deserve. At least not in all circumstances.
I know a way you can fix it
@109 When you’re getting threats, you hire bodyguards, not public relations flacks. Dumbfuck, as always.
I’m not endorsing threats or doxxing. I’m against both. Criticism is sufficient, and it should stop with that.
@111 “Next you’ll tell us they masturbate in private. While viewing porn.”
You’re the doctor here, that’s your bailiwick. I didn’t bring it up, you did. Nice move, doc. Dumbfuck, as always.
@113 “No, but then you’d have video of an adult telling a Native American to get out of a boy’s face”
What the “adult” should be doing is shepherding the kids onto their buses, but you’re too stupid to figure that out. However, even your scenario is preferable to what happened, although then you’d have the Native American reminding the “adult” that he has as much right to be there as the “adult” does. But aside from all that, what we’re stuck with here on HA is a horsefucker who insists on defending the aggressor, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@115 What a shocking article from a rightwing opinion writer. How long did it take you to find that? All day?
@119 “‘Turn the other cheek.’ is from a Book you incessantly mock and was said by someone you claim does not exist, and yet you expect high school students to do it.”
I figured it was just a matter of time before you resorted to the Bible to justify white youths trying to pick fights with old shuffling brown men.
@122 Are you asking Doctor Dumbfuck to raise an orphan as a Democrat? Man, that’s a tall order. I don’t think he’s up to it.
Lawyer Giuliani: “Your honor, I’d like to retract the guilty plea I entered on behalf of my client.”
Judge: “For what reason?”
Lawyer Giuliani: “He wants to plead not guilty.”
Judge: “Didn’t you talk with him about this?”
Lawyer Giuliani: “I just did.”
Bob is pathetic. Blaming it on Obama. My god….The adult (in age only) is more pathetic than the fuck face kid.
Nothing wrong here in America….just a bunch of dumbfuck scumbags like MAGA hat boy and his supporters.
The whole thing can be summed up as a bunch of religious freaks.
Mob mentality at its best.
1-100, eh Boob?
It’s so much worse than that.
I’m asking a Modern Republican to set aside white supremacy at least in the special case of children.
But I should know better. If I don’t stop saying these mean things and also promise to nominate Joe Biden and Tulsi Gabbard, Ohio will vote for an unindicted co-conspirator who gleefully tortures Guatemalan toddlers and brags about sexual assault.
And that will be all my fault.
By all means Dumbfuck…keep the story going.
Seems Covington Catholic students have a habit of wearing blackface to sports games.
And the 100% white faculty and staff haven’t noticed.
The school pulled their website offline today after someone noticed a photo on their home page of a student using both hands to make the now famous ‘PepeTheFrog’ Alt-Right/White Power symbol.
Yep, going with a PR counter attack is GOLD!
“Damnit kids. You put out in the open that we’re raising the next generation of fine young Milos here at Covington. Rule number one about racism club. Never talk about racism club!”
@ 121
They all look alike when viewed from the trailer park.
They all look alike when the orange tape is removed from the end of the muzzle.
I just realized I’ve been to Covington, KY.
Just across the river from Great America/Paul Brown.
There was a good Cincinnati style chili place (Covington Chili) right around the corner from a forgettable brewery. So much so I don’t remember what it was called and don’t care enough to google.
You were supposed to be shaming hippies for being mean-girls to poor little racist MAGA TEEN.
And instead you wound up arguing about orange tape and mocking the senseless gun death of a little boy.
How you livin’?
@130 “Bob is pathetic.”
Too much time on his hands. Just look how much he spends here. Not only did his wife kick him out of the house, the horse also kicked him out of the barn. Sadly for him, he has nowhere else to go but HA.
Huh. ‘froggy, is this why you can’t hold a job, too?
Digital company INE Entertainment has fired a journalist who publicly wished for the death of several Covington Catholic High School students and their parents in a pair of tweets over the weekend. Aside from his job as a post-production supervisor at INE, Erik Abriss is a contributor to New York Media’s pop culture site Vulture.
How do you know libbies way, way, way overreached on this one?
Twitter won’t back you.
Michael J. Morrison
BREAKING: Twitter suspends account that spread the false narrative about Covington School students.
5:33 PM – 21 Jan 2019
@139 The nasty backlash against the Covington students doesn’t turn them into innocent victims. It only increases the number of guilty parties.
@139 Memo to dumbfuck: Who’s asking anyone to “back” false narratives, threats, and the like? Well, Trump does, and basically the whole GOP and conservative media establishments do, and people like these students swallow it whole, but we’re not asking for that. Liberals in general have what you might call a devotion to truth and reason. If we make reportorial mistakes, we admit them and fix them. Your side never does.
Apparently there were numerous anonymous Twitter accounts coordinating to amplify the effects of the false video @ 139.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 107 questioned the need of the student’s family to hire a PR representative to aid him. It’s pretty clear that when a substantial liberal faction of Twitter is working to make you a monster and you’re a sixteen year old kid whose crime was standing your ground against an intruding activist, you’re gonna need some help.
Think on your sins, libbies. This is gonna be the Trumpian version of “Cool clock, Ahmed.”
And now it’s time for oh-so-brave QoS McHillbilly to make fun @ 112 of a boy’s face again.
@jack protects Holocaust deniers, Russian bot farms, pedophiles, tranny escorts, and furries.
Should we really be surprised if he protects racist MAGA TEENS too?
Trying so so hard.
About those blackface photos.
About the school pulling the website.
About the guys dancing and whooping with Tomohawk chops.
Still the Dumbfuck persists.
But but but.they took down a single Twitter user for who knows what.
@ 141
If we make reportorial mistakes, we admit them and fix them.
Ah, so THAT’s what I have seen here today.
’cause what it looks like is a bunch of libbies going from
Mob of MAGA teens mocks a Native American
Teen smirks while Native American sings
Teens should have known to ignore the Black Israelites who slung racial insults at them for an hour
Couldn’t the chaperones have prevented this
Five years ago students at that school wore blackface (and body) (on days that they didn’t wear whiteface/body or blueface/body) so THESE students are necessarily racist even though everything we otherwise alleged has been proven wrong.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the one thing I did not see in today’s spews was a bunch of progressives owning up to their mistakes and those of the sources to which they linked.
You’re a fucking liar, and an incompetent, worthless shill for people who should know by now that they are distrusted for good reason.
Oh. One more thing. Someone be sure and let me know the very minute that Goldy
Looking forward to the endless think pieces and solemn media reports exploring the plight of America’s teenage bullies, and how they’ve been ignored by mainstream politicians.
Jan 19, 2019
offers a mea culpa.
Nah. I’d rather make fun of these boy’s faces instead.*
You really should stop now, Teh Dumbfuck. For “the children”.
*from the yearbook.
Hey y’all, remember when Blasey Ford’s high school scrubbed its yearbooks from the web?
Should we be reading some sort of guilt into that the way that Cz-252 is reading guilt into the decision by a high school to block the efforts of thousands of twisted liberal fucks who have been amped up to dox its students by D-list liberal celebrities like Kathy Griffin?
Can’t really deny that attempting (at least – internet is forevah) to destroy all the piles of documentary and photographic evidence of your minor child engaging in disgracefully racist behavior (or a little harmless gang-rape – woot!) is sound protective parental behavior.
Wanna know what’s even better? Preventing them from engaging in disgracefully racist behavior in the first place. Think of the good it might have done Megyn Kelly.
“Hey y’all, remember when Blasey Ford’s high school scrubbed its yearbooks from the web?”
If there’s anything that makes Doctor Dumbfuck happier than a dead black kid or MAGA hat-wearing teen white racists tormenting an elderly Native American war veteran, it’s a SCOTUS justice gang-raping a 15 year-old prep-school girl.
@142 What false video? You mean somebody staged it? Or the whole thing is computer-generated effects?
@142 “standing your ground against an intruding activist”
Nice euphemism for being a belligerent asshole. Did you write that yourself, or hire a P.R. firm to do it for you, like that kid’s parents did?
I’m not saying 16-year-olds don’t have a certain amount of latitude to be belligerent assholes. We don’t expect adult behavior from them, so we usually cut them some slack. But I prefer to call his behavior by its right name.
By the way, have you forgotten how your side treated the Sandy Hook and Parkland kids? And you’re complaining about “liberals” questioning this kid’s motives and the credibility of the statement that his family’s P.R. hired guns wrote for him — you know, the kid with the MAGA hat who planted himself in front of an old man, refused to move, and gave him a smirking “c’mon, what are you waiting for” look?
MAGA hat boy is a creep. Should be ashamed of himself for such a disrespectful despicable act. Parent should be locked up for child abuse and raising a religious freak. Ladies, watch out, this fucker is on the road to becoming a frat boy rape artist.
While I think of it, does anyone remember Doctor Dumbfuck coming to the defense of Sandy Hook and Parkland kids against the vicious attacks they endured from conservative grownups in this blog?
MAGA hat boy is a creep. And a future frat boy rape artist, watch out ladies,
@145 “people who should know by now that they are distrusted for good reason”
If a Trumpster trusted me, I’d worry.
P.S., you and your ilk have no good reasons, only reasons.
@149 “If there’s anything that makes Doctor Dumbfuck happier than a dead black kid or MAGA hat-wearing teen white racists tormenting an elderly Native American war veteran, it’s a SCOTUS justice gang-raping a 15 year-old prep-school girl.”
That pretty much sums up the substance of his contributions to the intellectual content of this blog. His investing insights are just an asterisk.
It seems the Trump cultists needed a poster boy for white nationalism and they just found one. The kid’s going to be an icon.
I’ll bet he could get $2500 for his MAGA hat on eBay. More if he autographs it. Not as much as an authentic Hitler autograph, though.
Shut the school down!
Students at center of D.C. march video will see police and protesters at school
Taxpayers money.
Oh Dumbfuck…
The light is being shone on an affluent private school that breeds racists.
There was a White power ‘gang sign’ throwing kid in the picture on their homepage. Until today.
They dress in black face and harass black athletes while the faculty turns away.
They have not a single POC on staff at the school.
The students were Tomohaek chopping. BEFORE smirking racist boy got started.
‘We’ve got a ho but she’s not here.”
You get to own that. Do you think it’s over now. Follow the through line. 5 years ago, racist blackface. Two years ago, no Minority students. Two days ago, ‘We have a ho.’
They’re bringing up good little Klansmen in that school and they know it. The community knew it. The high schools they played knew it. Cincinnati knew it. Now America knows it.
You think that’s a win. How amazing.
MAGA hat boy – the new George Zimmerman. Won’t be long before hat boy will be in the news or raping a nun or one of the underage.
Well now that so many racists are showing up in MAGA hats yelling “Jews will not replace us!”…
1990s “I mean gangbangers are rolling around South Central in Raiders Jerseys so you gotta know if you’re a black man who likes the Raiders white cops gonna think you’re a gang banger.”
If y’all gonna wear your pants down past your ass like the gangbangers people gonna think you’re gangbangers even if you’re an honor student.”
@162. Yeah and I like Nazi symbols, why do people judge me by a Nazi symbol? I should ask Erik, the fuck. And I like beige khakis and red shirts. No symbolism there, just colors.